Two Bows (A Legolas/OC fanfic)

By XXbowandarrowsXX

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Ryanne is a she-elf living in Rivendell. She was taken in by Lord Elrond when she was a small child due to he... More

The Council
Spies and...mines?
Cave Trolls and Mithril
Riders of Rohan
The White Wizard
Théoden King
To Helms Deep
Attack from Isengard
Arriving and Seeing
Fighting for Helms Deep
For Rohan!
The Palantír
Gondor's Calling
The Encampment
War and Revival
The Black Gate
Eye and Mountain
All is at Rest
Back Home
Authors Note

Balrogs and Lothlórien

16.8K 402 276
By XXbowandarrowsXX

I marveled at Frodo's near-death experience and how he managed get out of it. It was a matter of luck how that happened. My thoughts were interrupted by Gandalf shouting to us. "To the bridge of Kazahad-Dum!" He turned and began to run down a path leading to somewhere we couldn't see yet. I followed after him, Legolas right behind me. Making sure the rest of the Fellowship were with us, I started to run even faster.

We ran and ran, and I was surprised at how fast Gandalf could move for an old man. We stopped in a circle of empty space, surrounded by huge stone pillars, reaching the ceiling. I was panting, from running so fast, and I was glad I had a chance to catch my breath. I started to hear scrabbling noises, like claws on stone, and looked up quickly. To my horror, I saw hundreds of thousands of Orcs and Goblins running down from the pillars and closing in around us. I drew an arrow and waited for Gandalf to say something.

He never did. I looked around at him to see him looking farther away, behind the Orcs, at something unseen. Than, a huge roar came from a passage way behind everybody, shaking the floors and walls. The Orcs surrounding us began shift uncomfortably. There was another roar an this time the creatures around us began to scream out of fear and run to get back up on the pillars. I was confused for a moment and than terror started to settle in. Whatever could make Orcs and Goblins run out of fear, could easily kill us.

The beast roared again, even louder this time, and the passage way lit up with orange and red flames. I lowered my bow, shaking out of terror, trying to pull myself together. "What is this new devilry?" Boromir whispered to us. "A Balrog. And ancient beast of fire." Gandalf responded. I pulled my bow up again, as did Legolas and Aragorn drew his sword. "This foe is beyond any of you!" He shouted again. "Run!" and we did. Faster than before, scared for our lives. We could see the bridge a little ways away from us and so we ran faster.

We reached a huge staircase that wasn't very wide, and began to run down them. I was in front, as Gandalf had gone to fight the Balrog. I saw the stairs beginning to crack, and tried to slow down. I had too much momentum behind me though, so when they actually did split right in front of me, I saw my life go flashing before my eyes. I swung my arms, trying to regain balance. I might have fallen, but I felt Legolas reach around my waist and pull me back safely. I didn't have time to thank him, as he moved past me and jumped across the gap to the other side. He motioned with his hands for me to jump after him. "I will catch you!" he said confidently. I had no doubt that he would, I just hated, hated heights.

Breathing quickly, I tried to make myself jump, but it wasn't happening. I heard Aragorn move up behind me and pick me up. "No!" I cried. "No!" my eyes went huge, as I realized he was gong to throw me across. What was it with people and throwing Elves? he tossed me firmly over the edge, and Legolas caught me in his arms. He hugged me and set me back on my feet. I moved behind him to see Gimli protesting about how 'nobody tosses a dwarf.' He jumped across, but fell short, making Legolas grab him be the beard and yank him up. Next was Boromir, who threw Sam over and picked up Merry and Pippin under each of his arms and jumped. They came across safely and we all looked back at who was left.

Aragorn and Frodo were about to jump, when a bigger part of the stairs broke off in front of them. The stairs began to rock unsteadily, and I feared them falling. Aragorn grabbed Frodo by the back of his cloak, holding him steady. "Lean forward!" he shouted. The both did and we had to back up when the stairs came crashing into our side. They ran over to us and we all began to run towards the bridge.

When we reached it, we filed into a line and crossed it that way. I was behind Boromir and in front of Legolas. I forced myself not to look down, as I would probably get sick. "Where is Gandalf?" I shouted at whoever could hear me, once we had crossed the bridge. I got my answer soon enough, as an ear-deafening roar echoed through the mines. The Balrog was behind Gandalf who was fleeing from it, moving faster than I have ever seen anybody move. Gandalf reached the bridge and began to run across to us. The Balrog stepped on the bridge after him, but a cracking noise stopped him. He was too heavy for the bridge, I knew, but he continued to walk across after Gandalf.

Gandalf turned around to face the beast. "You shall not pass!" he yelled at it. The Balrog roared back at him and swung his head around. I was surprise to then see the Balrog draw a huge flaming sword and hold it aloft. "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!" Gandalf yelled even louder at the Balrog. He brought his sword and staff together and slammed them into the bridge. He had created a circle of light around him, blocking the Balrog's sword as he brought it down on Gandalf. Doing so, he had stepped further onto the bridge, which made it give way and it fell down, down into the abyss.

