The Dream That Lasted Forever...

By HaiItsEl

178K 1.6K 391

Like any serious love stories, most end in happiness. El thought she was in love. She had the perfect life: ... More

Chapter One: Leaving.
Chapter Two: There Is No Way That She Left Me.
Chapter Three: A New Scenery.
Chapter Four: A New Beginning
Chapter Five: This Needs To Stop.
Chapter Six: You Would Have To Blind To Not See It.
Chapter Seven: New Love?
Chapter Eight: I Was Blinded By The Fame.
Chapter Nine: The Fair.
Chapter Ten: Aliv, Meet Harry Styles.
Chapter Eleven: Labor, Great.
Chapter Twelve: I Love You.
Chapter Thirteen: He Fancies Me?
Chapter Fourteen: Wanna To Jump Together?
Chapter Fifteen: Help Me Remember You.
Chapter Sixteen: Stupidly In Love.
Chapter Seventeen: I'm Here.
Chapter Nineteen: Sneaky Female Dog.
Chapter Twenty: You Are Asking Her To..?
Chapter Twenty-One: Revenge.
Chapter Twenty-Two: One Messed Up Night.
Chapter Twenty-Three: Dark Side.
Chapter Twenty-Four: Not-So-Jolly Fat Man.
Hai, so this isn't an update...
Chapter Twenty-Five: Little Secrets.
Chapter Twenty-Six: Broken Promises.
Authors Note! please read. important.
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Thanks Harry.
Chapter Twenty-eight: Take a Chance
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Arms.
Chapter Thirty: The Last Day.
Authors note- not an update
Epilogue: The End to a New Beginning.
Umm.. anyone ready for a sequel?

Chapter Eighteen: Terror Twins

4.5K 49 5
By HaiItsEl

"Mommy, can I sleep with you and daddy?" A half asleep Aliv came walking in the room.

"Sure honey, but daddy isn't here right now." I told her, not wanting Harry feeling uncomfortable. I took my now sobbing child to my arms and rocked her back and forth trying to calm down. "Shh, Aliv take a deep breath. Mommy's here."

"I don't want him to hurt you too!" She sobbed.

"Who to hurt me?"

"Uncle Harry, I don't want him to hurt you like daddy did."

"Don't worry baby, he won't hurt me." I told her in a whisper.

"Does that mean that daddy won't come back anymore?" She asked, she has always been a daddy's little girl until that day she saw Connor hit me, which was an accident.. She didn't need to see that.

"Yeah Allipop."

"So that means I won't have a daddy anymore and.. and.. and baby Eli won't have a daddy in his life too." She started to cry again. I sighed, not knowing what to say. She was to smart for her own good sometimes.

"Aliv look at me." Harry told her. She shifted in my lap and looked at him. She hugged her orange stuffed cat he gave her the other day.

"Yes Uncle Harry?"

"I will never hurt your mommy. I promise you and if I break that promise, you can straighten my hair." He told her making her laugh.

"You promise?" She asked quietly, the same way I asked him if he really meant what he said before.

"I promise you to the moon and back."

"I believe you. Thank you Uncle Harry." Aliv laughed.

"Anytime sweetie." Harry leaned over and kissed her forehead.

"Uncle Harry, you don't want to be my daddy do you?" Aliv asked saddened.

"I do want to be your daddy." He whispered shyly.

"You do?" Aliv asked excitedly. Harry just nodded his head very quickly.

"Only if mommy wants that." He told her.

"Mommy can Harry be my daddy?" She asked as if this answer would make her whole world either explode or light up.

"Yes Aliv, Harry can be your new daddy." I breathed.

"YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!" She started to dance around the whole room yelling.

"Aliv! Shhhhh! It's four in the morning!" I yelled as Harry put Eli back in his crib. I kissed Eli's forehead and turned around to see Harry pick Aliv up spinning her around and around. Yeah, thank you daddy for making her even more hyper than she needed to be. He ran right into our room with Aliv in his arms. I laughed as I followed those two to the bed. We bid our good nights as everyone began to drift back asleep.


I woke up to an empty bed and a quiet hotel. Yeah, I liked the quiet but it was too quiet. Something must be up, I don't trust anything the boys do. I've learned that hard way, trust me. I looked over at my phone and there was a note next to it from Harry telling me that everyone went to breakfast and to not worry. I sighed in relief as I walked over to the bathroom and took a quick shower, using the quiet time to advantage. After I got ready for the day I walked over to see Eli still sleeping in his crib. I picked him up and carried him into the living room of the suite and watched tv.

