šŒš² šƒšžš¬š­š«š®šœš­š¢šØš§

By seductivemadness

331K 10.4K 592

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My Destruction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note

Chapter 6

10.1K 339 37
By seductivemadness

Chapter 6

I hurried to my room, looking behind me to see if Caine will pop up somewhere. Then I slammed and locked the door. I rushed to my bed, my face crashing into a pillow. I grimaced when I hit my bruises from Caine's punches and then I sobbed.

I cried because Caine came in my life, I cried because of the disgust I felt after Caine touched me, I cried for my best friend. I never felt so disgusted and violated in my life. I shuddered just thinking about it. How can someone do that especially to someone that supposed to be considered family? That's so wrong on so many levels. Can't he see I'm not interested? I wanted him to leave me alone. I had to avoid him at all costs.

After that long sobbing fest I kind of felt better. But know that crying won't solve anything. Because Caine is still here.

A thought popped to my head, Shit! I forgot about Alyssa. I get up and rushed to my door. Then I run to the my bathroom, lathering foundation over my skin to cover my bruises so Alyssa won't see them. I stared at my reflection, dejectedly. My face is starting to swell up, making my cheeks look chubby. I hope she don't look closely or look at me at all, I jogged down the stairs to my front door.

Thankfully, I didn't run into anyone, when I reached her house I opened the front door. I heard the Television on in the living room. That's when I spot her, sitting on the couch. A pillow nestled in her lap. She still looks terrible from yesterday. Her bruises on her face were a dark purple color. Her face was swollen. She glanced at me, a weak smile on her face "Hi."

"How are you?" I croaked out with a forced smile on my face. I felt so awful but I knew this wasn't the time to tell her about Caine.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm okay Bryce," She muttered. I needed to get my mind off of what happened with Caine. I needed a distraction.

"Are you okay enough to tell me? They won't know I promise," I pleaded with her, my voice on the edge of desperation.

She hesitated slightly before she sighed reluctantly "Bryce.. I just.. okay, " She eyed me wearily before she looks down at her hands and she began her story.

"I told you before I was going to a party, when I first got there it was fun. I was having a blast but then it got kind of hot so I went outside to breathe. When I got out there it was a group of guys standing around. Something about them creeped me, I just couldn't stay out there. Something was off about those guys. When I gave them one last look, I saw your step brother. He caught my eye and gave me a smile. I returned it. Then I went back inside." She paused, as she took a deep breath.

She continued. "I went to use the restroom, when came out everyone was running and screaming. I heard gun shots, I began to run with the crowd. But someone yanked me back. They continued to drag me until they pulled me into the basement. I saw a few of the guys from outside in there. I also saw Caine, I demanded that they let me go but one answered, That's not happening, sugar..He came to me. I tried to run but he caught me,"She sniffed, her eyes glazed over.

"He started to beat me up, especially because I was being defiant and not listening. He kicked, punched, smacked me," She whispered with a hard scowl on her face, her eyes filling up with tears.

She shook her head. "Anyways, after that occurred, he began to take off my clothes. That's when 3 other guys came over there and he wanted invite them to have fun and they..." She trailed off, tears running down her face.

I wrapped my arms around her. My own eyes began to water. My heart was breaking, I can't believed they raped her. Oh my God, she didn't deserve this. Soon my hurt, turned into rage. I wanted to kill them for ever coming near her. I'm going to get them, whatever I do I'm going get them.. I swear even it's the last thing I do.

She laid her head on my shoulder, "After they had their fun, Caine came back inside the basement. He yelled at them, I don't remember what it was about. I just know he yelled so long. His face was twisted in rage. He was really angry. Then they disappeared upstairs, I called you that's why I was panicking. After I called you, they returned. That's the last thing I remember before I saw you," She finished, her voice was so quiet.

I stroked her hair slowly, "I'm here for you okay? Whenever you need me, I want to say sorry that you went through that. But it won't change anything, but they are gonna get what's coming to them." I promised her, she doesn't say anything. She didn't need to, I understood her silence.

It's been 1 full week since everything that happened. I haven't seen much of Caine, only at dinner and at school. I was so thankful for that, if I had him alone. I couldn't decide if I wanted to kill him or cower in fear. I  tried to muster up enough courage to go to the police, but I was so afraid because I had no real proof of his crimes. Plus his threats were deep within the back of my mind. Sometimes when I caught his eye, he'd give me a cruel smile that was filled with a dark promise, it haunted me.

He knew what he was doing to me, he loved every second of it. My face still ached from his punches, but the swelling and bruising went down for the most part thank God. I was so afraid to tell my mother about what happened. What she does believe me? What about Caine? I didn't want Caine to hurt me. I see now he's capable of anything.

Alyssa, she's not doing fine at all. After everything that happened to her, I'd be the same way if it happened to me. She doesn't want to be social anymore or talk to me when I visit. She's hasn't been to school because of her injuries and bruises. No one can't touch her without her flinching.

It saddened me so much to see her this way. I hated Caine for doing this, I hated him so much. I will make him suffer one way or another....my thoughts are cut off the bell rings above me.

I hate this class, my teacher was so boring and I had no interest in the subject. I trudged out the classroom door, I adjusted my messenger bag on my shoulder. I headed to my locker to grab my books.

"Hey stranger, " I heard from behind me, a smile stretches across my face. I closed my locker, then turned around. There stands Luke, a close friend of mine.

I've forgotten about him since he's been out of town, because a relative passed away. We've been friends since last year when we was paired up in a for a home economics project. Luke is the only other friend that I have, I love him to death. No matter how popular he is, he's still such a major sweetheart. I can appreciate that he doesn't let his popularity or looks get to his head. As long as I've known him, he has always been the golden boy of our grade.

