Forever Entranced ~Book Two O...

By anasmalls

722 106 19

Ava's complicated life is about to get that much more complicated. She craves the mundanely normal life she u... More

Just A Quick Heads Up!
Chapter One ~ Webs
Chapter Two ~ I'll Survive
Chapter Three ~ Training
Chapter Four ~ Melodies
Author's Note
Chapter Five ~ Believe In Yourself
Chapter Six ~ Airborne Battles
Chapter Seven ~ Submission
Chapter Eight ~ Broken Wings
Chapter Nine ~ A Leap Of Faith
Chapter Ten ~ Follower
Chapter Eleven ~ Carnival Horrors
Chapter Twelve ~ It's Ironic
Chapter Thirteen ~ Reap What You Sow
Chapter Fourteen ~ Beautiful But Cold
Chapter Fifteen ~ Nights Of Fire And Ash
Chapter Sixteen ~ Nightmares
Chapter Seventeen ~ Lake of Ice
Half Way Point!
Chapter Nineteen ~ Horrible Thoughts
The Author Is Jabbering Again
Chapter Twenty ~ Siren's Songs
Chapter Twenty-One ~ Permafrost
Illius Wants You To Know...
Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Little Will
Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Plains and Stains
Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Domain
Info You Might Want To Know
Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Playing Games
Chapter Twenty-Six ~ The Lies Build Up
Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ The Crystal Castle
Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Treachery
Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Blizzard's Battle Cry
Chapter Thirty ~ Heart of Stone
Thank You!
Sneak Peak Into Book Three!

Chapter Eighteen ~ Dark Waltz

19 3 0
By anasmalls

(Sneak peak of the bedroom mentioned later in the chapter above ^)

Nigel led us down a side of the mountain, climbing down rocks and ledges covered in snow. Tinzezim followed after, his huge feet clinging to the edges, slipping on rocks that caused small avalanches of snow to roll down towards us.

"Tinzezim! Quit it! You're going to bury us in snow and kill us!" Nigel shouted, shaking his head, wet droplets flying from his hair due to the snow that fell from the grey clouds above, pounding down on us and adding to the difficultly of our decent. The Yeti looked down at him, grunting, an apologetic look on his face, "I know you're afraid of heights, but I need your help!" He yelled over the whipping winds. The Yeti opened his mouth, letting out a roar in complaint, "Oh shut up and get down here," Nigel said as he leapt from a ledge, landing on the icy ground in a crouched position, the Lake of Ice only a few feet away.

I swallowed hard, looking up at the Yeti in pity, "I know how you feel big guy," I gave him a reassuring smile and his black lips curled back, revealing his deathly teeth in what I was sure was an attempt to smile back, but for some reason it was just sort of terrifying.

I carefully slid to the bottom, standing and adjusting my jacket as I moved towards Killian who stood beside Nigel. The two Lockwood brothers followed closely behind me, the Yeti groaned as he stepped hesitantly on the ice, "What, are you afraid?" Nigel gave Tinzezim a frustrated look. The Yeti whined, tiptoeing towards Nigel causing him to roll his eyes.

"You better actually have a way to cross this lake, because I'm not doggy paddling," Illius sarcastically retorted, a mocking smirk spreading over his lips.

Nigel shifted his jaw, his hazel eyes boring into Illius with despise, "What did I say about those dog jokes?" He spun towards Tinzezim, "Pull the boat out." He ordered.

The Yeti groaned, his shoulders sagging, but did as he was told. His nose sniffed the air as he leisurely dragged his feet across the lightly snow covered ice and towards a boulder that sat against the wall of a cliff hanging over the lake. He grunted and grumbled as he pushed with all his body weight, rolling the hunk of rock to the side, revealing a hidden cave. He disappeared inside and we all watched silently until he reappeared, dragging a long wooden canoe out with oars tucked safely inside.

"A boat," Killian acknowledged, his arms folded over his chest, "Not bad."

