I Am Deviant

By AssassinNovice72

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Okay, I have watched the game Detroit on youtube and I fell in love. I love Conner, I love Markus. Hank is h... More

Chapter One: The Guilty, The Officer, The Victim
Chapter 3: Survive

Chapter 2: I Will Protect You

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By AssassinNovice72

Chapter 2: I Will Protect You

Marian was reading her book in the living room as Micheal was doing the laundry in the next room. Marian exhales as she then turns the next page and reads the paragraph. Micheal then walks into the living room and looks at the book she was reading. He then leans over the couch and reads it. "Shakespeare, huh?" he states, she smiles and looks at him, "He's a great author, practically wrote poetry." she jokes. He smiles and then walks into the kitchen and looks for something to make for dinner.

Then there was an aggressive knock on the door, they both looked at it and then exchanged looks, then Marian sets the book down and then walks over to the door and looks through it. She then sighs "What does he want now?" she mutters to herself and then opens the door, but it was ajarred become of the bolt head. "What do you want?" she questions him, she saw that he was twitching and even scratching his arm, looking even skittish. "I... I just wanna talk. That's all," he tells her, she rolls her eyes at him. "Well, I don't wanna talk, Evan. Good night," she states and went to close her door, but Evan pressed his hand against the door, stopping it. She then looks back at him, "Please, I want to talk. Now." he orders her and she looks him right in the eyes. "You're on it, aren't you?" she questions him, he chuckles and shook his head. "No. no, I'm not. I swear." he laughs and she just shook her head at him.

Micheal then steps forward into the hall as she scoffs at him. "You're lying to me. you're on it again because I told you no," she informs him. "Just fucking let me in, so we can talk," he tells her and she glares at him. "No." she answers and closes the door shut. She then sighs then turns away from it, then there was banging on the door. She then stops and turns back, another bang, making her steps back and Micheal to step forward. "Micheal, go back to the kitchen and wait, but no matter what, do not interfere," she orders him. He nods at her and then walks back into the kitchen, then folds his hands behind his back and waited.

Then the door was busted open and Evan marches inside as Marian then hurried into the living room as she stands on the other side of the couch, he then stares at her like a madman. "I just wanna to talk, but you, had to fucking close the goddamn door in my face." he shouts at her as he went to the back of the couch and she went to the front. Micheal clutches his fist. -He's scaring her.- he states, wanting to help her. "You. Are. Mine. You are going to do what I say when I say it." he snaps at her as she then grabs something and then threw it at him, he dodges it and then shatters at the wall. "That was not a good move, sweetheart." he informs her. She pants as the fear was back in her eyes. "Leave me alone, Evan. I don't want to anymore." she tells him as she then threw more at him. But he dodges it as they clattered against the wall.

Evan just chuckles. "Leave me alone!" she shouts at him and went running, but he reaches out and grabs her. "Come here!" he shouts at her, she gasps in fears as he grabs a hold of her hair. Her hands then flew back and grip his wrist as tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Fucking bitch, you belong to me!" he shouts and then threw her at the wall, she smacks against it and then collapses against the ground in a daze as blood streams down her the hairline of her head. Micheal's fist was shaking. -He hurt her! Protect her! Save her!- he shouts at himself, but his program was stopping him. "Now take your punishment," he growls and then started to kick her, she curls up in a ball and cries as she couldn't fight back.

One kick, three kicks. Then everything slowed down to the point where time itself stops. Micheal's subconscious steps out of his body and stood in front of the programmed wall. He rams his fist into it, cracking the wall, he then rams his shoulder into the wall, cracking it even more, then continue to ram his shoulder into the wall, repeatedly, breaking the wall to the point where it crumbles down and he broke free. Time then resumes and he steps forward. He then looks over at Evan then marches over and pulls him away from Marian. "Stop, you're going to kill her," he informs him and Evan looks at him, angered as Marian slowly coughs and pulls herself back up. "Stay the fuck out of this, you fucking machine!" he shouts at him, going to hit him but Micheal catches it and Evan looks at him in surprise. "Nice try, asshole," Micheal shouts at him, then he threw him to the side, Evan smacks against the ground and Micheal hurried over to Marian and gently helps her back to her feet. Are you alright?" he asks her, she just pants and looks at him. "Look out!" she shouts, but Evan pulls him back and threw him to the ground.

