dark shadow

By mad4maddy

30 0 0


dark shadow

30 0 0
By mad4maddy

Dark shadow i see behide me as i walk home in night coming from the bar,

drunk and lazy as i am i turn around and see nothing ,

im in fear i try to get im head together but i just counld stop thinking about the dark and lonely shadow,

i start to walk again and about 5 mins. i see it again ,

this time i keep walking think nothing,

but it gets bigger so i trun around,

i see nothing, i get scared so i start to walk alittle fast,

then it follws me,

im tarriffied so i run ,

it runs with me scareming at that top of my lugs HELP ME PLEASE SOMWBODY PLEASE!!,

people on the other side of the street look at me in a frighten way they say with what,

i have no time to answer,

i look back why im runnning and i see......,

im killer running after me,

with a shinning sharp knife, i can see my reflection,

im able to get in my house,

but when i walk  in its my dad holding the same knife in the same hand in the same face in it,


im the dack shadow....

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