His Warrior

By FeatherAspects

455K 13.4K 4.5K

"Yes Little Brother. She is ready to battle against the dark forces that haunt our world. But you must rememb... More

An introduction to Anastasia Artemis Dumbledore.
The plan
Saying goodbye, Peryton and meeting Charlie.
Settling in and Master Mehou
Of caves and clovers
She's a Black
Becoming Family
Blooming friends and relationships!
Red head
Bonding and Lesson No. 1
Revealing Ana Black
I'm not letting you go!
A/N (sorry)
Recovery and Affection
New Mission
The Wolves
Deep trouble
Et fecit bellum suscipi
A girls day out... sorta.
Telling Lily
Ana and Harry
Dead or Alive?
Pettigrew plan
Alissa's book
Telling Peter
Defending Peter
The Imperius Curse
Hogwarts and the Centaurs
It's Ready
Christmas Day
The Longbottoms
Sirius finds out
Malfoy Manor
Long awaited arrival
Hog's Head
My son
May 1st
Come Home
The Last Move
Author's Note
How Family is meant to be
Ana's Birthday
Author's Note:
Full Moon
Mother's meeting
Greyback's mark
The end


8.8K 250 244
By FeatherAspects

Ana's P.O.V

A few months had passed since I had finally joined Hogwarts, albeit as Hagrid's helper, but at least i was finally here.

My weekly late night trips to Gryffindor tower had allowed for the friendship between Hermione, Ginny and I to blossom so much that we knew what the other was thinking just through a simple look. I've even started taking Hermione with me on morning flights with Hunter, so she can take a break from the boys. Also, it assured me that when anything were to happen to me during these warring times she would know how to care for Hunter.

The only person i found it hard to talk to was, surprisingly, Neville Longbottom. That's mainly due to my own self loathing though, because every time i looked at him i am reminded by the fact that i could change Neville's life for the better. I could return to him the parent's he never knew. I could heal them, but I was forbidden to by Dumbledore. He said it wasn't their time.

Harry and I often stayed up late in my quarters in the castle, either talking about developments with The Toad, or of his dreams he's been having. Mostly though we used the opportunity to either spend tome together, as we both felt a calm we never felt before, around one another. Or we used James' old mirror to communicate with Dad, we spoke with him twice a week catching him up and telling him about our times at school.

Then he would use his invisibility cloak to return back to Gryffindor tower, where he would sleep through breakfast, leaving me to make sure he ate after first period. Whether that involved me searching him out after his first period or finding him after our class and slipping him breakfast through his bag.

Ron and I had bonded through his inability to express his feelings to Hermione. I often found myself grooming Hunter in the evenings, listening to Ron gush over Hermione, whether it be her "thick lush hair!" or her "plump smile." He made me laugh a lot, not meaning to most of the time.

That's where i found myself now, the sun was setting casting a golden glow around Hunter's fur making him preen in warmth. Ron was sat on Hagrid's step, hoping i would know how he could ask Hermione to Hogsmead.

"Ron, I'm sure if you just asked her nicely to accompany you, she would in a heartbeat." I said, throwing a teasing look over my shoulder. No matter how heavily i hinted to the fact that Hermione liked him back, he never got it.

I was brushing down the fur under Hunter's wings when Ron suddenly asks,

"What about Harry?"

I stumbled in my ministrations, trying to fight off the blush on my face. I quickly realised that i had stopped brushing under Hunter's wing, and started again, "What about Harry, Ron?" I asked.

"Well, I mean you two have gotten awfully close..." he trailed off, then suddenly his smirking face popped under Hunter's wing. "And by the colour of your face, I'm guessing you realise this too!" He laughed, i quickly dropped Hunter's wing, which earned me an annoyed snort from my old friend.

"Harry and I are just friends Ronald." I stated, throwing the brush back in the bucket, my grandfather had dropped off from home.

