A Warrior's Fate

By WolfChannie18

153 5 4

A young girl trapped in an unforgiving world fights for her life as she tries to find a way out. Luckily, a h... More

Chapter 1 - Abused
Chapter 2 - Trapped in the Mind
Chapter 3 - Training
Chapter 4 - The First Attack
Chapter 5 - No Rest
Chapter 7 - Create the Path
Chapter 8 - The Outskirts
Chapter 9 - Fire Fight
Chapter 10 - Sacrifice
Chapter 11 - Free from the Mind

Chapter 6 - Ashes

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By WolfChannie18

Slowly, Snooki opened her eyes. She felt the coldness of the snow against her skin. For a minute, her vision was blurry. However it soon focused on what she was looking at. There was a small black bird looking at her. As soon as she lifted her arms, the animal flew away. The girl struggled to stand up, but eventually her muscles worked with her. The girl looked around with a frown on her face. Surrounding her was black smoke, burning buildings, burnt bodies of the people. The smoke seemed to make the place more darker, so much that the light couldn't even have a peek. A small breeze blew through Snooki's hair. She stumbled a bit as she headed to a fallen hunter who seemed to be on the edge of death. "Come on, stay with me," Snooki said. The hunter gargled before silencing forever. Snooki stared at the man for a moment before standing up and trying to find other survivors. The dragon was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it took off after seeing that no one else was moving. She heard small cries coming from her left. It was Leon. She ran over to him and saw that he was holding Xian's hand whilst saying, "No. No. Don't die on me. Come on Xian. You can pull through." Xian let out a small tear before her breathing stopped. Leon let go of her hand and sat back. He put his head down. Snooki put her hand on his shoulder and said, "Leon. I'm so sorry." Leon looked at Snooki. Without showing it, he was glad she was still alive. He said as he got to his feet, "So much bloodshed. We're losing too many people." Snooki felt what Leon felt. "What do we do?"

Leon looked around at the remains of his village before replying, "Some of my people were captured whilst you were knocked out. I should go and get them." Snooki replied, "But how do you know where they were took?" "They were taken to that place you asked about. That place is, dangerous. I don't let any of my people go there. Which is kinda why I didn't want you to know about it, but I didn't know you'd be able to see it from your window." Leon began walking in the direction Snooki was stood in, but suddenly she stopped him. "You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to let you go on your own," she said. Leon slowly took Snooki's hand off him. "Snooki, I don't want you to come with me. It's too dangerous. I don't want to see you get hurt." Snooki smiled sweetly, "You won't. Let me help you." Leon finally allowed Snooki to join him. They heard groaning coming from behind Leon. They both looked at Xian's corpse, then they looked a bit further passed it. They saw someone walking towards them with their hand on their arm. Leon could make it out who it was through the black smoke. "It's Liam." Both of them ran towards the wounded hunter. "Leon! Thank god you're still alive." Snooki thought the hunter looked cute, but he didn't seem cuter than Leon. The hunter had blood all over his face and clothes. He wore something that was similar to Leon's armour. He had brown hair that fell to his right, almost covering his right brown eye. "I heard you were going to that place. The one you don't let us go to. I'm coming with you."

"Liam you can't. You're wounded, you might not be able to go that far. You might not even be able to fight." Liam replied, "Look, I'm going to be alright. It doesn't even hurt that much. You remember that you used to say that I couldn't feel pain and I don't feel it right now. By the time we get there it'll have probably healed." Leon sighed. Snooki looked at him. After looking at her he looked back at Liam. "Ok you can come with us. But it's going to be dangerous." Liam chuckled, "Danger is my middle name. I can handle it." Both of them then started heading towards The Winter Forest. "Are you sure you're ready to come? I highly bet there's going to be a lot of fighting," Leon asked Snooki. The girl smiled at him, giving him the idea that she was ready. Then, the three of them started strolling forward into the forest.

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