KiriBaku Fic: Aftermath (?)

By 24WillowstreamHP

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Bakugou appears a little shaken by the recent events of the capturing and the rescue. Kirishima notices this... More



830 32 45
By 24WillowstreamHP

AN: This is the same as the one in the art book except it has been tweaked and edited by my friend.
Beware this is my first fan-fiction so
yeah sorry 

          Kirishima gasped. He lunged out of the bedsheets, waking up and looking around in fear. Oh, I'm at camp. Everything is fine. I'm safe. He sighed, catching his breath and returning it to normal. He was in the bottom bunk of the room and had barely missed hitting his head on the top bunk. Thank goodness, wouldn't want to wake THAT barbarian up he thought, relieved at his luck. He was a little grumpy to have woken up at... wait what time was it?

Kirishima glanced at the clock and groaned softly. It was a few minutes away from one in the morning. He decided to go back to sleep and try and recover from the memories of it all.


The next morning, Kirishima woke up to someone hitting him on the head and yelling at him.

"OI! IDIOT, IT'S ALREADY 5:30 YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE!" They yelled, pounding on his skull

"HMF... hm hmh hrnnnnn..." he said, words muffled in his pillow, if they were words at all. He looked up at the person above him and saw Bakugou staring at him with his usual angry look on his face. He looked at the clock and sat up so quickly that he actually hit his head this time. Bakugou was right, it was now 5:45 and he needed to hurry.

"AH, OH MY GOODNESS!" he half-shouted, jumping to his feet, throwing the covers off and almost pushing a stunned Bakugou out of the way as he dashed to the bathroom to get ready.

"Oh yeah, NOW you listen" Bakugou yelled, fuming "Doesn't even bother listening to ME, but you listen to the All Powerful CLOCK MAGICIAN!!!"

Kirishima gasped, laughing so hard he almost dropped the bottle of gel.

"The... the wha...what?!" hesaid, barely able to speak through his laughter. He popped his head outthe bathroom doorway to see Bakugou giving him the death glare. Except helooked like normal, because that was his permanent facial expression. Kiri shook his head and returned to what he was doing.

He began to think about how far Bakugou had come. Ever since Aizawa began pairing people for dorms and placed him with Bakugou, he had noticed that Bakugou had relaxed a bit around him. Even acting, nicer. He couldn't really say nice, because that would be an oxymoron. Nice Bakugou, it was laughable really. Yet... it did seem like he was trying to be friendlier, in his own Bakugou-ish way.

Once he had finished his hair and getting dressed, socks inside out, not that it mattered anyways, he dashed out the door. Bakugou had already left, more proof that a typical friendly manner was obviously not present in his brain. Kiri reached the meeting area, and saw that almost everyone was there. And he hadn't gotten breakfast. Oh well, I guess I'll have to skip he thought, internally sighing at the prospect of training and doing activities without a full stomach, or even a half-filled one.

"HEY KIRI!" Kirishima turned around to see Ashido, Kaminari and Sero running towards him. Ashido was carrying a plate with a breakfast burrito and a piece of bacon. "We noticed that you weren't at breakfast, so we brought you some!" Ashido half-yelled at him, smiling.

"Oh my gosh, thank you guys SO MUCH! You are such good friends!" Kirishima was so stunned and grateful. What amazing friends he did have. Even Bakugou was okay the majority of the time.

"Well, you know, we couldn't leave a bro hanging!" Kaminari said, sitting down beside Kirishima as the latter and the rest of the group settled down in the grass of the field that Aizawa had picked for the meeting, Kirishima digging in to his food.

After about five minutes, Aizawa showed up, tired as ever. He took one look around, saw that everyone was there, and began talking.

"Alright class, I'm too tired to even bother today so you can have today off..." he was interrupted by everyone cheering, except Iida, who looked very concerned, "Ahem" Aizawa regained everyone's attention, and Iida perked up, hoping for some other important news.

"Tomorrow, however, and maybe even the day after that, will be a different story. That's it, go enjoy your Monday kids, I have things to do" he finished off, getting out his yellow sleeping bag and settling down in the grass.

The entire class burst into a chatter and split up into groups, running this way and that like maniacs, screaming and laughing with glee and the news that they had the day off. Finally Kiri thought, an actual camp with actual fun! At least until tomorrow... he shuddered at the thought. If what Aizawa said was true... they were NOT going to have a good day tomorrow. But he was glad that he could relax, despite being a little frustrated at the fact that he rushed through his morning routine for nothing. He spotted Bakugou sitting alone and ran over to him.

