" Love Untitled " ~ The Road...


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Richard Armani Montgomery Castro humiliated, maligned and did everything in his power to uncover Psyche Saave... More

When I Was Your Man
BOOK 6 > Ch. 10 ~RED FOLDER~
BOOK 6 > Ch. 11 ~RALF~
BOOK 6 > Ch. 15 ~THE FAMILY~
BOOK 6 > Ch. 21 ~ROAD TO YOU~
BOOK 6 > Ch. 22 ~ROAD TO US~
BOOK 6 > Ch. 23 ~IKAW NA NGA~
BOOK 6 > Ch. 26 ~SWING~
BOOK 6 > Ch. 27 ~MINE~
BOOK 6 > Ch. 30 ~KNEEL~
BOOK 6 Ch. 33 ~HE'S HOME~
BOOK 6 Ch. 34 ~EROS~


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'It was destiny's game when love finally came on. I rushed in line only to find that you were gone. You've made me in love again, after a long, long while in love again. And I'm glad that is you...'


Psyche Alexis Amandi-Ernestine Saavedra, get a grip and stop looking on his way!

And so, she did as to what her good conscience told her. She is being civilized to her ex-husband and she's putting a thick wall right after that. Her only mission and focus, the reason why she still co-exists with Richard Armani is that of their common denominator - Benedict. She wanted to keep one thing straight - Everything that she does for her son right now doesn't tantamount to anything close about her reconciliation with Richard Armani. End of story. Does she still despise him?

Hell, yes. Big time.

But she's cool with them talking on neutral grounds. They need to talk. There are things that require conversation. Richard Armani was far from being feeble minded. He knew her stand about her great detestation on him, he knew the reasons why. She thought that maybe he already came into his senses and realized that he can never change her mind anymore. Making and asking her to do otherwise would only make things worse for them. For that, she's thankful. At least he knew the drill.

However, it wouldn't hurt to admit to herself that her ex-husband looks extra...extra striking today. If it was even the appropriate word. Richard Armani could be stark naked, walking this planet and he'll still look that drop-dead hottie and he knew that. But she won't tell a soul, it was something that she'd rather keep to herself. That black shirt and jeans were working to his favor and she has to keep herself from not looking at his way. Which would mean ignoring the guy the entire time while traveling with him in a helicopter. Quite hard, true. He's seated beside her, expertly operating the chopper, while Benedict was occupied watching his father manipulate the aircraft. 

When they landed the hacienda's grounds, she had that kind of euphoric-kind-of-melancholy type of feeling that she can't simply brush off. It was like inhaling the same grassy and sweet air again, as the high and mighty palace that stood before her was stretching its arms to welcome her back, while series of recollection came back to haunt her. This was where her marriage to him started. This was where he broke her heart and thought that pieces of them were still scattered all around the area.

Laura, her son, Joaquin, and a few men unknown to her, helped them with their luggage, while they approached the palace. Psyche took note of the newly painted walls and pillars, chandeliers were significantly cleaned, replaced carpets and draperies, while the coldest of marbled floor illuminated as if they were newly installed. Not to mention the smell of fresh roses and something close to Lavender. She was about to inhale the scent as she stood at the foot of the grand staircase when Richard Armani excused himself so that he could answer an incoming phone call. It was still four in the afternoon, yet the calm and cold wind of Baras, Rizal made her remember of the consecutive evenings when she was a wife to a non-existent husband. She withstood the icy weather because she can handle that. What she tried to endure was being married to the coldest man alive. 

" 'Ma, where are you going? "

Psyche turned her head around, while she pulled her trolley bag with her. She decided to go upstairs on her own since Benedict went running with Joaquin, while the rest of the helpers busied themselves since the master and his family arrived. The last time she was here, there were only two people who maintained the humongous palace, Laura included. Meanwhile, Laura asked if she needed assistance and she declined, telling the other woman that she knew her way. For a few moments, Psyche appreciated stopping and inspecting each change that she was seeing, she wanted this alone time. When she was already on the floor where her old, designated room was located, she wasn't exactly expecting that she was being followed. She eyed Benedict. Behind him was Richard Armani silently regarding her. She grunted and smiled at the kid.

" To my room, hijo. Would you like to join me for a few minutes? "

She was responded by Benedict's confusion, he scowled at her.

" Your room? What do you mean, your room? "

Benedict even eyed his father for more explanation. Psyche almost slapped her face for actually forgetting! She remembered, NO ONE knew that she wasn't sharing her husband's room! Even up to this date, really. Richard Armani grunted, arched an eyebrow at her, mutely sending her warnings signs, of course.