"Looks who-"

"WHAT THE!" I screamed waking up Eli, great. "Lou, you scared me half to death. I thought you were gone with everyone!"

"I'm sorry El! No, I told them I wasn't feeling that good." He told me sitting down next to me. I finally got Eli to stop crying which was great. "He is a really cute."

"Aww thank you Boo. Can you hold him while I go fetch something to eat?" He nodded and awkwardly took Eli from me. "Louis do you want anything?" I called from the little kitchen they also had in the suite.

"No thank ya. I'm like good!" He yelled back in an American girl voice which made me laugh again. I walked back into the living room with Eli holding onto pinkie. I took out my phone and snapped a picture and tweeted.

@NiallOfficial I think that @Louis_Tomlinson is taking your spot.. Look at how cute this is(:

I immediately got a reply back from Niall.

@Elexandraaa44 I can't believe you let @Louis_Tomlinson hold my God child. He is now tainted with Lou's germs. #yuck

I started laughing looking at my phone, probably looking like an idiot. I sat back down with a bag of pretzel sticks and Nutella.

"Looks like he likes you." I told Louis opening the bag.

"Yeah, I can't believe I'm holding your kid." He told me. "I always thought that Eleanor and I would have kids before you and Harry."

"Ya think, I guess I beat you to it." I said sarcastically.

"El, can we talk?" Lou asked me handing Eli back to me when I finished eating.

"Well, we are already talking but okay."

"Not like this booboo." He laughed a little shaky.

"Yeah, can I just put Eli in his crib?" I asked and he nodded. I quickly put Eli down covering him with the blanket and grabbed the baby monitor. I came back in the room sitting back next to Lou. "Hey Lou, what's on your mind?"

"Well the real reason why I didn't want to go to breakfast was because I wanted to talk to you." He looked up from the floor. Oh please don't tell me he thinks he fancies me too. "I wanted to tell you why I have been acting so strange around you." Yeah crap, him too.

"Go on Lou, I don't hate you." I smiled trying to give some confidence to just tell me already.

"Well, I know that. It's just that I know that El and I told you countless times to leave Harry.. I just never thought you would actually leave him. You weren't there to deal with sad and depressed Harry. He's never been like that, from what we know of. I didn't think that he would ever come out of the room you guys used to share. He wouldn't even go home to see his mom. He was possessed by that journal you left behind. He read it countless of times and he almost beat up Niall for it. He wasn't the Harry everyone knew. He was worse than the corrupt Harry." He took another deep breath. I just stared listening. "It ate me up. I became so depressed and on a verge of a nervous break down because of him. I felt that you took a part of my best friend away from me.. and honestly it scares me to death that you will take him away again if you leave." He started to cry.. The Louis Tomlinson was crying right in front of me. I feel like a horrible friend right now.

"Louis, look at me." He looked back up. "I promise that I'll never ever do that again. I was stupid and naïve back then. I was only 17 at the time. I've matured now, I have two kids. I'm sorry if you think that I took part of your best friend away. I probably wouldn't know what to do if someone took part of Jean away from me. I'll probably be as distraught as you were. I promise you Lou, please believe me." I started to cry as well, damn emotions. He laughed and gave me a hug.

"I believe you booboo. Can we be BooBear and BooBooBear terror twins again?"

"Always and forever."

"AWWWWW." A bunch of voices said. I turned back to see the rest of the boys, Jean, and Aliv gawking.

"That was the most adorable thing I have ever saw."

"El, you are cheating on me with him?" Liam fake cried. "I thought we are best friends! I will never forgive you." He acted like he fainted.

"Uncle LI! Don't die on me now!" Aliv laughed as she jumped on him. Everyone laughed to the point of being in hysterics. I turned on the tv to watch the news for a little. I mean, this is my own state and I don't even know what is happening. I turned the channel and I noticed it was some celebrity stalking show. Great, the next thing I caught was my daughters face being shown on the screen.

Looks like Harry from One Direction is a Dad!? Who knew? Harry Styles, 20 years old now is seen walking around the city of Allentown with a perky little girl. She looks no more than two years old. Could this be one of Harry's love children everyone has been talking about? Let's go to Sharron Crusak who is now interviewing the owner of the diner the boys ate at this morning." I watched in horror as I saw the familiar diner and owner pop up on the screen. Soon all the boys joined me at staring at the tv.

'Hello everyone, joining me today is Sharron Crusak the owner of the Lucky Starz diner located on the outskirts of Allentown. So Sharron, can you tell me what you know about the little girl?'

