The Long Way Home

By Farley_Moon

23.1K 846 116

After being attacked in the world of the living, Ichigo must try and find the culprit in the Soul Society. U... More

The Long Way Home
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part 10
Part 11

Part Five

2.2K 73 21
By Farley_Moon

Renji had been in an excellent mood all day. They were getting ready to leave for the hospital, well, Rukia was getting ready. He was sitting in the small living room waiting for her. He'd been replaying that kiss over and over in his mind last night. In fact, he was replaying a lot of the kissing they did last night. He sighed a little regretfully though. Rukia was the li e of his life and also a member of one of the four noble houses. As such, there was... protocol.

Renji had loved her since he'd first saw her and although he had been too young at the time to realise what those feelings actually were, he always knew he needed her. Despite the seriousness of why they were here, Renji was ecstatic. She loved him too!

He wasn't looking forward to the hospital visit tonight. He hadn't been to see Ichigo since they had arrived. Nor had he been to see Orihime.. Their first day they had spent at Urahara's shop getting gegais and getting in touch with Uruyu and Chad.

He sighed and looked around the apartment. He had cleaned up while Rukia had gone to the hospital earlier and before heading out to deal with a couple of Hollows. A part of him couldn't wait to deal with a really strong Hollow right now. He could sense the change in his spiritual pressure and wanted to test it.

The bathroom door opened and Rukia stepped out. Renji jumped to his feet and could keep the grin off his face. "You look beautiful tonight."

Smiling, Rukia shook her head. "I look the same as I always do."

"I know." Renji grinned at her in delight.

"I must say, you done a great job cleaning this place up. You should have waited so I could help you."

"Nah. It's ok. I tell you what though, you can choose some new flowers for the vase. Get Orihime some nice fresh flowers for when she gets better. Those ones won't last much longer."

Rukia turned to look at the flowers and for a second stared at them in disbelief. Renji saw the look on her face and was over beside her in a moment. "Rukia, what is It? What's wrong?"

"Those flowers Renji. It's the Akuma flower."

Renji looked at the flowers and wondered what that actually meant. "So?"

Rukia looked up at him, her eyes wide with horror. "Renji. Those flowers only grow in the Soul Society. In fact, they are actually quite rare." She shook her head in shock. ""I know this because Byakuya told me. We went for a walk around the grounds of the Kuchki home. He wanted to talk to me, and it was lovely. He opened up to me as a sister and brother should do, Renji. But I saw these flowers in the garden and I went to pick one. He told me to never pick or cut the Akuma flower. While it grows it's harmless. Once it is cut, it's sap ferments and turns to poison. It's smells sweet, like a perfume, but it's true name is the nightmare flower. It sends those it entrap into a deep nightmare filled dream that you can't wake up from without an antidote! Renji, if Orihime touched those flowers..."

"Damn! So, it really does look like someone from the Soul Society has done this!"

Rukia shook her head again, the distress obvious on her face. "You don't understand, Renji! Byakuya told me himself. Those flowers... They only grow on the grounds of the Kuchki family gardens!"

"You can't be serious!" He gazed at the drooping flowers and could hardly believe what she was saying. "Who would do something like that?"

"I don't know, but she's the only one who could have helped Ichigo. Seems someone knew exactly what they were doing." She stared at the flowers, remembering the last time she saw them.

Rukia and Renji had discussed the issue of the flowers almost non-stop on their way to the hospital. They were still unsure what they were going to do with what they knew. As they walked out of the lift on to the floor Ichigo's room was on, they could see a few familiar faces standing in the doorway to his room. Rukia was so glad to see Chad and Uruyu that she didn't realise exactly what was going on.

Renji did however. He took Rukia's hand and squeezed it tight. "Rukia..."

She heard a shout from the room. "Clear!"

She didn't know what it meant but now she could see the expressions of the people outside the room. She hadn't seen Karin at first, as Chad held her close, not allowing her to see what was happening in the room.


Fear like she had never before known gripped her heart and she tried to run the short distance to that dreaded room; she was wrong! She had to be wrong! "Ichigo!" Renji held tight and she turned to look at him, fear and fury written all over her face.

