Zettai Alien Children

By humatrix-X-24

2.2K 34 16

Espers, one of the many pinnacles of a evolution, having the power to manipulate the world around you. Three... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

647 10 5
By humatrix-X-24

We currently see a dark room with Ben, Shiho, Kaoru and Aoi sitting on the couch watching something. It turns out to be scary as the girls scream when the terrifying part shows. Seeking comfort, the three try and latch onto Ben as he didn't flinch.

After the second scream the lights turn back on and Minamoto stands behind them. "While reading this story, remember..." he gets cut off when the girls and Ben finish his sentence.

"To make sure you watch from a good distance in a well-lit room okay?" They all said. "Heh" Koichi huffed sweatdropping with Ben chuckling nervously rubbing the back of his head.

"The term Esper, means to people with psychic abilities"
Kaoru is then seen standing before multiple military vehicles. Then smirks "Psychic Cleave in half!" She then destroys them with telekinesis.
"This means this child is an Esper"

Shiho is then seen touching a solid wall made of concrete. "Up, down, up, left, down, right, left, right, right, down, up, up, left, Right, right, down, right, up, left, up, Down, down, left, up, right, up, left..." it is revealed she was testing her powers by seeing a seeing eye chart on the other side of the wall... er walls. "It seems that the tape on the up right corner is about to fall off" she said.

Then as predicted the tape gave way.
"This child is an Esper too"

Aoi is then seen in a containment unit filled with water, then Teleports out winking at our view.
"Super spectacled girl"
"Entering the 21st century, Esper have begun appearing more and more, and became the topic of how psychic powers cane to be. But now, the discovery of more out of this world powers. And I use that term literally"
We now go to Ben in a training room transforming into random aliens and demonstratin their abilities while scientists take notes. And he smirked at their obsessed interest.
"Our story focuses on the three Esper agents known as the children, their supervisor and newest teammate."

We now come to the lobby of BABEL, where Ben is currently waiting, while Kaoru Aoi and Shiho were on vacation he was left behind to familiarize himself with Babel. Chief Taizo had given him a small tour of the facility earlier that morning. He met one of the special agent espers who had the ability to control dolls... evident to the maid looking dolls who moved near their own cleaning his office area. And Ben found the training room where he happily looked forward to exercising his new powers.

Ben got the main gist of the place though, research psychic abilities, rescue, House and raise young espers, and prevent world wide disasters. It's almost like the Plumbers back in his universe, only no aliens. "(Sigh) though the training rooms are awesome, it's so booooring that I can't use them because they don't open them up this early" he complained.

Yeah after Taizo have him the tour he said he was free to explore the place on his own. But got bored and waited in the lobby for no particular reason.

He then felt like someone was staring at him, "hello there" a voice called, looking to his left he saw the two receptionists, one had long reddish almost maroon hair while the other had shorter jet black hair. "Oh hi" he greeted nervously, "are you that new kid Chief Taizo and the Children encountered a few days back?" The one with maroonish hair asked. "Yeah Name's Be..." He was cut off when her co worker's eyes closed,

And he felt something like around his brain "Ben Tennyson, 11 years old, has alien device called the Omnitrix, has a fear of clowns after fighting an evil one named Zombozo and peacocks after you got attacked at the zoo" she said. That shocked Ben knowing more people know about his embarrassing secrets.

"You... you have telepathy don't you?" He asked, "yes, my name is Nowaki Hotaru" the Black hair said. "And my name is Tokiwa Natsuki" the maroon hair introduced. Ben then sulked "you do know it's rude to invade other people's heads right?" He asked, "sorry we wanted to get to know you" Hotaru said.

"You just could've talked with me, I'd rather not have anything embarrassing about myself blurted out" Ben deadpanned. "True, we haven't exactly gotten to know a real alien before. And you can turn into them" Natsuki added, "Well if you'd like to get to know me, without mind reading please, I'd be happy to talk sometime" he suggested.