The bright light around Gandalf died out, and he leaned agains his staff, weak and panting for breath. I was about to call out for him to cross to us, but was stopped by what happened next.

The Balrog had drawn a long whip, right before it had fallen. He shot it up, wrapping it around Gandalf's ankle, pulling him down. I gasped and started, but saw the Gandalf had grabbed on to the edge of the broken off bridge. He looked at us with fear in his eyes. "Fly, you fools!" he whispered and let go, falling down into the darkness.

"GANDALF!" I screamed, and in an instant was running to the bridge. Before I made it to him, I felt arms come around me and pull me away. I fought against the person, trying to get to the man who I had known for my whole life, who was now dead. "No!! Gandalf!!" I stopped struggling, knowing I wouldn't break free, and even if I did, I wouldn't be able to help. I allowed myself to be walked over to the rest of the Fellowship, who were starting to walk out of the mines.

The bright sunlight caused me to close my eyes momentarily. I opened them again, and the shock started to fade away and realization began to settle in. The arms around me came away, but I turned and buried my face into the person's chest, already knowing who it was. Legolas wrapped his arms around me again. He whispered soothing words to me, as I fought back tears. Gandalf deserved my tears, but I didn't want everyone to see me crying. Breathing heavily, I tried to calm myself down. We had a mission, and that could not be interrupted.

I was snapped back to reality when I heard Aragorn calling to us. "Legolas, Ryanne. Get them up on their feet!" I let go of Legolas who looked down at me. "It's alright." He said stroking my hair. I nodded sadly and turned to help get everyone up. "Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Boromir said angrily to Aragorn. "We must move on to Lothlórien. By nightfall, these hill will be crawling with Orcs." Aragorn answered him. I agreed with Aragorn, but thought how hard that must have been for the Hobbits. I moved over to Merry and Pippin, who were sobbing freely. I knelt down and rubbed their backs softly. I didn't know what else to do, as it has been just as hard for me.

"Hey, it's alright." I whispered. "Shhhh...shhhhh." I picked the Hobbits up and set them on their feet, hugging each of them quickly. "We must carry on.'' I told them. Fighting back new tears, I moved over to Frodo. Seeing he had walked over to stand by himself, I didn't go over to him, knowing he needed down time. I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, and began to cry.

My tears were silent, but they poured down my face freely. Someone moved to my side and cupped my chin in their hand. He brought his free hand up and wiped my tears away. I probably looked like a mess, with my tear-stained face and dried blood on my cheek. I looked up to see Legolas. He was who I was expecting, and he made me smile softly. I rested my hand on his outstretched arm. I was amazed at how he was always right there for me when I needed him. I whispered a thank you and he smiled back at me.
He dropped his hand from my face and instead, slipped it through my hand. I didn't pull away, enjoying his presence.

Aragorn called out to Frodo, and when the little Hobbit turned, there were streaks of tears on his face. His eyes were red and puffy from crying. Aragorn walked over to him and layed a hand on his shoulder. He started whispering to Frodo, that only with my Elf ears could I hear him.

"You must be strong, Frodo."
Aragorn was saying. "We need to move on, and we can't let our emotions disrupt out mission." Frodo wiped his eyes and nodded softy. Aragorn patted his head and walked back to us, Frodo behind him. We made sure that everyone was on their feet, and that we had all our supplies gathered with us. When we did, Aragorn began leading us towards the forest of Lothlórien.

{~~A few hours later~~}

I carefully stepped over a fallen tree branch, careful to keep my footing. I had no idea how we would know that we reached Lothlórien, but I hoped Aragorn or Boromir did.

With my hand still in Legolas's, we walked slowly and kept mostly to ourselves. There was an unseen fog around us, that was Gandalf's death, making us sad and unwilling to move on. Nobody had spoken until Gimli spoke up. "Stay close!" he spoke to the Hobbits and maybe even me. "They say that an evil sorceress of great power lives in these woods! All who look upon her fall under her spell and are never seen again!" Was he talking about Lady Galadriel? She wasn't at all evil, but I can imagine people falling under her spell. "Well this is a Dwarf she won't catch so easily!" Gimli rambled on. "I have eyes like a hawk and ears like a fox!" He was about to say more, but stopped when our little group was circled by Elves with their bows pointing right at us.

My hand fell from Legolas's and I grabbed my throwing knives. I held them up in front of me, as Legolas drew his bow as well. Nobody moved for quite some time. Until, a very tall elf moved in front of his men. I was a tad intimidated as I was much smaller than he was. In fact, I was much smaller than practically any other elf by almost five inches.

The elf turned to us and spoke in a hard voice. "The Dwarf breathed so loud we could have shot him in the dark!" Gimli looked venomous and he growled at the Elf. We were led through the woods on a winding path until we reached what seemed to be the city of Lothlórien. It was beautiful, with flowers and steams. It reminded me of Rivendell. It was peaceful and serene, and when there was no talking all that was heard were the birds chirping and the soft trickle of water.