Renji saw it all and refused to let her go. "You can't. You'll be in the way." His face was set in stone and she knew he was right but being right didn't matter right now. "Rukia. No."

Defeated and lost they walked a little closer but stayed far enough away so they couldn't see past the door.


Closer now and the could hear Yuzo crying somewhere inside the room. Isshin couldn't be heard but Rukia knew he was in there. She knew there was no where else for him to be but at his son's bed side.

The room went quiet and Rukia struggled to watch and Uruyu's hand went up to his mouth in shock. Chad bowed his head and wrapped his arm tighter around Karin and Rukia knew that Ichigo was dead.

Shortly after, she saw everyone move out of the way as the Doctors and nurses came out. Chad let go of Karin and Rukia saw her face grim with determination as she walked back in to that room. Uruyu turned and finally noticed Renji and Rukia and he gently tapped Chad's shoulder to point them out. They made their way over and both young men looked worn out; haggard.


Chad shook his head and rubbed at his face. "He's gone, Rukia." Chad sat down in an empty chair opposite Rukia and Renji. Unwilling or unable to look his friends in the eyes. He stared down at the floor. "One minute we were sitting chatting with Mr. Kurosaki and the next he flat lined. We all got out of the way when the crash cart and the Doctors came in."

She couldn't help it. Rukia started crying.

Uruyu still stood in front of her, and his voice was angry when he spoke. "Ichigo and Orihime. Whoever has done this will pay for it, I swear!" He snarled as he spoke, his anger an easier emotion to deal with than his fear and grief. Uruyu looked back over to the room, and saw a Doctor talking to Isshin, who had his head bowed. "I am going to stand guard over Orihime from now on." No tears ran down his face but it was as if they were there in his voice.

Chad nodded. "I too will watch over Orihime." He turned his head to the door, as he was the closest. "I heard the Doctor's ask if Ichigo was an organ donor..."

Rukia stared in horror at Chad. She suddenly stood up, pulling her hand free from Renji's. "I'm going to see my friend!"

She barged past Uruyu and almost stomped the short distance down the hall, her courage failing her as she stepped over the threshold.

Karin wasn't crying, but she was still being comforted by her father. Yuzu had stopped crying and was now holding her brothers hand in her own.

Isshin finally noticed her. "Come in, Rukia. Close the door."

She did as she was told, suddenly wishing Renji has stopped her from doing this. She tore her eyes away from Ichigo's ruined body. "Isshin. I am so so sorry."

Isshin nodded. "Now is not the time for secrets. Please Rukia. Tell my girls. Tell them the truth. Tell them who you are and what you do." He gazed at his son's body and for a moment struggled to talk. "Tell them where my son, their brother is."

Rukia nodded her agreement and was about to speak when Karin spoke. Her voice was broken with the effort of holding back her tears, but she refused to cry. "I see ghosts, but I don't feel like Ichigo was ever here."

Rukia nodded. "You are correct. I am a Soul Reaper. I come from the Soul Society to send lost souls to the other side. I am a spirit, residing in a fake body, so that I can move about and interact with the world of the living and Ichigo," she turned to look at the broken body in the bed and forcibly restrained a shudder. "And your brother, your son Isshin and my dearest friend, Ichigo Kurosaki is one of the greatest Soul Reapers I have ever known. He is there, now, with my brother. They are trying to find out why this happened in the first place. But rest assured, Ichigo is... is..." She struggled to find the right words. "He is safe."

"He's alive?" Yuzu asked hopefully.

"No, Yuzu. He is a spirit now, but I want you to know that your brother is safe."

The young girl looked at her brother lying dead in front of her. Rukia felt her strength fail her.

"Yuzu. Karin." Isshin spoke again, his voice stronger now. "We must be strong. Rukia?"

Rukia dragged her eyes away from Ichigo and knew that he would want her to be strong for his father. "Yes, Isshin?"

"When you see him again...Tell him-" Ichigo's father started crying again and it took a moment or two for him to pull himself together. Rukia was struggling herself to keep the rears at bay herself, but she knew this man was counting on her. "Tell him we love him dearly. Always."

She nodded. "Of course, I will tell him. I promise."

They had moved further up the bed, and the hurried frantic pace of earlier had died but they lay in each other's arms, kissing and touching, confirming and reconfirming this time alone together.