"That'd be nice" Hotaru said, "does tomorrow afternoon sound good?" Natsuki askers. The shapeshifter nodded, then walked around waving goodbye. "They seemed nice" Ben said, then felt someone tap on his shoulder, looking back he saw another girl. This one a little younger with a yellow sweater, white skirt, green beret and long black hair. "Oh hi" he greeted, "hello. Is what the chief announced true. Are you the new alien kid?" She asked with a nervous tone.

Ben nodded, "Wow, that's cool" she said in amazement, "oh sorry for not introducing myself" the girl apologized bowing. "My name is Umagae Naomi, it's very nice to meet you" she introduced, "name's Ben Tennyson, the feeling is mutual" he replied reaching out for a handshake.

The two then heard a voice call out and saw an old man calling Naomi, "oh that's guardian Tanizaki, I almost forgot I was about to exercise my powers today" she said panicky. "Oh the training room is opened? Finally, I was hoping to get some exercise in" Ben said stretching "mind if I come with?" He asked.

Later on the two went to the training room, that mimicked a real water fall, with Naomi under it using her psychokinesis to push against the water like a force field. Little to say Ben was impressed, "nice work!" He called out, "watch and learn as my Naomi displays he amazing power!" Said the girl's supervisor Tanizaki Ichiro.

"Try and imagine the force used to block the water as a shield or umbrella rather than an outward force!" Ben suggested. "HEY?!?! Who are you to tell my Naomi what to do?!?!" The old man yelled making the teen sweatdrop.

Then they heard her gasp in a positive tone "Hey it worked, it's easier to hold back now" The psychokinesis user had said. Ben then smiled, and the door opened revealing Chief Taizo, his secretary and Koichi.

"Oh hey Minamoto" Ben greeted, "gah, Ben what are you doin here?" Taizo asked the boy. "You told me to explore the place and I wanted to see the training room" he answered. "Oh I see you've met another of our special agent espers" the large man said noticing Naomi.

After a while Ben bid his new psychokinetic friend bye and followed the three to the premonition system. Where he saw several people inside pods as machines scanned their minds to monitor for possible disasters.

"That's handy" Ben said before seeing a kid step out an another take his place, "I guess people have to be changed when their foreseeing output goes down a bit" Ben guessed as Taizo nodded. Then an alarm went off, "a fire's about to break out at a gas station!" Ben said seeing a holo screen appear.

"The prediction rate is 79%" a monitor said, "79.1 and rising" another added, "hurry and confirm the time and place"

"Minamoto let's roll!" Ben yelled turning into XLR8, everyone gasped in awe at the eleven year old's power. Later on the Kineceleran was seen moving a lot of items out of the gas station. "All flamable And combustible items have been removed from the station" he confirmed. "And the petroleum/oil based products?" Koichi asked, the alien then turned back and his arm became black with starts in it. He snapped his fingers and the gas was seen appearing in multiple barrels a far distance from the gas station. "All drained from the gas pumps" Ben confirmed reverting his arm back.

A fire fighter then came by "all roads have been blocked" he assured, "with this situation there won't be a fire" another fire man stated. "That's what I hope to, but the accuracy rate is now 86%, the number has far from changed so be on your guard" Minamoto warned.

All of a sudden a sound was heard from above, "that sound!" The supervisor said looking to the sky. A plane was heading towards the station "that must be the cause of the fire!" Ben said "well don't just stand there Minamoto!" Kaoru said over the communicator.

Looking to a nearby building they saw the rest of the children on the roof top, "Hey I thought you were on vacation" Ben said slyly. "We canceled and rushed over" Aoi said, "though we may change our minds" Kaoru teased.

Koichi then took out the limit release device "Special agents, the Children! Release!"

The girls were now free to use their powers to their fullest extent, first up was Kaoru flying up "Psychic air pointing!" She held out her hand and held the plane in place. "Your up Aoi" she said, "got it" the teleportation user then transported herself and Shiho into the plane.

The psychometrist then used her power on the pilot who was revealed to be unconscious. "He's convulsing, he passed out due to a heart attack, we need to get him to help now his brain is loosing oxygen" Shiho said.

The glasses girl nodded and teleported them out of the plane, "ah, another disaster prevented by our country's best espers" Taizo sighed contently. "Chief, the abnormal event rate is still at 86% a woman warned "ahh?!?! What why?!" He exclaimed.