" Son, your mother was gone here for a long time and I think she forgot her way to OUR room. Am I right, Sweetheart? "

She didn't miss the emphasis. Psyche feigned a laugh.

" Y-Yeah! I mean, did I miss it? You mean, I am going the wrong way? "

Richard Armani approached her to pull the trolley bag out from her grasp, while he pinned her with those intense, golden eyes.

" Oh, baby, no! Of course not! The way to OUR room isn't here. You only went on vacation for three years and you forgot the way to OUR room now? "

Psyche noticed the emphasis, her lips thinned, while she felt him grabbed her other hand. Their son's watching, of course. She needed to remind herself each and every single time. She feigned a little smile again as if she was really happy that the man was being touchy to her. One of these days, her ex-husband will get his throat slit. By her. One day, she'll do that. Baby her ass!

" Really? Am I that forgetful now? Ha-ha! "

She didn't know if that came out natural and so, she silently pulled her hand from him. But because his was larger and firmer, he only had to tug it back and they looked like the happiest married couple at that moment. Benedict turned his little head to look at them and that widest smile that he flashed them was all that she needed to assure herself that what she was doing was right. The three of them descended the grand staircase where Laura and the other helpers were waiting. The other woman was looking directly at her, a restraint smile playing on her lips.

" Sir, the Master's bedroom is ready. Lunch will be served in an hour. Do you have any other request? "

Laura said as she was instructed that Psyche's items be moved to the Master's bedroom, together with the big boss, two days prior to this date.

" None as of the moment, Laura. Just alert Victor to wait for further instructions. "

Victor and a few of his men followed the family using another helicopter too. Laura nodded and went about with the other helpers. When they were already in front of the Master's bedroom, Benedict looked convinced that both of his parents were entering the same room, he told them that he's meeting Joaquin in his own room. Psyche was left with no choice but to take in the idea that she's now alone with her ex-husband, standing right in front of the Master's bedroom. She was even surprised when he held the doorknob as if he was about to open it. Her eyebrows furrowed.

" And you're doing what? "

She said and he only looked at her without the hint of any regrets.

" Opening the door of OUR room? "

She wasn't sure if he was teasing, but her lips quickly thinned, up until she felt the door opened.

" After you, please? "

She sighed out loud and knew that she had to ignore that. When she stepped into the largest room in the palace, she remembered that this was the room where Dee slept when she was staying with them. She immediately eyed the four posters, king size bed, not exactly sure if she's willing to spend her next three months sleeping there.

" Be at peace, Psyche. Dee and I didn't have sex on that bed, nor in any areas within the hacienda. Nor outside of it. Bottom line is, sex was far from my relationship with her when she was with me when I was married to you. I can't even call it love. "

" I am not asking for any opinion, Richard Armani. "

She faced him, hated the fact that she was that transparent to him. He crooked his head to her direction and folded his arms in front of him.

" Then maybe it's my bad and my imagination that you despise the idea of spending your evening here for the simplest reason that this room was where Diana Elle stayed? I could give a wild guess as to why you are looking at that bed as some sort of evil? "

He was arching an eyebrow at her and she wasn't sure if she's ready to discuss topics such as sex to him. Not when they're alone in this room.

" Your mind needs general cleaning, Richard Armani. Your imagination could get you into trouble! "

But he only chuckled lowly on her. And she hated it.

" Psyche, you do not have the slightest idea of what my imagination now comprises of. "

He even twitched his side lip, while she was looking.

" But I am changing the topic now from sex to something else. With that said though, I'll just have your things move from the Master's to any room of your choice. Would that make things better for you? "

Psyche was relieved that he did. Not that her own mind was thinking about sex. She gave her back to him, roamed her eyes on the wall to wall carpeted room, that has its own walked-in closet and a small space for kitchen, and just on the farthest right area was his working station where she found a double monitor computer system. She faced him and spoke.

" No need. I'm good here. And where are you staying, if that's the case? "

She's not sharing the room with him and he knew that. He chuckled again, minus the humor in it.

" There are about a hundred of undiscovered rooms on this palace, Psyche. I am only making it look like that we... reconciled since I saw a lot of changes in Benedict when he figured out that everything's back to normal. Unless that's your way of an invitation? "

She narrowed her eyes at him. Flashing his teeth and dimples, he widely smiled at her.

