my best friend & one direction

By larry_shipper25

8.8K 232 32

What happens if you win concert tickets for One Direction and after the concert you get to meet them. But hap... More

My best friend & one direction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Please read my other story as well ;)

Chapter 20

107 4 1
By larry_shipper25

Another chapter!, not so many left till the epilogue. I updated today, because I have two new books. Please check them out ;) one is called: "Harry Styles diary", (a Larry Stylinson story) and the other one is called: "The bad boy, Harry Styles", which is a Harry Styles fanfiction. Comment or vote please, 2 votes and 2 comments and I update early ;) xx Enjoy this chapter!

(Emma p.o.v)

 In the evening when everyone was sleeping, I heard someone crying. I walked to the sound and it led me to the bathroom. There I saw Niall sitting on the ground and he was crying. I rushed to him and kneeled down. ''What's wrong Niall?'', I ask. ''I-I my... w-we broke up'', he sniffs and points to his phone. I directly understood he had a fight with his girlfriend again, but this time they really broke up. ''It will be alright'', I say and give him a hug. ''I don't know...'', he says and hugs me tighter. ''I'm sure it will be all okay, come we'll do something to keep your mind somewhere else'', I say and help him up. ''You're an amazing friend Emma'', he says. ''Everyone deserves to be happy'', I smile. We walked to the living room and put on the tv. "Let's play with the x-box okay?'', he asks. ''Yeah, cool'', I say and we take the controlers. After a while of playing the x-box, I was really tired. ''Are you okay now?'', I ask him. ''Yeah, thank you... I really needed that and you're a really good friend'', he says. ''It's okay'', I say, ''but I am going to bed, because I'm really tired'', I say. ''Okay, goodnight'', he says and gives me another hug. 

I walked back to my room and saw Liam standing in the hallway looking out of the window. ''Hey Li, what are you doing'', I ask. ''Oh, I was just looking at the stars, I couldn't sleep and this is really a beautiful view, look'', he says and points to the beautiful stars. ''Wow, it's really pretty'', I say and Liam stands behind me and gives me a hug from behind. ''What were you doing?'', he asks. ''Oh, I heard crying and I looked who it was and saw Niall was crying, so I asked him what happened and he told me he broke up with his girlfriend, so I played with the x-box with Niall and he was a bit happier again'', I say. Liam frowns. ''Nothing happened, Li'', I say and kiss him. ''Okay, but I think you don't have to be around Niall so much anymore'', Liam says and now it's my time to frown. ''Don't you trust me?'', I ask. ''Yes, I do, just not around Niall'', he says. ''Okay, if that makes you happy I will'', I say and turn around. I give him a kiss and when he pulls away we smile. ''Let's go to bed okay?'', he asks. ''Yeah'', I say and take his hand. We go to my bed and Liam lays beside me and cuddles with me. That how I fell asleep, in my boyfriends arms.

(Anna p.o.v) ***in the meantime***

I walked to Zayn. ''Hey boyfriend'', I say and give him a kiss on his cheek. ''Did something happened in the house we don't know?'', Zayn asks. ''Well let's find out'', I say and take my laptop. I log in and go to the camera videos. ''Look, someone's there'', Zayn says and points to the bathroom. I zoomed in and we saw Niall crying. ''Why is Niall crying?'', I ask. ''Look, Emma is comming'', he says and points to the screen. We hear Emma ask what's wrong with him and he tells her, he broke up with his girlfriend. We see Emma taking care of Niall and making him smile again. They walk to the living room and we follow them with the camera and see them playing the x-box. When Emma becomes tired she gives Niall a hug and walks to the hallway. Were she talks with Liam. I close the laptop and put it under my bed. ''Isn't it bad, following the boys and Emma withouth them knowing it?'', I ask. ''Maybe, but later we have something to laught about, if you see this back'', he says. ''And we have these memories for ever on the computer'', he says. ''Yeah, that's true'', I say. let's go to sleep, I'm tired'', I say and Zayn and I fall asleep on my bed next to eachother.

I know this is a short chapter, but next chapter will be really excited, then we finally find out why Niall is acting, so strange and somebody we already know, but still didn't see will be in there as well. so please vote, comment or share and I'll update faster! 3 votes and 4 comments and I'll update directly :)

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