"Chief, Kaoru dropped her focus when she decided to help the ambulance people with saving the pilot by giving him a heart massage and OW?!?! That looked like it hurt... and she just threw Koichi into a wall" Ben informed.

"KAORU YOU FORGOT ABOUT THE PLANE!!!" He yelled too late for her to notice though when the air craft was about to come down on them. Almost, in a green flash Ben was replaced by Upchuck and he swallowed it just in time. "Whew That was close" the Gourmand sighed, "prediction rate now down to zero percent" the chief's secretary sighed in relief.

"Aww that form is so cute" Shiho said, "Wow a hamster lizard that can eat anything" Aoi commented. "How does Upchuck look like a hamster? It's the whiskers isn't it?" Ben guessed, then his stomach began to glow. "Wait Chief, prediction rate for a new danger went up" the same employee warned.

"What is it?" Taizo asked? "Guys... may want to get out of the..." upchuck's cheeks then puffed up. "RUN FOR IT!!" Koichi Yelled... but too late, sure the city was safe and no fire started but Ben nearly did blast the girls and his supervisor to kingdom come with a mega powered burp.

The next day we currently see Kaoru, Shiho and Aoi with bandages in various places while Minamoto was in a hospital bed. The espers has retained less injury due to their powers, with Ben he was bowing his head "again I am so sorry!! I should've just used Upgrade to merge with the plane while Kaoru held it in the air and brought it down safely" he apologized.

"Sheesh calm down will you" Kaoru retorted, "then why is it the situation ended up like that?" Minamoto asked with a smile on his face. But our favorite alien shapeshifter could tell he was set to explode under that smile he had and winced waiting for the man to blow.

"It was an accident, an accident, it couldn't be helped" Kaoru played it off, "there were no casualties" Shiho added. "Minamoto was the only one hurt, which is a blessing among misfortunes" while the girls tried to bribe him to let it go...

Ben became Gray Matter and hid under the bed to avoid being yelled at, and as he knew the man snapped. "DON'T MESS WITH ME!!! WE WERE THERE TO PREVENT THE ACCIDENT!!! HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO NEGLECT YOUR ORDERS!!!" He yelled.

"Ben" he called as the Galvan crawled out from under the hospital bed and onto the stand next to him. "You on the other hand are forgiven, I understand the actions you took as it was in the heat of the moment and you did the first thing that popped into your mind" he said.

Gray Matter sighed in relief but shivered in fear as the three females glared at him. "Oh what's wrong? You seem well" a man wearing a lab coat walked in. "Sakaki" Koichi said seeing him, the man now known as Sakaki then touched Minamoto's forehead and his hand glowed blue like Shiho's.

"There's nothing that bad wrong" he said "you can get back to work already" he assured. "I get it you have psychometry like Shiho don't you?" Ben guessed, "that's right, I use it to get a thorough evaluation of my patients to make sure what the problem is" Sakaki explained.

"Expert use of that power" Ben commented turning back, "now to check the Children" the psychometrist said. We now see them in another room with a device similar to a cat scan, "I'm guessing that anything that happens to an Esper, no matter how small, can affect their powers. So we get mandatory Check ups after every mission" Ben assumed. "Yes that's right, I'm surprised you know how us espers work when you yourself come from another universe entirely" Sakaki commented.

"I've had a similar experience, after getting sick once my alien forms caught my cold and it affected their powers" the changeling explained. The two men nodded, "like for instance as Wildmutt I was more blind than usual and couldn't see, hear or smell. As four arms I wasn't as strong and my hives became stick hives, and with Heat Blasts my flames froze. But oh the upside I gained ice powers with them" Ben explained. "Interesting"

The children then entered and Kaoru was the first to be examined, and she was reading a nurse cosplay magazine while she was at it. "Don't read those old men magazines!" Koichi scolded "you have good taste if you like nurse cosplay Kaoru" The Psychic doctor stated. "Sakaki!" "I'll never get Why middle aged men like to ogle girls" Ben deadpanned.

"Well it's not like you hate it" Sakaki said as Kaoru levitated the magazine in front of Minamoto making him blush. "Or maybe you have become interested in the young girls have to take care of" she teased as the man grabbed the magazine out of the air while she cackled loudly.