"I told you I'd get you across," Nigel sauntered towards the canoe, grabbing a rope, wrapping it around his hand a couple times before heaving it towards the rushing waters, "I can take it from here Tinzezim." The Yeti let out a frustrated sound and threw his arms in the air, discouraged. He came to a stop, the canoe several feet away from the end of the ice and the beginning of the freezing waters. West helped him push it into the waters, Nigel continuing to hold fast to the rope in order to ensure the boat didn't float away, "Well, we don't have all day. Get in."

Illius looked back at me, gesturing towards the floating craft of wood, "Ladies first."

"How kind of you," I sarcastically frowned, strolling towards it. I gripped the edge and it rocked back and forth with the waves. I swallowed hard, my stomach twisting with anxiety.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" Killian regarded me, amused.

I bit my bottom lip and hesitantly lifted one leg in, the canoe rocked and I rolled over the side, landing against the bottom on my back. I scrambled to sit up, my nerves tensing, "It rocks, a lot." I placed a hand against my tummy, beginning to feel nauseous and I let out a groan.

"You're not going to be sick are you?" Killian asked as he crawled into the boat, causing it to sway even more.

I shook my head, feeling tingly and dizzy, "Possibly."

"Take a few deep breaths," West instructed, hopping into the boat, positioning himself across from me. Illius climbed in next, his icy orbs meeting mine for a fleeting moment before pulling away as he seated himself, "I have a bad feeling about this." West quietly said, his gaze falling on the lake's waters.

"It's perfectly safe," Nigel grinned as he stepped towards the edge of the ice, "Tinzezim, hold this." He handed the Yeti the rope. Tinzezim took it, a confused look on his face and let out a mumble of roars. Nigel leapt into the boat, "No, you can't come with. Does it look like there's room for you in this boat?" He asked and the Yeti let out an agitated grumble, "Oh, right, you're blind. I'm sorry, okay? I really am." He adjusted on the seat at the head of the canoe, tossing two oars to West before taking two for himself, "Alright, let go Tinzezim." The Yeti hesitated, his large hand wrapped around the rope and let out a sad whimper, "Come on, buddy." Nigel sounded sympathetic and the Yeti made more noises, "I know, I'll miss you too, now let the rope go."

The Yeti reluctantly allowed the rope to slip from his hand and the canoe immediately began drifting with the current, "I didn't know you could speak such fluent Yeti." Illius grinned, his eyes filled with amusement.

Nigel became increasingly irritated, "Shut up." He angrily snapped, dipping the oars into the water in order to direct the boat around a floating piece of ice.

Killian slid over to my side, "Still feeling sick?" He quietly asked.

I shook my head, "Not as much."

There was a sudden mournful bawl and I turned to see Tinzezim pacing back and forth on the shore of ice, letting out cries, pleading for us to come back. He stepped forward, dipping his toe in the water and immediately retracted, letting out a string of complaining grunts. "Go home Tinzezim!" Nigel shouted as we drifted further away. The Yeti shook his hairy head, roaring at Nigel, "Don't talk like that, of course I'll come back! Go home!"Nigel shook his head, "That big oaf. I love him, but geez." He turned back around to face us with a broad smile on his face, "Alright lady and gentlemen, please keep your hands and feet inside of the boat at all times and enjoy the ride."

Illius rolled his eyes, slacking back against the other end of the canoe, placing his hands behind his head.

"You could at least try to help," West growled at his younger brother between clenched teeth as he continued to row the canoe.

"Why?" Illius shrugged his shoulders, "You're doing so wonderfully all on your own, I wouldn't want to mess that up." West shook his head, frustrated.

The Yeti was slowly fading into the distance until he was nothing more than a white blob blending into the mountainside covered in snow. I sighed, trying to relax my tensed muscles as we drifted across what felt like a body of water with no end.

"So how did you come across this canoe?" Killian inquired, running a hand through his vibrantly purple hair.

Nigel shrugged, "I built it and brought it here, the lake is a wonderful fishing spot. Minus the occasional siren."

