šŒš² šƒšžš¬š­š«š®šœš­š¢šØš§

By seductivemadness

331K 10.4K 592

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My Destruction
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Author's Note

Chapter 5

10.9K 384 34
By seductivemadness

Chapter 5

I placed her breakfast on the dining room table. I pulled out a chair for her. She smiled at me gratefully as she sat down. I give her a timid one back, I go into her living room and sit on the sofa, staring absentmindedly at the television. After she ate, she joined me on the couch. I turned off the television and faced her.

"Now are you going to tell me what happened?" I asked her as I fold my hands into my lap. She looked down with a remorseful expression.

"Bryce, I can't... " She muttered as tears filled her eyes. I stared at her, as I began to shake my head.

"No, no you're going to tell me," I stated firmly with a frown on my face. I watched her closely as she began to sob.

"Bryce I can't!" She shouted through her tears. Her shoulders shake as she sobbed loudly. My tough exterior cracked.

"They'll know.. they come after me," She cried.

I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around her. I stroke her hair softly, while murmuring. "It's okay shh."

She continued to cry, I can't force her to tell me. She's in no state to talk yet. But I'm wondering what if I called her like she did to me? What if she finds me battered and bruised? Wouldn't she like to know what the hell happened to me?

I sighed as I held her in my arms. I closed my eyes and tightened my arms around her. My phone begins to ring and I pulled back. I grabbed my phone out my back pocket.

"Hello?" I answered, Alyssa laid back onto the couch, I get up and head to their backyard to talk so I won't disturb her.

"How is your best friend doing?" He questioned, his voice mocking and low. My heart began to race and my hand started to tremble uncontrollably. How did he get my number? Then what he said sinks in and rage starts to bubble within me.

"You sick, twisted bastard! What the hell did you do to her?" I hissed into the phone as I walked farther away from her house.

"The only thing that matters is my boys enjoyed themselves," He said smugly. He's so proud about what he to her! I couldn't even handle to talking to him anymore. I hung up the phone and I jogged to my house.

I had to see that asshole. There's no way he's getting away with this. I can't believe he'd be so evil and heartless. Actually I can believe it but to my best friend of all people? I knew I should've did everything in my power to keep him away from her.

I hurriedly jogged up my drive way onto the porch. Thankfully, Clayton's car isn't here which means my mom isn't here either. I threw open the door and marched up the stairs to his room.

I barged into his room, silently seething. There he was laid back on his bed, his arms behind his head with that smug expression on his face. He clicked the television off and stared at me expectantly.

I shot him a malevolent glare. "You little shit! How dare you do that to my best friend?" I seethed, venom dripping from every word, my fists were clenched at my sides. I wanted to beat him so damn badly. My body was shaking with fury. All I could see is Alyssa's heartbroken face flashing in my mind on repeat. There's not a lot of people I'm close to, but the ones I have by my side? I'll do anything for them.

He arched an eyebrow at me, unimpressed. "What's wrong Bryce? We only had a little fun. Relax." He smile wickedly, his ice blue eyes twinkled in sick amusement and it sent shivers run through me.

"Fun? You call that fun!? You evil son of a bitch how could you do that to her? She didn't do anything to you.." My voice trembled as my eyes started to fill up with tears. I took a deep breath through my nose. Don't you dare cry in front of him, I mentally told myself.

He rose from the bed and came closer to me until he was a few centimeters away. He loomed over me, a dark smile rested on his lips. I bet he's enjoying this, watching me break down on him.

"Because I wanted to, that's why. I can do what the fuck I want to. And you can't do shit about it." He stated simply with a careless shrug.

"You won't get away with this! Especially after I notify the police." I promised as soon as I leave this room I'm going straight to the police station. He deserves to rot in jail. He won't get away with this.

Caine regarded me silently, before rolling his eyes in exasperation. "And say what? What can you prove dummy?"

"I-" I was at loss for words. He was right what was I going to say? Law enforcement arrests people with evidence. Hardcore proof to prove that my accusations are true. However, It's already been days since she was raped so how could they retrieve any DNA? Oh God, there has to be something they can do. I won't give up.

