Love Made Me Do It (Hiccstrid)

By numblxve

689 18 9

"So? What'd you say?" Hiccup asked, hoping she accepts. "It will mean a lot to me.. I-I know this will sound... More

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115 4 4
By numblxve

"Woah, you're in a very good mood today girl," Heather says as she walks over to Astrid, who was writing something down and smiling.

"I am always in a good mood," Astrid pointed out, looking up at Heather as she takes her glasses off. "I don't know what are you talking about," she laughs softly.

"Okay but this is like a very different good mood," Heather says as she smiles at her, then she gasps. "Wait... It's a guy!" she teases her and pokes her arm.

"Yes Heather, it's totally a guy," she jokes and made her laugh. But she was not lying.

It was Monday, the beggining of a usual week. She met up with Hiccup and Taemin that morning and made plans to hang out later in the week. She was amused when she saw him type in notes a list about the things he wants to do before he goes back home. Astrid filled up a few more papers and headed to the elevator. Arriving at the 5th floor, she walks next to a Doctor, who tells her that he wants her to take care of a few patients at 3 o' clok. Agreeing, she headed to one of her patients room.

She checks the little girl's temperature, gave her meds and feed her and played with her too. Then, she decided to take her on a walk around. As they were walking, she spotted two very familiar faces. She frowns slightly as she slows down. Taemin looked lost and Hiccup was simply looking around. She headed to them.

As she was getting closer, Hiccup 's face lights up when he sees her. Astrid returned the smile and her heart started to pound fast. 

"Hey," Astrid said happy. Tae turns around and smiles back, impressed to see his new friend again that same day.

"Hey Astrid," Tae said elbowing the tall guy next to him. Hiccup grunted and glares at him and then looks at her again.

"Hello," He finally said, grinning. "What are you doing here?" He asks but noticed her suit, her last name printed on it, and holding the little girl's hand, who looked a bit sick. "Wait a minute...You work here?" He continued, his green eyes widening a bit.

She nodded smiling and glances at the girl. "Yes.. I'm a nurse," She says smiling.

Hiccup smiled big, "So this is the kind of help you do," he says gesturing around. "You help people to get through their sickness and injuries," he looks at her impressed, but happy.

"That's right," she nodded looking around, loving her job all over again. "And I love it," she finished and looks at him.

"I can tell," Hiccup smiles at her and at the little girl, she blinks as she looks back at him. "What's her name?" He asks Astrid.

"Hani," she responded and looks down at her as well, she smiles and told her what he asked. Hani smiled and waves at him.

"She's pretty," he looks at Astrid, "Tell her that I say she's pretty," he chuckles. She laughs softly and nodded once, doing what he said. He smiles at Hani when she hide behind Astrid and said something.

"She says 'Thank you'," Astrid smiles at Hiccup, she was about to say something when Hani spoke again, "Oh, and that you are really cute," she smiles at him and he chuckles.

"Well I am flattered," he smiles at Hani and she giggles, hiding behind Astrid again. 

"I hate to interrupt this but.. I got this appointment and I am actually late, and, I'm lost," Taemin says and shows her the paper he was holding and reading when she saw them. 

Astrid reads it and smiles, "You are looking for the dentist, hm. It's in the 2nd floor, this the fifth, kids area," she explains Tae and Hiccup grinned at his buddy. "It says here," she laughs a bit and pointed at small paragraph in the corner.

"Ooohhhh..." Tae reads it and Hiccup laughs this time. "Thank you so much," Taemin grabbed her hand and shakes it a bit rough. She laughs a bit.

"Yeah no problem," she says smiling at them and sneaks her hand inside her pocket once it was release.

"Now if you excuse us, we'll leave, I'm really late dude," Tae says and took Hiccup's arm and drag him away. He yelp and went with him.

He turned his head and waves at Astrid, "Text you later!" he called out smiling. Then he argued with Taemin who pushes him inside the elevator.

Astrid shook her head laughing a bit and looks down at Hani. She continued to walk her around for a few more minutes. During her brake, she sat down with Heather and other 4 people. They discussed about some serious stuff and ate. When she was heading to her assigned patients, her phone vibrated. When she entered one of the elevators, she pulled it off and immendiately smiled when she saw it was from Hiccup.


H: Hello, just wondering at what time are 

you free after work? 


She smiles and reply back.


A: It depends :)

A: Sometimes I get out at 5, sometimes

at 7 or 9 o' clock.


He was typing this time..


H: Okay, well....

H: Please let me know at least 15 minutes

 before you get out. Yeah?


She smiles and wondered what was he up to. She reply.