"What?" Illius said before I could, sitting up from his coolly relaxed position, "Tell me you didn't just say siren."

"Well I couldn't tell you that, now could I? Because that would be a lie," Nigel casually rowed, his eyes landing on me every once in awhile, "The Lake of Ice is popular for its wide variety in sea creatures, including sirens."

Killian frowned, "You act like sirens aren't the man murdering creatures they are. Like they're just going to swim up to us and introduce themselves by shaking hands."

Nigel shrugged, "You never know, they might."

"Highly doubtful," West firmly stated.

I pursed my lips, "What exactly are sirens?"

"A part from singing such enchanting songs that they lure people into the waters in order to drown them, sirens are excellent swimmers," Illius sarcastically jested.

"Very funny," I frowned, wrapping my arms around myself, "Just another thing on my list of deadly things I never knew existed." My stomach let out a low growl and I flushed, embarrassed.

"Hungry?" Nigel tucked the oars into the side of the canoe and bent down, reaching into his brown sack - I had failed to notice he had placed between my seat and his - and produced a small metal box resembling a lunchbox, "Take your pick." He unlatched it and lifted the lid, holding it out to me. I peered inside, there was what resembled a saltine cracker, but I was pretty sure it wasn't. There were two little red balls that looked like they could be cherries, two dark bars I assumed - no, I hoped - was chocolate, and what smelt and looked like jerky. I raised a brow suspiciously at him and he nodded, urging me to choose. I reached in, plucking one of the "cherries," a bar of "chocolate" and a piece of jerky out. He closed the box and returned it to its rightful place, "Go ahead, try them."

I took a hesitant bite of the jerky, everyone watched me eagerly. Slowly I chewed, the taste blooming in my mouth. I nodded, "It's actually pretty good, what type of meat is it?"

"Polar bear," Nigel casually replied.

My eyes went wide and I froze mid-bite, Illius burst out in laughter followed by West and Killian, "Are you serious?" I stared at the remainder of the jerky in my hand and swallowed, accidently swallowing the polar bear jerky. I gagged, which only furthered the boy's chuckles. Even Nigel seemed entertained.

"Dead serious," Nigel grinned.

I stared distrustfully at the "cherry," and took a slow bite out of it. It was sweet, but it was definitely not a cherry. The taste blossomed in my mouth, unbelievably delicious, "And what about this?" I raised up the red ball of tasty ness.

"Vampire blood bait, but it actually makes a pretty good snack," Nigel watched me for my reaction.

I just sat there, before flipping out, "What the heck?! Are you trying to poison me?!"

"It's not going to poison you," Illius grinned wickedly.

I held up the brown bar, knowing it couldn't just be chocolate. It was probably something horribly disgusting and I just knew I couldn't trust it, "And what about this? Is it some otherworldly snack too?"

"Nope," Nigel pulled out his oars, beginning to row again, "That's just chocolate."

"Oh," I blushed, embarrassed yet relieved. I popped the bar into my mouth, savoring the melting delicacy I hadn't had in what felt like forever, "You're right," I said, "It's chocolate."

"Come now, Ava," Nigel regarded me with a mischievous smirk, "I would never lie to you."

Time seemed to pass by slowly and eventually the sun set, the rowing ceased and the group snuggled down in the bottom of the boat to rest. Nigel lay sprawled out, his hand shoved in Killian's face, snoring loudly. West was peacefully leaned against one of the seats, his head nodding off to the side. Illius lay facing away from me, seeming to be asleep as well. Everyone was resting, everyone that is, except for me.

I pulled my knees against my chest, staring up at the night sky, reminded of the terrifying man with obsidian black eyes and that crooked grin. The man who seemed to haunt my dreams, rarely at first, but now I hadn't had a peaceful nights rest in days. I sighed, my head ached and my eyes wanted to close and doze me off into sleep, but I couldn't let them. I refused to let them.

"Ava?" I flipped around, my eyes landing on Illius who had propped himself up on his elbow and was peering at me in the darkness with sleepy eyes, "Why aren't you sleeping? You're exhausted, every day lately, don't think I wouldn't notice."