"Who said that?! Try to be a little serious!" Koichi Yelled, "'anyway children these days are growing quite well' is what you're thinking" Shiho said using her Psychometry as always. "What really?!?!" Kaoru exclaimed excitedly, "Ahh!! Minamoto has been looking at us with those eyes!" Aoi teased.

"You guys are weird, this is why I don't plant on having a relationship anytime soon" Ben said. This for some reason made everyone stare at him "seriously?" Sakaki asked confused "what's wrong? Girls not into you, which is ironic since you are a chick magnet" Kaoru teased. But Ben didn't have any of it, "I did have a crush on a girl before, but she only liked me for my powers" Ben replied making everyone a bit shocked.

"What happened?" Minamoto asked, "we were in one of the native Navaho villages in New Mexico, I met a girl there named Kai Green and thought she was... cute" Ben explained blushing, Then grumbled. "Then an alien werewolf attacked, I got its DNA and turned into, she seemed interested. But after the adventure she revealed that she only liked me as my werewolf form and not for myself" he went on. "And to this day I haven't even tried to get a girlfriend... (sigh)".

Everyone has a sympathetic look having just heard how a girl crushed their new friend's feelings in one fowl swoop. For a time there was just an awkward silence, which was broken by Kaoru. "Ha! Well that girl was just stupid!" She laughed getting out of the machine "KAORU!!!" Both men yelled "I may Have the interest of a Pervy old man! But heck even you look good looking to me Ben" she admitted lopping an arm around his shoulder.

Making the boy blush "I have to agree, you aren't just easy around he eyes, you're downright handsome Ben. And you've got a very heroic personality" Shiho added getting in his personal space also. "And you're Powers are pretty strong too, you're basically the ultimate ladies magnet" Aoi teased, having all three moving in on Him Ben blushed harder and tried his best to get out.

"Guys a little help would be well appreciated!!!" He Yelled trying to get out of his attractive trap. "Confirmed" Sakaki said with a sweatdrop, "yup" Koichi added with one also. Thankfully Chief Taizo called and asked if the children can get to their duties.

Right now in a helicopter they were told by the chief that the probability alarm went off again. Saying a helicopter was going to crash into Babel building, and it was at 88%.

"Could you get the children to do their duties?" They asked. "Understood" Minamoto said, "normal children..." Kaoru muttered, earlier during the ride Kaoru said that they couldn't attend pre school or primary school because they were level sevens. Treated like weapons of mass destruction, Ben really didn't take that lightly but didn't show it.

"You're still on about that?" He asked, "no, I was just thinking about how that guy won't last long" she replied. Ben started thinking about what would cause a helicopter to crash into the building. 'Engine malfunction? Could be, the pilot could have a heart attack again... what can it be?' He asked himself.

"If we were to be normal children..." he then noticed his telekinetic friend flinch holding her head. 'Wait, we're in a helicopter and right near Babel! And with Kaoru flinching and with what Sakaki said about abnormalities affecting an esper's Powers in mind!' Ben then realized what was about to happen.

"Excuse me!" He called out "could we land for a sec?! I just need to check something!" Ben yelled. "Sorry But we have to stop the premonition" the supervisor stated "then you left me no choice" Ben said before turning into Upgrade.

And merged with the vehicle "Ben what are you doing?!" Aoi Yelled, "I had a theory" he replied making the chopper land. "Chief Taizo what's the premonition rate now?" He asked on the communicator "it's going down, how did you do it?" He replied. "It happened after we landed, and I think I have an idea why, but first let's get to ground level" Ben said before noticing Kaoru's twitches from pain getting more rapid.

"Oh no!" He then turned into a new alien; a red humanoid Manta Ray named Jet Ray. He then flew over Kaoru and grabbed her with his feet like a bird and flew off "Ben where are you going with Kaoru!!" Koichi Yelled.

"Hey put me down Ben!!!... Gah... AAAAAAAHHH!!!!!!" In that moment both were slammed down into the pavement. Jet Tay used his flying to at least act as a parachute to minimize the gravitational pull. "So that's what Ben realized, we were the only helicopter in the area. So he knew that we would be the ones to crash" Shiho said.