"Exactly. Now get out of my room, " He ordered, gesturing towards his bedroom door. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He had some damn nerve asking me to leave? Hell no what did he think this was? I had so much built up rage and I intended to take it out on him. Damn the consequences. He's a sick bastard that deserves this.

Before I can comprehend what I'm doing. I slap him as hard with as much force as I could muster. I feel satisfaction bloom inside of me at the red flush that overtakes the side of his face.

My hand throbbed from the force of it, but I ignored it. I stood, immobile as he slowly turned his head, a murderous expression on his face.

I carefully wiped my face of any emotions except a victorious smile. Another bad idea, but he really deserved it this time. By the time he's done with me. I'll look worse than Alyssa. I'm willing to accept my fate. There's more where that came from. It's something about him that makes me violent. He's so despicable. He makes me sick. I discreetly peered around his room. There's nothing I can use as a weapon except his backpack and his leather jacket hanging on the edge of his bed.

It's time to put Plan B into motion. I threw a quick glance over my shoulder, without hesitation I attempted to run to his door. Just as my fingers brushed over the cool metal of his door knob. His arms wrapped around my waist from behind, yanking me harshly against his body. I frantically struggled within his hold.

He tossed me onto his bed, his features twisted in anger. I quickly scrambled away, but with lighting speed he pushed me back down, pinning me to the bed with one of his hands clasped around my wrists. I squirmed, twisting and turning to get him off of me. "Get off of me, you sick fuck!"

His eyes darkened drastically, he pulled his fist back and punched me so hard that I saw the stars, the moon and another fucking planet. The pain spread through my face like a wildfire. I grimaced as my eyes watered from the pain. So much for not crying in front of him. I wanted to cradle my face in my hands, but his iron grip prevented me from doing so.

He glared down at me with molten fire in his eyes. He didn't say a word. Then he brought his fist down on my face again not as hard this time but it still hurt nonetheless. I groaned in agony, hot pain simmered under surface. I closed my eyes, as tears slipped from underneath my closed eyelids. I felt like I got hit in the face with a baseball bat, twice. My God he can pack a punch. How could I allow him to get the upper hand? Why didn't I get a weapon before I walked in here? My stupidity will be the death of me.

"What's wrong Bryce?" He inquired, an unmerciful smile on his face. I ignored him as I cried silently, kicking myself for being an idiot. I hated being in such a vulnerable position. How could I let my anger get the best of me like this? 

"Aw, it looks like you're in a lot of pain. I bet next time you'll leave when I tell you to." He mocked, his voice filled with amusement. A burning anger was ignited within me. How can anyone be so awful? What is wrong with him? I had the intense urge to beat him senseless, but I know I'm not strong enough for him. I should've never came over here. I sniffled and blinked back the tears.

"You got your payback, now move! Get off of me, you asshole." I snapped harshly as I struggled underneath him. Sweat formed on my forehead from my attempts. Is he made out of stone? Shit.

He ignored me, staring down at me with an evil glint in his eyes. I gave up trying to get out of his hold, settling for sending him a scathing glare. He grabbed my chin, squeezed hard in the process. I gritted my teeth and tried to jerk my face out of his grip.

He released my face from his hands, only to skim his free hand down my ribcage. He rested his hand on my hip, bile rose up in my throat at his sudden sensual touch. I felt so violated with his filthy hands all over me. As my eyes raked over his face, my heart dropped. What is he going to do to me?

He leaned down and buried his face in the crook of my neck, his lips brushing against the exposed skin. My heart began to race, my stomach is clenched in fear. I moved my body to get him away from me. "What do you think you doing? Get off!" I shouted, but he only ignored me.

"Now Bryce, I think you better stop moving. You don't want anyone getting excited." He murmured against my neck, his warm breath washed over my skin with each word he spoke.

I immediately stop moving, my breath coming out in pants. He began to trail light kisses over my neck and shoulder. Tears freely ran down my face at his violation of my body. Please get off! I silently chant in my head. He lifted his head up, his cold eyes searched my face.

"This is what I like to see." He drawled with a cruel smile on his face. I turned my face the other way my lip started to quiver, I was so afraid.

"Every time I get close to you that delicious look of fear on your face intensifies." He purred, his voice deep and husky. I don't say a word, don't think I could if I wanted to. The lump in my throat prevented me from saying a single word.