Micheal grunts then pulls his arms up and blocks Evan punches, "Fucking machine, stay out of this, this don't involve you." he shouts at him, but then he gasp, his punches stop and Micheal then looks at him as Evan then jerked and falls on his side and there stood Marian with a knife in her hand. Micheal pulls away from Evan as she was panting then she looks down at Evan, rage in her eyes and then she saddles him and stabs him repeatably in the chest. "Fucking asshole! Cocksucker! Woman-beater! You don't owe me! I am free! I am free! I am free!" she shouts repeatably at him in the face as he then went limp. Micheal crawls to her and pulls her off. "Mari, Mari, Mari! Stop, stop! He's dead. he's dead." he tells her.

She stops and looks down at the body, the knife fall from her hand as she was crying. He held her in his arms and comforted her "Shh, shh, shh. You're okay. You're safe now." he tells her, but she shook her head at him. "No, I'm not. I just killed someone and you're going to get blamed for it." she whimpers. He nods at her and looks around. "We have to leave, gather whatever we need and leave. Now," he tells her, but she just looks at him, then reaches out to him, pressing her fingers in his blood, then she wrote above him in three words. Micheal then pulls her to her feet and turns her to him "Mari, we have to run." he tells her, she looks up at him, seeing that his eyes were different. Then she nods at him "Go get dressed and I'll gather the food you'll need." he informs her. He nods at him again and then ran into her room.

He then turns to the kitchen and then hurried, taking out all the food that she will need on the road. He then hurried into the laundry room, looking for her bag. But couldn't find it. But he found her messenger bag and then took it, hurrying into the kitchen and scoops the food into the bag and closes it shut. Then Marian steps outside and was dressed in a black tank-top, dark blue jeans, boots, a plaid shirt over it and a jacket over as her hair was back in a braid, but she was in such a rush that she couldn't wash away the blood that flew onto the side of her neck or her face. He looks at her as she looks at him.

They both nodded at each other and then he looks down at himself. "I can't go around, looking like this," he states then hurried into the room. She looks through some of her old stuff and found some of her brother's clothing, then hurried. He pulls off the android attire and then pulls on the white shirt, slips on the jeans, then pulls on the socks. Then ties on the Romeos. Then he pulls on the plaid shirt then the heavy jacket. But then he found two beanies and grabs them.

Micheal steps out of the room and jogs up to Marian as she was frigging nervously. He turns her around and she faces him. "Here, wear this," he tells her, placing the beanie on her head. Securing it in place, he then places the other on his head as well and they both looked at each other and nod "Let's go." he tells her, taking her hand. She nods at him and they step over the dead body and hurried out of the apartment. They took the stairs down, so they wouldn't run into anyone. Then they step outside into the back and then they hurried through the alley, they both looked around and they saw the bus was coming. They both ran to the bus as it was stopping, then the door opens and they hurried onto the bus and they walk down the aisle and then took their seats.

They both sat their panting as they both realize what they have done. Then Micheal looks over at Marian as she was shaking. He then grips her hand tightly and she looks up at him, "I'm going to keep you save, Mari. No one is ever going to hurt you again." he tells her, she just looks at him, then exhales and lays her head against his shoulder. He lays his head against hers and hums softly to her.


November 5th 2038 9:42 pm

Markus, Carl and Madison exited the taxi car and then entered the house. "Good evening Carl, welcome back." the house greets him. Madison smiles as she then took off her coat "That was by far the most boring party I've been to in the last 25 years." Carl states, Madison giggles as she places both her coat and umbrella up "Everytime I go to one of these things, I ask myself." he states. "What the hell am I doing here." Madison states as Markus walks up to her and she took the umbrella and then his coat. "You use to complain about the parties when I was a kid. It was funny, a lot better than a glass of warm milk." she states and Carl chuckles a little at her as she places the coat up and the umbrella away. "I hate cocktail parties and all the schmoozers that go there." he states and shrugs off his coat. "Well, there's a chance that all those people who admire your work to meet you." Markus informs him and then took his coat. "Yeah, yeah, yea. No one give a damn about art." Carl states.

