
By xFakingaSmilex

1.7M 69.9K 21.9K

While falling in love with a drug kingpin, Tikera must prove she can survive in his dangerous world - and con... More

Bleeding Heart
Dead Nettle
Calluna Vulgaris
Poison Ivy
Asclepias Tuberosa
Daucas Carota
Aloe Vera
Malus Pumila
Ipomoea Alba
Centaurea Cyanus
Erica Carnea
Strelitzia Reginae
Juniperus Communis
Primula Vulgaris
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50.4K 1.8K 534
By xFakingaSmilex


Sweat trickles down my forehead and splatters onto my navy blue singlet. I've never been this sweaty, but it's all worth it; or so I keep telling myself. Yesterday was easier because it only involved picking out plants and watching the checkout person gasp at the amount.

Today I curse the stupid sun for being so bright and horrid. I'm learning to appreciate the wonderful perks of a desk job because it involves cold air and minimal body odour. On the bright side, people pay good money to sweat and here I am, earning money while doing it.

The ramp rattles as I push the wheelbarrow up the steep slope. I empty the dead grass into the skip and sigh. There's a small section of shade here, but it's beginning to creep away. Falling from the ramp only works if there's shade to lie in.

"Don't forget to drink water," Austin calls from the comfort of his portable chair tucked under the ample shade cast across the rest of the driveway.

"Okay, thank you." I nod.

I should have gone with the pool. Someone would do it within a week if I paid them enough money. At least I wouldn't have to spend the next couple of days roasting under the sun.

"Would you like me to hose you off?" He smirks.

I remove my gloves and fan my face.

"Um, no, but thanks." It sounds amazing, but no, I wouldn't go there. "Can you help me with the plants? I can't move them by myself."

"No, I'm the supervisor," he sniggers. "Besides, there's another arrival of plants I need to attend to."

"Woo-hoo, more plants." I roll my eyes. "That's just what I need."

"You'd better get back to work since you're on a tight deadline."

"Right, thank you for the reminder."

I dump another load of dead plants into the bin and grin as I walk backwards. The wheelbarrow bounces when the tire hits the pavement and shakes my arms.

"Have you finished clearing the back section yet?"

"Almost! I have a small section left and then I can plant."

"Great work, kid! Keep it up and you'll receive a bonus."

"Thanks." The thought of extra money puts a spring in my step. I need to survive a couple of hours, and then I can take a break and admire my handiwork.

* * * * *

By mid-morning, a majority of the plants have arrived. Bushes of lavender consume most of the yard along with an assortment of hedging plants. There will be a small strip of grass leading from the driveway to the back section, but other than that, it'll be covered in lavender.

Somewhere along the side strip, I will dig a hole for the fishpond. The woman at the fish farm emailed me a lengthy guide on how to install it, and Austin promised to handle rigging it up, which he said would be easy.

I picked things I thought would be nice, only to realise the complications of it, like dragging the lavender bushes around to the back of the house. Not surveying the area properly has jacked up my plans too.

There's a trap door located to the right, which is where I wanted to put the outdoor bed because the neighbouring trees provide shade.

I can hide the door with bushy plants or put the bed on top. If the boss needs to access the door, it would look suspicious moving the bed. Then again, I'm planting a ton of lavenders.

"You could run the hedging and lavenders along the fence and move the bed to the left corner which will draw people's attention there." Austin stands beside me and holds out a glass of water.

"How come you didn't tell me it was there? I could have found better plants to hide it."

"The lavenders are perfect."

"Have you reconsidered helping me with the perfect lavenders?" I flutter my eyelashes.

"I've contacted two men to help you."

"Thank you," I cheer.

I drink some water and return the empty glass. Austin retreats to his throne while I move what plants I can carry, which is the hedging. I place them along the fence line and smile.

"Where do you want the lavenders?" a man calls out.

Swinging around, I smile at the two men waiting for orders. Now, this is my kind of gardening.

The pair are dressed in low-slung jeans and tight t-shirts, which show off their muscular, tattooed arms.

"Between the hedging in a purple and white pattern. Oh, and please use the bushier plants near the door, thank you!"

"Okay." They nod.

The two men grab some white lavender and carry it over while I continue dragging the hedging. Within an hour, we arrange the plants around the backyard, and it looks amazing.

"Can you pave by any chance?" The men glance at each other and shake their heads. "Or use power tools? I need to hang the vertical herbal gardens."

"No, sorry," one replies.

"That's alright. Thank you for the help."

The pair walk to the front while I admire the garden. I'll be digging huge holes tomorrow so the plants have enough soil to grow, but it'll be worth it.

Shade casts across me and I frown.

"I pay you to garden, not to stare at the garden." His deep voice sends a chill down my spine.

As I turn around, I bite the inside of my cheek. I stare at the ground and inhale a sharp breath.

"I'm sorry, I was working out how to hang the vertical herb garden."

He sighs, which makes my hands shake. I drag my gaze from the ground and to his face. His wide frame and piercing blue eyes make my heart race. How can he wear a black suit in this heat?

"Austin will help you."

I stare at the sand and groan as my stomach knots.

"Um, I know you're busy and all, but could you tell him that? He wouldn't help when I asked about moving the lavenders."

He bolts away and I consider following, but I remain because I'm afraid.

Minutes later, Austin appears with power tools.

"Where do you want them?" He frowns, the mischievous glint long gone.

"Just on the side of the house. I was thinking about three rows of four."

"Grab the pots."

"Okay." I nod.

Each step vibrates pain through my body, but I collect the pile near the gate and turn around. Our gaze meets as the man from before stares out of a window in the house. The curtains shut and I frown.

I stare at the plastic blue pots and sigh. I'm happy Austin is the supervisor because that man is colder than a winter blizzard.

Austin measures the wall while I collect the soil and herbs. Once he's done the first row, I plant sage, basil and coriander. The shade is nice, but it's not preventing bad tan lines.

When he's finished, Austin grabs some soil and tosses it in the pots.

"Which ones do you want in these?" He points.

"Any of the herbs will be fine."

"Okay." He nods.

"Thank you for the help."

"You're welcome."

"And I'm, uh, sorry about tattling. I needed the help."

Austin shakes his head and sighs. "I'll let it slide this time."

Once they're done, I plonk on the ground and lean against the house.

"Make a list of things you need done. I'll have people come tomorrow."

"Thank you so much!" I smile.

"I need someone to pave, and what do you think about the lavenders?"

"Yeah, it's a good placement." He nods. "Are you curious about the door?" Excitement swirls in his eyes.

"Nope." I shake my head.

"It's a mysterious door that could lead to anywhere and nowhere."

"I'm paid to garden, not ask questions or wonder about hidden doors." I wink.

"Good answer. Write that list while you're sitting down."

"Sure, I just need a few minutes to rest otherwise I'll pass out."

"Sit in the shade and I'll grab you some water."

"Thank you."

Austin pulls me up and I hobble to the driveway. If I survive this, I'll spend all my money on a professional massager. That's if I'm not killed off by the sun or exhaustion.

* * * * *

What do you think is under the door?

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