" I guess that's a 'No'. I got that. Anyways, "  

" Richard Armani, stop flirting with me. Can we do that, please? "

Then he looked at her as if he was suddenly insulted, wide-eyed.

" Who? Me? "

He even pointed his index finger to his face.

" As far as my reputation is concerned, I am not the type. That was a question. And I am not prolonging this conversation with sex and flirtation in mind. Do you agree? "

She was about to imitate him fold her arms in front of her when he spoke again.

" But I can't put all the blame in you. I guess you like me better in black shirt and jeans? "

He said, again arching an eyebrow at her. Psyche frowned, felt embarrassed for some reason.

" Excuse me?! "

Richard Armani chuckled. He was smiling at her as if saying that he wasn't buying any of it.

" Fine. That's a 'No' too. "

" I'm sorry, Richard Armani, but where did you get that idea from? "

He only looked at her, paused for a moment, while a silly smirk was playing right on his face. Richard Armani was quite tempted to shock the woman with the news that he knew about how she wrote about him and that she actually swooned on him in the middle of her denial about her silent feelings when they weren't married yet. If he was too brutal, he would make her not deny that part. But he wouldn't do that. He's keeping her laptop for good.

" Oh, that? From... my imagination who's beginning to be a claptrap, to be seriously honest. And maybe you're right. It needs general cleaning. So, "

He checked his wristwatch, just before he looked at her again.

" I'll be out of the radar for a few weeks. Might be gone for the span of time that you're with our son. No worries, he knew that I have work to do, he won't complain about my absence so long as he can see you around. And as I have promised you, I am going to do my best at keeping my distance from you. If you ever see me, unless you have any immediate concern, pay no attention and I'll do the same. Would that work? "

Psyche took a few moments to taste his words. Yes, it's better this way. She nodded.

" Good! By the way, before I finally leave, I think this belongs to you. "

Psyche watched him grabbed something from the pocket on his jeans. When her eyes caught the item on her ex-husband's hand, she almost thought that she choked on her own breathing. Damn, why not? In his right was the gold band that he made her wear when he married her a few years ago. She was swallowing her own saliva when he gently pulled her left hand from her.

" Psyche, I need you to wear this while you are still married to me. Don't worry, this is far from being a trap. It isn't. I only think that it would be much more realistic if you're wearing this, while you're at home with our son. "

He said as he slid the wedding ring that has his name engraved on it on her finger. Psyche knew that wearing the token of their marriage wasn't exactly necessary. However, for some odd reason, seeing it embrace her ring finger felt somewhat correct. It still fitted her the way it did when he said his vows to her.

" There. "

He said again, as she absentmindedly scanned the hand that now wore their wedding ring again. She threw this away on the elevator while she was struggling in pain due to pregnancy that she assumed she'd lost on the process. Psyche didn't want to know on how was he able to find the ring again. Richard Armani could do a lot of things. Possessing the gold band with diamonds around it that she threw away on the family's private elevator wouldn't be so hard to find its way back to the giver. She pulled her hand from him and hid it behind her as if what happened there was a sin.

" Anything else? "

She said in her flattest tone and something raw and bitter flashed on those golden orbs. Richard Armani opened his mouth to say it. But he stopped as if he just realized something. Then he shook his head and sighed out loud.

" I'll go ahead. "

He said, turning his heels around to exit the room.

" Richard Armani, wait! "

His right hand was already on the doorknob when she called his attention. He turned his head and eyed her.

" Yes? "

Psyche swallowed hard. She didn't know why was it important for her to call him again. She just did.

" You were about to say something? What is it? "

Richard Armani looked a little surprised that she was concerned about anything that he has to tell her. Since she asked, maybe it's better that he should take advantage of this chance. He freed his hand from the doorknob and walked slowly in her direction. Their eyes were locked like that when he stopped in front of her. He paused for a few seconds, then after he reached out to her so that he could place a stubborn hair right back to her left ear.

" I love you, you know? And I regret that I was given a chance to say that to you when you were waking up in the opposite room, next to mine and I didn't do it. Like, "

He looked down, then back to her face again. She was listening.

" ...it was so easy for me to just open that damn door and wake you up each morning then I could repeatedly tell you that I... I have fallen so much in love with you. But I didn't. And here we are. Strangers of some sorts. "

" And you're telling me now because? "

She realized she shouldn't have asked. The muscles in Richard Armani's jaw moved as if he was trying to suppress an emotion, but he couldn't.