A: Got it :)


With that, she locked her phone and walks out of the elevator along with others. It was exactly 3 o' clock when she showed up. She did a wonderful job, like always. A bit tired since she did not sit for 3 hours, she went to grab her things. She sits down in one of the beds and looks at Heather who was taking a nap. She smiles a bit and lay down, she texted Hiccup and told him she was free. He texted back and told her to walk out once he was outside and that he was going to let him know.

She puts her phone over her abdomen and massages her hands. And waited.


(During the hospital after talking to Astrid.....)

When Taemin got out of the dental room, Hiccup headed to him.

"I'm asking her out tonight," Hiccup says.

Taemin was taken aback, "Woah okay but, don't you think it's too soon? I mean, yes but," he thinks on what to say.

"I thought you wanted me to date her already," he raises a brow, "You've been pushing me a lot," he pointed out.

"I know, know what? Nevermind it's your life and if that will make you happy then go ahead," he clasped his arm. "But, don't ask her straight away, be cool and sponteneous. Text her at what time she's free, then warn her in the soft way that you are gonna be waiting outside for her," he explained.

Hiccup smiled before sighing and nodding, "Alright, that sounds better," he smirks. He takes his phone and stared at the screen for a long time. Tae waited.

"So?" he asked.

"I-I don't know how to start," he looks at Tae. 

Tae rolls his eyes, "Aparently you did not listen to what I just said," he shook his head.

Few hours later, after he thought for a long time on what to type, he finally took his phone and texted her



When she walks out of the hospital, she saw Hiccup smiling and holding to cups. She tried to hide her happiness. This was the 3rd time she sees him, that's a record. He greeted her in Korean and smirked. She laughs and took the cup he was handing her, then she greeted back.

"You said it correctly," She says smiling at him, people walking past them.

"Taemin teached me.. it took like 2 hours," he said a bit dissapointed.

"You sounded 100% Korean," she teases him and he glares playfully, "You ordered?" she asks lifting her cup.

He shook his head, "No.. Tae did, he went back home," he smiles at her and zips his coffee.

"Thank you and Taemin," she laughs a bit and zips her, it was cappuccino, she smiles.

"Mm," he swallows and looks at her, "Let's go get something to eat," he suggested. Astrid smiles, liking the idea, she was starving.

"Okay, I know this place you are going to like, they sell many kinds of food," she says a bit excited. 

"Sure! Lead the way Hofferson," he grins and extended his arm to the right.

She laughs a bit and takes his arm slowly, pushing it to the left, "It's that way," she smiles.

Hiccup chuckles and follows her. They walk next to each other, she points at some places she thought he might like, which he did, and smiles when he took pictures with his phone. They throw their empty cups inside a trash can and walked some more. 

She thinks and took her phone out. She decided to show him a song.

"Have you listen to this song?" She asks, scrolling down the list. He stands closer and she felt his warm breath in her eat. He smells so good, gods.

"Which one?" He asks soft and she tried to breathe, she smiles a bit and handed him a headphone. He took it and put it on. She pressed play.

(Grenade by Bruno Mars)

She glances at him and he smiles BIG.

"I love this song!" he chuckles and moves his head slighly at the beat, "Old but gold," he smiles.

"I know right?" she says smiling and they started walking again.

She then started humming the song, and Hiccup smiles, loving it. 5 minutes later, they arrived, and began with the food jorney, she made him try almost everything. He also loved that. Around 11 o' clock, they sat down eating the last small dish. He touches his abdomen.

"I am going to explode," he managed to say.

"You liked it?" She asks smiling.

"Are you kidding?" he smiles at her, "I l-love it! Every single one of them," he says looking back at the people still selling. She laughs.

"I come here once in a while, it was good to share it with you," she smiles at him, he smiles back. She looks at the time, "Oh wow.. It's late, we should probably head back," she glances at him.

He smiles at her softly and nodded, he got up, "Let me walk you this time," he says and she looks at him. They stare at each other.

"I'm ok-!" she started and he interrupted.

"No, I insist," he says and shut her up with those simple words. 

"Uhm," she sighs giving up and smiles, "Fine," she says and got up.

He smiled at her and offered his arm. Astrid looks at it and blushes slightly, he noticed and grinned. Gently, she slide hers around his and the two started walking slowly. Once they were outside her bulding, he looks up and then down at her smiling. They exchanged a few words and hugged each other. She waved and walks inside, smiling like crazy.

The next stop to hang out was going to be an amusement park, which was inside this huge ball. You could go during the day or night. She suggested him to bring his camera, because the view around them was going to be wonderful. She soon went to bed and lay down smiling. Deep in thoughts.

Can she really fall in love with someone she met few days ago?


My parents are so cute



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