set it off |mbj

By mochahontaz

329K 14.9K 8.5K

"You had the chance to get out of this lifestyle. Why didn't you take that chance?" "A dog always returns to... More

| S O U N D T R A C K
1 | S O L A N A
2 | R E A S O N I N G
3 | I N T O U C H
4 | B O S S L A D Y
5 | B A C K F I R E
6 | F L A S H B A C K
8 | Q U E E N P I N
9 | P L A Y Y O U R S E L F
10 | F E A R
11 | T R U T H
12 | I N T O O D E E P
13 | B L E S S I N G
14 | V O W S & V E G A S
15 | R O O M 4 3 0
16 | R O N A N
17 | L A N A B A N A
18 | C . R . E . A . M
19 | S U G A R P A R E N T S
20 | B A D G I R L S
21 | T H E M A R K S
22 | T H E R A P Y
23 | B I R T H D A Y
24 | M E E T I N G S
25 | T R I C K S
26 | S O N D E R S O N
27 | C O N S U M E
Why Nothing Has Been Updated: Plagarism

7 | S U P R I S E

9.5K 670 415
By mochahontaz


"W A N T  I T  I N  A B U N D A N C E."


"Hey, I don't know what's going on... where you're at... anything. If you're still with that guy, I'm gonna need you to get it together, sis. But I know your phone is near you, so just give me a call back when you get this ASAP."

I ended the call to Savanna and threw my phone into the passenger seat. I called her five times and she still wasn't picking up, and it was giving me a headache. She never went this long without calling one of us back.

The entire drive to Michael's place felt longer than what it usually was. To be honest, after all these years; I though he would've moved— it would've been smart to move, but maybe that was just me. I didn't plan out anything for once, I just knew that I wanted my money, and if he gave it to me, I'd leave happily— no questions asked. But, I knew this could end in many different ways.

One, I get my money from him and I leave happily and continue on with the rest of my life.

Two, he doesn't give me the my money at all and has one of his men try to shoot me or something.

Or three, my ass gets killed before even reaching the front door.

The likelihood of him killing me was up in the air since it's been so long since we've seen each other, but I always knew how to handle my own if it came down to it.

I pulled up to the gates of his house and noticed that it was the same structure as before, just completely remodeled.

"This better not be where all of my fucking money went." I mumbled and drove up to the gate, being stopped by the security at the front entrance.

"You have an appointment?" The middle aged guy asked me, clearly not interested in anything I'd have to say. I knew if I told him who I was, he'd more than likely call in, and if I pulled a gun on him right now, he'd either shoot me where I was standing or hit an emergency button, so I had to be quick on my feet and put my manipulation skills to the test.

"Appointment?" I frowned. "You're telling me that I have to make an appointment to see my own cousin?" I yelled. "Michael knew that I was coming today, now if I call him and tell him that you're asking me for an appointment to see my own blood? That's your ass. I came here to tell him about how well Mecca was doing in school— but no, I gotta be stopped to deal with this bullshit—" I pulled out my phone to dial his imaginary phone number only for the guard to stop me.

"N-No! I'm sorry. Bakari just has so many relatives and business that it's hard to keep count, my apologies. I understand how he is about his niece; please, head in." He stuttered and smiled at me before pushing a button, making the gate open completely.

"Thank you, sir." I smiled and drove in. "A bitch still has it." I mumbled to myself and got out of the car, parking it on the far side of the house. I strapped one of the guns to my thigh while the other one stayed on my hip before I opened the front doors to his house.

"Time to play." I smiled to myself and looked around the giant room and the grand dark wood staircase. Shockingly, no one was here that I could see yet, so it gave me enough time to find him.


"Oh my God, fuck!" Jade, the girl that I've been fucking with for the past few months moaned loudly as she rode me. She was probably a solid twenty-one or twenty-two, but that shit didn't matter to me at the moment.

One of my hands stayed on her hip while the other pulled on her hair, making her arch her back. The sound of her skin hitting mine took over the room. Her moans were annoying as hell sometimes but she was a decent fuck for when I needed it.

