Foreign Love (Rap monster X R...

By XnerdyunicornX

280 1 0

Will he fall for you like you fell for him?!? This is a story about you moving to a new country named South... More



24 0 0
By XnerdyunicornX

Finally Friday has come. I get to spend the weekend with Joonie.... Wait.. why did i just think of that?! I think I need to go to an asylum! I go to my mom's room yelling. I didn't care if I woke her up. "MOM!! GET UP I NEED HELP!!" I tell her and she jolts up. "What?" she asked with a sleepy voice. " I need to go to an Asylum!!" I tell her with a serious but a hence of worry in my voice. "Why?" she asked. "Um I can't tell you that..., Just trust me.. I'm insane right now..." I tell her. "Get out of my room so I can sleep." she says with a chuckle. I sigh and go get ready.. Maybe I will dress a bit comfy today. So i picked this.

So i put some makeup on like usual. I did my whole routine but I wanted to curl my hair today. I think I want beach curls. Once I got done I went to go wake Joonie up.

I got to his room and i went to wake him up but he was already wake and dressed or at least that is what I thought... He didn't have a sirt on.. I was pure drooling.. again.. His abs were rock solid and his wet hair... Omg... I need to get out before he notices my drool... I think that it is too late for that now... "Um (Y/N) can I help you?" she says laughing and snapping me back into reality sadly.. "U-u-um I just came in to see if you were awake... That's all!! I swear..." I said going back into my daydream... and I may have been thinking out loud... "I totally didn't come in here to see your rock hard abs or anything. Damn you're so hot.." Realising that i said that out loud I ran out and went to my bathroom to try and cool off... I think I need to just come and be one with my feelings. I need to get it out of my system... I scream I bit too loud.. "YES OF COURSE I LIKE YOU!!!" I say. "What was that?" someone says.. I was too into my thoughts to decipher who it was. "I like Kim Namjoo-" I say turning round... to see he was right there.. "So you like Pizza and me?" He said I walk past him into my room.. He then ran toward me and pushes me against the wall. He then went close to my ear and started whispering things. I couldn't hear them.. all I could hear were muffled words.. He was still shirtless. "P-Please stop teasing me. Okay I like you its not that big of a deal. Oh and one more thing... Don't EVER put me up against a wall and do that to me again." I say while leaving my room getting all of my stuff. then leaving. I took my headphones out of my bag and plugged them into my phone.. I was listening to music blaring... I found a new K-pop band named BTS all I knew was they were around the same age as me. They all lived here too. I was playing Save me when I was scared nearly to death.. Someone pounced on me... "OH MY GOD" I say swinging my arm around to smack the person who tried to kill me. they grab my hand in mid air... It's like they knew I was going to do it. I turn around while taking my headphones out to see who decided to try and commit murder on me. "Oh it's you" I say in a disgusted tone. I then turn back around away from and put my headphones back in. "Wait." he said. "What Namjoon?" I say clearly annoyed. "I wanted to tell you... I'm sorry for doing that and everything.. and I want you to meet my other friends... so i-i'm not your only friend.. They can somewhat speak English.. If they can't or you don't understand I'll translate." he said very apologetic. "Okay but what i said earlier.... About me l-liking you... That stays between us.. right..?" I say worried.. "yes it stays between us. Comon I already told them that I would bring you to meet them. I told them so much about you." he said with his dimple smile. Oh no what did he tell them?

Time skip to when you meet them.

"Whats up guys!" Joonie says. Hey! everyone else says. "Well why don't we introduce ourselves?" Joonie says.

