The outsiders preferences and...

By anakinsbitchxo

68.3K 1.2K 516

title says it all... will be doing imagines if requested or if I have any suggestions More

His fav 1D song, lol.
Another Q&A!
haha @dally
His nickname for you!
Your guys' first date awh
Another Q&A!
Android or iPhone?
Here we go again... Q&A!
The gang with snapchats dog filter
The gang playing
His favorite candy
Whats your guys' favorite holiday?
Your guys dog!
Engagement rings ;)
How you guys met...
Before you guys dated?
your first child...
his favorite nsync song


1.1K 19 9
By anakinsbitchxo

for @whydontwejustllove


Living in a house full of boys isn't easy sometimes, especially since I'm a girl, and I'm the youngest of my brothers: Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy.

Well, sort of. Ponyboy and I are twins, and he was born 10 minutes before me. Technically, he is older than me, but we're both the babies.

Anyway... being their little sister can also be a good thing for me. They're always really protective of me; I can't defend myself well since I've always relied on my brothers to do that for me, so that's not exactly a good thing.

Other times, it absolutely sucks. They don't like me dating any boys, I'm expected to be the one who does well in school, and I don't get to go out unless one of them is with me.

Sodapop is usually the one to hang out with me, that's why we're so close. I used to be closer with Ponyboy, but all he ever likes to do anymore is read books and stuff. Boring.

Sodapop barges into my room, interrupting my thoughts. Probably hoping to jump on my bed and wake me up, but I'm already awake, to his disappointment.

"Morning, Riya," he throws himself onto my bed and yawns. "What are you doin' up so early?" he asked.

I glanced at the clock--it was 8 AM. It wasn't that early. "I'm not sure, I guess my thoughts just woke me up," I shrugged as I looked up at the ceiling.

"Oh, well, you wanna go get breakfast? I'm not working today. We can go get some pancakes from the diner, or somethin'," he suggested.

"Sure," I said. "I'll need to get dressed real quick. I'll meet you outside."

He nodded as he got up off the bed and left. I shut the door and skimmed through my closet for something to wear. I decided on a white t-shirt with some jeans and a jean jacket.

Heading down the hallway, I noticed Ponyboy was still asleep. Typical.

All the guys were outside: Soda, Johnny, Darry, Two-Bit, Steve, and Dally.

"Good morning, everyone," I greeted. I glanced over at Johnny, who was keeping to himself, looking down at his feet as he kicked the dirt. "How've you been?" I asked him. He recently got jumped by some of them dumb ass Socs. I haven't directly asked him about how he's been since it happened, because I knew he didn't like talking about it.

He shrugged. "So-so."

He didn't talk very much, so I always had to do most of the talking. "Well, Sodapop and I are gonna head out and get some breakfast. Wanna come along?"

He shook his head, declining the offer. "No, thanks. I ate some toast already."

I nodded, giving him a gentle pat on the back. I walked alongside Sodapop as we walked out the gate. Dally jogged to catch up to us.

"Hey, Dal," Sodapop said. "Are you comin' to get some breakfast with us?"

Dally shook his head no as he lit hit cigarette. "No, I'm going to pick up a car I'm gonna borrow. Thought I'd tag along and walk a little with you guys," he shrugged.

"Why?" I asked. "Are you scared to be alone in the streets?" I teased.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm the last person to ever be scared. And with you being so defenseless, you should be thankful I'm walking with you guys."

"What, is Sodapop not enough protection?" I questioned him.

Dally shrugged. "I'm just sayin' no Soc would ever come near you as long as I'm with you."

He was right... Dally was really scary. I've always been really attracted to him, though. I guess I have a thing for bad guys.

When we got to the diner, Soda asked. "Are you sure you don't wanna eat with us?"

Dally shook his head no. "No, I'm kinda running late now getting that car. I'll catch up with you guys back at your house." He then pointed at me as he backed away, "Be careful," he said.

I rolled my eyes as I followed Sodapop into the diner. We were seated immediately, and ordered our food. I ordered some pancakes, and Soda ordered a pancake along with a few pieces of bacon, some scrambled eggs, and a hashbrown.

After we got our food, we were mostly quiet. We were too busy eating breakfast to talk. Bu after we finished our food, we sat there in the diner for about another 25 minutes just talking about random things.

I glanced up at the clock on the wall. It was 9:30. Although it was a Saturday, I had a ton of weekend homework to start on, and if I didn't start soon, they I never would. "We should probably head home now. I have a 5 page essay to write, and a lab report I have to work on for Chemistry."

Sodapop stood up. "We better get home pretty quick then... whoever gets there last owes the other one ice cream," he said with a grin.

I nodded. "Okay, we'll start from the parking lot, then." I walked out of the diner and to the parking lot, with Sodapop following behind.

"Ready? GO!" Sodapop started so quickly, and I didn't expect him to take off immediately after we got out there, but I should've know, since he tends to cheat at everything.

