New girl (Park jimin X reader)

By hobiluver338

20.5K 571 140

After a fight with your parents you decide to move to Korea to live with your cousin Taehyung and finish scho... More

*Authors note*
New friends, New beggings, New life
The carnival
Drunken confessions pt 1
Drunken confessions pt 2
The intervention
Update coming tonight
The Truth
Doctors and Diapers
The Appointment
The gender reveal
Homecoming week: Monday
Homecoming week: Tuesday
Homecoming week: wednesday
Homcomimg week: Wednesday pt 2
The hospital stay (pt 3 of HCW-W)
Homecoming week Friday
The Homecoming dance
The Homecoming Dance pt.2
The after party*
The weekend away pt1
The weekend away pt2
The Dinner Date
The Shit Storm/ Mrs. and Mr. Park
You got a dog!?
Meet the Parks
The Match
Crash and Burn
Two week mark
Baby time

The incident

1.1K 28 9
By hobiluver338

After Monday the days passed quickly and it was finally Friday. You were very excited to go shopping for the party tomorrow but you have never been good at picking out clothes for yourself but luckily your fashion loving cousin is coming along

" Its finally lunch" Hoseok groans

"yeah I know thank god we only have 2 more classes." You say

"Unless......." yoongi says with a smirk

"No we are not skipping school dumbass" Namjoon cuts in

"Well even though I'm usually very against skipping I probably won't be paying attention anyway, let's just do it" You say

"No y/n I know you probably don't want to talk about your parents right now but I promised your mom I'd keep you focused on school! But then again I'm the best cousin ever and she's like a millon miles away!" He says with an evil smile

"Thank you sooo much tae!" You reply

The bell rings and you all run to your cars "So same 'carpool' arrangements as Monday?" Tae suggests nudging you towards Jimin but without realizing it he shoves you a little too hard and you fall into jimin but luckily he catches you and they all snicker

"u-uhh sorry tae shoved me" you say blushing like crazy.

Jimin chuckles nervously as he helps you to your feet and says "y-your fine"

"so jimin your ok with taking y/n to the mall.. good." Tae says all bubbly once again not giving you or jimin the chance to interject.

"Yeah t-thats cool" jimin says awkwardly smiling at you

The car ride to the mall was sufficiently awkward with you guys having the most random conversations about anything and everything and before you knew you guys were there and soon after the rest of the guys arrived and you all went in

As soon as you got inside Tae grabbed your arm and made for some random store with the others following close behind "What colors do you like to wear y/n?" Tae asks getting noticeably more excited as time passes

"well cool tones is what I usually stick to but I'd like to try and branch out a little."

"I HAVE A GREAT IDEA!" Tae yells grabbing you and pulling you out of the first store and into a cute little shop that looked very girly and pretty on the inside

"tae what the hell is this place?"

"I know exactly what you should wear come on!!" Tae says very giddily with the others snickering at his child like excitement

Tae shoves you in a dressing room and then leaves only to come back seconds later with 3 dresses. "Try these on and we will all tell you how you look and help you decide which one to pick...... oh and also don't think we're letting you pay." You roll your eyes and just decide not to even try to fight him

The first dress is a black bodycon dress that is very short and has a lace sleeves and a lace cutout in the middle that shows part of your stomach and when you walk out of the dressing room all of the guys jaws drop except tae (because this is a no incest zone 😂) "Damnnnnn" The guys say in unison

"is that a good damnnnnn." You say mockingly.

They all nod and tae speaks up and says " that's guy speak for you look hot af right guys?"

They all mumble a "yeah" and you laugh at how stupid they look considering you don't find yourself pretty.

After seeing the guys reaction to the first dress you decide just to go with that one and even though you whine tae refuses to let you pay

"So do you need anything else before we go y/n?" Tae asks considerately

"not that I know of but thanks"

"no problem so guys meet back at y/n and I's place?"

" yeah" they all agree

Timeskip to at your apartment*

"Let's watch a movieee!!!" Jungkook yells

" Ok I'll make popcorn and get drinks. What do you all want?" You ask

" banana milk"


"water" ^5

"I'll help you get that." Jimin says politely

"o-ok thanks" You say

After you and jimin get everyone drinks and popcorn you all settle down on the couch with you in between jimin and tae jungkook next to tae namjoon and Jin cuddled up next to eachother and finally yoongi and Hoseok on the floor because there wasn't enough room on the couch. and of course they had to pick a horror movie being that you were very jumpy and hated horror movies but you didn't want to complain so you just went along with it

You were fine for about 30 minuets into the movie but then a jump scare came up and you screamed and literally jumped into jimins lap you were so embarrassed that you couldn't move and jimin just stared at you tae noticed and started giggling madly and everyone turned to you guys and started laughing too jimin was now blushing too that just made them laugh harder

You awkwardly stand up and say "s-sorry jimin"

"uh I know you were just scared" he says cutely and obviously flustered

Jimins POV

She's so adorable and she doesn't even realize it. I have a huge crush on her and I don't even know her that well god she screws with my brain and when she jumped in my lap I was blushing like crazy she had to have noticed. Who am I kidding taehyung has already told her I like her I might as well talk to her

"Hyung are you alive your spaced out! What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asks nosing around my business

"nothing just keep watching the movie kook"

"ohhhh Hyung must have been thinking of something dirtyy oooo hyung who was it y/n" kook implies loudly making your head stuck up

"God dammit kookie she heard you I'm going to kick your ass" I whisper in his ear

"not if you can't catch meeee" the dumb makenae says running upstairs


"Ohhh hyung was it y/n"

was all you heard from their conversation but you were very curious unto what they were talking about because right after that jungkook screamed "not if you can't catch meeee"

"Well guys I'm gonna go to bed before I embarrass myself even more. Goodnight!"

You lied you just wanted to get out of the awkward tension of that room and take a second to take in what had just happened

what in the hell made me do that he probably thinks I'm a thirsty ho now but I honestly was just scared and did that on instinct I wish I could explain that to him!!

" I swear tae your not going to make an ass out of me again" you mumble bitterly knowing he chose that movie

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