Adopted by Sleeping With Sire...

By blurryfacelester

244K 6.9K 3.3K

[completed] [in the middle of editing] Monica has been an orphan since birth. Her mother got pregnant in high... More

Adopted by sleeping with sirens
• prolouge •
Presant Day • uno
They want to adopt me? • tres
Going With Them • cuatro
Unpacking • cinco
Sing To Me • seis
Shopping • siete
Meeting Oliver • ocho
House Party • nueve
Finding Monica • diez
Karma • once
authors note
The Question • doce
School?! • trece
Happy Birthday!! • catorce
Suprise!! • quince
Song For You • dieciseis
Bullies • diecisiete
Thunderstorms • dieciocho
Becoming Famous • diecinueve
authors note
Yes Sir Sorry Sir • veinte
q&a time?! ^0^
No Please Be Okay • veintiuno
Tears and Hospital Visits • veintidos
Back Home • veintitrés
A Day Of Thinking • veinticuatro
Date With Kellin • veinticinco
Netflix and chill • veintiséis
Meetings And Arguments • veintisiete
Thoughts And Song Lyrics • veintiocho
All Those Memories • veintinueve
Happiness and Phone Calls • treinta
Authors note
Tears and Starbucks • treinta y uno
Having Fun • treinta y dos
Iris • treinta y tres
Fireworks • trienta y cuatro
Authors note
Monicas album
Unpublished chapter
Lovley note
Help authors note
Authors note :)
Authors note ideas
Watty awards

They Came • dos

11.8K 330 189
By blurryfacelester

It was dinner time and everyone had there plates sitting down eating and chatting with their friends until Ms.Gonzales said stood at the end of the table and said "Everyone!" to get our attention. All of us stopped talking and looked over at her "Kids. I have an announcement. Tomorrow four men are coming to adopt. They are really famous and really nice so I want everyone on there best behavior, and everyone will be up for adoption ok! So every one of you has to be down in the main hall. Tomorrow at two pm. Got it?" Ms.Gonzales said and everyone mumbled okay's, yes ma'am's and then went back to eating.

Oh fuck I didn't think about how sometimes if you don't want to get adopted you just stay in your room while someone is adopting. I could have so done that but now I definitely couldn't.

"Oh my god!"I yelled and everyone in my group got scared along with the tables next to us and stared at me. I mumbled a sorry and Ashely asked "what?".

"You know how sometimes Ms.Gonzales lets us use the computers? We could ask her to use them, you know tell her that we're just to play games but we search up the band ." I said

"Oh my god I forgot about that. Yes! After dinner we'll go ask!" Ashley smiled, liking my plan.

"Ok after dinner." Mckenzie repeated "Oh my god I wanna know." She said anxiously.


"Hurry and search it up!" I yelled wanting to know who my possible future 'dads' will be. Jadie typed in faster and clicked enter.

"Oh. My. God." They all said speechless.

"They're fucking hot!" Mckenzie laughed.

"They are pretty hot. Maybe I wouldn't mind going with them..?" I said half kidding. I scanned the page more and noticed a video "Hey look there's a song click on it." I pointing at the screen. She mumbled an okay and clicked it. Music instantly blasted real loud.