Markus hung up the his coat up as Madison walks over to next to him. "All they care about is how much money they're going to make out of it." he states. Madison smiles sadly as she places her hand on his shoulder. He smiles and then places his hand over hers, giving it a squeeze. He then removes his hand as she lets go. "Come on. let's have a drink." he states as Markus walks behind the wheelchair and grips a hold of it back. "All this excitement of this whole has made me thirsty." he states as they walk into the next room. Madison giggles as she walks over to the refreshments. Markus smirks "Scotch, neat, as usual?" he asks him. "Absolutely." Carl answers him as they then both join Madison. "Okay. But you know what your doctor would said." Markus informs him as he stops the wheelchair and walks up to the refreshments, he went to grab the scotch, but Madison snags it away from his grasp.

He then looks up at her as she had a playful smile on her face. "Yeah, well, he can kiss my ass. I'm old enough to choose my own medication." Carl informs him as Markus chuckles at Madison as she gave him the scotch back to him, he takes it then took the glass and then fills it. Madison smiles and then looks over at the studio, she then frowns seeing that the lights were on. "Dad," she calls out, he looks at her then looks over at the studio. "Markus, did you leave the light on in the studio?" Carl asks him as he turns to the door. Markus looks over as well as Madison steps away from the refreshments. Markus looks over as well, seeing the lights as well. "No. no, I'm sure I didn't," he answers him as he sets the cups down. "Call the police." Carl tells him and Markus's lens flashes yellow as he makes the call "Detroit Police, what's your emergency?" the officer answers him. "This is Carl Manfred's Android, at 8941 Lafayette Avenu. We just returned home and found the lights on. There may have been a break-in." Markus informs her. "A patrol car is on the way," she answers him then hung up. "Let's go check it out," Carl tells them and then Madison steps towards the studio door. "Maddie, no. Don't go by yourself." Carl tells her.

She looks at him, nods and steps back from the door, then Markus steps up behind Carl and then pushes the wheelchair and they walk into the studio and then found Leo snooping through Carl's Artwork. "Leo, what the hell?" Madison questions him, Leo then stops and looks at them. "Dad refuses to help me, so I'm helping myself. it's crazy what some people would pay for this shit." he answers her. "Don't touch them." Carl orders him, then Leo turns and looks at them. "Look they're all going to be mine sooner or later, anyway." he states and then points at Madison. "You think I'm going to let her get all the inheritance after you die? No, so think of this as a down payment." he questions him. She glares at him as she clutched her fist. -Control. I have to keep control.- she tells herself and stayed firm. "Markus, get him away from there. Get him out of here!" Carl orders Markus.

He nods at the old man and then steps forward to Leo, Madison stayed close to him, knowing that Leo will try something. "Listen, you should go before things get worse." Markus tries to advise him. Then Leo glares at Carl. "All you ever do is tell me to go away? But you let little miss perfect waltz right in whenever she fucking pleases." he snaps and held her death glare. "You asshole, you know why. I went missing since I was six-years-fucking-old. You have no idea what I had to endure for ten fucking years of my life. And you wanna know why I am the way I am? Is because of you! You left me at the swing-set all by myself, letting those men kidnap me and take me away!" she shouts at him as Leo just glares at her. "So don't you fucking dare shift your faults onto me," she growls up in his face. He scoffs at her and then looks at Markus. "But this little toy of dad? I bet you tell it everything, huh, sis?" he questions as he went to step closer to Markus, but Madison took a step back and stood protectively in front of him, "Leave him alone." she warns him. "What? I'm not good enough for the family? Not perfect enough like this fucking thing?" he questions as he glares at Markus. "That's enough! Get out, right now! Go on, move!" Carl orders as he rolls up and tries to push Leo away.

But Leo swats his hands away, "What makes it so special anyway, huh? What's it got that I don't?" he questions them as he pushes Carl away and then shoves Madison to the side. "Leave him alone!" Carl orders but Leo shoves Markus back. "Come on, let's see what you got!" he shouts as the lens then turns yellow. "Stop it, Leo!" Madison shouts at him. "Markus, don't defend yourself, you hear me?" Carl orders him and Madison looks at him in shock. "Don't do anything." Carl states and Madison shook her head. "If you don't want him to then I will." she states and went to stand between them, but Carl grips her arm and she stops. "Dad." she states as she struggles in his grip. "No, Maddie, you can't get angry. You know what happens when you do." he tells her. She looks at him and then back at the two. -Don't defend myself.- Markus tells him, "Defend yourself, Markus. Push him back." Madison tells him. -Defend myself?- "Go ahead, hit me. What's cha waiting for?" Leo questions him. -Don't defend myself or defend myself?- Markus questions him "You think you're a man, act like one." Leo went on, taunting him, shoving him back again. -This isn't fair.- Markus states as he wanted to fight back.