"It's too much! Baby I can't—" she started, I let go of her hair and moved my hand down to slap her ass roughly, and a whimper came from her mouth.

"Nah, baby. I don't wanna hear that shit. You said you could take it right? So you're gonna sit here and take all of this shit." I grunted and wrapped my arms around her, sliding into pussy easily. Her head fell to my shoulder and she bit down on it gently, her legs starting to give out.

"Bakari, b-baby you feel so good, I can't! I'm gonna cum!" She mumbled against my skin.

"You hold that shit in until I tell you to."

I turned so that she was under me before sliding back into her. Her nails raked up and and my back, leaving light scratches down it, while she looked up and me, biting her lip. "You like that shit?"

She nodded her head when I started stroking deeper and slower than before. "I can't hear you, ma." I teased her, looking down to see how she was creaming around my dick perfectly. I sent her one more deep stroke before her back arched, but I knew she wasn't there yet.

"Yes, daddy!" She pouted in pleasure, running her hand against the shaft of my dick, pulling away to wrap her arms around my neck.

"You there?"

"Yes, Yes, Yes." She panted and wrapped her legs around my torso.

"I want you to cum for me, babygirl." I smirked at her and she came hard right before I did into the condom. With these women, I knew that safe sex was the best sex.

I sighed and pulled out of her slowly, laying next to her. She threw her leg around my waist and put her head on my chest, before moving to straddle me completely. "What do you have to do today, daddy?" She smirked down at me, running her hands against my face.

"I got some business to take care of." I lied calmly, my eyes still closed.

"Can I come? When are you going to let me come with you?" She pouted. "I never get to go anywhere or see anything that you do."

"I don't take women with me to do or get involved with stuff like this, so stop asking, Jade." I hummed, tapping her leg so that she could move. Even if I was going to handle business, she still couldn't come. Really, I just wanted a quick fuck and wanted her to leave so that I could go over some blueprints.

After the alarm systems for the house went off and everyone acts like they have no clue how it happened, I knew I had to tighten a few things up. When we got to the house last night and checked the cameras, no one was even seen around the house for them to try and break into it.

"Fine." She sighed and moved. I got up and grabbed a pair of sweats before going into the bathroom and closing the door so I could piss and change. "But one day, you're gonna give in and let me go. I could learn a thing or two!"

Jade was ditsy as hell. I mean, she was smart, but not that smart. She just had a cute face to make up for where she lacked. "Jade, this isn't a lifestyle you wanna live, sweetheart." I chuckled. "All I need is for you to stay back and be able to give me what I need, when I need it." I called to her.

"So, I'm just someone for you to fuck and look pretty on your arm; that's what you're telling me?"

"If that's the way you wanna put it," I shrugged and flushed the toilet before washing my hands in the sink. "Sure. But you know you're a little more important than just that. A cute face like yours helps to bring in the money without even trying." Putting on my sweats, I noticed that she wasn't saying anything; so she probably caught her typical attitude when I told her the truth.

I mean, she wasn't my girl— I didn't have time for those. She was just someone I'd happily fuck.

"Jade, don't tell me you sitting in there with an attitude now. This ain't new information to you." I chuckled and still got no response.

"Alright, when I come out, that shit better be gone. I don't have time to be putting up with that today." I yelled and rolled my eyes. I was getting too old and tired to be dealing with this shit from these girls.

I washed my face and brushed my teeth, still hearing nothing from her and it made me frustrated that she could constantly be this damn childish; but I should've known what I was getting myself into.

"Alright, if you wanna keep up with this attitude shit— like you're brand new to this information, you can go—" I opened the bathroom door and stopped when I saw the look on her face. She wasn't looking at me, but at the gun that was pointed at her from across the room.


"Ah! Don't say a thing, remember what I told you." I frowned and looked at the woman's face who was pointing the gun at Jade and my eyes widened.


"Hi, cutie." She smiled at me, and looked me up and down while I did the same to her.