I stepped closer to him, throwing my arms around his neck. "Oh my god! I missed you, Luke! " I exclaimed into his shoulder, his cologne drifted to my nose and all I wanted was to stay in his position, in the comfort of his arms.

He returned the hug, his arms circled around my waist. "Same goes for you Bryce, " He laughed, his voice muffled by my hair.

I melted in his embrace until he released me. He surveyed my face with his wide eyes. "You've grown up while I've been away." He exclaimed as he cupped my cheek in his palm. I stared at him under my lashes, butterflies swarmed my stomach.

A blush crept up my face as I swatted his hand away. "Oh shut up, you're so dramatic. You've only been gone for 3 weeks, I look the exact same."

He hitched the strap of his book bag over his shoulder, pouting slightly. "3 weeks is a long time to go without seeing you."

I ruffled his brown hair, causing a few strands to stick up messily. "You'll live." I teased, my eyes twinkling.

We both fell into step as we walked down the busy corridor to my last class. "How's life treating you?" He asked as he bumped his shoulder against mine. My mind flashed to the all the events that has occurred.

I grimaced, all the playfulness in my expression vanished. "Not too good, but I'm cool," I replied with a shrug as I put my hands in my pockets and adverted my eyes at the tiled floor.

My classroom comes into view for that I'm thankful to not answer the questions I know he'll have."I'll see you later Luke," I waved to him before going through the threshold of my classroom. I heard a distant, "See you" behind me. I sighed tiredly, I'd be so happy when school is over.

Yes mom I know, please stop talking. I get it. I think to myself as my mom yelled me about leaving her car at Alyssa's house. It didn't cross my mind to get her car, she didn't ask for it so how was I supposed to know?

"Imagine my surprise when I go looking for my car and it wasn't in the driveway. After I was nice enough to trust you when you've only gotten your license in December. Do you know what I was thinking? I thought maybe my car was in a ditch or worse. Now, next time if you use my car please return it," She reminded me sternly, her eyebrows furrowed in anger.

I nodded my head vigorously, masking my irritation. "Yes mother, I understand."

Finally you're done now? I asked her mentally. She sat down at the dinner table with a huff before shooing me away. Clayton bumped into me on the way out of the kitchen, "Sorry, honey." He called over his shoulder. I acknowledge with a stiff nod and I bounced upstairs to my room, I closed the door behind me. "Talk about lecture of the century. She wasted nearly an hour of my time that I won't get back." I muttered angrily to myself as I flickered on the light switch.

I let out a shriek as my eyes landed on Caine who was sitting my bed. "What the hell do you want? Actually, get out of my room," I growled as I folded my arms over my chest. I didn't want to breathe the same air as him. He disgusts me.

Instead of listening to me, he laid down against my pillow as he inspected my stuffed animals on my bed. With a grimace of disgust he threw it next to him and addressed me. "Don't try and tell me what to do Bryce, you don't fucking control me," His voice low and menacing.

I rolled my eyes. I wanted him out of my room. Hell, I wanted him out of my life for good. But we all know that's not going to happen. He rose up from his position, his eyes following every movement I made towards him.

"What do you want?" I snapped with hostility in my voice. He stood up to come closer to me but I held up a hand and took a step back. "Don't come near me," I spat, venomously while keeping my hardened gaze on him. Seeing him gets me so angry. A deep hatred sparks in me. I'm grateful for that I'd have that anger over fear any day.

"You think that's going to stop me?" He scoffed as he continue to walk closer. I swallowed. Why can't he leave me the hell alone?

"Pathetic." He remarked, a smirk slowly formed on his face. He stopped a few feet away from me. Damn I knew it wasn't going to be easy. I ran a hand through my hair in exasperation.

"Whatever. Spit out what you're going to say to me," I leaned against the wall, I had to keep him at a distance. Having him near me isn't good for my health or my face.

"Saturday night, you're coming me with me," He stated, his tone leaving no room for discussion.

I stared at him in disbelief, I shake my head rapidly. "No I'm not, " Going anywhere with him is foolish and reckless. I wouldn't dare. After everything he's done? Absolutely not.

"Oh yes you will." He retorted, a sly smirk on his face. So I can be raped in an abandoned house? No thanks. There's no telling what he would do to me. What a sick freak.

"Unless....you want me to pay your friend a visit?" He suggested, but I could hear the underlying threat.

Of course he would pull that card. He knew I wouldn't risk Alyssa's safety. Fuck what am I going to do? Call his bluff? He had me right where he wanted me.

All the color vanished from my face. He won't come near her right? No never, but I don't want to go anywhere with him.

"No, you won't go near her, " I declared firmly while crossing my arms over my chest.

He raised an eyebrow at my words, his eyes shone with amusement. "You know I will," He shrugged. I knew he would too, it terrified me to my core.

I really didn't want to back down, but I know my pride wont matter when I find Alyssa dead in a ditch. So I have no idea why this word came out my mouth.

"No," I blurted out.

Caine grinned in my direction. "You really want to do this? You can't win against me Bryce. It's best to comply to my order," He warned me, his eyes narrowing into slits.

Alyssa can't get hurt, it'll be my fault. She don't deserve that, she's already been through so much. I can handle myself, at least I'll try to. Do I really want to put myself in danger? What is he gonna do?

So many different scenarios ran through my head. Fear catches my breath, the back of my neck begins to sweat. I'm going to regret this, but I won't forgive myself if she's hurt.

"Alright, I'll go."

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