My mind is in overdrive and I desperately wanted him to move away from me. No matter how much I try and calm myself down, it's not working. I've never been this close to a male before especially against my will. I had no idea of what he was going to do to me. I prayed that my mother or Clayton would come home.

He release my hands and rose up from the bed. He removed his shirt, exposing his muscled chest. He undid his belt. He caught me staring and winked. My breath quickened as my heart beat thumped wildly in my chest. He's not going to do what I think he is. I mentally panicked in disbelief. Who I am kidding? He's going to do just that.

He grinned down at me as he noticed I was connecting the dots. "Scared?" He taunted, advancing on me again.

Like a bullet, I shot up from the bed and spat venomously. "Shut up!" This time, I was barely able to take two steps before he roughly threw me on the bed. My head banged against the headboard, making me dizzy. Pain jolted my skull as I blinked rapidly.

He raised an eyebrow, unimpressed with my attempts. He crawled on top of me and pinned my arms to down. His face hovered a few inches over mine. "Don't try that shit again." He growled, his was voice cold enough to make the air around me freeze. I bit my lip, trying my best not to burst into tears again. I weakly struggled, but he doesn't budge.

He nestled his face in my shoulder, his hand inched towards my inner thighs. I completely froze when he pushed my dress up higher, exposing more of my thighs. Chilling fear came over me as I violently struggled and attempted to clamp my legs close. "Don't touch me! Please!" I cried desperately as I felt his hand brush against the fabric of my underwear.

My fear only amplified, no matter how many times I begged him to stop. He didn't. "I'm going to do more than touch you," He promised, his low voice penetrated my ear as his hand pushed my panties to the side and traveled into a place no man has ever been before.

I shifted uncomfortably at the foreign sensation in between my legs, uncontrollable sobs escaped my mouth."How cute, you're a virgin. I would've never guessed it." He flashed me a predatorary grin as his fingers prodded inside of me. I continued to cry as helplessness swam through my veins.

"You don't know what you're missing out on. Don't worry I'll take care of that." He murmured, his voice laced with lust. He began sucking on the tender skin of my neck as he positioned himself in between my legs, his bulge pressed against my most intimate area. I wanted to kill him for assaulting me in such a way. I wanted nothing more than to die. I've never experienced something like this. My skin was crawling in disgust. Please somebody help? I thought to myself in defeat.

Suddenly, there's a knock on his door. "Caine? Someone's at the door for you." My mom called through the door. Immediately, He locked eyes with me, his eyes daring me to say anything.

I knew this was only chance to let my mom catch him in action. Instinctively, I screamed but he slapped a hand over my mouth to muffle my cries of help before it could reach my mother's ears. How did she not hear all this commotion? Is she deaf?

"Alright, I'll be out in a minute." He replied nonchalantly, then I heard her footsteps disappearing down the hall. He slowly got off me, I rose up from the bed slowly. My eyes downcast as I pulled my dress down, my face wet with tears.

Caine glared at me, grabbing a fistful of my hair. "I dare you to try another stunt like that again. I fucking dare you," He hissed in my ear, yanking roughly on my hair after his last statement. It felt like my scalp was on fire.

"Let my hair go!" I cried, my nails clawing on his hand.

"If I find out, you uttered a word of this to anyone. You're going to be introduced to a world of pain. I only scratched the surface today. You don't know what I'm capable of." He growled, before releasing my hair.

I hauled myself up, my legs felt like jello. My heart was racing so fast I swear it was going to come out of my chest. I've never been so scared. I couldn't believe he had actually touched me. I've never been violated like that. I felt so dirty. Today, I learned that Caine is more dangerous than I thought. He could make me feel fear like I've never have before. What am I going to do?

I raced past him, eager to run like hell. He caught my upper arm, body brushed against mine as he leaned down."Don't think I'm done with you. I'm going to finish where I left off."

A chill went down my spine because I knew exactly what he was going to finish.

He zipped his pants back up and pulled his shirt over his head. He sent me a chilling smile and turned on his heel without a backward glance. That's when the waterworks came again for the hundredth time today. At that moment, I was so afraid of him that I didn't know how I was going to protect myself or my best friend.

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