"Yes, but do you want it to be more?" Finally, I stopped turning to look at Ron. I knew my face was red, i could feel the heat radiating off my face.

"Yes." I stated simply, I couldn't deny that in the months Harry and I had spent together I had fallen for him. Hard. But i would never let that get in the way of what i am meant to do. Protect him. "But i know he still has feelings for Cho, we both do."

I looked Ron in the eye as i said this, and his teasing grin quickly fell of his face. I sighed, before giving a bright smile.


Ron and I walked back to the Great Hall, I departed at the doors.

"I'll see you at Hogsmead tomorrow Ron!" I called, telling Hunter to transform into his smaller size.

"You not coming for dinner?" Ron asked, a frown on his face. I quickly looked back up at Ron, smiling.

"Nah, I'll grab something later. I wanna go talk to Dad." I explained, and it wasn't a lie. I did want to talk to my dad, he was the only guy, other than Remus who i had opened up to about my developing feelings for Harry.

So, as soon as I entered my quarters I headed straight for the black leather sofa opposite the fireplace. I grabbed the mirror Harry had left on the side-table and called for my dad.

"Dad! Dad? Sirius!" I called until the clear mirror became misty, and it wasn't my father's face that appeared but my Godfather's.

"Hey Ana! You okay, love?" Remus' smiling face quickly became a frown when he saw my expression, it seemed as soon as the question fell from Moony's mouth a loud thud came from somewhere in the background and suddenly my dad's face popped up next to Moony's.

"Hi Dad, Hey Moony, I'm okay i just wanted some company." I'll try and play it off, I don't want for them to worry unnecessarily, especially with all thats going on.

"Now Annie... you don't honestly expect me to believe that do you? You can tell us whats going on thats upset you Anne, let us in sweetheart." Dad said, his tone of voice gentle as he gently touched the mirror as if he could really touch my face.

I just shook my head, tears were clogging up my throat and i knew if i spoke i would cry. This was not something worth crying over.

"Is it Harry, Anne?" This time is was Moony, I looked him in the eyes through the mirror, tears blurring up my vision as I nodded. Remus sighed sadly, "What's happened?"

"N-nothing... specifically. Ron just pried a little too much and it ended up just reminding me that no matter what the prophecy says Harry may never return these stupid... feelings! He still likes that Cho girl, and I'm nothing compared to her beauty and kindness-"

"You stop that right there Anastasia." My father growled, a look of pure anger and upset washed over his face, causing me to give into his demand instantly, "I don't want hear such words coming out of your mouth again, do you understand?" He waited until i nodded before continuing, "I don't think you understand what an outstanding girl you are Annie, now i'm not just saying that because you're my daughter. I'm saying that because in the last few months i've been able to have you in my life, not only have you shown me what a wonderful witch you truly are, but you've shown me what a caring woman you are becoming. I couldn't be prouder." Once again, he sighed ribbing at his temples, "As much as it pains me to know that it is Harry who is causing these doubts in yourself, and knowing i can't just find the boy and threaten to beat him to a pulp, like i would if it was ANY other boy. However, I am entitled to call him a dimwit if he can not see that there is not ONE witch out there that compares to you. Not one."

I sat in a stunned silence when my father finished his speech, the only thought running through my head was,

"I love you dad."

"I love you too, Annie."

I spent the next half of an hour talking to Dad and Remus before they had to go for an Order meeting, promising to update me afterwards. I had put the mirror down just as a knock echoed throughout the room, so i got up from the couch and opened the door to find nothing.

"Hurry up, then." I whispered, looking down both ends of the hallway before shutting the door. As i turned around I saw Harry, putting his cloak over the sofa. "How can i help, Mr Potter?" I joked, making my way over to the kitchen to make two hot chocolates for Harry and I, it was still snowing outside since it was only the beginning of February.

"Well I came to ask for some help..." Harry said slightly timidly, which made me stop stirring the hot chocolate powder into the hot milk, and turn to face him where he stood by the sofa still.