" Because I love you, Psyche. This may be the last time that we'll be able to talk and I am not wasting this chance to tell you that every piece of me loves you more than ever. "

She looked away and he did the same. Two people who knew that things will never be the same as before. That there are things that even time can't heal. That even healing isn't even the cure. And there is none after a heartbreak. She felt him sighed out loud. He broke the silence after.

" I'll go ahead. "

Psyche turned her head to watch him leave the room, while he didn't look back at all.


True to his words, Richard Armani had never bothered her right after that day. She wasn't sure too if he was around the palace, but if he ever was, no one told her.

For the entire week though, she made it sure that she made it up to her son. He slept beside her, joined her when she was making cakes and pastries for everyone, both of them even attempted to visit some of the unexplored rooms in the palace and most importantly, they talk. A lot. So far, they have visited only thirty of them on the South wing and her most favorite was the room that held almost a thousand of pictures, either black and white or colored, some of them framed, some were collected in a photo album. She actually saw an old picture of Richard Armani and Rafa Armand when they were in a school uniform. She promised herself that she'll go back here one day to check the other photo albums.

It was on their fifth day that Benedict brought her to his treehouse. According to the little genius, he encouraged his father to make him one since his cousin Harper has her Hello Kitty human-size, doll house. They just spent the whole day discussing anything under the sun, while Benedict requested that they spent the evening on his treehouse. The treehouse, surprisingly, has all the amenities for an overnight stay. It even has a bathroom and a little space for the kitchen.

" 'Ma? "

" Hm? "

They were currently having their breakfast on the treehouse's quite spacious, wooden terrace, while they were seated on comfortable bean bags. She discovered that the place also has a mini-refrigerator and there was a tray of eggs, a plastic of bacon and sausages and cinnamon bread. One can spend a day or two here like it was a vacation. The treehouse was actually built in the middle of some taller trees, overlooking the mountains and bluest of the sky. She can read a book and be at peace here.

" Can I please show you something? "

Benedict said right after he drank his fresh milk.

" You mean, we're going back to the palace? "

She said, her chest warming up to this kid. She. Loves. Him. End of story. Benedict shook his head and spoke.

" I am bringing you to the lighthouse. "

Psyche froze, her mouth stopped chewing that perfectly fried sausage when she heard that. Then she gulped down the food with a coffee, just before she grunted.

" Uhm, why? "

She can't outrightly tell her son that she didn't want to. Her last trip there years ago killed all of what she was way back. The lighthouse was a place where remnants of Diana Elle's memory were all collected and kept there whenever Richard Armani wanted to reminisce about his past with her. The lighthouse itself represents his deepest love for the woman and she wasn't going there again. Not that she's still affected by it. She only thought that it was pointless. She knew everything about what's inside that damn lighthouse.

" It's a surprise! And we're using the bikes to go there! "

" Son, no. "

" Why? "

Psyche watched those charcoal eyes look at her in disappointment. She thought of an excuse. A valid one.

" Well, the last time I used the bike and visited the other side of this land, the hanging bridge was already old and rusty! It's very dangerous, most especially when beneath it is a running river and you're too small to swim! "

Her heart sank when Benedict smiled widely at her.

" 'Ma, Sir Ironman already had some men re-built the hanging bridge a few years ago and he already allowed me and Harper to use it whenever we are visiting the lighthouse! And the river is safe! I even jumped from the bridge to the river with Joaquin! It's fine! "

" No! The bikes are old too, it might not function--- "

" 'Ma, Papa bought new sets of bike for the four of us! Let's go, please? "


" Four? Why four bikes? "

She asked and Benedict giggled more. His excitement was very apparent.

" That's why I am showing them to you! 'Ma, please! "

Her son crawled to her side as he lovingly embraced one of her arms. Benedict knew his powers over her. It didn't take another second when he looked at her like that and she's gone. She kissed his head and nodded. No, she can't be selfish to him this time. If he wanted her to show Dee's pictures and memorabilia, she can do that again if this was going to define the quality time she promised to her son. Even if this was going to mean going back to that memory lane again.

The treehouse that Richard Armani built for his son stood fifty feet from the ground and there were two ways to get out of it. First being was through a wide, but very safe slide. Second was through a mechanical elevator that you only have to push a button and the mechanical steel elevator would move down. They took the latter. A few steps away from the old tree where they came from, Psyche took notice of the four mountain bikes resting and chained against from what she assumed as a dead oak tree.

" 'Ma, look! "

Psyche did. Benedict pulled the bikes out from the chains and it was a surprise that each of the bikes has names on it.