Fuck, prison did her body good. I thought that she was getting thick the last time I saw her, that didn't compare to how she looked now. And what she was wearing wasn't helping me at the moment; after all these years, she knew that I loved the color yellow in her.

I instantly shook the thought out of my head and realized that she's supposed to be in jail right now.

"What the fuck are you doing here? How did you even get in here?" I frowned and took a step towards her, only for her to pull another gun from behind her and point it at me, making me stop in my tracks.

"Don't cuss at me, Bakari, that's really the wrong move for you to make right now." She glared at me before relaxing again. "I came here first of all, to get my cut of my money that you promised me; and I don't plan on leaving without it. Second of all, I got in here because your guards are shit at their jobs, so take that up with them. Your team is shit by the way; they made it easy for me to get in here."

"So you broke out of jail to come get some fucking money?" I chuckled and brushed my thumb against the hair on my chin.

"For you to be smart; you're dumb as shit." She rolled her eyes at me. "You really thought that I was gonna spend extra time in jail? I've been out for the past few years now; you would've know that if your ass wouldn't have disappeared without a word."

"Can you please tell me who the hell she is, Bakari? What the fuck is going on right now?!" Jade yelled and I wish she hadn't. She was only gonna make matters worse for herself.

Lana rolled her eyes and fired the gun, letting the bullet go into the wall, a few inches away from Jade's head and she screamed, covering her head with her hands. "That was a warning shot, sweetie. Next time I'm gonna let it connect. Speak when spoken to."

Even though it's been a while since I seen her, I knew that the crazy side in her was amped up ten times the amount that it was before.

"Wait, So you really think you're gonna come in here demanding shit? Like you own this place?!" I yelled and walked closer towards her when she put the gun down. She looked up at me with doe eyes and tilted her head, but I wasn't gonna fall for her shit.

"Yes, Yes I am; and I partially do. Did you forget that too?" She cooed at me and brought her hand up to cup my jaw. "Time really did you well over the years, you look good. Do I look good?"

I smirked at her and shook my head. "No matter how fine your crazy ass looks, you not getting half of any money, Lana. I could break you off a bit of something else; but that money? Nah, you can't get that. I don't give a damn what I said." I snaked my arm around her waist and mumbled in her ear. She giggled and shook her head in return.

"See, unlike you; I stick to my word, and I didn't come here for you to try to get in between my legs."

"Bakari, Who the hell is she? I'm tired of this game!" Jade yelled again, growing the balls to say something again, and I wished she would stop trying to prove herself.

Lana groaned and turned to her. "Sweetie, I'm the woman who made all of this shit possible for him. I'm the one who took a three year sentence so that you could temporarily wake up and fuck in those pretty ass expensive sheets you're sitting in. I'm his crazy ass ex. Now, I suggest you keep quiet."

Jade's face turned red with anger and she stood from the bed, trying to make her way over. "Let me tell you something!—"

Before she could even get her words out, Lana pulled her gun up and let two bullets ring through her skull with no remorse. Jade's body fell to the bed and her blood leaked on the sheets while her lifeless eyes stayed open.

"What the fuck!" I yelled. Not really cause she killed the girl, but because I spent too much damn money on these sheets for her to be playing games like this.

"I told you that if I find out you had me behind bars looking stupid, I would kill whoever it was that you were messing with— don't take what I say lightly. You better be lucky that I don't know who you were fucking while I was locked up." She spat at me and pointed the gun at me.

"Now, I'm tired of being calm, Michael. I want my fucking cut of the money, now."

I squinted my eyes at her and bit the inside of my cheek. Sitting on the bed, I grabbed the clear bottle of brown liquor that was sitting on the nightstand and filled up the double-shot glass, gulping it down.

"Now, you know it's too damn early for this shit right? It's eleven in the morning and you waltz your ass in here like it's nothing, shoot a bitch in my bed, point a gun at me, and tell me that you want my money? Without even having a proper conversation with me? Come on, Solana. I thought I knew you better than that— I thought you knew me better than that." I smirked.