Ichigo smiled against the other man's lips but persisted. "We do need to talk."

Byakuya had moved to exploring his neck again, one hand splayed over the bare flesh of Ichigo's chest. This time he felt the older man sigh against his skin. "I suppose we must." He lifted his head and rested back against the pillow, but he kept his hand where it was. "I feel like I must catch up with all those times I wanted to touch you but could not."

Ichigo felt a shiver run up his spine at those words, and smiled. "Wow, by the way. Just so you know." Byakuya smiled and Ichigo reached out his hand, his fingers gently brushing against Byakuya's lips. "I don't think I have ever seen you truly smile. I like it. You should do it more often."

"I never thought to smile again. But here we are."

"Yeah..." Ichigo flopped back against the pillow but scooted closer. Byakuya started stroking his fingers up and down the exposed part of Ichigo's chest. "But here we are. The thing is..." Ichigo was glad it was dark, because he knew he was turning bright red as he spoke. He felt ridiculous for thinking like this, but it felt right to speak openly, but it was still something of a struggle for him.

Yoroichi was right, you are a prude.


The younger man turned to look at Byakuya and whatever he saw there in his eyes reassured him. "I will not ruin any of what is happening between us by rushing you." He stopped trailing his fingers against Ichigo's chest but instead placed his palm against Ichigo's heart. "This is what I wish from you. What purpose is there to fighting if not to win? What purpose is there to our hearts if not to find happiness and love." He smiled as he saw Ichigo relax. "We have time to measure the purpose of our hearts. I am just glad to find that my own is not completely lost to me." He started trailing his fingers up and down his chest again. "We shall take our time. Learn of each other. I suspect I have a lot to learn about you, Ichigo Kurosaki."

"You probably do." Ichigo breathed a sigh of relief. "I was never interested in the thought of casual sex. I know that's kind of old fashioned but I just-" Ichigo shook his head. He felt a little dizzy suddenly. "I saw how much my mum loved my dad. I guess I never just wanted to lose it. I wanted to give it to someone I care about." He rubbed at his face, suddenly tired.

"Are you alright Ichigo?" Byakuya propped himself up on his elbow to look at him properly.

"Huh? Ow!' Ichigo clutched at his chest at the sudden intense pain there. He looked at Byakuya with panic filled eyes, confused as to what was happening. "Somethings wrong! Really wrong!" The pain struck again and Byakuya was up on his knees moving in front of Ichigo as he once again grimaced in pain.


Byakuya watched, helpless as Ichigo slumped unconscious against the pillows.

Before Byakuya had a chance to react, Ichigo's eyes flew open and he sat straight up in a hurry. He looked about him in confusion until his eyes focused on Byakuya. It had happened so quickly, Byakuya was still trying to process what was happening. "Are you alright, Ichigo? What just happened?"

Ichigo grabbed Byakuya and pulled him in to a tight hug. Byakuya could feel the tears on his neck but other than an occasional sob, Ichigo was silent.

Byakuya held him tightly; his body was shaking uncontrollably. Without knowing what was wrong, he didn't know how to help him, but somehow this wasn't the moment to speak. So, in silence Byakuya knelt on the bed with Ichigo in his arms. And waited.

Rukia and Renji were alone again. They had finally left the hospital and even though they knew Ichigo was safe back in the Soul Society, it had offered little comfort to his family. They were walking as they had both agreed it would be good to clear their heads a little, when her phone rang. She looked at the screen and sighed. "Well, that didn't take long at all." She showed the phone to Renji, who scowled when he saw who it was.

"I'd say hang up, but you know if you ignore it they will just send someone here."

"You're right." Rukia flipped the phone open and hit the loudspeaker button. "Rukia Kuchki here."

"Rukia. We've heard the news about Ichigo Kurosaki. Please pass on our condolences to his family on behalf of the Soul Society."

Both Rukia and Renji grimaced as they realised who had rang them. This wasn't some lowly bureaucrat, but Captain Kurotsuchi himself. "I will do that, Captain. I am sure they will appreciate such a kind thought."

