You're Mine// Jason McCann Fa...

By teenwolffx

592 4 0

You're mine forever... More

Please Read.
chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
chapter 7.
chapter 8.
chapter 9
chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
chapter 13.
chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Please Read

Chapter 17.

19 0 0
By teenwolffx

Mason's pov

Everything has changed.  My whole plan has changed.  I can't believe any of this.  They were smart.  They fucking outsmarted me.  I should've known.  Matter of fact, I should've just killed them.  Everything from here is going to be different.  I'm on the hunt.  I'm thirsty for blood and I want theirs.  I'm making it my mission to find them.  "Is it a bad time to say I told you so?" Carter said still grinning from the chair.

"You know, instead of sitting there with that stupid grin on your face, you could get up and do something.  This affects you too!" I said.

"I find it funny" Carter said standing up.  I clench my fists and I look to him pissed.  How is any of this funny?

"Really?" I said.

"I find it funny that they think they can escape" He said and I started calming down.  "They can't outsmart us.  Think about it, Mason.  They're fucking chipped.  We know their every move" He continued.  

The door flies open and Hayes coming running in frantically. We both turn to him and he looks panicked. "The chips.  They're not working anymore.  I can't get a signal on them" He said.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" I said punching my desk.

"Well, never mind about that" Carter said.

"I should've listened to you" I said to Carter.

"As happy as I am to hear that, you need to calm down. We know where they're going.  The only place they would go would be to that vault." He said and I looked to him.  He's right.

"Let's go" I said leaving the room. I'm walking down the halls furious. I hear Carter catch up behind me and he stops in front of me.

"What are you doing?" He said.

"What do you think I'm doing?" I said.

"You're jumping ahead. Start here. Start with that boy Cameron" He said and I stopped.

"What about Cameron?" I said.

"How is it that I just got here not too long ago and I know more than you? He knows more than he's putting off. He's talked to Jason and the others several times. I've seen them. There's something about him." He said and I nod my head.

"Bring him to the room" I said and he nodded.

I'm going to get all the answers I need.


I'm in the interrogation room sitting across from Cameron. He's chained up to the chair and Carter is standing to my right. I'm just staring at Cameron and he's staring back. There's no emotion on his face. It's like this doesn't bother him at all.

"Why am I here?" Cameron said.

"You're here because there's been a little situation. A situation with Jason and the others." I said.

"And how does that affect me?" He said.

"I've heard you've talked to them a lot" I said.

"I wouldn't say a lot. Yeah, I've talked to them here and then" He said.

"Quit with the bullshit. You and I both know it was more than just a hey here and there. You know what's going on, don't you?" Carter said speaking up.

"I don't know anything" Cameron said.

"Why did they show an interest in you and not anyone else?" I said.

"I don't know." He said.

"Maybe you'll remember after I show you this" Carter said. I look over to him confused and he grabs a lap top. He walks over and puts it on the desk and starts playing a video. I look closer and see it's Cameron, Nova, and Jason all in the laboratory searching the room. What the fuck? How the hell did this happen? Why did no one tell me?!

"Now do you know?" Carter said.

"You snuck into the laboratory!?" I said.

"I didn't have to sneak in." He said.

"What do you know?" I said getting pissed off.

"Like I said, I don't know anything" He said.

"STOP LYING!" I yelled standing up. "I suggest you tell me right now what you know or else the consequences won't be pretty" I said.

"This has been their plan all along, hasn't it? They thought they should get someone on the inside in on it, am I right? They chose you...but why?" Carter said.

"Guess I was trustworthy...or maybe it's just the good looks" He said. I just stare at him ready to kill him. Suddenly things start making sense. I start remembering a while back when Cameron got tested on. Back when he was one we had problems with. He found out too much and we used the memory drug on him.

"It didn't work, did it?" I said.

"What?" Cameron said.

"All this time. All this fucking time you've had us all fooled.  You remember, don't you?" I said and he just stayed quiet.  He sits there putting his head down and I slam my fist onto the table.  "DONT YOU?!" I screamed.

"Yes.  Yes, I fucking remember everything.  I know about your dirty little plan.  I'm not brainwashed like all the other people here.  I know the shit you're up to.  And let me tell you, you're not gonna win" He said leaning closer to me.

"Lock him up" I said to Carter and left the room. 

"You're just gonna lock me up? Go ahead! It won't change anything.  YOU ALREADY LOST. YOU'RE DEAD" He yelled and I slam the door behind me.

I don't loose.  I never loose.

Hannah's pov

I'm sitting in my car with Nova and Jason in front of the police station.  Now that I got Nova back and found Jason, I have to report to Sheriff Matthews.  We still have a deal.  Jason helps him and he helps Jason in return.  He promised to keep his word. "You guys ready?" I said.

"Yeah" Nova said.

"I'm not going in" Jason said.

"Jason, come on" I said.  I explained to them what sheriff Matthews told me.  He's here to help Jason.  The only person who he's after right now is Mason and his mafia.  They're the ones who are going down. "He's here to help" I continued.

"Yeah, right.  He's clearly lying to you, Han.  Why would the sheriff help me? I'm a criminal.  His job is literally to lock people like me up" Jason said.

