heat of the moment. // slash

By rocketquccn

78.3K 1.3K 716

in the summer of 1985 heather rose mckagan began spending more and more time with her older brother michael... More

authors note


4.3K 74 71
By rocketquccn

after splashing around in the ocean for a few hours i ran back to shore onto the beach and laid down on my towel, the sun beaming down on me as i put on my sunglasses to lessen the sight of the bright rays.

all the boys were still out playing in the water like children, i had never seen this side of them, it was as if they were five year olds trapped in young adult bodies.

izzy was actually smiling and laughing, running away from axl who was planning on getting izzy back from splashing so much. duff was jumping around in the water trying to jump over the waves. steven was digging in the sand under the water to attempt to find pretty shells, but also spastically jumping up and running around like a maniac. slash was different, he wasn't running around chest deep in the water, he was cautious. he had never been to the ocean before because when he was younger his mother always told him only scary things about it like drowning.

i stood up from where i was laying and walked over to slash who was some what getting familiar with the raging waters, i stood next to him and wrapped an arm around his upper torso to let him know i was there and make my presence known.

"first time?" i questioned him as he jumped a bit. he laughed softly and shook his head, pushing his gorgeous hair out of his face.

"that obvious?" he laughed in response. i shrugged my shoulders and he smiled down at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he pulled me close.

"let's go deeper in," i began and he let out a loud cackle, throwing his head back. i gasped and hit his chest playfully as i laughed. "into the ocean, you perv."

"yeah, sure." he giggled and shook his head, i looked over at him and scowled, smacking the back of his head. "damn heather, okay you win." he laughed, i smiled and took his free hand and held onto it as we walked farther into the open water. little kids running past us but then getting cut short as their mothers would yell at them for going too far. slash and i were to the point where we were waist deep, he squeezed my hand tightly once a wave hit us. i rubbed my thumb along the back of his hand to reassure him. he kissed my cheek softly before we both smiled, i blushed a deep rose color and we continued to go deeper in the water.

at this point the water was to his ribs, reaching my underboob as i shivered a bit causing goosebumps to flood my body. he laughed down at me and we watched as duff came out of nowhere and tackled axl into the salty water, the two of them going down. steven of course, not wanting to miss the fun joined in, everyone splashing izzy in the process. i laughed as these boys just let loose. i started to walk back to shore, before i could get far slash grabbed my arm and cocked an eyebrow.

"where do you think you're going?" he laughed as he pulled me closer to and and deeper into the water.

"slash come on i can't touch over there." i motioned to him in the direction he was pulling me. i could tell that he just wanted to explore.

"just a little farther? please?" he begged as he pulled me out a little more, the water now up to my shoulders and i felt a bit of panic.

"slash this is far enough." i argued as i stopped walking and planted my feet in the soft sand.

"heather, this is my first time in the ocean, come on." he spoke a little louder, raising his voice at me.

"slash, this is deep enough, add in the elements of waves, the current and wind you're fucked if you go any farther." i pointe out and he just scowled at me, "slash i'm happy you're having fun but-" he cut me off.

"but it's too dangerous, yeah, thanks mom." he threw at me and splashed me with a ton of water.

"you asshole!" i yelled and splashed him back but four more times constantly. he turned toward me and ran at me, i yelled out and tried running through the water. slash grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back to him, his tight grip on my ribs causing me to laugh as i was most ticklish there. he looked at me a bit confused and a wide smirk grew on his face. he began tickling me like crazy, i fell into his arms due to my now weak stature and he smiled and looked down at me. he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as he looked down at me, the sunlight casting a glow behind him. he placed his hand on my cheek and leaned down, kissing me softly. i immediately fell into it, i had missed his lips and wanted nothing more.

"HUDSON!" we both pulled away and i turned around to see duff fuming and throwing the football behind him, "YOURE FUCKING DEAD!" he yelled and slash's eyes widened.

"continue later?" slash questioned before taking off and running to shore, hiding behind some lady's umbrella. i stood there laughing as i watched duff follow slash around. slash took off and interrupted a volleyball game as he weaved around the people to get away from duff.

suddenly duff stopped dead in his tracks as the frat boys playing volleyball dropped the ball and began to leave the volleyball net, i walked over to where slash and duff stood and rung out my hair, then running a hand through it.

"let's play?" i asked the boys, duff nodded and looked in the distance at izzy and steven playing around while axl was body slamming into the waves.

