The Girl Who Cried Thief

By Tys_Misadventures

1.1K 32 5

"So that's your name, eh? I think I'll just stick to callin' you lass." Running from her duties as the Dragon... More

Of Gold and Grief
Run Away, Runaway
The Dragon Eyes
The Beginning of Something (Partially) Good
Speaking With Dragons
Stealing From Thieves
A Change of Pace
Fairness Among Thieves
A Name Defended
Riverwood Under Lights

A Not-So-Chance Arrangement

75 2 0
By Tys_Misadventures

This fanfic is brought to you by One_Punch_Man_Fanboy

Thanks so much for following, and welcome to the Misadventures Family!

Now, the story continues...

Brynjolf's P.O.V.

A hid behind a large rock before the saber cat could spot me.

     Muttering a few curses, I commanded my nerves to make themselves useful and help me figure out what I would do. 

     I slowly peered around the rock I was cowaring behind; it seemed so docile and waiting, as if calmed by a force much beyond me. However, taking a chance with the gods was not something I was tempted to do, so I snuck around past it, hoping that it wouldn't spot me. The gods were kind to me.

     I groaned; Vex had given me a burglary job in Winterhold, a place that was over-snowed and where I didn't particularly want to go. 

     "Stop being a big baby about it," Vex scoffed at my reluctance. "It's just snow, and you're a Nord. Go get the goods and get back to Riften; I've got more jobs for you to do."

     Of course I wanted to help the Guild back on its feet, but being so far from home and out in the cold was less than pleasant. 

     I finally reached the entrance of Winterhold, shivering, wishing that my hair was thicker to cover my head with more warmth. Surveying the area, I deduced that the Frozen Hearth Inn was to my right, the Jarl's longhouse to my left, and further down was Birna's Oddments, where I would be lifting quite a pricey silver ring off of her hands. The job would be much easier if there were two people; one to distract Birna, and another to actually lift the ring without getting caught. The more I thought about the job, standing there in the cold, the more I thought about her

     I shook my head, approaching the inn; first I would rest, and then I would worry about details.

     Closing the door behind me and shaking the snow from my clothes as I entered, I smiled at the innkeeper and approached the counter. "Can I have a room please?" I asked. 

     "Absolutely! I'll show you; right this way." he said, smiling and leading me to a room. Inside was a cushioned bed next to an end table, complete with a small table and several chairs. "Let me know if you need anything," the innkeeper said, waving as he once again approached the bar counter. I sighed at the warmth and set my bag down, flopping down on a chair and not bothering to close the door. Maybe the job could even wait until tomorrow.


Asmiir's P.O.V.

     I heard footsteps outside of the door to the room that I'd been renting, assuming that Dagur was leading another guest to their room. 

     Taking another long look at the note that I held in my hand, I sighed angrily; so now people were contacting more thugs to come after me and 'teach me a lesson' about asking too many questions. Perhaps it was none of my business, but that was beside the point. Angry people were sending more angry people after me, and that was a concern: I would have to cover my tracks more carefully. 

But first, food and supplies first.

     I turned the knob on my door and opened it, my ears catching the sound of another door doing the same. I ignored it unconsciously, closing my door behind me. 


I jumped.

     Turning my head slowly, I met the eyes of the last person I thought that I would see again. Brynjolf's emerald eyes sparkled at her with slight amusement. "Well well. I never thought I would cross paths with you again. What are you doing here?" he asked. I turned away from him, throwing my hood over my head. "That's none of your business, thief." I hissed quietly. There was a tingling sensation in the tips of my fingers, but I ignored it. 

     His face seemed to brighten, a mischievous light glinting in his eyes. He took steps toward me, and I placed a quick hand on my blade. He put his hands up innocently, "It's alright, lass," he said slowly. "I just have a...proposition. Yeah, a proposition for you."

     "No." I began to walk away.

     "Oh, come now," he followed quickly behind me. 

     I whipped around so fast that I saw him jump in surprise before he had a chance to compose himself. "Absolutely not. I am a reasonably clean woman in Skyrim, and I would like to stay that way." I stood my ground, glaring at him, feeling quite pleased with myself. He cocked his head to side, looking me over, eyes resting over my waist. I suddenly felt very conscious of my looks; this thief was pretty, yes, but what did he think of me? Was it important? My face began to heat.

     Brynjolf shot me a small smile, "You're a little low on the coin, aren't you, Blue Eyes?" he smirked as I flinched, instinctively raising my hand to the small part underneath my eyes; it always made me nervous when people would consider the blueness of my irises, but never this much. It was almost as if he were ridiculing me. 

     Nevertheless, I answered his question by continuing on my way out of the inn. 

"Perhaps this could change your mind?"

     Reluctantly, I turned around, holding in a gasp. There in his hand, he held a hefty coin purse; from the looks of it, it held about 450 gold pieces in it, and it made my heart leap and my fingertips itch. I frowned at him, "It's stealing again, isn't it?" I asked, exhausting my self control. I was drifting from city to city, looking for honest work that was not there. My mother always said that, when you scratch one itch, a bigger itch always comes, and it's in the most inconvenient way at all. She was right.