"Could you check my pulse for me
To see if I'm alive
Cause every time that I am near you
Is the only time I feel alright
If there were any way
I could think to turn back time
I'd stay here with you
Sometimes I sit and wonder
Sometimes I feel like letting go
All I know is no one should have to be alone
I don't want to be alone
I don't want to die alone
I could fall apart here and now
I don't want to die alone
I want to be with you, you, you
I only want to be with you, you, you
Tell me what's the point of life
Is it material?
Had everything I could ever want and probably more
When I lay in bed at night
All I do is think of you
So when all this is gone what do I have to come home to?
This life goes by so fast
Pretty soon I'll grow old
What would I have but some stories now that I have told
No one to share them with
And when it's all done
What am I left with?
Tell me what's left
I don't want to be alone
I don't want to die alone
I could fall apart here and now
I don't want to die alone
Leave me?
How the fuck you gonna leave me?
When I'm the one that's on TV
With these girls screaming
Outside with my CD
And I'm begging?
Naw baby, you're the one that can't keep me
Leave me?
Girl how the fuck you gonna leave me?
You know I love you, when we fight and we argue
I kiss and I hug you
You push me back, you say that I'm trouble
But every Bonnie got a Clyde with her
Every woman needs somebody that's gonna ride with her
And I can't go on staying alive if I'm alone
Pick up the phone and say hello
I'd rather die with her
Now my night's so cold
When your heart is frozen
Mine's exposed you know this
Try to blame the fame for the way I've changed
And you know those claims are bogus
Baby it's not me, it's us
Maybe now all we need is trust
Maybe this Hennessy will solve our problems
Baby pick it up
I don't want to be alone
I don't want to die alone
I could fall apart here and now
I don't want to die alone
Could you check my pulse for me
To see if I'm alive"

"There music is amazing!" We all said excitedly.

"I want them to come already. I hope they adopted me." Mckenzie said.

"Actually I really hope it's none of us. I mean sure there famous and supper hot, but they could be major jerks and plus we'll we would miss you. Same with anyone in our group." I said.

"Aww I would miss you too." Mckenzie said hugging me lightly from the side.

"What if they pick to adopt you?" Ashley asked me.

I scoffed "I doubt that."


"Everyone be down here in ten minutes!" Ms.Gonzales yelled from downstairs. It was Saturday and the men, well I mean I guess they're men. Well I mean of course they are but most of them looked no older than maybe middle twenties, we're coming any minute.

I had grabbed a random black shirt, some shorts with my black laced tights and my boots. I had left my hair how it naturally was , really wavy , and put it into a ponytail. I finished last touches on my makeup and went to find my friends.

I scoffed to myself when I entered the main room. wow so much for not trying to get adopted they were all dressed up.

"Wow I see that you guys really don't want to get adopted." I said sarcastically.

"And you?" Ashley barked back.

"What about me?" I asked.

"You, wearing that sleeping with sirens T-Shirt." She said rolling her eyes. I looked down and just great! I had picked one of their shirts.

"You know I always pick any shirt without looking and I picked this dumb shirt." I said. None of them said anything they just looked everywhere except me.

"Ok whatever. I'm going to go change." I said walking away from them and tried to go up the stairs but one of the ladies that I really don't know her name saw me and called me back.

I sighed and went back into the room.

Ms.Gonzales walked into the middle of the room and spoke "Ok everyone will have a chance to talk to them. So please sit down. When they walk in please don't get too excited and make them feel uncomfortable.". I rolled my eyes. What the hell did that even mean? Like none of us know who they are. At least all the people that I have talked too never have mentioned them. I doubt anyone really really knows them let alone be a fan.

Most of these kids have been here since I was little and I didn't know about the band.

Everyone sat down, the talking started to get quieter as we waited.

My stomach was in knots. I was so unbelievably nervous.

I heard the door open and footsteps. I didn't wanna look up but my head ignored my thoughts. The only one wearing a white T-Shirt and long hair caught my eye.

As he turned his head I guess I caught his eye too because he was headed straight towards me as he look straight into my eyes. I broke my stare and looked at my shoes.

"Hello boys," Ms.Gonzales said so the guy who was coming towards me stopped and looked at her. They all said a hello and shook her hand "ok so all you do is go around and talk to them and see who you wanna choose." She smiled.

White T-Shirt guy started walking towards me again but then this girl named Maddie grabbed his arm and yanked him towards her.

"Hey you're cute." I heard her say as she said putting her hand on his chest.

"Um thanks." The guy said obviously feeling so uncomfortable. Maddie had no idea how fucking stupid she looked. Was she trying to get a hook up?

"You know you should choose me. We could have a lot of fun together." Well I guess that answers my question.