"Don't try that shit with me." She rolled her eyes. "You left my ass like I was nothing and I haven't heard a thing from you; you think I'm gonna come in here wanting to discuss life and sports with your ass? I took a damn charge for you, Michael. The least you could do is give me my cut. I'm not in the mood to make amends."

"Come here, baby."

"Nigg— did you just miss everything I just said?!" She laughed and kept the gun pointed at me.

"So you telling me after all these years, you've been out of jail, you show up here demanding money, dressed like this, and expect me to not fuck?" I chuckled bitterly. "Nah, ma. Them years behind bars really got to your head." I pulled her towards me by her arm, making her stand between my legs while I ran my hands against the lace of the lingerie she was wearing, pulling her towards me roughly and she bit her lip.

"I can't say that I didn't miss your ass though." I hummed against her stomach. "How about this, you apologize for storming in here and shooting up my damn home, I apologize for leaving you the way I did. Then, you can come back to me and get to live this lifestyle that you loved so much. Don't even gonna worry about getting the money if you with me, babygirl."

Her hands roamed from my shoulders to my neck, "So, you want me to sit by your side like I did before?"

"Exactly. I mean since you're out, we both get to win again." Her hands went up further to my hair.

"I'm sure you'd like that, but I don't need your money or for you to validate me, sweetheart. I just need the cut that was promised." She pulled at my dreads, making me look up at her. "Trust me, I'm good where I'm at." Her legs went on each side of me and she straddled me.

"Are you? I mean, what all do you got, Lana? Where you living now? I'm sure you can't be living the life that I introduced you to. You probably living in a basic ass house, trying to make ends meet since you got out." I chuckled.

She looked me dead in my eyes and giggled, shaking her head at me. "Baby, you don't know all that you think you do. Trust me when I say, my money is secured and so is my life."

"What you doing now then? Some other niggas girl? Living off him? Or you out in these clubs?" I cupped her ass in my hands and squeezed it roughly, feeling all of the extra cushion that was now there.

Her eyebrow raised at me and I knew she wasn't amused by what I said to her.

"Sweetie," she shook her head. "I have enough money from doing the same thing you do. Drugs, profit, stocks, and respect." She smiled at me, and kissed my neck. "I've been seeing all of the shit that you've been doing; and I remember all of the things you had plans on doing. You own New York, South Carolina, and Seattle? I'm the reason that you could never own Chicago, Atlanta, and North Carolina." She chuckled, feeling me tense under her. "So, when I say that I don't need you to keep up with my lifestyle, trust that I mean that." I whispered in his ear.

"Only person who owns those damn cities are Stevens, so you telling me that you been fucking with him since you been in jail?" I grabbed her arms and pulled her away from me, she smiled and shook her head.

"You're so damn smart, but not putting every piece together." She pouted. "There isn't a Stevens for me to be fucking, Bakari." She cooed. "Unless, I've been fucking myself— but that's not the case."

I shook my head, growing more frustrated with the shit that was coming from out of her mouth. "Who the fuck is Stevens then, Solana. Cause that's the only nigga who owns those states, and has stocks as high as mine, so you gotta be fucking him."

"Are you getting upset?" Her eyes widened playfully. "Okay, I'll stop teasing you. You wanna know who Stevens is? I can introduce you, if you want."

I said nothing, cause she knew I wanted to know. "Call this number." She sighed and pulled a piece of paper from out of her lingerie. It had all of Stevens contact information and hours willing to meet. I instantly reached behind me, pushing past Jade's body and grabbed my phone, dialing the number.

"You not bullshitting me, are you?" I looked at her and out the phone to my ear.

"Never— even though you fucked me over. Remember, I just want my cut, then I'm gone." She shrugged.

The phone started ringing and I felt the phone on her hip begin to vibrate. She smiled and pulled it, answering the phone.

"This is Stevens." She said in a sultry voice and smirked at me.



Okay so what do we think of how Solana acts/acted? 👀

What about Bakari and Jade? 👀👀

What do you think Bakari is gonna do now that he knows? 👀👀👀


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