"Yes yes. But there is a problem. Kurosaki doesn't appear to have come to the Soul Society." Rukia could feel the curiosity coming over the phone line. When Kurotsuchi had his curiosity spiked it was hard to get rid of. "I wouldn't believe it myself, but the head Captain insisted I asked as he is such a special case. Is Ichigo in need of the Kunso? Is his soul still wondering around in the World of the Living?"

Renji started shaking his head. "You can't lie about that bit!" He whispered frantically. "He'll know."

"Ah, no, Captain!" replied Rukia, straining to keep her voice calm. "I was there moments after he died, sir. His Soul must have gone to the Soul Society, I'm sure!" Renji grimaced at how fervent Rukia sounded, a sure sign to anyone who knew her that she was lying.

"Hmm... Well, I guess he will turn up somewhere. I hear it was quite a violent attack. Sometimes that can confuse a Soul and goodness knows what district he will have went to. Yes. I'm sure that's it, of course. Nothing to be done about it until he turns up, eh Ms Kuchki?"

If the situation hadn't been so grim, Renji would have laughed to see Rukia bowing, as if the Captain of Research and Development was standing in front of her. "Yes sir, I'm sure you're more than correct and that will of course be the case."

"Yes. Goodbye." With that the line went dead and Rukia breathed a sigh of relief. She turned to Renji. "I think that went very well, don't you?"

His reply was to simply put his arm around her shoulders. "Not really, no. Come on. Let's go back to Orihime's place."

Byakuya had held on to Ichigo until the shaking had stopped, but it was only then that he realised that the young man had fallen asleep against him. Gently laying him down on the bed, Byakuya quietly moved off the bed and opened the door to his office.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. "Enter," he said, automatically, forgetting until the door opened revealing the 3rd seat of Squad 6, that he was quite dishevelled.

Shirogane was good enough not to appear to have noticed, but his eyes had glanced at the open doorway into the other room and quickly moved back again to his Captain. "Sir. Forgive the lateness of the hour. I have a message of some concern from Head Captain Yamamoto that could not wait till morning."

Byakuya sat down at his desk, aware and uncomfortable that he had been seen in this fashion, but there was nothing to be done about it now. "Go ahead, Shirogane, what is the message."

Shirogane sighed. "I'm sorry to be the one to inform you sir, but word has reached the Seireitei that the Substitute Soul Reaper, Ichigo Kurosaki died of his wounds due to a cowardly attack in the World of the Living. He has, as of yet, not been located within the Soul Society."

Byakuya fought hard against the urge to turn and look back towards his bedroom. "I see. That is indeed sad news." He looked at the paper in his hand, as if it was more important. "That will be all."

Shirogane nodded. "Of course." The 3rd Seat moved to leave, but then suddenly turned back to face the Captain. "I know he is a close friend of Rukia's and of course, yourself, sir. I am sure he will be ok."

Byakuya was touched by the concern his subordinate had for him, but it did not do to let anyone suspect anything unusual was going on. "Thank you, Shirogane." Byakuya kept his emotions in check. "I am sure the Substitute will be found in no time. Please ensure any request for help in the search is answered. I do not wish to be further disturbed by this tonight." He reached for the paper he had set aside earlier and Shirogane accepted the dismissal and left.

Once the door closed, Byakuya removed himself from the office and made sure to close the door behind him this time. Outside the bells chimed the hour. It was late and Ichigo Kurosaki, the Ryoka that had earned the title of Substitute Soul Reaper, was sleeping in his bed.

"So that is what happened. I am sorry, Ichigo. I would not wish this upon you so young." Sighing, Byakuya undressed and went to the cupboard, pulling out a spare blanket which he threw over Ichigo, who was now asleep on the top of the sheets. Climbing in beside him, Byakuya lay there for quite some time before he finally fell asleep. His last thought before sleep finally claimed him that whatever happened tomorrow, he would see Ichigo through it.

When he woke, Ichigo felt a moment of panic. Unsure of where he was exactly, he took a deep breath and remembered in an instant everything that had happened.


Byakuya lay asleep beside him. Ichigo turned over to study the sleeping face and thought it the most relaxed he had ever seen him. It reassured him. He smiled at the urge to just reach out and touch him, but he didn't want to wake him up just yet. There was going to be a lot of time to get to know him now.