"Thanks but that's not why we're adopting and actually I have a girlfriend." He said awkwardly and walked away towards the other guys and said "ok guys not that chick over there." He said motioning his head towards Maddie.

I looked over at her and her pale skin had turned a bright pink and I noticed she had picked up her shirt. That's what she gets. If she wants to hook up with someone do it here not some random guy coming in to adopt.

I was too focused on Maddie I didn't notice the 'white tshirt' guy had been walking towards me until he was right in front of me.

"Hey what's you're name?" He asked smiling. His voice sounded soft and almost female like.

"Umm Monica." I said nodding my head, trying to calm down. He was way too close for my liking I almost felt like I couldn't breathe so I tried to moved back further into the chair.

"Cool I like your name." He smiled.

"Uh thanks." I said. What do I say? What's his name? I didn't have to say anything because he spoke again and answered my question. "We'll my names kellin but you probably knew that.".

I mentally did a small chuckle. Why would he think that? "How would I know that?" I asked.

"Umm cause you're a fan arnt you?" He said with a confused look.

"No why would you think I am?"

"Um you're shirt.." He said pointing to me and I looked down. "Oh right." I mumbled remembering that I had accidentally worn their shirt.

"So tell me about you." He smiled.

"Like what?"

"Anything. favorite color. Music. Whatever."


It had been maybe a little less than a hour and Kellin and I were still talking. He was going on about tour or something I hadn't really been paying attention. Well I mean here and there I have but not fully.

"Hey kellin come here when your done." Another guy said to him.

"Ya okay!" He said back. "Well it was nice talking to you Monica but I'll see you later." He smiled as he got up from kneeling on the floor.

"Oh okay bye.." I mumbled as he dusted off his pants and went over to the other guys.

-kellins pov

"So did you see anyone you liked?" I asked the guys.

"No they all sucked." Gabe said not so encouragingly.

"Don't say that!" Justin said defensively smacking Gabe on the head.

"We'll they kinda did. All of them just kept saying were hot and to take them." Jack said agreeing with Gabe.

"Justin?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

He thought about it for a moment before he said "not really I mean I dunno. No one really caught my attention you know?"

"We'll then. I found the perfect girl." I smiled while clapping my hands, rubbing them together.

Monica had seemed nervous but she was fun to talk to. Even though when I talked it seemed like she wasn't really paying attention, just looked like she was thinking. She did most of the talking though. Cracking small jokes here and there but does she even wanna go with us?

"kellin who is it!?" They yelled hitting my shoulders.

"Oh sorry! Monica." I said


"You see the girl over there wearing our shirt with the ponytail." I said turning around and pointed through the slightly opened door. They all looked and Justin asked "Oh her? Is she a fan?"

"Well not really. She didn't say she hated us but I dunno it - it was probably a donated shirt." I said.

"Ok we'll let's go tell that lady for she can call her in and we can all talk to her." Gabe said. They agreed and went back out into the room were everyone was.

"Ok we will see you guys later!" Gabe said smiling and then we headed to the lady's office.

"Hello," Ms.Gonzales said "Did you all make your decision?"

"Yes we did. we want to adopted Monica." I said.

"Monica?" She kind of asked in surprise.

"Umm yes Is that okay?" Justin asked.

"Yes. Yes! I just didn't think... Well see Monica is really shy and have been through a few grisly adoptions." Ms.Gonzales said

"Um what? Grazly?" Justin said. I rolled my eyes "Grisly."

She nodded to me and said "Yes grisly. Grisly means horrible or disgusting you know things like that."

"So you mean like umm we'll you know.." Justin said not finishing his sentence but moved his hands around like if they were to tell us exactly what he meant, which they didn't but I'm pretty sure all of us got the idea.

"Yes" she confirmed.

Poor Monica. No wonder she was nervous she probably doesn't trust us. She thinks we'll do the same thing.

Now I even want her more I want her to see there is good people out there and we're one of them.

"Yeah.. so can we adopt her?" I said anxiously.

"Yes okay let me call her." Ms.Gonzales said the she left the room.

Words 2255

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