'Yeah, well I've only seen her come in a couple times with her mom. I do know that the little girl is very smart, well she's only two years old and she can hold on a big conversation with an adult. Today when the group One Direction decided to order breakfast I noticed the little girl was there. One of my waitresses, her name is Lisa waited on them. She told me that the little girl called the curly headed one daddy. And well, me being the curious person walked by to see any resemblance. Ya know, I've only seen the little girl come in with her mom and what it looked like at the time.. the mom's boyfriend. Anyways, I looked over to find the group all talking about cats. Why, I don't really know. I looked at the curly headed one, who I believe is Mr. Styles and they looked exactly alike. The same curly brown hair, dimples, laugh. It was all there.' Sharron smiled into the camera like she just won the millionare. Great, now people will really think that Aliv is some love child.

'That confirms it. Harry Styles is a new father, now back to you Wendy Chan to bring up Cheer-' I turned off the TV disgusted. It only took a few seconds until Liam's phone started to ring.

"Can somebody please tell me why Harry is known to have a love child? Care to explain?!" Simon's angry British accent screamed through the phone. Nobody wanted to answer it, Liam carefully set it on the table and we all gathered around it.

"Hi to you too Simon." I whispered at what I thought was quiet.

"Who the hell is this?" He asked as furious as ever.

"It's El. Elexandra.. Remember me, from way before?" I asked him, growing a little confidence.

"Yeah, you. Now can you explain why Harry is running around with a little girl?"

"She's my daughter sir."

"So, you are telling me that Harry and you have a daughter?" He asked as if he was amused at something.

"No, what I am telling you, is that the little girl on that stupid new broadcast was my daughter. She is in no relation to Harry at all." I yelled at him through the phone. Let's just say, when it comes to my kids.. I am one very over protective mommy. Plus, I never liked Simon in the first place.

"Now, now," he huffed, "Can someone tell me why you guys were parading around with a little girl out to breakfast?"

"We were hungry, sir." Niall quietly told him.

"Well I guessed that Mr. Horan. What I want to know why you took her daughter with?"

"El and her kids are staying with us for awhile, and we thought it would be nice to get out of the hotel. We thought we were being inconspicuous." Liam tried explaining in a more mature fashion.

"Her kids? El, I though you said that Aliv was your daughter?

"Well you never asked me about how many. I have a son too, his name is Eli.. he's a newborn.. sir." I told him nonchalantly. I know I am still young and I haven't partied like other people do, but I have definitely matured enough to raise two kids.

"WHAT!?" He screamed over the mobile. "What about tour?"

"Sir, we have been living together for two weeks now. We all have pitched in and we are just waiting for Harry's clearance to go back to it."

"I don't want her going." He scoffed as if I was a piece of dirt. Like I was only staying around because I was a slut with two kids, no 'baby-daddy," no money, or house. He has no clue who he is talking about. I am strong enough to deal with Connor, I am strong enough to do this by myself. I just don't want anyone to call me worthless anymore.

"I want her to come. She's coming with me." Harry breathed. I could see the anger flash through his eyes.

"No. My ruling's final Mr. Styles." Simon said sternly as if he was putting down the law.

"NO. She's is coming. " Harry yelled back.

"She has two kids, it's just bound to bring about bad publicity. You will loose fans, and many parents wouldn't like the fact that two twenty-year-olds can care for two kids."

"She's done it beofre. I don't care what the fans think or say. I told you she is coming with me." Harry and Simon went on and on and on for a couple of minutes until I shouted,

"HE'S RIGHT HARRY. I DON'T WANT TO BE IN THE WAY OF YOUR CAREER!" Like I was before, I thought in my head.

"Plus, I don't even know why you care so much.. You can't even remember who she is."



Haiiiiiii Loves. How was your day? I know you are probably upset about the cliff hanger I left you in right now and You are probably crying yourself to sleep knowing that you won't know what happens until maybe tomorrow night.. or on Monday. Ya never know. Yeah, I don't want to sound conceited her, but if I am.. Please tell me. Right now I am sitting here at my laptop trying not to fall asleep while writing this, because I am honestly so exhausted, so I'm sorry if this chapter sucked and was boring. Please tell me some suggestions and comments and votes would be appreciated. Also a big thanks to my best friend, Jean because she helped me write this whole chapter over text. I am so proud of her, she's such a genius. Yeah you guys should maybe check out her IG: niallersmofo9 for great pictures of the boys and other things that might amuse you. So thank you for reading my story, I don't know how many times I thank you guys. Cause I don't know if this story is good or not. So please, I am begging you.. suggestions, comments, votes, anything! Good night, gotta get up early tomorrow(:


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