We were led up a huge winding staircase that spiraled as we went up. Once we were on the next floor, we were stopped in front of another, much wider staircase. My eyes widened at the woman descending from it. Lady Galadriel. She was holding onto the arm of a male elf, who I presumed to be Celeborn, her husband. The Lady was the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her complexion was creamy, her eyes bright and glittering. Celeborn was a lucky man.

When The Lady reached the end of the stairwell, we all sank to our knees in respect. "Rise, my children." She spoke to us. Her voice was soft and peaceful. Than Celeborn spoke to us, from next to Galadriel. "Ten of you set out from Rivendell, but only nine are here." I knew what was coming. "Tell me, where is Gandalf, for I much desire to speak with him." He looked around at our sad faces, waiting for an answer. "He fell in the Mines of Moria." Aragorn explained. "A Balrog..." Celeborn nodded sadly. Than Lady Galadriel spoke next. "You will be given food and a place to stay as long as you need. Your wounds will also be tended to." She said, noticing my sliced cheek.


I was taken up another floor to a washroom, led by a female elf, whose name was Islanda. She ran a warm bath for me and laid out a new set of clothes for when I was finished washing myself. I stripped down and she took my dirty clothes and weapons, and left me.

I stepped in the warm bath, and instantly smiled. The water was so warm and relaxing. Not to mention, I hadn't had a bath in almost two weeks. I washed my hair and my body with sweet smelling soap, and than got out. I found a towel to dry myself and I did, also draining the bath. Looking around for my new set of clothes, I found some on the shelf to my left.

There was a dark black dress that went down to a little above my knees. I put it on, and was surprisingly comfortable, with very soft material. There was a slit in the fabric that showed a little amount of my skin of my left side. I usually didn't enjoy putting on dresses, put this one was an exception. I than tugged on some leather boots that buckled up.

My attention turned to the washroom door when it opened. Islanda walked in again, holding my weapons, which were now cleaned and looking very shiny. She set them on a shelf and picked up a brush. She walked over to me and began to comb my hair. Once there were no knots in it and it was dry, she started to braid it. She did the top half of my hair in a fish braid and left the bottom half loose and flowey.

She handed me a mirror to look at it and I did. She had braided it perfectly and neatly, it was beautiful. I smiled at her. "Thank you" She smiled back at me and nodded, handing me my weapons. I put my sword and quiver on my back and strapped my knives on under my dress. I held my bow, because it gave me a sense of security. "There is food downstairs, where the rest of your friends are waiting." She softy spoke to me. I thanked her again and started down the stairs. I jogged down them, and over to where the food was.

The rest of the Fellowship was seated around a table and they were talking quietly and laughing. I walked over to them, smiling. I took a seat in between Legolas and Aragorn. They smiled at me and I returned it.

We ate and talked pleasantly as evening crept up on us. We would have never gone to bed and finished the night if Aragorn hadn't told us to.

We walked over to where we were sleeping for the night and put our weapons down next to our beds. Within ten minutes, everybody was asleep.

Except me. Of course.

For some reason, I could not make myself fall into a much-wanted slumber. I kept replaying the memory of Gandalf and the Balrog. Quite honestly, I didn't think he was dead. I would know if he was, I would feel it.
Sighing, I pulled my self out of my bed, careful not to wake the others. Not bothering to put my boots on, I walked outside and into the clearing.

There was a little river flowing gently through the flowers and grass. I walked over and looked into the clear water. I saw myself, but I wished I hadn't. My hair was still in shape, but my far looked tired and sad. I had a small mark on my cheek where I had been cut. I dipped my foot in, making a ripple. The water was cold and refreshing. I took my foot out and continued to stare into the water.

I soon saw a second reflection come up behind me and stand next to me. He had long, blonde hair an pointy ears, like me. "You couldn't sleep?" Legolas guessed. I shook my head sadly. We stood in silence for a while. Not an awkward silence, a peaceful one. Than I spoke. "I don't think he's dead." Legolas turned me around to face him. He held a slightly confused look. "Gandalf." I explained. "He's not dead." Legolas sighed. "I don't know if he is or not, Ryanne." I looked him in his bright blue eyes. "I just think I would know it if he was." He nodded. "I think so too." I suddenly felt something for him, a feeling I have never experienced before now. I had no words for it, but it was wonderful. Was it love? I didn't know.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him close to me. He did the same instantly, holding me tightly, protectively. I felt safe in his arms, knowing nothing would happen when he was with me. "Let's go to bed." he whispered to me. I nodded and walked with him towards our rooms.


A/N: .......? I don't know how that went, honestly. I have no clue. So, please can you guys comment on how you think I did and comment a smiley face if you liked it!!! and, if you really really liked

Thank you guys so much for reading my book!!! I don't know when the next chapter will be up, but it will be soon. I hope.


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