I sighed, listening to the sound of the water lapping against the sides of the canoe, and shook my head, "I can't sleep."

"Why not?" He sat up, carefully slipping beside West so that he could sit by my side, keeping his voice low.

My eyes met his. His black hair stood up in different directions, messy from sleep. His blue orbs studied mine, his high cheek bones, defined nose and strong jaw accentuated by the beams of moonlight that poured down on us. "Nightmares," I whispered, shivering.

 "What kind of nightmares?" He softly asked, scooting closer to me, his arm wrapping around my shoulders. The smell of cedar wood filled my senses and relaxed my nerves.

"Horrible ones. The kind that keep you up all night wondering if they will ever go away or if they'll stay just to torment you," I found myself leaning in towards him. His arm slid down around my waist, pulling me closer. I laid my head on his shoulder, gazing up at the twinkling stars that shifted in and out of focus, "I hate it, Illius. I'm exhausted, fatigued, and yet I can't sleep because if I do, I know what I'll see." I paused, "I'm afraid."

He was warm and comforting. I curled up next to him, "I could keep you safe," He spoke softly into my hair, "Nightmares are all afraid of me."

"You'd do that... for me?" I looked up at him, his bright blue eyes meeting mine and my heart skipped a beat.

"I'd do anything for you," He muttered, reaching up to tuck my hair back, "Go to sleep," He pressed his lips against my forehead, soft and lingering, "I'll fight the bad dreams off if they come to get you."


I laid on a circular bed covered in black satin sheets and pillows, surrounding my body in a leeching cocoon. Rubbing at my eyes, I sat up, feeling strangely relaxed. A glimmering chandelier of sorts with dangling strings of lights hung over me. The room around me was decorated with smooth black paint and stones on the floor hidden mostly by an assortment of rugs. I stood from the bed, my feet hitting the carpeted platform that raised the bed off ground level. Several nightstands and tables stood flaunting black lamps with white crystal bottoms and glasses filled to the brim with a dark wine. Flickering light from a fireplace around the corner cast shadows on the floor. Candelabras made of the same white, clear crystal nestled themselves around the bedroom.

I moved to stand in front of a mirror hanging sturdily against the wall behind the bed, taking in my appearance. I raised a brow as I took in the lacy black top I wore with criss-crossed straps  leading up over my shoulder, leaving my stomach uncovered and shoulders. Straps came down from the top, joining with a pair of low rising, black shorts. Hanging from the top of the shorts, drawing down around my legs was sheer, black fabric that trailed across the floor. Circlets held fast to my thighs and a silver chain formed a choker around my neck decorated with a skull with beady black eyes. My eyes were surrounded by black shadow, a deep wine colored lipstick decorating my lips. I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling too revealed. The best two words I could use to describe my outfit were gothic and lingerie. I shivered, this was not me.

"It's so good to see you again," That hauntingly familiar voice sent chills running down my spine. I stood petrified as he moved behind me, tucking my curled honey brown hair to the side, revealing my neck. His mysterious, obsidian eyes met mine in the reflection of the mirror. His platinum blond hair slicked back, one piece hanging in front of his left eye. He tilted my head to the side, leaning down, his nose and lips brushing against the exposed skin of my neck.

I shivered unpleasantly, "Get out of my head," I seethed between clenched teeth.

His eyes flicked up to meet mine in the mirror, "Now why would I do that?" His voice was deathly smooth, vilely edging its way into my ears, "Just look at you," He placed his head beside mine, gripping me by the chin with his black, gloved hand and forcing me to look forward into our reflection. I pressed my lips together in defiance, struggling to get out of his grasp. He held my hands in one of his behind my back, a sinister look in his eyes, "You're gorgeous."

"I want you out of my dreams!" I snapped and his grip tightened on my jaw causing me to wince. He spun me around to face him, holding me in place.