"He's different, okay? We made a deal.  You know what the deal is.  After this is all over, you have to change your ways Jason" I said.

"It's not as easy as you think" He said.

"Please, just come in.  She's right.  I trust Sheriff Matthews.  He was there for me for a lot.  After the whole situation  happened...anyway, he's someone you should trust.  If you have any trust in me then you'll come in" Nova said and Jason just sighed. 

"Okay" He said.  Thank God Nova has this affect on Jason.  Without her, Jason would be the most stubborn and defiant person. She's really changed him completely. She'll be a big key in him changing after this is all over.

We all get out of the car and we start walking up towards the front doors.  "I can't believe I'm doing this" Jason said.

"I'm happy you're doing this" Nova said grabbing his hand and he smiled.  I feel a sadness come over me and I try pushing it aside.  I know what it is.  It's me missing Grayson.  Ever since I saw him, I can't stop thinking about him.  I know I need to talk to him.  Nova's right.  I need to forgive him.  I want to forgive him and try to start over.

I open the front doors and we walk in.  I see a lady at the front desk and she looks up to me.  "Hi, I'm here for Sheriff Matthews.  It's important" I said.

"Yeah...I can tell" The lady said looking to Nova and Jason behind me.  "Go ahead to his office" She said.  I nod and then signal for the others to follow me.  We all walk down the hall and then reach sheriff's office.

"Don't hold anything back.  Tell him everything" I said.  I knock on the door and then we wait. The door opens the reveal sheriff Matthews and he immediately puts his eyes onto Nova.

"Nova" He said walking up to her and hugging her. She hugged him back and I can see Jason just standing there awkwardly. He lets go and then he looks over to me. "You found her" He said.

"Yeah, and now there's still more that needs to be done. It's time for our deal to come into action" I said. He looked over to Jason and then he looked back to me.

"This must be your brother" He said.

"It is" I said.

"Come in" Sheriff said and we walked into his office.  We all sit down and it's silent.  Sheriff Matthews is just staring at Jason and Jason is sitting there awkwardly.  Nova is just leaned back in her seat and I'm here ready to break the silence. Before I can say anything, Nova speaks up.

"Sheriff, you've made me a lot of promises.  Promises you've always kept.  I need you to promise me something else.  Promise me you'll help us stop Mason" She said.

"Im gonna need you two to tell me everything you know...but I promise" He said.

"He has a plan.  A plan to gain power.  A plan which will ruin the lives of a lot of innocent people." Nova said.

"What's this plan?" Sheriff said.

"There's four different drugs.  They're all really powerful.  He's using them all to his advantage.  What these drugs can do isn't a joke.  They're deadly" Nova said.

"Where did he get these deadly drugs?" Sheriff said and it was quiet for a minute.  Now, even I feel uncomfortable.  Knowing that I came from the person who created these drugs makes me sick. 

"Our father" Jason said and sheriff turned to him.

"You're kidding, right?" He said and Jason stared at him.  "You're telling me your father did this? This doesn't help you at all" He said.

"Look, it's true.  Our father did this.  What he did though doesn't reflect us.  We're trying to end what he started.  We're going to destroy the drugs" I said.

"How?" Sheriff said.

"We already got one.  We brought it here" Nova said grabbing the little glass filled with the liquid and put it on the desk.  "The other two are with Mason" She continued.

"Okay, that makes three.  I thought you said there were four" Sheriff said.

"There are.  My father has a vault.  That's where the last drug is.  It's locked away" Jason said.

"Jeez" Sheriff said leaning back into his chair.  "Why is this one locked away?" He continued.

"Because this one is the most powerful.  The one that will make or break Mason's plan.  Here, I took this" Nova said handing Sheriff a piece of paper.  "It's a report on what the last drug can do" She continued. 

Sheriff grabbed the paper and then he sat there reading it.  I look over to Nova and then we look back to Sheriff who sets the paper down.  "We need to get that drug now" He said.

"That's our job.  There's something we need you to do" I said.

"Mason has a warehouse.  Actually it's bigger than a warehouse.  It has three floors and it goes for miles.  A lot of bad stuff happens in there.  It's where we were locked away. There's at least a hundred people in there.  Probably more.  All our age.  You need to go and get them all out.  That place needs to be shut down" Nova said.

"This sounds like more than a one man job" Sheriff said.

"That's why you're taking people with you.  Tanner, Amber, Brendon, and Jessie all are going with you. " I said.

"Don't worry.  There's more men who can go in.  I got gang members ready to get their hands dirty" Jason said.

"And are you ready to get your hands dirty?" Sheriff said.

"I'm always ready" Jason said.

"He has a motive right now.  Trust me, he's not always like this" I said giving Jason a glare. 

"While you're doing that, the rest of us are going to that vault" Nova said.

"What about Mason?" Sheriff said.

"I'll handle him" Jason said.

"We'll deal with him.  We'll bring him to you" I said.

"We'll bring him dead" Jason said.

"Jason" Nova said.

"Oh, so now you're thinking differently.  Now you wanna spare him?!" Jason said getting more and more frustrated.

