The Possessive Gang Leaders P...

By 90sxroses

2.3M 46.7K 15.8K

I sit down on my bike looking around the school parking lot. Listening to music, I stand up begin to walk thr... More

Feels Like Home To Me
Underestimateing is Considered Rude in Most Social Situations
Bumping Into Them
Meeting New Friends, The Ass, and the Dumb Blonde Bimbo
Dante King
My First Fight and The Weirdo
Thank You So Damn Much
More Than My Damn House
Buy You A Rose
Night Weirdo
Im Not Jealous
I Am Not Jealous, I Am Territorial
AG Days
What Did The Locker Do To You?!?!
Feedback Please
A Bad Dream and Some Sleep Dialling
Dante Pov. Bonus Chap!
Two Unannounced Visits
Taking A Picture For The Moment
Finding Shit Out
class/class part two/follow me
Really Long Chapter XP; The Meeting
A Bit Of Info
Rescue Gone Fucked Up
Retarded Alex
You're supposed to blame and hate me
Crowded Morning
Caught pt. 2
Stressed Out
The Ride
Streets (Pt 1.)
Streets (Pt 2.)
Background (Long ass chapter)
Finally home and happy
Read Or Ill Cry


25.7K 559 77
By 90sxroses

Trus POV. 

I walked with Ricardo as tears stung my eyes. His men were around us as Ricardo and I walked in the middle.

He looked down at me and I ignored his eyes, keeping my head down.

There was a white van parked on the street. The two back doors opened and I got in. Me, Ricardo and his men got in the back. There were seats around the walls and I sat in the corner. Ricardo tried to put his arm around me as he sat next to me. I flinched under his arm.

His lips set in a firm line and he looked away. After about an hour, we were there. We walked in the large house. 

Alex's POV. (A:N; Im going to be doing a few POVs on this chapter and they'll be short until I get back to Trus' POV. Thank ya) 

My thoughts consumed me as I seen my best friend since day one, drive off with a guy who has been obsessed with her for the last 4 years or so. 

Finally, it clicked and I raced and followed the white van that went right be Cassys house. I puuled garage door up and grabbed the bike.

It was hers and I still had mine in my garage. I don't understand why she told me to come here. Seeing as I was going to follow her anyway, I would just use a car. 

Headlights pulled up and I was confused. 

Dante. I rolled my eyes at the asshole in front of me. 

"What all do you know about Ricardo?" He asked with his guys behind him. 

"I know... that Ricardo is an emotionless man but when he's with her... he's different and no one really nows why. They met in a store a little more than 4 years ago in a convinence store. He bumped into us and hit Tru mainly and she jumped and got scared for reasons I can't name." I got silent. "So she yelled and he was shocked. Tru doesnt listen to the news and doesnt care who anyone really is but not in a cocky way. She just doesnt care. So I guess it flipped him out and she constantly rejected him and he didn't like it. He would take her to his house and she would come back. She was always so mad." I shook my head

"Do you know where the house is?" Dante asked and I nodded. 

"Yes but theres a lot of security. But then again, thats how it was before I went to Europe." I had always felt guilty for it, leaving Tru in that shitty ass situation. Then not being able to contact her for so long.

Dante's POV. 

I processed all of the information. If I have to get blood on my hands, I don't care. 

"Reggie," I said and he looked up from his phone that he's been staring at since Tru left. "Hack there camera system so we can get a view of the inside of the place and an idea on the security system." He nodded before walking back the the trunk of his car to get his computer, head down looking at his phone.

i shook my head, pushing it to the side. Thats not whats important right now, I thought to myself.

He began to do what he needed to as we devised a plan. Even Jay was serious. Many people don't know, but he came from a very shitty family. He had to watch as his dad beat his mom and when his dad was off fucking other girls he would watch his mom trying to forget his infedality as if the answer would be at the bottom of the bottle. When he was 10, he walked in on his mom, barley alive with her wrists slit in the bath tub.

So when someone comes into his life, he can tell if they have some sort of pain or something similar to. He can read peoples feelings really well. I remember after they had barged in on us, we had went to the Gang house and he pulled me to the side.

(Flash backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk)

We entered the house and I went to my office. Shortly after there was a small knock on my door but in a rythmic way.

"Come in Jay." I said and he came in, and he had serious eyes. He sat down in the black leather hair in front of me. His hair was in his eyes a little as he staired down at his hands. I put my things down and folded my hands on my desk, sitting up straighter. 

I was worried, to say the least. Jay is never serious. He looks up a little before looking back down. I stayed quiet. You can never push Jay. It just doesn't work out well.

"I-Its about Tru." My heart beat quicker.