     Brynjolf gave me the details of the job he was doing as I followed him to Birna's store in silence and hesitation. The walk proceeded like that of a funeral for me; a funeral for the morality that I had so desperately tried to replace my thieving ways with. Funny what a bag of gold could make you realize. 

     "Good morning!" Brynjolf flashed Birna the prettiest Nord smile I'd ever seen. It was faked, I wanted to believe, but who knew? "Birna, yes? I was hoping you could help me stock up my supplies..." he lied through his pearly teeth. 

     Birna was so occupied blushing and blinking her eyes that she never even noticed me when I came in, let alone when I went upstairs to the room above the store. I peered around the corner before tiptoed into the open room. The strongbox rested upon an end table in the corner of the room. As I knelt beside it, I felt a sort of rush, a reckless energy that buzzed through me, electrifying and exciting the nerves through my hands and feet. The lock was more challenging than the one in Madesi's stall, but it opened to me nonetheless. 

     I stared at its contents, wondering if I should take only the silver ring, or allow the flawless ruby inside to keep it company in my pockets. I snatched both, cursing myself for being greedy, and crept back downstairs.

      I almost lost the venison that I'd had for lunch as I heard soft moans from behind the counter, not seeing anyone, but vaguely knowing what was going on; when I was young, my mother tried her best to tell me what happened when men saw beautiful women, or when women saw some dashing prince in the street. I never quite understood, and now I wasn't sure if I wanted to understand, so I slipped quietly out of the door, making my way back into the inn.

      All was quiet, and the door made an unusually loud noise as it closed behind. Dagur looked up in alarm, shutting his book closed and preparing a polite greeting. Upon looking and seeing that it was only me, he smiled warmly and returned to his reading. 

I paced my room.

     There were so many internal wars taking place at the moment, I wasn't very sure where to start. "I shouldn't have done that," I mumbled to myself much too late. The deed was done. "I should go back and return it. That's the right thing to do." but it didn't feel very good. It didn't feel as good as the electricity going through my body as the lock clicked beneath my itchy fingers. 

"Cowaring again?"
Ah, and then there was this fight. "I am not suited for that task." was all I could manage.

      "Ah, yes," the voice inside me said. It was annoying, and I was beginning to become less tolerant. "The gods gave you a gift that you could not manage. They made the mistake, not you. Perhaps Faendal deserved to di--"

"That's enough!" I yelled out to the wall. 

"Everything alright, lass?"

      I froze, turning my head slightly after taking a few moments to recover from shock. There Brynjolf stood, leaning against the door frame, a single eyebrow raised as his arms crossed his chest. I stood there, unsure of how to explain my sudden outburst. So I straightened, turning my nose in the air, "Are you so much of a ruffian that you were never taught to not spy on a person's private moments?"

     Brynjolf shrugged, tossing something in the air towards me. I caught it realizing it was half of gold he'd shown me earlier. "That's your share, lass. I'm assuming you got the ring?"

I nodded, rolling my eyes. "Yes; while you were romancing, I did the actual work."

     He chuckled. "Oh that little incident with Birna? That wasn't romance, Blue Eyes, that was convenient."

     I scoffed in disgust. "You're absolutely dreadful." I placed the ring in his outstretched hand. "And my name isn't Blue Eyes; if it were, I would like to think I had awful parents."

"Then what is your name, lass?"

     "It's..." I hesitated; when was the last time I'd heard my own name? My real name? I had been alternating between several pseudonyms for a month and a half now; was it safe to really share my birth name with a stranger, and a thief at that? "It' name is Ravenna." I lied. 

      I thought I saw amusement flash through his malachite eyes and across his Nord features, "So that's what you look like when you lie. I was beginning to wonder," he approached quickly, cornering me. I noticed the surprise and mild fear as I pressed my blade against his throat. "It's Asmiir. You'll do well to remember that the next time you think it wise to approach me as you just did; it might be the last name you think of before I send you to Sovngarde." I growled. A single bead of sweat rolled down his cheek, and he slowly backed away, enlarging the space between us.

      To my surprise, he smiled. "Asmiir." he repeated softly; his voice made me shiver. Then he laughed. "So that's your name, eh? I think I'll just stick to callin' you lass." and he laughed again. I huffed; how very rude! I pushed past him towards the door and opened it wider, gesturing to the space on the other side of it. "Please leave." I ordered. 

     "You sure are sensitive, aren't you lass?" he shrugged as he came towards me. He stopped, looking me clear in the eye as he stood in the doorway. 

"How would you like to be part of the Thieves Guild, Asmiir?"



I realize at the end of it all, this chapter seems a little rushed and sort of all over the place, but I couldn't bring myself to delete it, so here: have some idea vomit.

(im sorry help pls)

Also, I would just like to comment that I am so sorry with how frequent these updates are! It doesn't really give time for anticipation to build. I will try to be better!

Let me know what ya' thought down in the comment section below, and don't forget to vote if you liked it. And, if you'd like to read more stories like this, go and head on over to my profile and follow for more weird stuff that just so happens to come out decently!

Updates to come! But until then, keep on misadventuring. Bon voyage!


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