Forbidden / Shayne Topp

By thegoddessoftragedy

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Veronica Cruz has been dating Smosh's one and only Anthony Padilla for over two years, but for the past few m... More

One: Unhappiness
Two: Shayne Topp
Three: The Party
Four: The Call
Five: Another Talk
Six: Family Time
Seven: Confrontation
Eight: More Witnesses
Nine: Broken Hearts
Ten: Betrayal
Eleven: Sorrows
Twelve: Choices
Thirteen: Second Encounter
Fourteen: The Real Talk
Fifteen: Similarities
Sixteen: Decisions
Seventeen: Lectures
Eighteen: Jealousy
Nineteen: Insanity
Twenty: The Meeting
Twenty One: Then and Now
Twenty Two: Waiting
Twenty Three: Visitors
Twenty Four: After Dinner
Twenty Five: Feelings
Twenty Six: A Daddy's Girl
Twenty Seven: Discretion
Twenty Eight: The Picture
Twenty Nine: The Gathering
Thirty: The Video
Thirty One: A Beauty Mark
Thirty Two: Guilt
Thirty Three: Questions and Answers
Thirty Four: A Break?
Thirty Six: The Set Up
Thirty Seven: Goodbyes
Thirty Eight: Shattering
Thirty Nine: Numbness
Forty: No Blessing
Forty One: Forgiven
Forty Two: Official
Forty Three: Packing
Forty Four: Bad Surprises
Forty Five: Reuniting
Forty Six: The Big Talk
Forty Seven: Sticking Together
Forty Eight: The House
Forty Nine: Departure
Fifty: The Book
Authors Note
*Bonus Chapter*

Thirty Five: The Morning After

718 14 52
By thegoddessoftragedy

Waking up in Shayne's arms was the best feeling in the world. My hand was placed on his chest and I looked up to see him still sleeping which made me smile. Last night was amazing and I didn't want it ending so I had to text Anthony to let him know I was staying over at Tristan's. It's awful that I did that, but I just couldn't force myself to leave Shayne last night.

After our pool moment, we got out and the sweet guy Tristan is, brought us towels and we wrapped up in them as we sat on the blanket and ate the sandwiches Shayne prepared for us. Once we finished, we just laid there and talked for an hour about our family life and just how work has been for us both. It just felt so nice talking to him about everything and I knew he felt the same way since he was so comfortable with telling me embarrassing stories about his childhood.

And of course, we went back in and had sex.

But not right away. Once we came in, Tristan laid out my old clothes that were laid on the guest bed and pants for Shayne to wear since a top on Shayne would not fit. I didn't even think these pajama pants were going to fit him since Shayne has a bigger ass than Tristan does, but somehow, they did fit and we spent a little bit of the night hanging out with Tristan in the living room. We just joked around, drank a few beers, and just talked until Tristan got tired and went to bed.

Then it happened. Don't judge; we enjoy it way too much.

Once he went to bed, Shayne lifted me up bridal style (which I squealed to) and carried me to the guest bedroom, but of course during it, he kept tickling my sides like the ass he was and I couldn't help, but squirm and giggle the whole time. He had put me on the bed and hovered above me with a grin on his face, and I had placed my hand on his cheek and just smiled at him. He made sure I had a really good night where there was no arguing, no tension, no awkwardness; it was all perfect because of him.

The way he kissed me once he leaned down, and just by his touch when he placed his hand on my hip and slowly slid my top up was absolutely amazing and different than all the other times we had sex. This was love and I felt like I was able to say it without a joke of "what is love" or that this wasn't anything serious. It was and we were finally both able to admit that. As beautiful as last night was, I hate to know that we have to end this until Anthony and I end things.

Stupid break. Well, stupid me for wanting it.

Just then, my nose caught onto a smell and it made me pick my head up from Shayne's left peck. Was Tristan actually making breakfast this morning? That was completely unlike him, but he does cook and it's good; it's just rare for him to ever do and especially for other people. And after our argument yesterday, I wouldn't expect this at all, but he also still helped Shayne plan this- well, I didn't even know what it was.

Was that our first date?

Shayne's arm was around me and mine was around his torso, but with the smell of bacon filling up the room, my stomach started to growl more and more. I didn't want to leave the embrace, but the smell of bacon was really calling my name. I could hear it. I slowly pulled my arm away and slowly sat myself up where Shayne's arm gently fell on the bed. I slowly got out of the bed and looked back to Shayne still sleep. I smiled and shook my head.