"K-Kaoru..." Jet Ray struggled to say as both of them had been pinned down, "B-Ben... get out of here... my power activated on its own..." she said. Then screamed as the tremendous force increased, 'at this rate the increased gravity will end up killing her... I've got to shield her from it' Ben thought before crawling over to her. Then hovered above her, and transformed into a familiar red four armed and four eyed alien.

"Not gonna Let... a friend fall!" He yelled trying to endure the pressure, "Ben I said get out of here!" The red head yelled. "Not gonna happen!" He shot back before being pushed down but the force... "not good... I think I'm gonna need something a lot bigger!!"

The tetramand then slapped down on the Omnitrix and became a large humanoid dinosaur like Alien with brown armored scales. "Humungosaur!!!" The vaxesaurian did the same and managed to endure the gravity a little bit better than four arms.

"Koichi... hurry and activate the limiters... I don't know how much more of this I can take" Ben shouted loosing his grip. In a bright flash Ben reverted to normal, "no... not good..." he grunted as the increased gravity affected him again.

"Get out of here!" Kaoru yelled screaming more, "user Tennyson Benjamin in life threatening danger, initiating fail safe transformation mechanism" the watch said. In a flash Ben became a new alien, a large rocky alien with reddish brown skin and a magma like energy core in his stomach.

"New... Alien?" Ben muttered before steadily rising to his feet, "stop... this... NOW!!!" The galilean threw his arms out and the force began to lessen. "Gravity powers?" He panted, "handy!" "Don't worry I got it" Koichi said before activating the limiter.

Kaoru's Powers were negated once more and the gravity finally stopped, "Whew that was close" the alien said. "At least it got me this new transformation... I'll call him Gravattack" he added reverting back.

Though he still felt no pull on him, looking down he saw Kaoru passed out on the ground. She had went unconscious just before their supervisor activated the limiters. "What happened?!" He exclaimed, Aoi and Shiho then teleported down to them and used her psychometry on her.

"She could've hear anything, so Just before the limiters went on Kaoru used her power to stop her own heart to stop the oxygen from getting to her head" Shiho said shocked. "No no no! We gotta wake her up" Ben said before turning his arm into Ghost Freak's, "If she started up a man's heart by massaging his heart maybe I can do the same" he said.

Then phased his hand into her chest, and felt around for a while until he felt her heart. "Got it" the boy then began gently squeezing the organ to get it to beat, but for some reason he couldn't feel it.

"Come In come back, come back already!" He said as he repeated the heart massage. 'Even if We only met a few days go I can't lose a friend, I've already lost a part of me! I'm not making the same MISTAKE AGAIN!' He yelled inwardly and used his other hand to give a small electric shock to the Esper like a defibrillator.

After a second shock... she woke up again, "good idea huh?" She asked to lighten the mood. "You are just plain crazy" Ben deadpanned with a relieved smile.

And later on we see Chief Taizo yelling at Koichi saying he wasn't careful with the Children and Ben. Saying that he put both the lives of the country's "national Esper treasures" and the worlds first alien kid in jeopardy.

"Ah, being scolded is terrible" Aoi said, "been there" Ben added before being pulled somewhere else. "It's a natural outcome though" Shiho replied. "But that guy is rather interesting" Kaoru added, "Yeah, it certainly won't be boring being together" Aoi said.

"We also have to thank Ben though, he figured out what was about to happen and rushed us away from danger. And he saved Kaoru's life" Shiho reminded, "Yeah I owe him my life, as well as Minamoto an apology. He was right about me listening to orders" the telekinetic said, "hey speaking of Ben where is he?"

Hearing a small cry for help, the three looked to the left and saw the boy being hugged between Natsuki and Hotaru. Both being worried something bad happened to Ben when he didn't show up to hang out with them today because of the incident regarding his telekinetic red haired friend's injury.

"Well we were right!" Said Psychokinetic snickered coveting her mouth. "Ben really is a natural ladies magnet" Shiho added as the boy whined as the older espers were hugging him to death.

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