" This one's mine. The black bike belongs to Ironman. And the purple bike belongs to you! I was the one who painted out the names on it! But it was Ironman's idea that we purchase our family set of bikes. He said that you are very talented at this. Is that true, 'Ma? "

Psyche gulped hard, she didn't know if she's being emotional. She approached the purple mountain bike and had one of her hands glide on it. She had never owned one. The last time that she used a bike actually belonged to Diana Elle. And Richard Armani brought the entire family a brand new one. She sighed out loud when she saw her name painted boldly on it. Then her attention went back to the last bike in color red that didn't have a name on it.

" And this is supposed to belong to whom? "

She asked and Benedict quickly grinned.

" To my baby brother! Ironman said that I have a baby brother and I want to know his name 'coz am goin' to paint it with his name! What's his name, 'Ma? "

Psyche absentmindedly bit her lower lip. Now, she knew she's being very emotional! She sucked her breathe as she knelt in front of Benedict. It's pointless not to tell him. One way or another, Benedict would ask the adults and she wants to personally discuss this with him. She brushed her fingers against his unruly, dark brown hair and said,

" Robertson Alfonzo. But you can call him Ralf, you know? "

Benedict's eyes twinkled, while he silently mouthed Ralf's name to himself as if he was trying to memorize it. 

When both of them pedaled going to the direction, surprised that she still remember the way, Psyche was quite impressed that Richard Armani made a way so that the travel going to the lighthouse would be shortened and safe by creating a marbled path even without using the steel hanging bridge. Changes were also made to the recently painted lighthouse, with its newly installed elevator too.

" Benedict, son, what is it that you want to exactly show me? I've been here before. "

They were already both standing in front of the large door and behind it was a very spacious warehouse full of Diana Elle written all over it. She's over the jealousy a few years ago. She was already in good terms with Dee when they parted ways and in the past few months, before she went back home to the Philippines, her research about Dee told her that she's so blissfully married to Angelo. Good for her. So, what's her problem now? Maybe the idea that this whole thing about Romeo and Juliet makes her remember of the nasty feelings, you know? It wasn't easy. 

" Oh, so you knew? "

He said eyes widened. Her eyebrows met in the middle.

" Knew? Knew what, hijo? "

" This! "

And Benedict pressed a button from his fancy wristwatch and the now steel door of the warehouse instantly slid open. Psyche felt her mouth gape in serious astonishment. Way back when Laura gave her the keys to secretly open the lighthouse, this same steel, state of the art door was made out of wood before. So, as if that alone didn't stop from keeping her in awe, Psyche began stepping her right foot forward to only get a surprise in her damnest lifetime. She was seriously in disbelief, her right hand immediately covered her mouth.

" Papa made this three years ago when you left for vacation. He's always here every weekend. "

Psyche looked at her son beside her who looked so proud of the masterpiece in front of them. She eyed her surrounding again, while she slowly named what exactly was going on. In front of her was a newly painted purple warehouse where eleven of her random images were printed in poster-size and framed. They were all hanging on both the left and right sides of the tall wall, it looked like there was suddenly a photo exhibit of her. One by one, she scanned them and realized that most of the pictures were actually stolen. Moments that she didn't even know happened at all.

" 'Pa said that he took them with his camera when you were not looking! "

Benedict eagerly explained.

" Your... Your father told you that? "

He nodded eagerly while he pulled her to the nearest framed picture.

" This was his most favorite. He said that. "

Psyche eyed her black and white picture wherein she was in deep sleep, her hair in a mess, while one of her arms sprawled. At the bottom of the picture was Richard Armani's handwriting of his thoughts about her.

'You were hell-drunk last night. Under that sheet was a naked woman resting after she sang 'Separate Lives' by Phil Collins. And you know what's more my Sweetest Dreams? You confessed your undying love for me just before you snored! You look like a chaos, baby. And you are the chaos I am willing to endure. I love you more.'

Psyche restrained herself from swallowing a painful lump right on her esophagus, it was hurting her. She raised her chin and sighed out loud. How can she ever forget this part of their lives? She went out getting drunk with Drake because her husband's dating her ex too! She needed to forget the agony of seeing the man you married and you're so in love with! She needed to get numb! She wanted to scream out loud that he wasn't being fair to her and it was hurting every piece of what she was!