Knowing me, I would've woke up at the slightest movement on the bed, but we were pretty tired last night. I just get up early in the morning because of work which we both would have to get ready for soon. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and noticed that it was only 7:30. We have time to eat, but I would have to get home and get ready there. It didn't matter if I was late, but Shayne shouldn't be late today or it'll just look bad on both of us.

I slowly walked out of the bedroom (with my phone still in my hand) and opened the door where a breeze of cold air hit my face. Tristan always had the AC on and that's why I hated coming in last night since my clothes were still soaked from the pool and it made me shiver. I walked out and walked straight to the kitchen to see Chef Tristan cooking bacon on a frying pan. "You know," I started off saying. He looked up at me and I said, "I sometimes forget you know how to cook."

"Fuck you," he chuckled out and looked back at the bacon. I giggled and sat down on the bar stool while putting my phone on the island counter. "Can't even do a nice thing in the morning."

"I'm just teasing," I said with a smile. "It's really sweet of you to do this."

"Well I know you both have work today and I just thought since you both stayed over, you should have breakfast and not just have cereal or shit," he said to me. I shook my head. This man could never say a full sentence without profanity. "It's the least I could do."

"The least you could do is tell me what happened last night," I said with a grin. He just looked at me and smiled, then picked the pan up and slid the bacon off with his fork and onto a plate. "That's something I did not expect and for you to keep it a secret."

"Believe me, I was struggling," he admitted. He handed me a plate that had scrambled eggs (with cheese; my favorite), bacon, and buttered toast. He really went all out this morning; what time did this boy get up? I took the plate and sat it down while he sat the fork and napkin next to it. "Shayne has been wanting to do something like this for a while now because he didn't want just sex with you. You've both have wanted something more, but with you dating Anthony, that's not able to happen."

I picked my fork up and started poking at my eggs. "Yeah," I slowly said.

"While you were still with Anthony and his dad Sunday afternoon, Shayne and Damien came over that day to hang out," Tristan admitted. "I knew about this break before you brought it up to me because when Damien went in the bathroom, Shayne brought it up to me and admitted how said he was about it." After I chewed up my eggs and swallowed it, I sat the fork down and looked down at the counter. "But I told him that he needed to do the one thing he's been wanting to do for you and that he can do it here."

"Why here?" I asked him.

"Because his apartment is too small for something like we just did last night and plus, I have a nice backyard so why not?" Tristan said. "You both needed something like that and yeah, it might be harder to go on a break now after that, but it's good to end it that way. Once you and Anthony breakup, you guys can start back up and actually be the couple you've been wanting to be." I smiled and shook my head at him. "What?"

"It's just sweet to me that you would do this for the both of us," I told him. "I saw that look you both gave each other when you left my office and I guess I just didn't think much of it. I had no idea you would help Shayne set this up, but it just means a lot to me that you did."

"You're my best friend, Ronnie, and I want what's best for you," Tristan said to me. I smiled and placed my hand on his since he was leaned on the counter. He took ahold of my hand and smiled, but patted our hands with his right one. "But how about I almost fucked it all up since we argued and you were debating about not coming?"

"How about I almost fucked it up to because I almost cancelled?" I admitted. He looked at me confused, but I explained to him, "Anthony was getting upset in the car about leaving Smosh and I offered to stay home with him, but he insisted on me going to see you since we haven't hung out in a while."

"Well isn't that generous?" Tristan asked smartly. "Still hate him just as much as I did yesterday, and the day before an-"

"Shut up," I said to him and let go of his hand. I leaned back in my chair, crossed my arms, and giggled. "So you bring Shayne here?"

"Yes, I had him do that because I didn't want his car here and then yours here. It was just be too risky so I told him to have someone take him to work yesterday morning and I would take him back here after work to set everything up. Thankfully you took your sweet time getting here so we could finish," Tristan stated.

"I'm sorry I don't drive like a fucking maniac like you do," I chuckled out.

"I'm trying to get there, okay?" Tristan said with a laugh. "Now I actually have a question." I looked at him confused until he said, "Is this the ninth time you and Shayne had sex?"

"For you information, it has only been six times," I corrected with a giggle.

"Yeah, cause that just makes it better," Tristan joked. I shook my head and chuckled, but my attention turned to Shayne who was walking out of the bedroom to us. "Ah, Shaynie," Tristan greeted. I snorted and shook my head to what he called Shayne. "How did you sleep, man?"

"Actually pretty well," Shayne replied. "That bed is way too nice for it to be a guest bed."