Which is going to be handy because you know you're dead. How weird is that? You are dead and lying in another man's bed and yet you died a virgin!

Great. Even his own brain was out to get him.

Sighing, he rolled over on to his back to stare at the ceiling. He didn't really want to get up just yet. He just needed to think things over.

The desire to return to his family was overwhelming, but he knew that was going to be impossible for a while. For a start he didn't have a body to return to anymore. Just thinking about all that had happened made him so angry. He hadn't deserved to die; not like that!

No one does, but it happens every day.

This time the sigh was a lot more heartfelt.

"If you are trying not to wake me up, it is too late." Ichigo smiled as Byakuya reached for his hand under the blanket and held it. "Are you alright, Ichigo?"

"No. Not really. But I will be." Ichigo gave the older man's hand a squeeze. "I'm guessing you know then?"

"Yes. Everyone here knows, apparently. You are a powerful, strong man, Ichigo. A Soul Reaper of exceptional spiritual energy. A proven warrior no less. It would not surprise me that the Head Captain had someone in the world of the Living keeping an eye on you. News of your death reached me last night."

Ichigo hadn't turned his gaze from the ceiling; it took some time to gather his thoughts. "I'm a little afraid that if I say it out loud then there is no going back. That'll mean that its..." His voice trailed off as he tried to make sense of everything that was floating around in his brain. "Dad. Karin and Yuzu. They're all going to be devastated by this."

"I am sure they will support each other. If your family have even half of your strength, then they will get through this."

Ichigo shook his head, trying not to get angry again. "They shouldn't have to be getting through this, though!" He took a deep breath and forced himself to say it. "I died, Byakuya." He choked back a gasp as the words finally were said out loud. "I was there. Just for that moment. I felt them shocking my heart and let me tell you, that hurt like a bitch. I could hear my father telling me to fight it. My sisters were crying. The Doctors were talking over me in huge hurry." He turned over, pulling ay Byakuya's hand, clasping it within his other hand over his chest. He didn't want to say he still felt a little awkward around him, because it was nothing to do with regret and more to do with just being a dumb teenager who wasn't exactly sure of the rules of the game. "But I couldn't fight! I wanted nothing more than to fight! I wanted to reach out and comfort my sisters. But I couldn't! I had to go back to the World of the Living just so I could leave it!

He sniffed, as he struggled to hold the tears at bay. "I feel so stupid," he managed to say after a while, the two of them just lying together, taking comfort and giving it.

"Why? You think I don't know why you are crying? It is not a sign of weakness. You are anything but weak. I know it is not for yourself, Ichigo. You cry for your father. For your sisters and your friends." Byakuya started stroking the hair at the back of Ichigo's head. Ichigo wormed his way a little closer into Byakuya's body.

"I'm not crying," he sniffed indignantly. He looked up and allowed a smile to creep on to his lips. "Well, not a lot anyway."

Ichigo moved his head a little, enjoying the touch of the other man and wanting to let him know. The thought came into his head that he could kiss Byakuya's bare chest instead of just cuddling up against it and with it came that quick, heady rush of longing and fear. Byakuya had said that Ichigo could set the pace and the thought of exploring the other's body sent a jolt of desire through him.

Without realising that he had already made a decision, he closed the gap to Byakuya's chest and kissed it. The hand stroking his head stilled for a moment, so Ichigo kissed him again just to make sure he knew that Ichigo had meant it.

The hand left his head and instead found a gap in his clothes.. Byakuya ran his fingernails in a circle lightly against his skin, earning a sharp intake of breath from Ichigo.

Ichigo kissed him again, biting gently and delighting in making the other man shudder against him. He ran his hand up the side of Byakuya's body, feeling the muscle, all the while kissing and biting.

Now it was Byakuya's turn and he let his finger nails press just a little harder as they ran down Ichigo's back, then curve round to settle on his hip.

Ichigo pushed himself up so he was face to face with Byakuya. It wasn't exactly dark anymore, so Byakuya could see that he was quite flushed. "What do you want, Ichigo Kurosaki?" he asked softly.

Ichigo bit at his lip for a moment, as if trying to decide something. "I- damnit." Stop being such a wimp! You want him! "I want to take my clothes off." Ichigo leaned over and kissed Byakuya, not allowing the fire that was building in him to take hold. Not yet anyway. "What." Kiss. "Do." Kiss "You." Kiss. "Want?"