" But this is my favorite, 'Ma! You look funny here! "

Benedict was standing in front of the picture next to what she was looking at. She joined him and stood behind him only to find out what her son was so amused about. It was a stolen picture of her looking like a glutton, having her lunch, while she was seated beside Richard Armani on the front seat of his car. On her lap was a box of full of fried chicken, gravy, and mashed potatoes, while she was gulping down what she remembered as her ex-husband's french fries. The man called her attention and she turned to look at him with that comical expression on her face, only to find out that he was documenting her. She hated him more this day.

'I am actually married to a woman who didn't mind eating junk food and I think I am more in love with her than ever. But she hated me this day. She wasn't happy being caught in a camera looking like she can eat the entire city.'

Benedict giggled, he was really enjoying this. Finally. The light in him that she had been waiting for. Psyche smiled back, then dragged her attention back to the framed image that she didn't even know even existed. Then she wondered if when did Richard Armani formed this habit of taking her pictures when she wasn't even aware? And kept it?

" 'Ma? I am not sure of what these are? But Iron man said that I can ask you about these personally. "

Psyche found Benedict stooping down, opening an average size box. She got curious. It was labeled as 'Psyche's Confidential' right on top of it. She joined her son again, while Benedict pulled the scotch tape around it. She knelt down in from of it while the boy hurriedly opened the box in front of her and she wasn't sure of what to feel exactly when after three years, she had the view of what ruined her marriage to Richard Armani.

Then there it was. She almost smirked at it. Smiled that didn't really reach her eyes. Psyche sighed out loud, stressed. She reached out and dug her right hand on the items that were supposed to be burned in inferno, however, her ex-husband got his hands on them, finding out her original, evil intentions. She eyed Ellery's torn picture from a magazine, while she stood beside Richard Armani in tux. Both of their faces bore a large, red 'X' marks. She placed it back to the box and found more blown up, human size tarpaulins that have images of the Gomez's and Castro's family. Touching them again gave her a chilling sentimentality as if she was going back to that time when she had this enormous rage over these families and she's not letting anyone give her lame reasons to stop. She won the game, of course. But all of her died in the process. She shouldn't have gambled her heart, that's a mistake on her part. Gasping out loud, as if she was suddenly exhausted from the filthy game that she previously played, she smiled weakly at her son. She refused to give him lame excuses for what she did on the past, she regretted that already. But there's a right timing to everything.

" Son, these... "

She tapped the box lightly.

" These were my demons. "

Benedict's eyebrows met in the middle.

" But demons are bad, 'Ma? "

She was bad. She was.

" They are and we shouldn't let them control us because they can hurt those people whom we care for. These demons will get us into trouble. "

Psyche said while looking at her son who was frowning hard at the items inside the box. Then he eyed her again, series of questions written all over his handsome face.

" Are they still there? "

He asked and she thought that he looked a bit worried.

" Still there? "

" The demons. "

Psyche gave her son her weakest smile. She sighed out loud.

" They're all gone, son, and I will never let them come back again. That's why they're all here, "

She tapped the box lightly again.

" ...locked. In a box. "

Benedict picked an enlarged picture of his father from the box that had marks like someone stabbed it with sharp pins. Psyche remembered that particular poster-like picture of Richard Armani that she secretly pinned behind her cabinet so when she's at times angry at him, she'll have some dart pins thrown at it. Quickly, she grabbed it from Benedict's hand.

" Don't worry, when you're big enough to really understand? I will tell you everything. I don't want you looking at these items and be confused about what you're seeing. I'll tell you more when you're already a big guy. "

Benedict looked unconvinced, but he didn't insist. After a few seconds of considering her statements, he turned his head to the projector. Then back to her.

" So, you're the beautiful girl with demons in a box? "

She was suddenly confused. Once again, Psyche eyed him as if he was suddenly speaking a language unknown to her.

" I'm sorry? I don't think I understand you, hijo? "

Benedict stood and she watched him grabbed two large bean bags. When he had it settled in front of the projector, he turned to her and spoke.

" 'Ma, I'll show you something! You can sit beside me and let's watch this together. "

Psyche stood beside him, while he operated the projector.

" What are we watching? "

Benedict gave her his silliest smile that she hasn't seen so far.

" Beautiful girl. "

" Beautiful girl? Who? "

They aren't watching young Richard Armani and Diana Elle, aren't they? 


Benedict didn't answer her. Instead, he pulled her to sit beside him on those comfortable bean bags. He grabbed a remote control, pressed a few numbers on it and in a few seconds, the lights were all out. Now, that's new too! Amidst the darkness, her son who was seated on the bean bag next to her spoke.

" We always watch this whenever we're here, 'Ma. " 

Who? Dee?

" You mean, Diana Elle? "

It was Benedict's high time to frown.