"Yes, well, blame your little girlfriend for that because she's the one who sleeps in there. Whatever the queen wants, the queen gets," Tristan said. I leaned over and slapped his arm to which him and Shayne both laughed. "But seriously, nobody else sleeps in there besides her."

"That's right because Tristan doesn't have any other friends to sleep in a guest bedroom," I stated. Tristan pushed my head and I just chuckled.

"Shayne, what would you like? I made eggs, bacon, an-"

"Shayne won't eat or drink anything unless it's a protein shake, Tiss," I joked. Shayne walked over to me and pushed my head too, but as I was laughing, he wrapped his left arm gently around my neck and kissed the side of my head which made me smile. He let go of me and took the seat next to me.

"I just lost my appetite," Tristan said as he sat Shayne's plate down in front of him. Shayne laughed aloud and clapped his hands together while Tristan and I laughed normal. "What time do you have to be at work today, Shayne?"

"I think around 9 or 9:30 I believe," Shayne replied to him as he took a bite of his eggs.

"Just trying to figure out when to take you back home," Tristan said. "Which reminds me, I need to text Boze cause apparently I'm taking her ass to work today too." Shayne and I both "ooo'd" to it and all Tristan could do is flip us off as he was walking out of the kitchen. "Fuck you both."

"Love you, Tristan!" I yelled out as he started walking to his bedroom. I looked at Shayne and noticed a small piece of egg on the corner of his mouth. Sexy, right? I chuckled and placed my hand on his cheek and wiped it off with my thumb. "God, you eat like an animal." He opened his mouth, but I instantly covered it up with the same hand I had on his cheek. "Do not say it."

He laughed and grabbed my wrist with his left hand and moved it off of his mouth. He took ahold of my hand and looked down at it. "How did you sleep?" he asked me.

"Really, really good," I replied. "I still can't get over last night, Shayne. It was amazing and I can't believe you did it just for me."

"It was to show how much I really do care for you, Ronnie," he said.

"You mean love?" I asked him with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh shut up," he said with a chuckle, but I leaned in and placed my lips on his. He kissed me back and I smiled into it as I pulled away from him. He licked his lips and smiled at me. "This break might kill us. It might physically kill us."

I giggled and slightly shrugged. "Maybe, but you and I both said it; it's better this way," I told him. He nodded and let go of my hand.

"Did you want to discuss what happens after the breakup?" Shayne asked me. Just before I could answer, Tristan was walking out of his bedroom and making his way back into the kitchen.

"Not now," I replied. He nodded and we both looked at Tristan who took our half eaten plates.

"So I texted her and she calls me wanting me to pick her up now so we can get breakfast," Tristan stated. Once again, Shayne and I "ooo'd" and Tristan just looked up at us while we laughed. "Alright, fuck you both again, but I'm gonna need you guys getting ready then since this has been put on me."

"Alright you big baby," I said to him as Shayne and I got up from the stools. "I can leave like this, but you leaving with a shirtless man is going to make everyone question both yall's sexuality." Shayne wrapped both his arms around my neck and I placed my hand on his arm while laughing as we walked into the guest bedroom together. As we walked in, he let go, but he turned me around and grabbed ahold of my waist (which made me squeal) and lifted me up as I wrapped my legs around him and placed my hands on his neck.

He kicked the door shut and I giggled as he walked us in front of the bed, but stopped since all of a sudden, looking at each other became something deeper. We just smiled at each other, but I couldn't help but to kiss this man again. He lips against mine just felt so sweet and nice; it's like they belonged on mine. His hands were placed on my butt now and I giggled as he started gently kissing on my neck. "We don't have time," I said.

"We can make time," Shayne mumbled into my neck which made me giggle again.

"Oh my god, can the porn stop in there already?" Tristan yelled out to us. I laughed and dropped my head on Shayne's shoulder. "Get dressed!"

I picked my head up and unwrapped my legs around Shayne's waist and he gently put me down on the floor. I patted on his chest and turned away from him as I ruffled my hair with my fingers and left hand. I went over to the nightstand to grab my keys and turned to see Shayne slipping on his now dry shirt that Tristan laid out for him. The smile on my face couldn't seem to disappear. "Why are you smiling?" Shayne asked me with a grin.

"You're just making me want this more and more," I replied. He walked over to me and placed both hands on my cheeks and leaned in to kiss me. I placed my hands on his waist and kissed him back, then when we pulled away, our foreheads touched and I just looked at him. "Shayne..."