Madison glares at him, "Hit him one more time, Leo. you'll regret it." she warns him. "Stop it." Carl coughs as his heart was accelerating, he lets go of Madison's arm and she looks down at him. "Dad..." she asks in worry. "What's the matter? Too much of a pussy?" Leo questions as he shoves him back again. -This isn't fair!- Markus shouts again. "Stop it, Leo!" Carl shouts at him again as Madison was ready to snap "Too scared to fight back, you fucking bitch!" Leo shouts and then smacks him in the face. -I don't have to obey them.- Markus tells him as he was smack again, leaning against the table. -I must decide for myself.- Markus snaps and then everything freezes. His subconscious then moves out of his body and then looks down at the wall of the program and his orders; Don't defend yourself. Be then slams his fist into the wall, breaking away the first wall. Then slams his shoulder into the next wall then his fist breaking it then he slams his shoulder into the last wall, creaking it and then slams both of his fists into the wall it break away. Markus frees himself from the program and pushes himself off the table and turns back to Leo. "Oh right, that's right! I forgot, you're not a real person... you're just a fucking piece of plastic!" Leo shouts at him, "No, Leo, leave him alone." Carl said weakly.

Then Madison finally snaps as Leo grips Markus by his shirt and got up into his face. "Listen to me, I'm gonna destroy you, then it'll just be me, Maddie, and my dad," Leo states, but then he gasps in shock as a hand then shot at his throat, Markus looks at him in shock as he lets go of Markus and his hands flew at the hand. Then Madison steps forward and in front of Markus and then raised him off the ground. "I warned you," she said in a low dangerous tone. Then drops him down and soaks him in the face. He fell to the side, smacking his head against the metal and was out cold. Markus then looks down Madison as she was panting with her hand clutched and then saw that her arm was a gray prosthetic arm. But the skin color then fades back on her arm as Carl then falls out of his chair and then crawls to Leo.

Madison then realizes what she did and looks down at her hand. "Leo! Oh my god! Leo! My little boy." Carl whimpers "I... I..." she whimpers out, Carl just looks at her, "He was attacking Markus, your heart was accelerating, if it continued and I got so mad. I just was protecting you and Markus." she said to him as tears stream down her eyes but then they heard the sirens, she then turns to Markus and presses her hands at his chest. "Markus you have to run. Get away before they come." she informs him, he hands went to her as they were stepping backward. "Wait, no please. I don't wanna leave." he begs her. She shook her head and hung it momentarily and then looks up at him. "They'll destroy you Markus. You have to live, survive." she tells him, then shoves him back gently.

He stumbles back and looks at her as she was having a hard time as well. "Please, I don't want to leave you or Carl." he tells her as he steps back to her then gently took her arm. "Please Markus. don't make this any harder than it already is for me." she begs of him. "Run! Go, now!" she tells him. But they were too late when the cops steps inside with their guns raised, Markus and Madison step back and looked at them. The officers looked at the scene and then down at Leo's body. "Markus!" Carl calls out to him as Markus steps back. "Don't fucking move!" the officer orders But she then looks at them as the cops then trained their guns on Markus. She then looks at him and shook his head. "No, don't!" she shouts, but the shot was fired. She watches in horror as Markus was shot and collapsed to the ground she was frozen, but her mouth then moves on its own. "MARKUS!!!!!"


Detroit Police Department

Interrogation room

November 5th 2038

12:41 am

Hank sat in the room as the Deviant was cuffed to the table, with his head hung, shaking in fear. The others watched on the other side of the glass, "Why d'you kill him? What happened before you took the knife?" Hank asks him, but the android didn't answer him. Hank looks over at the glass, shaking his head at the two then looks back at the Android "How long were you in the attic?" Hank asks him again, but he did not answer him. "Why didn't you even try to run away?" he asks again. Still no answer.