"No, but killing him isn't going to help you here" Nova said.

"I don't care about me.  I care about ending Mason...and Carter! You should feel the same, Nova" Jason said standing up and leaving the room.  I sit there in shock and just stare at Nova.  Did he just say Carter?

"What's he talking about, Nova?" I said.  Nova slowly turns to me and I can see the change of emotion in her.  "Nova?" I said.

"Carter's alive" She said.  I just sit there in shock.  There's no way.  There's no way Carter can be alive.  She killed him!

"Nova, is this the truth?" Sheriff said completely shocked too.

"Yeah...I wish it wasn't but it is.  Carter's alive and he's working with Mason.  The nightmare just never ends" She said.

"Nova..." I said.

"I should go talk to Jason" She said standing up and leaving the room.  I lean back in my chair still shocked and just stare at the desk.  Why does this keep happening?

"If Carter really is alive, we have a lot more on our plates than we think." Sheriff said.

"I want him dead.  I want Carter dead" I said.

"Between you and I...I want that son of a bitch dead too.  Both of them" Sheriff said. 

It's time for war.

Nova's pov

I walk outside and see Jason sitting on a bench.  I go over and sit down next to him and he keeps his eyes on the ground.  I look over to him and then sigh.

"I'm on your side, you know?" I said.

"I know...I just...I don't get why we're going to this sheriff." He said.

"He's been a big help" I said.

"How? How could he have possibly helped you?" He said getting a little aggressive.

"He just did. I'm just looking out for you, Jason.  He said he could help you" I said.

"I don't want his help" He said.

"Why are you being stubborn?" I said.

"Because you don't get it!  You don't fucking get it, Nova" He said standing up. 

"What don't I get?" I said standing up too.

"He's trying to change me.  I know shit I do is bad, but it's my life.  It's what I'm used to and I don't think I'm ready for that big of a change." He said.

"This change could be a good change.  Actually, it is a good change.  It's your chance for a better life" I said.

"I don't need anything better.  Change and me don't mix well" He said.

"That's such a lie.  You've had the biggest change yet.  Look at you.  Look where you started and where you are now.  If that's not a change, then I don't know what is" I said.

"What am I supposed to do after this? I can't just abandon my gang." He said.

"I don't know.  I don't know what you're supposed to do but I do know that we won't have to deal with this stuff anymore.  I know that you'll be safe and I won't have to constantly worry.  I know that you won't be in jail.  I know that you and I will be able to be happy" I said and he turned to me.  "Just give it a chance.  Don't be so quick to put your wall back up.  Change can be a good thing" I said. 

"I'm sorry for freaking out earlier" He said.

"It's okay.  We're all stressed out" I said.

"You're just looking out for me and I'm being an asshole." He said.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you more" He said kissing me.  I smile and kiss him back and then I look to him.

"Now, lets finish this" I said.

It's time to finally win this.

Jason's pov

Everyone is standing at the airport right now talking before we go our separate ways.  It's now or never.  Now's when the war really starts.  This has been an ongoing battle.  It's time it's finally put to an end.  Nova's right. This change isn't a bad thing.  I don't have to change who I am as a person.  I just have to change the things I do.  I won't ever abandon my gang.  They're family...but, I can step back.  If it's what will make Nova happy then I'll do it.  I'll do anything for her.

"It's really happening" Jade said.

"This shit finally can be over with" Caleb said.

"We still got stuff that needs to be done before it's over.  You got the map, right?" I said.

"Right here" Sheriff said holding a map of the building Mason owns.

"okay, so the goal is to get in and get everyone in there out" Amber said.

"You also need to destroy the drugs that are there.  There's a laboratory.  Burn it" Nova said.

"Burn the whole place.  Bring it to the ground" Grayson said.

"I like the sound of that" Jessie said.

"You guys sure you'll be okay?" Tanner said to the rest of us going to the vault.

"We'll be fine.  Nothing we can't handle" I said.

"You really think Mason will show up?" Brendon said.

"I know he will.  He's going to try to make it to that vault before we do" I said.

"Too bad he can't get in" Caleb said.

"Trust me, he'll find a way" Grayson said.

"We should get going.  We can't waste anymore time. Good luck" I said.  They all nod and then they leave to get on one of the private jets.  I turn back to the others and we all gather in a circle.

"Just like old times" Caleb said.

"Except this time we got two newbies with us" Grayson said looking to Kylie and Lexi.

"Hey, don't doubt us.  We can hang in there with you guys" Kylie said.

"We want this to end just as much as you guys.  Plus, I need to live a little." Lexi said.  Everyone just stood there unsure and then Nova stepped up.

"This is exactly how you guys acted when I first joined,  now look at me.  Don't underestimate a book by its cover" She said.

"Yeah, I bet they could beat your ass" Hannah said.

"Grayson's ass" Caleb said.

"Shut up" Grayson said.

"You all ready?" I said.

"Ready" Everyone said. 

It's time.

Chapter 17 of my book is completed. Hope you all enjoyed it! If you have any questions, feel free to message me. I'll always respond. Thanks for all the support.
Love, K

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