Pulling back a little, Byakuya licked his lips, tasting Ichigo there. "I want you to take your clothes off too. Then I want to kiss you." Byakuya moved closer, his lips almost but not quite touching. "I want to explore your body, Ichigo. I want you naked in front of me; I want to explore you and I want to taste every last inch of you, if you will let me."

They kissed again and Ichigo felt a hunger he'd never known before and then he pulled away. A desperate need to get his clothes off He threw back the blanket and got out of bed and in the semi-darkness realised that Byakuya was almost completely naked apart from a pair of long shorts.


"Oh God."

Ichigo turned his back and felt a wave of panic. He was going to be naked in front of Byakuya!

Only if you take your clothes off, moron.


Ichigo turned and knew that Byakuya was going to say something understanding. "I want to. Ok?" He undid the tie which was loose anyway from sleeping in his clothes all night and then from Byakuya's exploration while in bed together. He shrugged and his clothes fell into a heap on the floor.

Byakuya didn't have time to speak before Ichigo was back under the blankets. "Sorry. I want to. I do. I'm just, kinda new to all this, ok?"

"I understand." Ichigo gasped as Byakuya went for his neck again. "I want to taste you, Ichigo." Byakuya smiled against his skin as that remark elicited a moan from the other. "I want to kiss you everywhere. But know this. We are not going further than that."

Ichigo lifted his head up enough to look at Byakuya. "Huh?" Byakuya nipped at him and Ichigo dropped his head back to the pillow. "I told you. There is time enough for everything." This time he bit just a little harder and immediately started to suck gently at the same place. "Neither you, nor I, have done this before."

"You..." Ichigo squirmed in delight and Byakuya moved, sitting up and straddling Ichigo and started kissing, licking at a nipple, his hands firmly pressing and gliding up and down his chest.

Byakuya smiled down at him, anticipating the question. "No. I have never lain or loved a man before." He bent down, and their kiss this time was long and torturous. Byakuya pulled away to Ichigo's annoyance, leaving him panting and wanting more. "It gives me pleasure to see you like this. That I am it's cause. That you are my purpose."

Ichigo reached a hand up to Byakuya's face, his thumb skimming over the other man's lips. "Good." Byakuya opened his mouth and to Ichigo's shock and delight, sucked at his thumb for a moment, before bringing his hand up to take Ichigo's hand in his own. Never taking his eyes off Ichigo, he sucked at each finger in turn, one after the other. His breath started to become a little more rapid and he felt his cock start to harden. "God." He panted, just a little less embarrassed now. "Byakuya, I..."

"I know. Do what you like. What you want." He leaned down again, and kissed his young lover hurriedly, speaking in those brief moments when their lips parted. "It's alright. I can feel it against me, Ichigo. I want to feel you." A hand came up to the back of his head, forcing Byakuya to crush his lips against Ichigo's who was now moving, his erection rubbing against that point of contact of their bodies. His pace grew more frantic and Byakuya moved again, leaning a little more forward, his fingers lacing through the others' pinning them down against the bed with his weight, his own cock aching; his body moving due to Ichigo's until he felt him shudder against him; the sharp intake of breath and the gasp as Ichigo came.

Byakuya waited, as Ichigo caught his breath and finally opened his eyes. "It appears that this time, I have bested you, Ichigo Kurosaki," Byakuya grinned down at his lover, happier than he had felt in a long time. Ichigo saw that and smiled in return.

"I thought I'd feel a little more..." He fought for the right word. "Embarrassed, I supposed, but that felt too good." He brought his hands up to Byakuya's waist. The skin was smooth and hard. He slid his hands over his stomach and reached up as far as he could to slide them up his chest. "I don't feel like that at all." He had reached as far as he could, so he raked his fingers down the others chest, a wicked smile playing on his face. "You feel too good. And you're mine. All mine, Byakuya."

Byakuya leaned down to kiss him, his eyes never leaving Ichigo's as he said, "I am yours, Ichigo. I have not felt so alive in such a very long time. So, you may have me. My body, heart and my soul. All of me." They kissed again; tenderly this time until Ichigo pulled reluctantly away.