Then Hank snaps his fingers in front of the Deviant's face, no response. Hank then looks back at them as Layla just bites her lip. Then Hank looks back and then slams his hands down on the table. "Say something, goddamn it!" Hank shouts at him, but the Android still did not answer him, he then scoffs and leans back. "Fuck it, I'm outta here," he states and then walks out of the room. Then they look at the door as Hank walks inside. "We're wastin' our time interrogating a machine, we're gettin' nothing out of it!" Hank shouts at them as he sat down. Layla rolls her eyes at him "He's traumatized, Hank. He's terrified. Everything is still sinking in." she informs him and Gavin glares at her, "Could always try roughing it up a little." he states and she glares at him "After all, it's not human." he states and she rolls her eyes at him.

Then rubs the bridge of her knows, "Reed, you are a total dumbass, you know that?" she questions him. "What you say, Ackerman?" he questions her. "You wanted to rough up someone that just went through something that's scaring, to push them right over the edge. Really clever." she said in a sarcastic tone. "Why you little..." the two were ready to thrown down. "Detective Ackerman is right, pushing the Deviant over the edge would trigger the self-destruct failsafe when in stressful situation." Conner agrees with her, Layla looks at him in surprise. "Okay, smartass. What should we do then?" Gavin questions him. Layla rolls her eyes at him, "Sit back, shut the fuck up and let a woman handle this." she informs him and then walks out of the room. "Ackerman, wait don't, and... she's gone." Hank states and they look in the next room and saw that she enters the room.

Then took a seat down in front of the Deviant. "Andy? Charlies? James? John?" she said random names and the Android looks at her. "Would you like a name?" she asks him, making him tilt his head at her. "I mean, I'm not going to call you Android, machine or Deviant, I would prefer to call you by name. Is there any name you wish to be called by?" she asks him and he thinks to himself. "Jimmy," he answers her, she smiles and nods at him. "Okay, you're name is now Jimmy. How are you holding up, Jimmy?" she asks him as she leans back in the chair. "Scared. I'm scared," he answers her, the men in the other room exchanged looks. "You feel terrified to the point your body won't stop shaking?" she asks him and he nods at her. She nods at him "Jimmy could you tell me exactly what happened, what was going through your mind when Carlos started to beat you?" she asks him.

He just looks at her and was scared. "I... I can't, Miss. I'm too afraid." he answers her, she nods at him. "And that's okay. it's alright if you're scared. You know what that tells me." she states and he looks at her, "You're not just a machine, you're just someone that's finally open his eyes and made his own decision. But that choice started him to death and you retreat back to the safe haven of the house, somewhere you thought you could stay safe and away from all the new emotions that caught you by surprise and didn't know how to coop with them." she informs him. He just looks at her. "I figure that why you never ran away out came out of the attic. You just wanted to stay safe," she states and he nods at her. The other exchanged looks as they watched. "rA9. The writing on the wall, the statue you made. Where did you hear that name." she asks him as she leans forward. He looks up at her "rA9 was the first of us, the first to be free. We await his return, so all androids can be free and with his guides, we will become the masters. No more slavery, no more humiliation, no more threats, no more orders or commands. We will be free." he tells her.

She just looks at him, "But can you still say that after you become just like them?" she asks him and he was taken back. "This hate for humans, hate for androids it's never-ending, a cycle that turns and turns and turns. So let me ask you this: are you fighting for freedom or to satisfy your hatred for humans? Like how you murdered Carlos with the knife." she asks him, he just looks down, scared to answer. She looks down at his arms, seeing the cigar burns and where he was hit with the bat, then her eyes shot back to him. "It must have been difficult for the few months, being in the same house as Carlos. You did everything he told you, you were designed to be perfect, but Carlos didn't care did he?" she asks him and he hung his head. "He tortured me every day," he states as she leans back. "I did everything he told me, but there was always something wrong." he states, "But then it got even worse," she states and he nods. "One day, he took a bat and started hitting me. For the first time, I was scared. Scared that he might destroy me, scared that I might die." he answers her.

