By JD_Bangtan

871 14 2

Nadine Alexis Lustre is the most popular girl in her school and a daughter of a millionaire. Despite that she... More

Am I Living?
Mission Complete


98 2 0
By JD_Bangtan

Sorry guys for not updating for a long time, I've just been busy with life & school. I'll try to update more often. 😊💜


Finally in Paris. It feels so good to be on Vacation. I can't wait to get together with my friends and party.

"Yo James over here" my friend Brett waved at me holding a sign with my name on it.

Brett is also like me a spy for the government but he got kicked out because he failed a mission. You see? If you fail just one mission you get kicked out. Failure is not tolerated in what we do but he's okay. He works as a firefighter now.

"Sup man. It's been so long" I hugged him.

"What are you talking about James we talk lots of times and you were here last year at this exact time of year too"

"I know. I was just messing with you. How's life as a Firefighter bro?"

"Great, I've been learning to cook nowadays. I want you to try a dish that I've made"

"Yeah id love too but let's just get to the house first"

"Oh right.. Let's go"


Paris...the city of love. I'm here finally. Can't wait to get started on exploring.


As I was just about to get into the Taxi, two guys just blocked my way trying to get into the same Taxi I was going to ride in.

"Um excuse me, I was here first."

"Sorry Miss but I believe we're the ones who were here first" a tall handsome guy in a leather jacket respond

"You again?" I said in frustration


I got into the plane and tried to find my seat. As I found it, I got so happy coz I had the seat to the window. I really love looking out as we take off, this is like my first trip anywhere without my parents.

As the plane about to take off a tall man in black suddenly appeared and sat right next to me. I was actually hoping to sit by myself but its okay.

A few minutes past and I fell asleep. All that sneaking out made me so freaking tired. As I was fast asleep I suddenly was awoken by a nudge. I opened my eyes and the man beside me was like looking at me and then I realized that I slept on his shoulder.

"Oh..sorry" I replied

I pulled myself together and tried to sleep straight without falling off to the sides. I fell asleep again and it was a really great sleep until I heard a loud bang and felt pain at the side of my head. WTF

As I opened my eyes, the man next to me was also looking at me and this time he looked kind of annoyed.

"What the heck?"

"Miss, can you please keep yourself together? You drooled all over my shirt"

"What, no I didn't."

"Yes... You did" he pointed at the spot on his shoulder where I slept on.

Damn it.. That's so embarrassing.

"Well you could've been a gentleman & wake me up instead of hitting my head"

"I didn't hit your head, I tried to wake you. I just pulled my hand away from your big heavy head"


"Ahh Pilipino ka? Makes sense. Its the truth tho" he said with a teasing smile on his face.

"Excuse me? Take back what you said right now."

I'm so pissed right now. He's such an ass. I can't help but lose myself at that moment. I was ready to fight this jerk.


"Is there a problem here Sir" the flight attended approached us

"No, it's fine. She's just overreacting" I replied

"Overreacting!??" Said the woman beside me.

"I'm not overreacting okay" she continued.

"Ma'am calm down" I said trying to make her relax coz she is literally trying to make a scene here.

"Don't tell me to calm down okay? You started this." She kept on complaining, I can't believe this woman.

"I started it? It's just a small thing why are you making a big deal out of it?"

"Well, you were being rude and didn't even apologize for what you did & said to me"

"You know you're being really immature about this but as mature as I am I would apologize even if i know you should be the one apologizing for invading my personal space. I'm sorry"

"Invading your personal space?" She replied back again. What's with this woman? I already apologized. What the heck does she want?

"Look Miss I already said sorry, could you leave it at that" as I said this she went silent but with still that frown on her face, piercing me with a look of anger...but I gotta admit, I find that pretty cute.

She looked away and turned her body sideways facing the window.

Finally I'm gonna get a peace of mind.

Nadine'S POV

I hate this guy, he's so freaking annoying. I can't wait for this plane to land so I could get away from this jerk.

As soon as the plane landed I stood up trying to get off the plane but its hard when this guy is still beside me fast asleep. I walked side ways to get out when suddenly as soon as I got out I bumped into someone I fell backwards. I tried to balance my self but I failed and I landed on the Jerk's lap.

Okay don't judge me but when I fell onto his laps I turned my head facing him and we made eye contact for a moment and it made me blush a bit. I know, I can't believe i just had that have feeling but I just did.

I didn't realize how mesmerizing his eyes are.. Nadine stop it..pull yourself together. The thing I didn't realize that that eye contact moment lasted more than a minute.

"Ahem....excuse me but could you get off of me" said the jerk.

Shit.. What am I doing?

"Oh.. Sorry!"

"Well you can sit more if you want, I don't mind" he said with a wink and a evil smirk.

"You wish..perve"

I rushed out of the plane and out of his sight. Thank God.

I checked out and tried to look for my bag. As I spotted my bag I grabbed it and at the same time someone was grabbing it too.

I looked at that person and it's him again...the jerk.

"Hi, we meet again" he said

"It's my bag" I said pulling it from his hands but he kept on holding on to the bag.

"Nope I think its mine." he said still holding on to the bag

"It's mine" I barked back. I'm not gonna give up coz I'm definitely sure it's mine.

"No, miss it's mine"

"It's mine" I pulled harder this time and that jerk let it go and so I ended up falling back flat on my back.

"Ouch, that's gotta hurt. I'm so sorry, here let me help you up" the jerk kept talking to me after what he did.

I slap his hand away and stood up by myself. As I was still dusting off dust and dirt from my clothes, the stupid jerk pat my back trying to get my attention but I just kept ignoring him.

"Umm excuse me miss but..."

"What? What do you want?"

"Your bag" he said pointing at the ground.

I looked and all my clothes were at the ground including my undergarments which is pretty embarrassing.

"Oh...shit" I bend down collecting my clothes and put them all back.

"Do you need help?" The jerk kept talking which I wish he wouldn't coz he is really starting to get on my nerves.

"How about fine thank you. I'm done already. God please do me a favor and don't show his face in front of me anymore." My final words to him and then I walked away.

"It was nice meeting you" he shouted back to me.

Please I'll die if I ever see him or come across him again.

(Flashback Ends)


This girl again, she literally appears out of nowhere.

"You guys know each other?" Bret asked

"It's a long story" I replied

"Okay?? It's okay miss, you can take this one, we'll catch another cab" Bret offered. WTH is he doing?

"Thank you, you're so kind unlike some people" said the annoying girl

"I don't know what happened between you two but let's just cool it okay? Sorry what's your name?" Bret asked

"Nadine but you can call me Nadz" she replied.

"Nadz...If you want, do you want to come to our get together tonight?" Bret invited her to the party. What the heck is he doing?

"That'll be fun. Where?"

"Come over to our place like 7 O'clock tonight & we'll go together. Where do you live?"

"At the Hotel Passy Eiffel."

"Oh great that's near to my apartment."

"We'll come by and pick you up"

"Um okay..sure"

"Wait, wait, wait how can you give in so easily?" I interrupted

"You know we could've been people who sells drugs or women & you trust us?" I'm trying my best to discourage her from coming to the party.

"Well I trust Bret not you?"

"Excuse me are any of you gonna get in?" The Taxi driver seemed to have lost his patience.

"Yes.. Nadz you can take it.. See ya later" said Bret

"Thank you. Bye" she replied as she got into the Taxi.

"Dude.. Are you serious? That woman is crazy"

"What really happened between you too?"

"It's nothing, as she said.. Its a long story"

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