(A:N; Really quick, I wanna say there is a small trigger warning and one similar to this will come in the chapter again. If you have/had problems with cutting and are uncomfortable with reading this please skip. Its not a huge part of the story. Well, except for the next part that it's mentioned. I do self-harm so if you skip I completely understand. But if anyone who struggles with this needs to hmu, please don't hesitate. You guys have supported me in every way possible and I'll gladly do the same. My inbox is always open.)

"Uh- alright." I said and swallowed hard. (A:N; Thats what she said.... XD I'll go now.)

"She has scares on her arms. I knew I was right at first... she has this vibe, the reason she wont trust you, she's been hurt before. Real.... Real bad. Thats why she keeps to herself. And I don't wanna approach her about it 'cause I don't want her to get upset with me. I really like her." I tensed and he noticed. "No! Not in that way! Like a sister kinda way." I relaxed. "All I'm saying is take it slow. I don't come by people whose vibes are at uneasy and untrusting as hers. It makes me worried honestly. And I really wanna know the reason why she's like this. It kinda makes me.... angry that someone would treat her so bad." He frowns before getting up and walking out of my office.

I sat back and sighed, shaking my head... damn.
(End of flash backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk)

Looking over, I heard Alex talking to some people and typing on a computer. 

We couldn't do much until we were in on the security things. About 20 minutes later, a group of people came through to the garage and more came in. 

Tru's POV.
They had shown me to a room and told me to change. They gave me a dress that I absolutely hated.

I changed and kept my combats on. I didn't care how I looked for this fuck. 

It was black with a V-line stoping right between my tits. The dress was long in the back and shorter in the front, stopping slightly below my knees. My dark hair cascaded down my back and some over my shoulders.

There was a strap with beads on it and this wrapped around my upper torso. It was tight around my hips and showed off my legs. My boobs jutted out slightly and my rear looked rather huge.

As I exited the room, two gaurds were by my door. They tried to show me the way. I shut the door and walked off while giving them the bird over my head. 

I held up my dress so I didn't trip as I walked down the stairs. There stood Ricardo with his hair gelled back and in a suit. He held his hand out for me and I grimiced at the mere thought of touching him.

"I see youre still not very fond of physical contact." He says with a sigh and I walk past him, to the dining table.

If i wasn't in the predicamite that I'm in now, I would love his house. I always did. It was grand and large. He thought I'd fall for him because of his money. 

But in reality, all I want is to be held by Dante. As much I try and push him away, I just want him.

We walk into the grand dining room. In the middle sat a large table to sit 22 people. in the middle of that was a large amount of flowers. A large chandiller was hanging over that and two small ones flanked it on either side.

I walked and sat at the closest chair. He sat at the corner next to me and I got up, moving across from him and he glared at me. 

A few ladies came out from the kitchen and brought out many things. Sliverware, wine glasses, wine, and the food. I sat straight up and took a sip from my wine. He began eating and I sat there.

"You know there going to be coming here soon right?" I looked up at him and smirked. He sighed.

"I know they're going to try. But I doubt they're going to succeced." He replied.

"I will burn this house to the ground just to escape and you know I'm not playing." I said coldly. He just looked at me.

"I know you're no playing. But,  I dont think you want me to tell Markus that I know where you are... do you?" He leaned towards me slightly, his lips turned up into a cold smirk. My jaw clenched. 

I took a drink of the wine before chucking it at him. Hitting him right in the face. The gaurds came straight at me.

There was no way I could win but if I could piss them off, that'd be just as great.

I elbowed the first one in the face. The second came from the left and I kicked him in the balls. The third came right in front of me and i grabbed his face bringing it to my knee. They were groaning and another one came and before I could react, he was ahold of me and pulled me back.

Kicking and thrashing.  I tried to slam my head back into him but he just dug his nails into my skin.

I clenched my jaw. Another one grabbed my other arm  and they held me. Ricardo came up to me. Blood flowed down the side of his face where I had cut him.

He looked down at me, disgusted. I spit right in his face. He landed a punch right on my cheek and my head turned to the side.

I looked back up at him and smilled. He grabbed my neck and held it tight.

I just kept smiling.

He used some forve and pushed me down a little so I was hanging limply in the gaurds arms. Suddenly there was a clash of glass and I smiled up at him.

"Told ya."


Hoped you liked this chapter!

If not, dats cool.

So I'm going to Columbus in a little over 2 weeks because the baby is about to be born. Only bad thing though is that its being delivered in a ghetto hospital because no one wants to drive to Grant or something I guess.

But whatever. 

I get to see my bestfriends and I'm about to cry, I'm so fucking happy. But yea. Lmfao.

So I'll try and get a chapter in before then. 

Also, sorry for the typos. My Computer doesn't have auto correct. Its really gay.

Also, I'll be coming out with a book right after this. In the next chapter, I'll give the book discreption.

Eat Cheetos


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