Okay well I go first.. "Hi I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and I am one of Joonie's friends. I come from The UK and well I'm pretty broing so here comes the snooze fest. I like to sing, dance, and rap and what not. "I saw and they all look at me like they have never seen a girl talk before. I look over at Joonie and he was looking at me too. "Did they not understand me?" I asked. "N-No they understood you fine... I-Its just we never knew a girl that liked to rap." he said all surprised.. "Oh" i say while chuckling with a bit of blush running across my face. well What are your names? The first one came up from their line. "Hello I am your Hope.... Your Angel... I'm J-Hope!" I giggled at what he said. "I'm Worldwide Handsome, Jin" He said while everyone laughed including me. "I'm Suga" I'm V" He says while holding up a peace sign "I'm Jungkook" The one with the cute baby face says I smiled "I'm gonna call you Kookie instead of Jungkook and only I can call you that!" he Blushed a bit and they all laughed. "Well I am Jimin" He said last "And well you already know me I'm Rap mons-" I interrupted "Ah ah ah remember you are Joonie to me! aha!" I said while giggling And everyone else laughed. "Now who are you?" I say teasingly " I am.... Joonie.... and I am your crus-" I smack him up side the head.  "SHUT YOUR FREAKING MOUTH! OR ELSE I WILL TELL YOUR SECRET TOO! You know the one about..." I whisper this "You living with me and my mom." I say smirking an evil smile showing one side of my dimples. "Go ahead I'll just tell them about you sleeping in my bed with me" he said returning the smirk with one dimple showing. I started getting mad and embarrassed the next thing i say was a bit too loud "WELL YOU SAID I COULD YOU KNOW YOU COULD HAVE SAID NO!" I then remembered they were here.. I turn around and they had a look of curiosity on their faces.. "U-um what all did you guys understand?" I asked very flustered "Everything" They all replied.. "Heh well if i don't tell you you will just bug me about it or ask Joonie wont you guys?" I ask "Yes" They all replied back "Well I don't want to say anything specially right now... I just met you guys.  Then the bell rings to start class. But then everyone just ran off but Joonie did too. He usually comes to class with me. They all Went in the same direction and that wasn't to the class rooms. They went to the stage room... Why i wonder. Then the intercom came one telling everyone to report to the stage room.. I was already there so I go a front row seat. And I was wondering what was going on... Then I heard the intro to.. save me.. I was confused.. Why... They then started coming out and everyone started to yell their names. Kim Namjoon etc I then Relised... I like a K-pop Idol Rap monster... Why did it only click now? I don't know. But I didn't hate it... Actually I love it. Then Kookie told me to get up on stage.. I didn't want to.. But he convinced me to.. Okay Fine. I got up on stage... They then told me to rap Joonies part and I did so.. Better then Joonie himself. Everyone's jaw just... Dropped.. Am I that good? I even said the Korean words correctly which surprised me. They told me to stay up and dance with them.. Which I did so.. And really did great.. They then told me to Sing kookies high notes in the song and I did that perfectly too. What was happening? What where they making me do? And why were they making me do it? I felt so good up there and everyone started cheering me on. I smiled showing off my dimples then all you hear are the boys in the audience screaming and wolf whistling too. I payed it to mind I just kept doing what I was told to do. Eventually They stopped and I was in my own world and I was singing everything. and Rapping everything while I danced. Once i relised they all stopped I then stopped too and then bowed in apology they said that they stopped for a reason. They were watching me. I blushed. Then Joonie said that they all needed to talk to me after this. "O-Okay" I stopped and went back to my seat. Then it was over eventually. After that I just sat there thinking about what they were going to talk to me about. I spaced out. Then they were about yelling my name. "Sorry! what is it that you needed to talk to me about?" I asked "Well (Y/n) we were testing you today during our performance since you said that you liked to dance, sing, and rap. and you were better at rapping than Rap monster himself. Better at singing thank Jungkook himself and dancing better thank J-Hope himself! You one upped us all." Joonie said. I giggled and blush.. "Thank you?" I said. So we were wondering if you wanted to join our group?" Asked Joonie. "A-are you serious? I jolt up and with a huge smile on my face showing off my dimples.. "Of course I would want to!" And then for the rest of the day I had the biggest smile wiped across my face and my dimples were so deep you would think that there was a black hole in them. When we got home I was even happier because it was now the weekend. I know had two days to spend with Joonie! "I'M HOME MOM!!" I said happily. She comes down the stairs. Well someone sure is happy. What happened at school today? "I got invited to Joonies group! BTS! I AM NOW PART OF BTS!!!!" wait.. I didn"t even know If i was a singer or rapper or both... "JOONIE!! COME TO MY ROOM PLEASE!" I yelled down the stairs. He came in "Yeah whats up?" "Am I a singer or rapper?" I asked. "You're both silly!" I ran up to him and Hugged him. "OH MY GOD THANK YOU OH SO MUCH I COULD JUST KISS YOU!! BUT I WONT BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE ME THE SAME! BUT I'M STILL HAPPY!" i said as I hugged him. "You can if you want." He said "W-What? I say backing off of him.. "I said that you can kiss me if you really wanted to" he said. I have never kissed anyone ever before.. But I want him to be my first.. So I looked at him to make sure it was really okay.. he nodded in approval. I gently placed my lips on his.. His lips were so soft it was like fireworks exploded in my body. I felt so good. But he probably felt nothing. I felt everything when he felt nothing. Our kiss became deeper, and deeper, and it got so deep we were in a different world. I wonder what he was thinking. I think I found my true love. I think this is a one sided love situation. maybe he hates me. We didn't break until what felt like hours but was only a couple of minutes. I just wonder what he was thinking.

Joonies POV

I told her that it was okay to kiss me.. When she did it felt like nothing I've felt before. Her lips were soft and fireworks went off in my body. Why am I feeling this way? I thought that I didn't like her.. Do I really? I can't at least that is what i thought. I think that I am in love with (Y/N) (L/N) and I want to tell her but I can't. She might think that I am only leading her on. At least I won't let her know today. Maybe the next storm when she comes into my room. I'll check my phone to see the weather. We finally pulled away.. I think that she really liked it. I hope she did at least.

I left the room after it was all done and over with.. I went to check my phone. "Yes! Tonight there is a real big thunderstorm!" I won't go to sleep until she is safe in my arms.

~Time skip~

Your POV

after dinner I still felt good.. Today was the best day of my life. I got into BTS and I also had my first kiss but with the person of my dreams! I was so so happy nothing can ruin it now! I went to get into my pajamas and this is what I wore.

I then went to bed and I was unaware of what was bound to happen in the next 30 minutes. I was dreaming.

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