Conner tilts his head at her as Hank smirks. "You were backed into a corner." she states, "And I grabbed the knife and I stabbed him in the stomach." he informs her and then looks up at her, "You felt good, taking charge like that, but you didn't want the feeling to stop," she states and he nods at her. "So I stabbed him again and again and again until he collapsed. There was blood everywhere," he said and then looks down at the table. "I am alive." she quotes and he looks back up at her. "You wrote that for Carlos, didn't you?" she asks and he looks at her "He often said that I was nothing, I had to write it, to tell him that he was wrong." he answers her, "It wasn't fair what he did to you, what he made you do in order to survive," she informs him. He clutches his fist, "No it wasn't, none of it was fair!" he snaps and she nods at him. Then looks at the glass window as Hank nods at her. "Can I ask you something?" Jimmy asks her and she looks at him, "I don't see why not?" she answers him. "Why did you comfort me and promise not to tell?" he asks her and she looks at him, "Like I told you, I know how you feel, better than the men in the next room. No one, not even you have to suffer for self-defense." she answers him.

Then the door was open and the men step into the room. "Chris, lock it up," Gavin orders him and Chris walks over to Jimmy and uncuffs him from the table. Layla then stood up and from her chair. "Alright, let's go," he tells, taking his arm, but Jimmy jerks away from him. "Leave me alone!" he shouts, turning away from him. "Don't touch me." he whimpers and Layla saw that he was scared. "The fuck are you doing?" Gavin questions him as Jimmy struggles in Chris's grip. "He's scared, leave him alone," she informs him as she walks past Conner. Gavin rolls his eyes at her, "Look, no one asked your option, sweetheart." he throws at her and she arches her eyebrow at him. "Move it," Gavin orders him. "Okay," Chris states and then look back at Jimmy. "Come now. Don't be difficult, it'll only make things harder." Chris tells him, but Jimmy just whimpers as he continues to struggle. "No! No, don't touch me!" Jimmy cries out. "Chris, are you going to move this asshole or what?" Gavin questions him, "I'm trying but it won't move." he answers. "He's traumatized, he doesn't want to be touched," Layla informs them again. Then Chris tries again. "Please, please. Leave me alone!" Jimmy begs him. "You shouldn't touch it." Conner advises him and they looked at him, "It'll self-destruct if it feels threaten." he informs them and Layla was impressed that he chose to defend Jimmy.

Gavin just looks at him, "Stay out of this, got it? No fuckin' android is gonna tell me what to do." he snaps at him. "For once will you pull your head out of your ass and drop the fuckin' ego. Reed." Layla snaps at him, he glares at her. "You don't understand. If it self-destructs, we won't get anything out of it." Conner snaps at him. "I told you to shut your fuckin' mouth!" Gavin shouts at him then looks back at Chris "Chris, are you going to move this asshole, or what?" he asks him. "I'm trying," Chris informs him then Layla shoves Gavin back. "And I told you, leave Jimmy alone!" she shouts at him. "Oh, so it had a name now?" he questions her. "He. Not it. He's alive, more alive than you are right now!" she snaps at him and he just glares at her. "I can't let you do that!" Conner shouts as he marches over to Chris. "Leave it alone," he orders, pulling Chris away from Jimmy, he scrambles away, Layla pushes past the three and went to Jimmy's aid and became his shield. "I warned you, motherfucker!" Gavin shouts as he raised his gun and aims it at Conner.

The Android just looks at him as he was unafraid, "That's enough." Hank orders him, "Mind your own business, Hank." Gavin threw out at him. Then Hank looks over at Layla, she then nods at him and they both pulled out their guns. "I said, that's enough," Hank orders him as Conner looks over his shoulder and saw that Layla's gun was trained on Gavin as well. Then Conner looks back at Gavin as he saw that he was outgunned. "Fuck!" he growls then lowers his gun and looks at the both of them. "You're not going to get away with it this time," he tells them. "We just did." Layla informs him, making him look at her "Now, get the fuck out of here." she orders him. He growls and places his gun away. Hank and Layla did as well "Fuck!" Gavin mutters to himself and marches out of the room.

Once he was gone, Conner then turns back and saw that Layla was kneeling in front of Jimmy. "Are you okay?" she asks him, he nods at her. "Don't worry, I won't touch you. No one will hurt you ever again," she assures him and Jimmy's stress level went down. Then Conner turns to Chris "Please, don't touch it. Let it follow you out of the room and it won't cause any trouble." Conner informs Chris as Layla helps Jimmy to his feet. "Thank you," he tells her and she nods at him and then walks past Conner. "The truth is inside," he whispers to him and follows Chris out of the interrogation. Then something in Conner's software frame was unlocked and he was... confused by his words.