"What is it?" He was playing with his fingers and refusing to make eye contact, "Harry?"

"I've decided since Umbridge isn't teaching us spells in DADA, that I'm going to create a club, Dumbledore's Army- Gin's idea- and teach everyone who wants to learn how to defend themselves." He said now finally looking me in the eyes, where i was careful not to react, "So I was wondering if you would help me teach them? You're much more experienced than me!"

Sighing, i turned back to the hot chocolate, "I dunno Harry..."

"Ana please! You're the best one to do it!" Harry begged, coming to stand right behind me.

"But- " He began to protest again. Then again. And Again. Until eventually i snapped and spun to face him,

"Harry the only reason I am capable of anything is because i have an innate desire to protect YOU! I was born to die for YOU. The only reason I'm quick on my feet is because Albus wants me to be able to keep YOU alive and well for as long as possible. I can't do that if I don't know how to fight, so he trained me himself!" I exclaimed, becoming teary eyed again.

Crap, i shouldn't of said that! The look on Harry's face was one of complete heart break.

"You're going to die?" He whispered, i was shocked that, thats what he decided to pick up on. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded, "If that's what it takes to keep you alive Harry, then it's what I will do." I muttered, slowly avoiding looking at him by stirring our drinks.

"B-but why?" He asked, his voice cracking half way through. I really hope he isn't crying. Please don't be crying!

"The most important thing is to keep you alive, thats why." Suddenly his fist smashed down onto the kitchen side next to me, making the dry dished clatter where they stood on the drying rack.

"NO! YOU'RE LYING! NO ONE JUST GIVES UP THEIR LIFE FOR SOMEONE ELSE LIKE THAT!" He yells, i look at him and his face is red and angry tears are streaking down his face.

"YOU'RE NOT JUST SOMEONE! ARE YOU TELLING ME YOU WOULDN'T DO THE SAME FOR HERMIONE RON OR CHO? I WOULD DIE FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU WOULD LIVE ON AND BE HAPPY AND GROW TO HAVE YOUR OWN LIFE WITH A WIFE AND CHILDREN! I WOULD DIE FOR YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!" I screamed, and Harry's mouth dropped open. My eyes widened in shock, as i rushed to rewind what i said. Then all the alarm bells in my head were going off at once and suddenly it was like i was in that Spongebob episode where all of the little Spongebob neurons in his head go manic.

I can hear my breathes coming out in tiny gasps, and the blood rushing through my body. I can also see Harry storming his way up to me again, but i don't register it, just numbly wait for the screams he's about to throw my way. Then all of a sudden, Harry grabs both sides of my face and slams his lips onto mine.

All the little crazy spongebob's in my head suddenly freeze and I come back into focus, only to realise that I'm kissing Harry. I know i should back out but the selfish part of me wants to lose myself in this kiss; it might be the only one.

My selfish side wins, as i move my hands from where they were gripping Harry's wrists to slide them up his arms until they're comfortably resting on his chest. I feel his thumbs rub the sides of my face gently and soon enough he slowly breaks away, bending his neck to rest his forehead onto mine.

"I don't want you to die for me Anastasia Black, because I wouldn't have you to become my wife and mother of my children. I wouldn't have you to grow old with and live on with." He whispered, wiping away the tears that were falling from my eyes off my cheeks.

"What? But... but we all thought you still liked Cho?" I mumbled, confusion flushing over my face and love pumping through my veins. Harry chuckled, throwing his head back in a right hearty laugh before coming to rest his forehead on mine again.

"That was before I met this beautiful red headed witch, with eyes the colour of silver and a heart of a thousand lionesses." He smiled leaning down to kiss me again, we broke apart when i started smiling into the kiss.

"I didn't know you were such a sap!" I grinned, which was reflected back on Harry's face.

Instead of returning back to the tower Harry stayed with me that night, cuddling on the sofa and talking teaching methods, occasionally kissing until we fell asleep.

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