Pretty Little Thing || PJM ||...

Od chimchimicorn

201K 15.1K 7K

Plagued by night terrors so bad that he is feeling more and more exhausted every day, Park Jimin seeks help f... Více

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The Kamatayana.


6.5K 577 338
Od chimchimicorn

Jimin was nervous. The doctor had insisted on driving him home, but because it was such a short drive, they were currently sat outside the home, with Yoongi staring out the window at the house.

"That room," He said suddenly, pointing up, "Your room?"

Jimin looked and shook his head, "That's Namjoons room. Mine is the other window,"

"Hmm," He nodded and turned to face him, "I believe you," He said, "About the dreams. And I can help, but you have to trust me,"

With a deep breath, Jimin nodded. What else could he do, anyway?

"Tell me," Yoongi said seriously, "Everything that happened in the original dreams. How did it start, and when?"

Jimin could feel his heart begin to race. However, he felt as if he could trust the dark-haired man sitting next to him in the car, so he took a deep breath.

"They started about six months ago,"

"Around the time you moved in," Yoongi stated, "Yes?" Jimin nodded and Yoongi hummed again, "Okay, tell me what happened before you spoke to Dr Kim last week,"

Jimin shifted nervously in his seat. He glanced out the window, looking up to where his bedroom was.

"It's alright, I promise, I can help," Yoongi assured, "You can tell me,"

With a deep breath, Jimin decided to trust this man and began to speak.

"It usually starts with knocking on the door," He said, refusing to look up at his window, "But lately I've been waking up before that starts because the window is open. Then there's a scratch on my door and the door opens," He paused, remembering what had happened last week when he slept, "I go under my covers and I can hear footsteps and heavy breathing come into my room. Before, it would try to take my blanket, but recently,"

He felt as if he couldn't speak. There was something nagging at the back of his mind, whispering for him not to tell. He tried to push past it, but everything started going hazy.

"Recently?" Yoongi pressed.

His voice snapped Jimin out of his hazy state, and he could suddenly speak again, "It circled my bed last time. It scratched my headboard and then it climbed on the bed and crawled up me,"

Yoongi was silent for a moment, seemingly lost in his own thoughts, "And you say when you wake up, the window is open and there's a set of scratches on your door?" Jimin nodded and Yoongi pursed his lips, "Where have you seen the silhouette of the woman?"

"At my friend's house and at Dr Kim's office," Jimin was suddenly feeling as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He felt lighter and more awake than he had for a long time.

"I see," Yoongi said, glancing up at the window and then staring directly at Jimin, "Here's what I need you to do. You need to go into your bedroom, and you need to become extremely familiar with the way that it is laid out. You need to be able to do it with your eyes closed. Understand?" Jimin nodded. He was already a little confused, but he kept listening. 

"Good. Now, you need to sleep, and I understand why you haven't been. Sleeping during the day with people around you is a good idea, but during the night, stay out of your bedroom. There's no point moving out of you've seen this entity outside of your own home-"

"Wait, entity?" Jimin said, a frown on his face, "You mean, you believe me? That it's not just a dream?"

"Of course I do, I already told you that," Yoongi said sharply, "Are you taking in what I'm telling you?"

Jimin nodded and Yoongi took another breath, "You need to keep an eyemask - you know the ones that people use to block out light when they sleep? Keep one under your pillow in your bedroom. If, for some reason, you suddenly appear in this dream, put the eye mask on immediately. Do you understand?"

Jimin nodded again. He didn't understand they why, but he agreed to follow his rules.

"Do not take off the mask or open your eyes, it's very important," Yoongi stressed, "As soon as you wake up, you need to go to the window and close it. If you do that before the knocking begins, go to your bedroom door and make sure it is locked. After that, get into your wardrobe, and stay there until you hear your alarm or one of your friends. Yes?"

"I don't understand," Jimin said, the feeling of dread slowly creeping into him again, "Why do I have to do all this?"

"Just make sure you do that, Jimin," Yoongi said, "Do not, under any circumstances, look at her. When you see her when you're conscious, turn away. Do not look!"

Yoongi turned the key and started the engine, a clear sign that it was time for Jimin to get out of the car.

"I will get in touch, Jimin. I'm going to look into this for you, and I can help you," He reached into his pocket as Jimin climbed out, and offered him his card, "Call me if anything new happens, or you're worried. I'll answer,"

Jimin closed the door and stood staring at the card in his hand. The doctor pulled out and vanished around a corner, and Jimin turned back to look at the house.

It felt different, this time. It felt unsafe and cold.

It felt like there was an incredibly angry presence inside waiting for him to enter.

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