The Perth Plan: A Troyler Fan...

By malecphangirl

502K 18.1K 9.8K

During Tyler's trip to Perth the Mellet's join forces with Troye and Tyler's Youtube friends to get them toge... More

Chapter 1 - Sydney Airport
Chapter 2 - Introductions
Chapter 3 - Goodnight
Chapter 4 - Shaun
Chapter 5 - Commence the Plan
Chapter 6 - The Video Fail
Chapter 7 - Lunchtime Denial
Chapter 8 - Cinema Disagreements
Chapter 9 - Sofa Cuddles
Chapter 10 - Midnight Kisses
Chapter 11 - Birthday Teases
Chapter 12 - Café Greetings
Chapter 14 - Presents
Chapter 15 - Dinner Time
Chapter 16 - The Fight
Chapter 17 - The Team
Chapter 18 - Magnetic Force
Chapter 19 - Party Plans
Chapter 20 - Brooms
Chapter 21 - Tyde's Turn
Chapter 22 - Goodbye I
Chapter 23 -Goodbye II
Chapter 24 - Skype
Chapter 25 - Troella
Chapter 26 - Family Speach
Chapter 27 - Torey
Chapter 28 - Missing You
Chapter 29 - The Brits
Chapter 30 - Polaroid Problems
Chapter 31 - Shut Up
Chapter 32 - The Big Reveal
Chapter 33 - Party Habits
Chapter 34 - Jock Jealousy
Chapter 35 - Friendly Chats
Chapter 36 - Party Poopers

Chapter 13 - Body Insecurities

14.3K 513 120
By malecphangirl

-Tyler POV-

We had came home with Kayla and Kerri and all of us, including the rest if Troye's family, were sitting on the sofas.

There wasn't enough room for us all so Kerri and I were sitting on the floor with Jagga on my lap. I really do love this dog!

After another 10 minutes or so my bum and legs really started to ache so I gently pushed Jagga off of me and I stood up to stretch, "God I am way too old to be sitting on the floor"

Everyone but Shaun and Laurelle, who give a sympathetic and understanding look, start laughing at me making me pout and push my eyebrows together.

"I wouldn't do that Tilly" Troye says causing me to look at him in confusion, "I wouldn't push my eyebrows together if I where you. You'll only get more wrinkles"

I gasp in horror and they start laughing even harder at me as I touch my face harshly to try and find any wrinkles that I can smooth out.

Troye gets up and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my back into his stomach as he rests his chin on my head, "Aww Tilly, I didn't mean it! You look gorgeous as always babe"

I relax my entire body into Troye, forcing him to support my weight, and I close my eyes in contentment.

I blush furiously when he calls me gorgeous and even more so, if that is even possible, when he calls me babe; he hardly ever calls me pet names!

My bright red face causes Troye to chuckle lightly before kissing my cheek softly and guiding us both towards the sofa and pulling me into his lap.

I turn around and curl my body into his, just like in the café, and I kiss his collarbone tenderly before burying my face in his top as he smothers his face in my hair.

I hear "Aww"ing and wolf whistles from behind me and I turn to see all of Troye's family and friends grinning at us and I hide my face in Troye to hide my ever-growing blush from everyone as I suddenly realise that we are not alone and that they saw the whole thing.

So much for toning down the cuddles and teasing in front of Troye's family to discourage them from shipping us so hard...

Troye glares at his family, causing me to giggle loudly, before getting up and pulling me up with him, dragging me out of the room.

"Where are you going?" I hear Laurelle shout as Shaun laughs out loud.

"To my room to change" Troye shouts back causing a chorus of "ooo"s to come from the living room.

Troye and I roll our eyes at their immaturity as we enter Troye's room.

Troye picks up his clothes that we decided on earlier and leaves to change in the bathroom, leaving me to change in his bedroom.

As I put on my outfit I scrunch up my nose in disgust, this really doesn't go now that I've put it on... Crap, I knew I should have asked Troye for help.

I jump suddenly as Troye knocks gently on the door, "Tilly, are you done yet?"

I pause for a moment before opening the door and Troye wrinkles his nose when he takes in my outfit.

"Alright no need to make me feel even worse! Help me!" I groan.

Troye picks up his favourite shirt of mine, the shirt with the navy and white poker dots, "Wear this pwease Tilly!" Troye says in a childish voice.

I smile at his childish nature before grabbing to it put it on. I go to take my shirt off when I realise that Troye is still in the room.

"Turn around" I say apprehensively and Troye rolls his eyes and smiles before folding his eyebrows together in confusion when he sees that I am serious.

Troye's face softens and he walks forwards to stroke my arm lightly, "You don't have to be embarrassed around me Ty, you know that right?" Troye says softly before walking back a few steps to give me some room.

I nod and I smile slightly at his tender words before taking my shirt off.

I cover my chest with my arms in an attempt to conceal my body from Troye as I try to get the shirt the right way round to put it on.

Suddenly, I feel two soft, gentle hands on my arms and gently tugging at them. After a little resistance I let my arms drop to my sides and Troye wraps his arms around my waist pulling me into him and I put mine around his neck as we hug tightly.

Troye leans back and brings his hands around to my front to draw small circles on my stomach comfortingly.

"You are gorgeous OK? Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, because if they do, they are lying. Don't feel embarrassed in front of anyone OK? Especially me, got it?"

I beam up at his and lean forward to kiss his cheek before we return to our previous position for a couple more minutes.

I start to get cold in the chill Autumn air and Troye pulls away, softly brushing his fingers up my sides before going across the room to grab his phone as I slip on the shirt and do up the buttons quickly and we leave the room to go back upstairs.


Hope you liked it ;) hopefully another mini chapter tonight if u have time to write it :)


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