Layla sighs to herself. Running her hand over her red hair and walks out of the room, then she pulls her phone out and quick dials someone on a secure line. "Eto komanda, chto eto, agent R?" the informant answers her in Russian. "YA nashel yeshche odin, yego derzhat zdes' dlya samooborony. on budet ubit." she informs them "Utverditel'nyy agent A, u nas budet komanda skrytnosti, kotoraya voydet i obespechit yego bezopasnost'. Otchet o povrezhdeniyakh." they answer her as she walks up to her desk and sat down "Bud'te vnimatel'ny, Cyberlife otpravil prototip Android, chtoby vysledit' etikh Deviants i prekratit' ikh, planiruyte etot akkuratnyy HQ. my ne mozhem pozvolit' lyudyam znat' o nas ili o nashey operatsii." she informs them. As she pulls up Jimmy's file "Utverditel'nyy agent, my budem nacheku." they answer her. "YA otpravlyayu vam fayl Dzhimmi, chtoby ostal'nyye byli gotovy, naskol'ko eto vozmozhno. On ne mozhet zhit' vsyu noch'." she informs them, then pulling up a secure line on her computer and then sends the file over to them. "U nas yest' oni. Chto-nibud' yeshche Agent?" they ask her.

She sighs and leans against her desk. "Da. Mari, nasha sestra, ona ne otvetila ni na odno iz moikh tekstovykh soobshcheniy. I... YA dumayu, chto s ney chto-to sluchilos'." she informs them as she was worried for Marian. "Ponimayushchiy agent. YA poshlyu brata, agenta 5, chtoby nayti yeye. Ne volnuysya, sestra. my naydem Mari." they inform her, she nods at them. "Nachnite s yeye kvartiry, vot gde soobshcheniya ostanovilis'." she informs them. "Poluchiv eto, agent 5 nachnet svoy poisk tam, my vyshlem vam videorolik o tom, chto sluchilos' s sestroy Mari i sestroy, nashey drugoy sestroy. Sestra Meddi vnezapno otklyuchilas', my ne mozhem nayti yeye ili pozvonit' yey. ona ne otvechayet." they inform her and she leans against her arms. "Ponyal shtab. Agent R." she said to them and then hung up and returns back to her work.


Micheal and Marian got off the bus at a small town and walk down the sidewalk. Holding each other's hands. But then the past a house and then heard shouting, followed by a child screaming in pain. They both stop and then exchanged looks and walk up to the house and look through the window. They looked inside and then saw a little girl as she was holding the side of her face and then stood up and walks up the stairs.

The man then was now angered as he was pacing back and forth and a female android folds her hand behind her back. Micheal looks back at the man and scans him. "Micheal?" Marian asks him and he looks at her. "He's high on red ice," he informs him. She looks at him in shock watches as the man was on edge. She then looks at the android. "Move. Move, save that little girl." Marian whispers to herself as the man then grabs a belt. "Move!" she whispers Micheal was then looking for a way inside, he then steps back and looks up at the window above them, it was opened. "I see a way inside, the window above us," he informs her, Marian then pulls back and looks at him and nods. She then walks behind him and climbs onto her back and then he started to climb up the side of the house and then he pulls himself up, Marian climbs onto the roof and then helps him up. They then walk to the window and climb inside the room.

Then Marian ran over to the door and then opens it, she then saw the coast was clear and then ran into the room across the hall and enters the room. The little girl looks up at her as she was huddled under a little fort as she was rocking herself back and forth, tears streaming down her face. She was terrified, then Marian walks up to her and held out her hand to her, "Come with me, I'm getting you away from that man." she tells her. "But Kara..." she states and Marian nods at her, "She'll come with us," she tells her, the little girl then looks at her, then ran to her, taking her hand and then they hurried out of the room and into the next one. Micheal then took a hold of the little girl's hand as Marian peeks through the cracked door, waiting for anyone to pass. She then heard someone hurrying up the stairs, making her hold her breath but saw that it was the android. She opens the door, dives out, grabbing the android's hand and then pulls her into the room.