"Let's go, guys!" Tristan yelled. He really wanted to see Boze. Shayne and I backed away from each other and I walked by the door to slip on the flip flops I left here probably a year ago. Shayne slipped on his boots (which definitely made me laugh since he was still wearing the pants Tristan let him wear) and opened the door for me to walk out. I smiled at him and walked out with my keys in my hand. Tristan stood in front of me with my phone in his hand and handed it to me. "Anthony sent you a good morning text."

"God, thanks, nosy ass," I said as I snatched my phone out of his hand and slipped it in my pocket. "I'm gonna see him in a few minutes so I'm not responding."

"Right, because you should see your second boyfriend before you go," Tristan stated. I look at him and he starts jogging over to the door. I shook my head and laughed while Shayne and I started following him. "Now after we walk out, no more kissing, no more hugging unless it's a side hug, and no more flirting, understand?"

"Feel like I'm in school," Shayne said. I giggled and Tristan shook his head.

"Just lock up, Ronnie," Tristan said as he opened the door and walked over to his car. I looked at Shayne and leaned up to give him a quick kiss.

"I'll see you at work, okay?"

"Okay," he said as he kissed my forehead. He walked out in front of me, and I clicked the lock to the door and walked out with him while shutting the door behind me. Shayne waved bye to me as he got into Tristan's car and I waved back as my heart that was fluttering moments ago felt like it was starting to crack. Last night and this morning meant a lot to me and now I'm having to go back home to a guy I'm still dating.

And it made me feel even worse since I told Shayne I loved him last night.

I walked over to my Jeep and watched Tristan pull out of his driveway and drive Shayne home. I got into my jeep (luckily my wallet was still safe in my glove compartment) and shut the door behind me while putting the key into the ignition. I was ready to get home and take a shower, but I wasn't ready to face Anthony once again after this. This time was different since I wasn't coming home to an argument; I was coming home to a man who doesn't know how unfaithful I've been to him.

I pulled out of Tristan's driveway and put it into drive as I started driving to my house. Driving this early in the morning was always stress free since it wasn't as busy, but once I leave for work later, I know I will have road rage. But since it was like this, I just kept thinking of what's going to happen after the breakup between Anthony and I. I know I'm gonna have to find a place to live and I know that wouldn't be a problem since Tristan would just let me live with him.

Not the first time that's happened.

But I just wanted to know what would happen after the breakup. Losing Anthony at work was hard enough, but I don't want to lose him as a friend either. He might get on my nerves and I might not love him anymore, but he is still one of my best friends and I don't want to lose that. Then my mind goes to what's going to happen between Shayne and I since we can't get together right away. It would just look bad on both of us.

Don't get me wrong; I want to be with Shayne right now, but if Shayne and I act like a couple at work right after the breakup, we would get judged and I don't want that. I don't want to be the girl who gets over her boyfriend instantly and jumps to the next guy she sees. I want to be the girl who takes time with Shayne and doesn't rush into anything. Even though we have slept together six times now, I would want to take it slow since that happened.

Shayne and I just have something special and I really didn't notice it until this morning. I never saw this side of him before, but it made love him more after it. The way he wrapped his arms around me and the way he kissed me and just by the way he smiled at me, he wanted this to happen just as bad as I do. I want to date Shayne Robert Topp, but our timing has been off for so long and hopefully, this is our chance to become a thing.

It's bad that even my own father wants this too.

Thinking of how he would respond to what Shayne and I have done actually worried me. I wouldn't know if he would be mad and disappointed or if he would be happy that it happened, but all I know is that I was going to tell him once Anthony and I breakup. He should know the truth to why his daughter ended her two year relationship after having a conversation about him being okay if Anthony ever proposed to me.

Not to mention we had that lunch and saw Shayne's ex.

That's still the one thing I couldn't tell Shayne. He has done better off without her. Hell, he has me to worry about; not some girl who cheated on him, but I couldn't judge her for that. Look at where I am in my relationship, but I just didn't want Shayne getting upset or angry if he knew that she was still around. I want him being happy and I want him to forget she ever existed. I wouldn't be the girl he feared about. I would be better.

I pulled into my driveway and saw that Anthony was still home. I parked the jeep and took the key out of it the ignition while instantly getting out. I shut the door behind me and walked up to the front door, but just like Tristan did last night, Anthony opened the door and smiled at me. "Good morning, baby," he said to me.

I slightly smiled and said, "Good morning, Ant."

And after that, I realized the love I had for him was in fact gone.

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