" Dia--... Oh, the girl who Ironman kissed when he saved her? I almost didn't recognize her name. "

Since her son wasn't answering her anytime soon, she turned her head on the white cloth in front of her. Three years ago, this was also her while watching a short film about how her ex-husband had fallen so in love with a young Diana Elle and how their love for each other prevailed. Her mind was feeding her with these kinds of recollection when the film began with the following words.

'Psyche Alexis Amandi-Ernestine Saavedra-Castro. My last and only love. Mother of my children. My wife. My everything.'

Psyche's eyes widened, her heart almost went out of her mouth when it gaped open. Her full attention now caught. She watched series of events of the day when she married Richard Armani that she didn't know of.

The screen went black and silent for a few seconds. Then on the screen, the camera began rolling and the man behind it who obviously was having fun spoke.

" Today, ladies and gents, marks the saddest day for those women who offered their purity for him, those unfortunate women who silently fell for the trap. "

Psyche recognized the voice belonged to Aaron Ravid Mitchells, Richard Armani's cousin. The guy wasn't showing his face while opening a door.

" Because today, the monkey in a tuxedo who calls himself a groom finally found his bride. "

And as Ravid Mitchells approached on what it seemed to be a king size bed, surrounding it were people who wore blue shirts who were busy assisting the videographer. The videographer stood side by side with the event's photographer and Psyche was quick to identify Richard Armani. He was sitting on the edge of the bed while a woman was spraying something on his hair. He immediately looked at his cousin, showed his middle finger.

" Why, you son-of-a-bitch found yourself a hot woman! How did you do that? "

That was Aaron. The makeup artist abruptly left them. Richard Armani was still wearing his undershirt, still looking like the arrogant guy that he was made of.

" Make it sure that your brother's secretary looks good. That's the secret, idiot. "

Psyche folded her arms, absentmindedly warming herself. She's obviously watching the moment just before their wedding ceremony happened. She only knew the side of her story. Not his.

" Oh! So, I'll assume that you're starting to like the bride now? What if she changed her mind and stood you up later? "

Aaron chuckled in the background and she saw Richard Armani moved. He faced his cousin and spoke.

" She won't. I already made sure of that. "

Both of the men laughed out loud at it. Then after, Richard Armani rolled his eyes at his cousin.

" Leave me alone and f*ck yourself, Mitchells! Go away! "

Psyche was still absorbing what she was watching when she heard Benedict spoke.

" Uncle Aaron is funny. "

She offered her son her faintest smile though she knew he'd never see her on the dark. For what this moment was worth, she can't decide if it was still appropriate that she was suddenly felt grief-stricken watching this. This was the time when she remembered him accusing her of scheming her way to him just because he believed that she's marrying her for his money, that she arranged everything because she was nothing but a conniving bitch.

She was in this kind of reverie when on the next scene, she saw herself on that expensive wedding gown, while she was reading her wedding vows. The woman on the screen looked dejected. She was holding a piece of paper that the wedding organizer gave to her. She didn't have the time to compose her own.

" I will... love you with all my heart and soul. I am not going to leave you. Where you go, I go. I promise... "

Psyche covered her mouth while she watched her old self getting very emotional. The bride was on the brink of weeping. Not because she was happy and that she was looking forward to that moment right after the church wedding, but because she knew that what she was reading could be probably for real. Her real feelings. And she hated herself for that. The bride on the screen swallowed hard.

" ...I promise that you will have all of me, every piece of me, every ounce of me. This is yours. And... "

Psyche turned her head away from the monitor. She can't watch herself looking so pathetic and so in love with the man she was about to marry. This was the part where she added her own statements to what was supposed to be what was printed on her wedding vows only. This was her heart now talking.

" ... And I think I will love you no matter what. No matter how hard it may seem. No matter how painful it will be, and should you not do your part as my husband, my heart will still want you. No matter what. I... I love you, Richard Armani. No matter what. "

Psyche grunted. She can't let these unwanted sentiments control her. She was suddenly devoured with this heaviest feelings and she thought it's pointless. What for?

" 'Ma, look at Ironman! I think he really likes you when he married you? "

She eyed the screen and watched Richard Armani smirking, while his bride wasn't looking. She can still remember this part. What confused her was the truth that he wasn't... he wasn't reading his matrimonial vows? Unlike her, he didn't have anything in him while he gave his own speech.