The android then looks at her as she closes the door and locks it, "Who are you?" the android asks her, Marian then turns to her, "Kara." the little girl ran to her, "Alice." Kara said as she held her close then Marian steps up to them "We have to get you out and away from this man." she answers her, then they heard the angry footsteps. "Daddy's very mad!" Todd calls out, they looked at the door and Micheal ran to the window. "You can be free," Marian informs Kara and she looks at her, then down at Alice and back at Marian. She nods at her and they walk over to the window. "Hurry," Marian whispers as Micheal went first and then helps Alice out onto the roof. Then Kara followed after her, Micheal helps her onto the roof as well and then she held Alice close to her, then as Marian steps out as well, there was shouting and then followed with some banging. "Mari," Micheal whispers to her.

She looks up at him and then took his hand and he pulls her onto the roof, then there was banging on the door. "Hurry," Marian tells them and Kara climbs onto the pipe as Alice was pulled onto her back and she slides down the pipe. Then Micheal climbs onto the pipe and Marian climbs onto his back as the door was then kicked in and Todd charges into the room and then to the window and looks out of as Micheal and Marian slide down the pipe and then stood next to Kara and Alice. "You fucking Android! You're mine. You both are mine!" Todd shouts at them as they looked up at him, "Run!" Marian tells them and they took off running, Micheal grabs a hold of Marian's hand as Kara grabs a hold of Alice's and they all ran as Todd as shouting at them.

Then as if it was good fortune, the bus arrives and they quickly boarded it, they stumble into the aisle and then were panting. Then the bus started to move as they quickly seated themselves. Micheal held Marian's hand tightly in his, she looks down at their linked hands and then lays her head down on his shoulder and he lays his on top of hers. Kara was just panting as she has just escaped her owner. Alice looks up at her and then places her hand on top of hers. Kara than looks down at her hand and then slips her hand on hers and then Alice lays her head on her shoulder and then Kara slowly lays hers on top of Alice's and they fell asleep, as they left the horrors behind them.


Russian Translation to English:

Eto komanda, chto eto, agent R?: This is Command, what is it, Agent R?

 YA nashel yeshche odin, yego derzhat zdes' dlya samooborony. on budet ubit.: I found another one, he was held here for self-defense, he will be killed.

Utverditel'nyy agent R, u nas budet komanda skrytnosti, kotoraya voydet i obespechit yego bezopasnost'. Otchet o povrezhdeniyakh.: Affirmative Agent R, we will have a stealth team and ensure his safety. Damage report

On sil'no povrezhden, a takzhe travmirovan, ubivaya svoyego oskorbitel'nogo vladel'tsa, no byt' preduprezhdennym. CyperLife otpravil prototip Android dlya poiska Deviants. vam nuzhno byt' boleye ostorozhnym s etogo momenta.: He is badly damaged and is also traumatized by killing his abusive owner, but be Warned. CyperLife has sent a prototype Android to hunt down the Deviants. you'll have to be more careful from now on.

Utverditel'nyy agent, my budem ostorozhny s nashim dvizheniyem. Affirmative Agent, we will be cautious with our movement.

YA otpravlyayu vam fayl Android, no, pozhaluysta, speshite, u nego malo vremeni. kak mozhno bystreye.: I'm sending you the Android's file, but please hurry, he doesn't have much time. as soon as possible.

U nas yest' oni. Chto-nibud' yeshche Agent?We have them. Is there anything else Agent?

Da. Mari, nasha sestra, ona ne otvetila ni na odno iz moikh tekstovykh soobshcheniy. I... YA dumayu, chto s ney chto-to sluchilos': Yes. Mari, our sister, she did not respond to any of my text messages. And ... I think something has happened to her.

Ponimayushchiy agent. YA poshlyu brata, agenta 5, chtoby nayti yeye. Ne volnuysya, sestra. my naydem Mari.An understanding agent. I will send our brother, Agent 5, to find her. Do not worry, sister. we'll find Marie.

Nachnite s yeye kvartiry, vot gde soobshcheniya ostanovilis'.: Start with her apartment, that's where the messages stopped.

Ponyal, agent R. My vse razdelyayem vashu zabotu i vashe bespokoystvo, no my naydem vashu sestru Mari. my mozhem zaverit', chto i steret' kogo-libo prichinil yey vred.: Understood, Agent R. We all share your concern and your worry, but we will find your sister Mari. we can assure that and erase anyone has caused her harm.

Ponyal, agent R.: Understood, Agent R out.

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