He made a disapproving sound with his tongue on the roof of his mouth, shaking his head slowly, his eyes planted harshly on me, "Such a strong girl," He mused, his face leering over mine, "You'd make a fine queen."

I pushed out of his grasp, my skin crawling from his touch, "Don't touch me." I warned, stepping away from him, my back pressing against the mirror.

His eyes narrowed, cascading over my form, "Anger looks good on you, don't you think?" A sly smirk curled over his colorless lips.

I looked down at myself and flipped around to face the mirror once more. My attire had changed and by his will I assumed. A strapless dress cascaded from my body and to the floor, a collar coming up around my neck to make way for the open space below my collarbone, the back open with spaghetti straps crossed over it. The black fabric clung to my waist, accentuating curves I did not know I had. The skirt came down to hug tightly against my thighs, an abundance of sheer, black fabrics beginning from the tops of the hips surrounded the pencil skirt, leaving an opening in the front. Laced, black tights decorated in dark roses covered the rest of my legs and a pair of black, high-heeled boots that reached just below my knee added to my height. And of course, to top it all off, the little mocking skull remained hooked to the collar hugging my neck.

"Absolutely stunning, I couldn't have done a better job of picking out your evening gown for tonight," He moved to stand behind me again, his hands tucked behind his back. He wore a suit, a black tie tucked into a vest decorated with wine red designs, covering a black dress shirt and over that all was a tailored dress coat, the collar lined with the same red. His long legs were covered in black pants and a belt decorated the top of his hips, a matching skull to the one on the collar of my dress, forming his buckle, "You look good beside me." He whispered into my ear.

I glared at him, my stomach twisting, "I would never stand beside you willingly." I angrily spun around, moving to escape through the black door with the silver skull handle at the other end of the room, but a firm hand grasped my wrist and twirled me back around. The room swirled and I was suddenly in a ballroom, being led across grey marble in his arms. The walls were covered in a shadowed, rosy-cream wallpaper with grey vines decorating it. A staircase rounded, forming a balcony that spread across half of the enormous room. Archways of carved stone spanned up at the top of the balcony, branching off to other rooms. In the center of the ceiling was a small, domed space covered in deep red and black stained glass. Hanging from the glass, over the center of the ballroom was a gigantic golden chandelier, with bounteous amounts of gems hanging from it, illuminating the room. Circling the edges of the room were more, smaller chandeliers. Draping from the center chandelier to the significantly smaller ones was a long spool of wine red, sheer fabric. Pillars and tall windows of stain glass lined walls.

Dancing around us, were hundreds of other couples. They spun and watched each other's eyes with such intensity the waltz became something more than just a waltz, it was a bonding between the couples, a silent communication. Dark, haunting music filled the ballroom and we twirled to the soft rings. My eyes met my partner's as he spun me around, pulling me back into his hostile embrace as we glided effortlessly around the room. I tried to force my body to detach from his grasp, but it refused to obey my wishes.

"You dance as though you're from my time. As if you were born for it," He reflected, his purely black eyes twinkling with interest, "How do I make you feel, Ava Meyer?" His voice dropped, low and seductive.

I swallowed the dryness in the back of my throat. He dipped me down, my hair bushing against the floor, "You make my skin crawl." I bit through the words. My body may not have been obeying me at the moment, but at least my mind and voice was still my own.

He let out a chuckle, a cold sound, "Do I? I believe the last time we spoke, you said I had no power over you. It seems," He pulled me flush against him and my breath hitched, "That I do." His arm tightened around my waist, the hand that held mine gave it a firm squeeze, "You try to hide your darkness, but I can see it. It's enticing," Laughter danced in his eyes and I knew I was a goner, "Did you really think you would win? Honestly darling, why are you fighting against a cause that created you?" My heart clenched as his face neared mine, "Give in to the darkness, it's too tempting not to." He breathed, his breaths caressing over my lips, "I have a gift for you," He grinned, a mockingly horrific grin. I felt something cold clasp around my wrist, "I hope you'll love it as much as I do."

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