" I, Richard Armani Montgomery Castro, stood in front of God and our families, to promise you a few things. I promise you that there will be no promises because they were invented to be broken. But on the span of time that you will spend your life with me, Ms Saavedra, I will take good care of you, I will protect you from those people who will wish you harm and... I will try my best... my best to... to love you. To love all of you. To love no one but you. We will grow old and die at the same time. You will be the mother of my children. Four to be exact. And in case you leave me someday, I will find you, Miss Saavedra. I will find you and I'll assure you that you'll be back home. Home back to me. "

He didn't mention that what he brought with him was true love, to begin with. But he promised protection. He was even confident that she'll grow old and gray with him. Aand really, she wasn't sure why Richard Armani wasn't thinking about the arranged marriage that should only last for three years? That to her is more than what love can offer. It will start somewhere, she knew that. Their relationship wasn't the conventional type. It didn't begin right, yet Richard Armani offered her a part of him that he intended to keep. Psyche shook her head. So, what's the point of overthinking things now that they are about to unknot the tie? 

The screen went black again and in a few seconds, it screen went moving again showing Richard Armani strumming his old, acoustic guitar in his room in their condominium. Psyche listened carefully while trying to familiarize herself with what he was playing.

" Hi, Sweetdreams. Mrs Potts to Benedict. My baby. "

He smiled at the camera, while lightly plucking the guitar's strings.

" It has been... what? Two years that you were gone? I don't know, but... "

The guy lowly chuckled, but it didn't reach his eyes.

" I have been really depressed while you are gone. Everything about my every day seems incorrect without you. I mean, even Hewitt thinks he's starting to fail his superpower ability in getting his mission done for me. I, uh... "

He stopped strumming, while he looked like he's about to get emotional. Then he sighed out loud, obviously containing himself to weep like some weakling. But his eyes told more.

" ...uh, it's my fault, I know that now. I am only making this video because I visited the Human Resources Department today because I have business with them. Then, I accidentally got across with the employer's files and confirmed that you actually got employed today by the CEO. Which would mean that today was our anniversary when I first kissed you in my office. Which brings me to the bottom line that what I am trying to say is I... I think I already fell for you the moment I saw you looking my way. "

Richard Armani smiled to himself. Then he began strumming the guitar again.

" This was the first song I heard the day after I met you in the office. I was driving my way back home and I can still recall thinking about you when I heard this. You know? The hottest chick in the town happens to be the CEO's new Executive Assistant. And she was wearing that skin-embracing, sinful to the eye kind of mini-dress. And the Vice President happens to be made out of human heart only. But he likes you. Really likes you. A lot. "

And in no time, Psyche felt it hard not to hate herself for even seeing this. She shouldn't have seen this at all. Not when her ex-husband was singing to her two years after she left him.

Beautiful girl, wherever you are

I knew when I saw you, you had opened the door

I knew that I'd love again after a long, long while, I'd love again

You said 'hello' and I turned to go

But something in your eyes left my heart beating so

I just knew that I'd love again after a long, long while

I'd love again

It was destiny's game when love finally came on

I rushed in line only to find that you were gone

Wherever you are, I fear that I might

Have lost you forever, like a song in the night

Now that I've loved again, after a long, long while

I've loved again

Beautiful girl, I'll search on for you

Till all of your loveliness in my arms come true

You've made me in love again, after a long, long while

In love again

And I'm glad that is you...

Hmmmmm... beautiful girl...

" 'Ma, are you okay? "

She heard Benedict said when he turned the lights on and he caught her staring in space. Psyche eyed the ceiling for a few seconds to stop the tears from dribbling its way out from her eyes. She swallowed hard, felt her chest in painful knots after. When she thought she was ready, she looked at her son.

" But of course, son. Why would I not be? "

" Because you're not okay? "

Psyche refused to argue with the accuracy of the child's statement. She wasn't okay and she thought she shouldn't be in such position wherein she should still get crazy emotional about her and Richard Armani's past. They are already on the stage where they agreed to move on and anything about them is already over. She's not changing her mind anytime. She thought Richard Armani is doing the same.

" I'll be fine, sweet pea. See? I am smiling. "

But how Benedict stared at her told her that he's unconvinced of adult's bullshts. The heavy sound of the helicopter blades had both of them looking at the ceiling in unison.

" I think he's back home! "

Her son shrieked, he lit up like a hundred bulb. A small smile escaped her lips as she stood and extended her hand to Benedict.

" Then, let's be back home too. What do you think? "

The little guy reached up, very eager to follow her lead. Home. She tasted it again. They're going back home.



Thoughts, please?

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