Ghost Bird | ✔

By JadeQueen100

242K 14.7K 2K

The international singing sensation, Ghost Bird, is a name known around the world. No one knows who the myste... More



6.1K 381 48
By JadeQueen100

The amazing song is once again written by !

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Yes! Another clue. "Looking for a light in the night like on the fourth of July." That means that she lives in the United States of America which at least narrows our search down from "Anywhere in the whole wide world" to "Most likely in the United States."

I sigh and jot down the reference on my paper. Luke and Gabriel are working in the same room as me, all three of us trying to find any clues as to where Ghost Bird is.

"Hey does anyone know where the enter button is?" Luke calls suddenly.

I sigh again and answer, "Same place as always, Luke. Labeled correctly above the shift button."

"Oh, yeah... Thank you, Silas!" Luke says cheerily before returning to work.

None of us are really sure how much of Luke's "dumb blond" behavior is a joke and how much is real. It sure can be annoying, though.

Gabriel sets down his tablet and announces smugly, "Finished with my songs, suckers!"

"Only because you didn't have to answer Luke's stupid questions!" I argue with a small smile, although it is also because English is not my first language.

"My questions are not stupid!" Luke cries. "Remember, there is no such thing as a dumb question."

"There is," I say seriously, looking him in his brown eyes. "There most definitely is such a thing as a dumb question."

Luke pouts as Gabe laughs.

I return to my work with a shake of my head and Luke and I am soon finished as well.

"So, what have we found?" I ask the two, holding my paper.

Luke pulls something off his computer and reads, "She is single, has dirty blonde hair, and is lonely."

Blonde, huh? A blonde angel, just like I pictured...

Gabe adds, "Ghost is crazy smart and probably as much of a nerd as Kota, she likes animals even though she has only seen a few, and Ghost lives where there are hot and humid summers and cold winters."

I announce, "Ghost lives somewhere in America and her Mother is the one who abuses her. She says that she only knows one other person, a male, I believe."

"A boyfriend?!" A horrified Luke exclaims.

"Perhaps," I say with a shrug, ignoring the fact that I am oddly disappointed in the thought. "But I didn't really get the "lovers" vibe from the mention. Plus, she never sings of love in that way, at least not that I have seen."

"I've heard her singing of love, but not in the same way that most of the other singers do. If it is a boyfriend, she is quiet about it," Gabriel inserts.

Luke nods, relieved. Running a hand through his wheat blond hair that almost brushes his shoulders, he looks contemplative but isn't saying anything.

"What are you thinking so hard?" Gabe teases, running a hand mockingly through his own brown hair with two stripes of blond.

"What could possibly be keeping Ghost in her house? Surely she would've been able to escape again. She talks about reading books and wandering the same halls, so she clearly isn't always tied up. Ghost sings that she has only been out of the house once, but why only once?" Luke asks, in one of his rare serious moods.

"Stockholm syndrome, perhaps?" Gabe suggests, switching to serious as well.

"Maybe," I murmur with a frown. "What does she say about the one time she left her house?"

"I've only been out in the real world once. Once to taste the fresh air. Once to see the things I've seen through the windows for years. What is the world like?" Luke reads from his laptop.

"Is that it?" I ask, hopeful that it isn't the only information that we have about it.

"Yup," Luke confirms.

"I don't know," I say before smiling and adding, "When we find her, we can ask Ghost Bird ourselves."

My brothers smile as well at the idea. Gabriel opens his mouth to say something, but we are interrupted by North flinging the door open and bursting in.

"She just released a new song," He announces, his eyes wild.



"Blue, blue girl,

Where are you going?

That path looks dangerous, little girl.

That's where the wolves come out to devour you whole.

With pills and wine.

With pills and wine.

Where are you going, little girl?

Little blue girl.

"That rose you hold sure looks sweet,

Matches the blood you bleed.

Don't lie to me,

There's a lot of red under that blue.

Little girl, look at yourself.

Is this what you wanted to become?

Little blue, blue girl, those lips look divine.

You live like you are not running out of time.

Little blue girl, please be mine.

Who am I?

I'm an old friend,

And I'll be there with you at the end.

"Hide in the corner of the room.

You can smell your inevitable doom.

She wanders in like she's never been in here before.

Little blue girl, what are you looking for?

Cower under the covers from the monsters who sleep with you.

Little blue girl, your direction is showing.

I am all-knowing.

It's a burden to bear, little girl.

Not everything is red roses and wine.

Not everything is red roses and wine.

"That rose you hold sure looks sweet,

Matches the blood you bleed.

Don't lie to me,

There's a lot of red under that blue.

Little girl, look at yourself.

Is this what you wanted to become?

Little blue, blue girl, those lips look divine.

You live like you are not running out of time.

Little blue girl, please be mine.

Who am I?

I'm an old friend,

And I'll be there with you at the end."

Silence follows the storm that was the song.

"Someone explain that song," Luke orders lazily, plopping down on a chair.

All of us, except Sean and Owen, are in the living room, gathered by North to hear the new song.

I smirk at my best friend and explain, "The song is from Death's perspective. Now listen to it."

Victor obliges and we listen to the incredible song again.

"Hear it now?" I ask smugly.

"Yup," Luke replies, popping the 'p.'

"That is... All sorts of creepy and terrifying," Kota shivers.

Nathan smirks, "My kind of girl."

I snort at that and change the topic, asking, "So, what do we do now?"

Kota takes charge and orders, "Alright, Silas, North, and Victor explain your group's findings.

Silas goes first and then Victor sighs, "I can't find anything about the computer that uploads the videos. Whoever puts them up knows what they are doing."

Darn it. We were all hoping, almost expecting, that Victor would be able to pinpoint the exact location of the computer, like usual. They must be incredible with computers if they are able to block Victor.

"However, I have to agree with Silas that she is in the United States," Victor continues. "But I wasn't able to get any closer."

"Going through the fan pages isn't doing much," North grunts. "There are theories, but most of them are ruled out by Academy or CPS reports. Gotta love paperwork."

Kota nods, "I'll alert Mr.B and then see what to do from there, but he may already be meeting with the directors so there is no guarantee as to when he will respond. You all did well and can take a break until then."

In a flash, I am out of the room and in my own bedroom gathering paints and setting a blank canvas on my easel.

As always, her song inspired me to create something new.

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