"axl, steven, izzy, sam, get your asses over here and play." duff yelled out as the three boys heads shot up and huge grins creeping on their faces. sam groaned and walked over to the net, she'd rather be tanning. soon the boys were over with us and we were all joking around a minute before the frat guys broke their silence from watching us.

"let's play a game," the tanned boy asked, he couldn't be more than a junior in college. he was eyeing me heavily, i hadn't payed much attention to him because i really wasn't interested and my mind kept going back to slash. he had six other guys standing around him.

"nah man, we're alright." duff laughed as he turned back to us and continued the conversation.

"watson, you know what that sounds like?" the same boy questioned his friend.

"well chad, that sounds like a little bitch to me." watson spoke, within seconds of the words being uttered duff let out a huff and laughed as he turned to the meatheads.

"you're fucking on." duff laughed as he walked up to the net, "and what do we get when we win?"

"well, when we win, we get your chicks." chad smirked motioning to sam and i, my eyes got wide and i nearly threw up at his confidence. what a pig.

"when we win, we get all the alcohol you jackasses brought, and all the alcohol at your frat house." duff added. i couldn't believe my own brother would let me go as a bet.

"you're on, man." chad spoke as he turned to the huddle of jocks behind him. once he wasn't watching i smacked duff on the back of the head.

"way to go dipshit! i don't wanna go with those dudes!" i whisper yelled at duff as we were brought into a huddle. none of us knew how to play and from the looks of the other guys, neither did they.

"just go with it, heather, it'll be fun." axl spoke, winking at me, i knew he just wanted to watch me jump for the ball just like the others, except duff, he really wanted to win. he hated when people tested his masculinity.

we all separated and got into whatever position we felt comfortable in. slash was right behind me, axl to the left of slash, steven next to me, sam on my other side. duff was in back as well, izzy was sitting by the net smoking.

slash served the first ball, we kept a pretty constant game which worried me, at this point we were tied up and it was the last serve, i really didn't want to go with those guys.

duff served the last ball, it flew high in the air onto the frats side, we bumped it back and fourth a few times before i got sick of it and spiked it down onto their side.

steven cheered and yelled loudly in achievement as he picked me up from behind and spun me around. "go heather, go heather." he sang as he set me down, i felt a bit dizzy but shook it off,

"now, where's that alcohol?" duff asked as the frat guys argued amongst themselves. watson pointed to the cooler beside them and duff grabbed it. "take us to your frat house." duff demanded as sam and i packed up all of our things, walking back to the boys.

i took the keys and went over to the vans and put everything in it along with the cooler. we followed closely behind the frat guys to their house. all the boys went inside and cleaned out the alcohol stash coming out with arms full of the substance they all loved. they packed it in the trucks and we drove back to the apartment.

"at least we're stocked for the next week, before we finish it." slash laughed, we all knew it was true, the boys went through alcohol like it was candy.

the next few days passed by slowly, there was really nothing to do, MTV got boring, strip poker wasn't much fun anymore, it was too rainy to go to the beach, the boys didn't want to practice.

"let's go to the cathouse." slash offered trying to find something for us to do.

"done that," izzy said plainly, "what about...no, can't get half of you in there." izzy sighed.

"where?" axl questioned, izzy just shook his head and shrugged, "where izzy?" axl demanded, losing patience quickly.

"the rainbow." izzy spoke in a duh tone. the rainbow was a bar not too far that the boys enjoyed. they usually had to sneak slash and steven in there because they're underaged but from what i've heard it's pretty fun.

"izzy, you're a genius." axl spoke out and kissed the top of his head before jumping over the table and running to his bedroom. he came out wearing his black leather pants, a van halen cutoff tank top, red and white flannel and his black cowboy boots. "you guys are supposed to go get changed." axl pointed out and we all disband to our things. i pulled out my blue daisy duke shorts from my suitcase along with a black metallica shirt.

i removed my clothes and pulled on my shorts, at this point i didn't care who saw me, they had all seen me naked so what difference did it make if i changed in the living room?

axl sat on the kitchen counter and watched me, his eyes staring at me intensely. i didn't dare look back. i looked over at sam who pulled out her blue jeans and white cropped top. she wasn't as open about things so she changed in the bathroom, i looked over at axl and knew he was hiding something.

"axl, give me back my shirt." i demanded him as he was holding it above his head to tease me.