"HEY BAKUGOU!!!" Bakugou glanced up before rolling his eyes and returning to his seemingly self-entertaining game of picking clovers, and blowing them up if they had three leaves. This was something he did quite often and it would be concerning as to why he did it if he were any other normal kid. But he wasn't, most people thought he had anger issues, which he almost certainly does, in Kirishima's opinion. He had gotten used to this and with Bakugou acting calmer around him, it was easier. Now that he thought about it, something was off. Bakugou hadn't shrugged him away, said anything annoyed, he had just glanced up and returned to what he was doing. Kirishima sat down beside him and watched him for a while before the other spoke up.

"What in the world are you doing, you creep" he said, seemingly emotionless.

"Well, 'what in the world' do you mean by that?" Kirishima said, mimicking Bakugou and smirking at his annoyed look.

"You are literally sitting right next to me, saying NOTHING, which already is creepy, and watching me blow little plants up. Something is NOT RIGHT about that." He said bluntly, exploding more clovers to accentuate his words.

Kirishima thought for a moment. It was probably a little creepy, he didn't want to be creepy no way! But, Bakugou... was he just concerned? This was... strange. Yes, something was definitely off. Maybe he could try and say something and get him to talk? But that would never work... He could just walk away and leave him be. Bakugou hides his emotions well enough, he should be fine. But if it was this bad that he himself could notice it then maybe...

"Oi, Dumb Hair, are you still alive? Fantasizing about the day when you can finally add nine and ten?" Bakugou asked sarcastically, but his eyes revealed his slight concern. Kirishima was touched, maybe he had made a friend.

"Yup! I'm good!" he said cheerfully, his smile then fading as he said "I can tell you're not though. What's with you today? What's wrong?"

Bakugou retaliated at this, little explosions dancing across his palms.

"What the heck you mean? IM FINE YOU IDIOT!!!" he yelled, startling Ashido, Kami and Sero, who happened to be running by. They stopped and spotting Bakugou with Kirishima, locked eyes with each other and seemingly continued to run away. Kirishima frowned, this was going to be harder than the level 20/10 difficulty he had planned for. He had better get going.

"Well, Bakugou, you didn't react like you normally do when I show up. You just looked up and then back down. No yelling, no sarcasm, nothing. Its strange man, you have a reputation of angriness to uphold don't you? It kinda doesn't work when you seem depressed and not angry." Kirishima trailed off, staring at a confused and surprised Bakugou.

"Wha... how..." Bakugou fumbled for words, yet another red flag, then asked one simple question, "Why?"

Kirishima was confused, looking at Bakugou questioningly, who continued on with his questioning.

"Why do you care about me? Why do you care about everyone? Why do you have to be nice to everyone? Why did you risk it all to save me? Why do you even DARE TO APPROACH ME AT ALL?!?!"

Kirishima was shocked. He could understand the words, understand the confused expression on Bakugou's face, he could understand everything but one thing. Why was Bakugou worried about this? He could also understand someone else saying this but, Bakugou? It's something he never expected the easily riled up and closed off teenager to ask him. He had no clue how to respond to the sudden outburst of emotions that Bakugou had just grabbed from his head and chucked at Kiri, like a water balloon. It was also the fact that Bakugou was always so closed off, and yet he had shared his feelings with Kiri. Maybe Kiri had gotten much closer to breaking the titanium fortress that surrounded his friend's heart. He would get there one day, they would be mutual friends. Someday it would happen, he was sure of it. He gathered his thoughts messily and tried to respond the flurry of questions.

"Well, to start off, I care about you cause you're my bro, and you NEVER leave a bro hanging!" Bakugou looked at him for a few seconds, studying his face before nodding, not completely content it seemed.

"Uh, next, I care about everyone because, well, I see them as friends and friends are like bros, you can't desert them. Without friends, what would you do in life? I mean I can't possibly imagine someone without friends..." he trailed off, dawning with the realization as Bakugou glared at him in the face with an annoyed and slightly amused expression.

"Oh, right. DON'T WORRY BAKUGOU I'LL BE YOUR FRIEND!!!" Kiri said, almost knocking Bakugou sideways as he pivoted his body to the side in order to hug Bakugou. Bakugou flinched at this, looking ready to explode, but then relaxed, his palms dancing with little baby explosions once more.