"What know..." Ichigo wiggled a little against him, reminding him that his own erection was still present.

"I am content for the moment, Ichigo. Do not worry."

Ichigo shook his head. "But you didn't-"

"It is fine. I meant what I said. I will not rush you."

Ichigo reached up and ran his hand once more down the others chest. "You're not rushing me. I swear. I'd like to-"

Byakuya cocked his head to one side. "You are blushing again, Ichigo. "He stroked Ichigo's face. "What would you like?"

Ichigo turned his gaze from Byakuya to try and make it easier to say the words. "I'd like... Damn it. I'm an adult, I can say this." He looked straight up at Byakuya. "I'd like to see it. I'd like to watch you touch yourself." Ichigo grinned in delight as he felt Byakuya's cock twitch. "Please Byakuya..."

Staring at the other for a moment, Byakuya shifted his weight and climbed off the bed. Ichigo was about to say something until he saw that it was only so he could remove the long shorts that he had been wearing.

Byakuya climbed back on to the bed, once again straddling Ichigo and without saying another word, grasped his erection and started to slowly draw his hand up and down it's length. Neither man said a word but watched the other intently; Ichigo feeling so turned on that his own cock was starting to wake up again.

Ichigo watched as Byakuya moved a little faster, his mouth open as his breathing becoming a little more haggard until he came over Ichigo.

He came forward and down, their chests flush against one another, his cum between them as they kissed once more. Byakuya then slid off him, so that he was tight against the side of Ichigo now, lying on his arm so Ichigo could hold him tight while he brought his own arm up and over the others chest.

"Are you all right, Ichigo?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm good." He leaned over and kissed him again. "I like kissing you, did you know that?"

Byakuya grinned against him. "I shall endeavour to remember, Ichigo." He kissed him again, "If I ever forget, you must remind me."

"Oh, don't worry, Byakuya. I will."

There was a sudden knock on the door and before either of them could react, Shirogane had opened the door. Behind him stood three other members of the squad and behind them stood Captain Ukitake.

Byakuya sat up in a hurry, placing a hand on Ichigo's shoulder in warning. "What is the meaning of his intrusion?"

Shirogane moved a little closer in to the room, not believing the scene in front of him. "Captain... Sir, I..." He stumbled over the words.

Captain Ukitake moved past the other men. "Get dressed, Byakuya." He turned to Ichigo, who he did not seem to recognise. "You too, boy."

Ichigo could see the anger in Byakuya now, but also how well he could hold it in check. "This is an invasion of my privacy, Ukitake!"

Ukitake shook his head, his own anger becoming evident. "Do not be a fool, Kuckhi! I do not stand here because I wish it." He sighed. "Captain Byakuya Kuchki. You are under arrest for the murder of Ichigo Kurosaki and the suspected destruction of his soul." The 13th Division Captain turned and spoke to Shirogane. "When he has cleaned himself up, bring him to the cells at Squad 4s barracks. Take care of the boy but he must remain within the Seireitei as a witness."

"Sir, the boy is his distant cousin, Jiro Kuchki."

Byakuya turned from the men at the door to look at Ichigo. He shook his head slightly, seeing that Ichigo understood his intentions.

Say nothing.

Byakuya looked back at Ukitake. "What I do in my own bed is of no concern to anyone within the Seireitei." He moved off the bed and walked naked over to a drawer, pulling out a robe which he threw carelessly at Ichigo. "Get cleaned up, Jiro."

Ichigo looked at him in puzzlement, forgetting who he was supposed to be. "Byakuya, let me help you."

Byakuya turned to Ukitake. "I must shower first."

Ukitake sighed and rubbed his eyes wearily. "Yes, of course." He turned to Shirogane. "Take the boy to the shower block, find him a bed. See they do not talk any further then bring the Captain to the cells."

Ichigo watched at Byakuya gathered up his clothes and threw them at him, then turned to head to the bathroom. For just a moment his back was to everyone in the room except Ichigo. He spoke silently 'Be careful."

Ichigo watched dumbfounded as Byakuya reached for the door handle. "I will not tell you again, Jiro. Address me by my title, or I will see you punished." And with that he was through the door and gone.

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