"jump for it, you gotta reach." he smirked down at me evilly and i did what i could. i jumped up and tried to grab it but fell short. i jumped five more times before i caught axl staring at my chest. i gasped and looked at him angrily before smacking the back of his head and his left arm.

"you perv!" i yelled and grabbed my shirt from his hand as he went weak from laughing so hard. i scowled at him and walked away, pulling it on. i sat on the couch while i laced up my black and white converse.

"come on guys, we gotta go! i don't have all day!" axl yelled out.

"yes you do." slash yelled back earning a laugh from everyone in the house except for axl. soon enough all the boys walked out wearing their own things. we pulled into the parking lot of the rainbow and i admired the beautiful sign as it was lit up.

"slash, you remember the way in?" axl asked him as we all got out of the car and walked to the dark side of the building.

"i got it, i got it." slash spoke as he rolled his eyes. sam, steven, slash and i walked to the back of the bar, slash looked around before grabbing the wooden crates and stacking them near the building. "climb up." slash told us as sam and i looked at each other.

"where exactly does this lead to?" i questioned him and he just laughed.

"to the men's bathroom now move your ass." he smiled and i shook my head before i began the climb up the shaky wooden crates. finally i reached the window and pulled myself inside, my foot feeling around for the top of the stall, once i found it i looked around and wondered what i was going to do. i shook my head and finally made my way down to the ground safely.

i waited for the rest to finally get inside, "now how are sam and i going to get away with leaving the men's bathroom?" i asked slash as he jumped down and smiled at me. he took my hand and we walked out of the bathroom, to add to the scene i pretended to be drunk. i stumbled around giggling as we found our way to the booth axl, izzy and duff were sitting at.

we all sat in the booth drinking, joking around, talking, and smoking packs of cigarettes we noticed the band playing behind us wasn't too bad but they weren't the boys. at this point i was extremely drunk and in need of a nap. i leaned over to slash and rested my head on his shoulder, i was stuck dead in the middle of the circle booth we sat at. he smiled down at me and ran his hand through my hair as i tried to fall asleep on him. it was three in the morning and we all had a big day tomorrow.

tomorrow i started my new job at a record store down the street from the apartment, sam was already working at a diner, and the boys had a gig tomorrow night. i soon fell from slash's shoulder and down onto his lap where he smiled down at me, i frowned once i saw his face clouded by his hair. slash was absolutely stunning and sometimes it annoyed me when i couldn't see his face. i looked up at him and pushed his hair back and out of his face as i got a good look at him.

"god damn." i mumbled.

he laughed softly down at me as he shook his head and looked back up at the boys while he continued smoking and talking to the guys, i rolled onto my side and faced slash's stomach, he wasn't paying any attention to me. i frowned and poked his stomach and he didn't budge from the conversation he was in.

then my drunken self lifted his shirt and put my head up in it, i gazed at his tan flat stomach and bit my lip softly. before i knew it i kissed along his stomach slowly, my soft lips scaring him a bit as he jumped at the sudden touch. i knew he enjoyed it because i heard a soft groan escape his lips as i got lower along his stomach.

"what the hell?" i heard izzy question, to save my ass and slash's i turned and stuck my face into the fabric of slash's shirt. making monster noises, i heard steven erupt into laughter. his laughing made me happy and i removed myself from slash's shirt and sat up. i looked over at steven who was laughing so hard it was inaudible, he was clutching his stomach and silently mimicking my previous actions making it a hell of a lot funnier when he did it.

i felt a hand grip my inner thigh tightly, i looked down and noticed slash's hand rubbing along my upper inner thigh, i leaned back and turned my head toward slash as i let out a soft moan causing his grip to tighten and a smirk to grow on my face.

"hey guys!" i heard a voice yell from across the table, my head shot over to the stranger as i cocked an eyebrow at him.

"hey nikki, how's it going?" axl asked as he attempted to make room for his friend to sit, before i could even process anything slash pulled me into his lap and everyone to my right scooted over to make room for nikki.

i felt something hard pressing against my ass, i looked around and then back at slash who had his face buried behind his hair and in my neck, i realized what had happened, just to fuck with him and began to slowly rub my ass along his lap, causing a deep moan to escape from slash's lips. his left arm wrapped around me tightly as his hand gripped along my body, my head leaned back slightly as he ran his fingers along my shorts. i bit my lip softly and let out a deep breath to steady my breathing.

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