"Alright, that's enough" Bakugou grumbled, then yelling as Kiri didn't move, "GET OFF ME IDIOT!!! YOU STILL HAVEN'T ANSWERED MY QUESTIONS!!!" Kirishima jumped away, not at all startled at this outburst, just wary of what was yet to come. The last two questions, the touchiest subjects. Especially the first one, it had been giving Kirishima problems for a while. He couldn't get the scene out of his head from the nights after the rescue.

He would grab Bakugou's hand, flying through the air, joyous at the mission's success, when all of the sudden Bakugou's hand slipped and he plummeted downwards. Kirishima screamed and tried desperately to regain ahold of his friend's hand, but it was no use, Shigaraki got ahold of him and they somehow warped away, bringing tears to Kirishima's eyes.

The dream fast forwards too many years later and as Kirishima is fighting villains, he sees Bakugou, barely recognizing him by his quirk. He's fighting with the villains. Kirishima's eyes well up with tears as he fights back the urge to call out to him, apologize for everything that had happened because of the literal slip up. Bakugou then turns and meet his eye. He growls and attacks Kirishima, who is frozen with sorrow. Kirishima can't put up a fight, he just hardens and curls up in a ball, crying fiercely as Bakugou pummels him with explosion after explosion. The Midoriya bursts in knocks Bakugou out, and the fight is won. But Kiri is not happy, not at all, with Bakugou shooting hateful glances at him as he regains consciousness. With his last strength, Bakugou aims a blast at him and he gets hit in the face, unable to harden in time because of grief. He would then wake up, sweating and gasping for air, on the verge of tears.

"Hey, what the heck is up with you today?" Bakugou asked, annoyed, waving his hand in front of Kirishima's eyes "You never answered all of my questions, you spaced out again and now you're crying. The heck?"

Kiri snapped out of his trance and blinked. Bakugou had a point, he had begun crying as he remembered his awful dream. He wiped his tears away and began to speak, still a little shaken.

"N-no, it's okay, I'm fine. Bad memories, that's all, yeah." Bakugou looked at him skeptically but didn't bother to question him, probably losing interest as Kirishima began to answer his questions again.

"Well, as to why I decided to try and save you... I... I wouldn't've... I just... I just couldn't have left you there. You were my friend and I couldn't live with myself if I had let you be captured by the villains. You were the most closed off and angry person I had ever met, but then you... I don't know exactly when or what happened but you just seemed more... sociable. It was mainly the little things I noticed. Waiting a little for me when I was behind, reminding me of things I had forgotten, helping me out, stuff like that. When you were captured I was devastated. I thought I had finally gotten through to you, if only a little. And then you were gone, all my effort to warm up to you, gone. You were gone and the teachers and heroes were going to find and rescue you, but I couldn't sit still. I knew how you were, you would hate it to be rescued. That's what the entire plan was when the others made it up with me. They recognized that... well... they recognized that I was the only one that would have a chance at rescuing you. If it had been anyone else, they said, you wouldn't have come, you would've thought it to be damaging to your reputation and to your pride. But they knew I could do it. They said you saw me as an equal even..."

Kirishima finished off his little speech, unsure of how Bakugou was going to react. He looked at Bakugou to see him staring at him, eyes wide and emotional. He quickly fixed his face when Kiri looked at him however, and nodded, motioning for him to continue and answer the last question.

"As to why I approached you, well, it's because you were so, well, you were so mean to everyone. No one liked you and I just thought that maybe you just needed someone who was willing to put up with you and be there for you. You would shrug me off, even yell in my face yeah, but I knew I could do something at least. I could be there just in case of anything. Then you cooled down a bit, and I knew I had done the right thing in sticking with you through the hard and rough spots. And it payed off in the end. Now we're here, with you able to share your feelings and thoughts with someone. Now I can be here for you, and you won't just push me away like you used to." He finished off, realizing that Bakugou was sitting there, with what looked like regret in his eyes. He looked an emotional mess and Kirishima was worried he had overdone it, and too soon.

Bakugou stood up, looked at Kirishima for a few seconds, and then walked away, looking unsure of himself. Kirishima was concerned that he had overdone it. Bakugou was not used to this kind of, confession, to use a better word for it. What was really worrying was his reaction. Way too calm and pensive.

Kirishima sat there for a while and then got up and slumped against the nearest tree. He was sitting in the shade, contemplating how well he thought that had gone when he heard and announcement that they were serving lunch. He got up and headed towards the picnic area with a smile stretched on his face, racing to get some food.

Just incase


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