Vegas Wed

By bigswagmoney

10.9K 418 30

"Who are you?" "Your husband." "You... More

z e r o
t w o
t h r e e
f o u r
f i v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e
t e n
e l e v e n
t w e l v e

o n e

1.1K 41 12
By bigswagmoney


A familiar pain arose in my brain as I woke up, tossing me straight into a hangover. I attempted to open my eyes, but they only peeked open before light flooded into my eyes, causing me to turn my head into my pillow.


My head snapped up at the morning voice of a stranger, forcing myself to ignore the intense headache I had.

My eyes met with a man laying next to me. He was smiling sweetly at me as if he'd known me all his life, but I had not the slightest clue of who he is.

"Who are you?"

"Jack." He mumbled with his rough voice.

"Oh! Jack! Ok I know exactly who you are, thank you for that valuable information. Now seriously who are you?"

He looked me up and down before smiling and answering me.

"Your husband."

He didn't laugh. Or crack a smile. He was completely serious.

"You're funny." I told him, but he kept a straight face, staring at me for a moment before he grabbed a stack of photos from his bedside table, tossing them onto my lap.

"Yes I am your husband, now please let me sleep."

"Hold on, no. I don't remember this." I fought, flipping through the stack of wedding photos... Of me...And 'Jack'. A few also displayed my friends, giving me a free pass to go off on them later.

He looked up at me for a moment, allowing me to see his whole face for the first time. What a masterpiece.


With that, he slammed his pretty face back into his pillow, frustrating me further.

"Oh, no, you don't! I want to know what the hell is going on!" I put my palm on his forehead, rolling his head up to look at me awkwardly.

"Why are you even fighting me right now? Shouldn't you be asleep? Or chilling out? I'd guess that you have a huge hangover right now, based on your behavior last night." His voice was rough and tired as he pushed his face deeper into his pillow as if he could block me out.

"Yes I should be worrying about my headache, but I think it's more important that I figure out why I now supposedly have a fucking husband!" I looked through  more photos, flipping through the captured moments of me in a white dress, and 'Jack' in a black tux.

Last I remembered, I was dancing with my friends, counting shots and competing to see who could dance up on the most guys.

"Did you drug me or something?" I wondered out loud, nearing the end of the stack of photos.

"No. You drugged up yourself, I think. You were fucked when I met you."

"Great." I spoke sarcastically, placing the photos on my bed stand before peeling the sheets away from me. And then putting them right back.

A surge of both fear and anger rushed through my body, and all color drained from my face.

I was naked.

While sleeping next to a grown man.

That was also naked.

Oh and I was naked too.

I already said that.

"Did...did we...y'know..."

"Have sex? Yes."

My face dropped.

"No, really. Why are we naked?"

"Because we had sex."

I didn't know what to do or say. I'd been saving myself for marriage. Real marriage. I wanted to give a part of myself to someone I loved. Not a stranger.

"You ok?"

"I was saving myself for marriage."

He cocked an eyebrow at me before picking up my small hand in his large one. I was confused until I saw the shining diamond ring wrapped around my finger.

I took a moment to observe the ring before yanking my hand away from him.

"Real fucking marriage you dick!" As much as I wanted to gawk over the size and beauty of the diamond ring on my finger, I was still pissed.

I'm so selling this shit on eBay though.

"Well I'm sorry, do you want me to pull out my little magic watch so we can turn back time and make sure you keep your precious virginity?" He spoke sarcastically, fully wake now.

He's so dead.

"Fuck you. Fuck this. This is a joke." I stood from the bed, before falling back down into it unwillingly. My legs buckled underneath me as all of my blood rushed from my head, leaving me lightheaded and wobbly on top of the hangover I still had to overcome.

"Holy shit, are you ok?" I just nodded my pounding head, pulling my hands up to rub my temples.

"Do you need water or something?"

"Yes, please." I mumbled out, lazily throwing the covers back over myself as I heard his heavy footsteps walking out of the room.

Seemingly seconds later, Jack rushed back in with a glass of water in one hand, while his other was folded around pills.

"Here's some aspirin, and I'll leave the water on your table. I'm gonna make breakfast just call me in you need anything." I just smiled to him as he placed two aspirin in my hand.


"I think you just have to go back to sleep, I'll answer any questions when you wake up." With that he kissed my forehead and walked away.

As if he were my real husband.

-author's note-

So.... what did you guys think?

I know it's the first chapter and all, but I have a good feeling about this story and where I'm taking it. I hope you guys like it :)

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