I ran as fast as I could to catch up with him, but he had a pretty good lead on me. I eventually slowed down and lost sight of him. Joining track with Ponyboy probably would've helped me out a lot in this situation, but of course I didn't do it.

I began walking, trying to catch my breath. It didn't occur to me how bad of an idea this whole thing was until I noticed a fancy car driving slowly behind me. It was full of Socs.

When I looked back, they stopped the car, and began to unbuckle from their seat belts, slowly climbing out of the car. I began to run again, even though I was out of breath and energy, I tried getting away from them as fast as I possibly could. As soon as they saw me running though, they began to chase me.

They caught up to me in no time, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me back towards them. I wondered if these were the same guys who attacked Johnny.

The guy holding my arm looked surprised. "Wow," he said, his expression eased. "You're really good looking for a greaser, wouldn't you boys agree?" he asked, his friends nodded in agreement.

I looked down at my feet, unsure of what to do. I could try and scream for Sodapop, if he's close enough to hear. But I'd probably get pinned to the ground if I attempted anything, even screaming.

Next thing I knew, I saw a car rear end the back of the Soc car. The guy holding my arm looked behind him, and let go of my arm. He slowly walked over to his car, looking shocked and angry.

I saw Dally. He walked up to the guy, who was basically crying. Dally scoffed, and rolled his eyes. "Hey, man. Can you park this piece of shit along the sidewalk next time, or something?"

The boy looked at him angrily. "How about you watch where you're going next time, hood! Of course a stupid greaser like you doesn't care about running into shit."

Dal pulled out a gun, and pointed it to the guys face. "Get the hell out of here. Now!" he screamed. The Socs all scrambled back into the car, and quickly drove away.

Dally glanced over at me, with a cocked eyebrow-- his "I told you so" kind of look.

I rolled my eyes as I got into the car.

He began driving. "Why the hell was Sodapop not with you?" he asked angrily. He hit the steering wheel with his fist. He was furious.

"We were racing back home, I fell behind and started walking..." I explained to him.

He didn't look at me once. "This is the kind of shit I'm talking about."


"You," he sighed. "And Sodapop. Look, he's a nice kid and all, and I know he doesn't mean any harm, but damn, he is so stupid! This kind of thing is why I worry about you constantly."

Dallas Winston... worrying about me? Normally I'd reply to that with some smart ass comment, because he doesn't exactly come off as the kind of guy to worry about someone, let alone a girl like me.

The rest of the car ride back to my house was silent, until we got there. He parked the car and looked at me with smug look.

"What?" I asked him.

He shrugged, then chuckled to himself. "Your little crush on me is pretty obvious, you know that?"

My face heated up so fast, and I just hoped it wasn't noticeable. I rolled my eyes. "Me having a crush on you? No, I think you're just really bad at reading girls."

"How come you blushed then when I said that?" he asked.

Ugh, damn it! Of course he noticed. I looked away from him and shrugged. "You just caught me off guard, that's all."

"Does this throw you off guard?" he asked.

I sat there, he did nothing. I waited for about a minute, just looking at him, and rolled my eyes. What the hell is he even doing?! All he did was sit there and looked at me. How could that possibly throw me off guard?

"What the hell is wrong with you--" he cut me off, giving me a slow kiss on the lips, which lasted for like 10 seconds. Am I in heaven right now?!

We pulled away from each other, I was completely shocked. Dally chuckled before getting out of the car and walking into the house. I sat in the car for another 5 minutes in total disbelief until I decided to walk back inside.

Dally was talking with all the guys, and glanced over at me when I walked in. He gave me a wink and turned his attention back to the conversation. I guess this would be our secret for now. I had a feeling we'll be doing that way more often, now.


heyo people i'm back.

this is the first imagine i've written in a long time. i'm on summer break now so i plan on continuing with preferences and imagines.

howeverrrr, imagines i don't have as much time for.

i'll still be open to requests. it takes a few days for me to write one, so it can be kind of a slow process. i'll try and write as much as i can for those who request one, but i do have things going on this summer. i plan on getting a summer job, so i'm not sure how much available time i'll have for this (imagines, anyway, since they take longer).

also, i have summer work for some honors and AP classes i'm taking next year. i'll have to work on that.

andddd lastly, for my vacation plans, i'm going to the beach for a week, i probably wont write at all during that time. i'm also going to magic mountain a few times this summer so i wont be available those days.

im going to try and keep this thing updated throughout the school year, but i'm heading into my junior year of high school, you know how it is around that time.

if you'd like an imagine, post a comment here. you dont need to fill out a prompt if you dont want to, but if you're going to give me a summary of what you want, please try and make it detailed.

by the way, thank you all for the reads and the votes. i never expected this thing to become popular. i appreciate it, and it's partially the reason why i've decided to continue this, because i feel kinda bad for just stopping it randomly lol. hopefully i'll find the time to keep it updated.

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