What Stays In Vegas: A One Di...

By Imagine_liam_1D

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"I don't know of any better way to explain it to her. 'Oh yeah hey Lara... You really don't remember much fro... More

What Stays In Vegas
1: Two Worlds Collide
2: A Brief Exposure
3: Reminders
4: Faulty Memories
5: Tick Tock
6: Rewind
7: Experienced Professionals
8: Trapped
9: Actions speak Louder
10: Good Will Hunting
12: A Misstep
13: Decisions
14: The Mystery Continues
15: Car Trips and Regrets
16: Finding Stardust PART 1
16: Finding Stardust Part 2
Author's Note
17: Commercialized Fame
18: Always Read the Fine Print
19: Regrets
Author's Note

11: Misunderstandings

652 8 3
By Imagine_liam_1D

11: Misunderstandings

Muaahahhahahahaha I feel so awesome! You guys make me feel awesome!

Except I always feel awesome cause I'm y'know.... Awesome.

Follow my instagram! Just got a 1D one it's @1direction_connection

And my twitter is @brilliant_liam

I'm not giving my phone number haha nooooo



Stupid blabbermouth.I try to get out of the store and ultimately the conversation itself.

A few yards away from the boys, my phone begins to buzz.

Sky Edge

I really haven't talked to him in weeks. I look back and point to my phone and mouth,"Gotta take this."



"I haven't talked to you in forever! What's up?"

"I know. I haven't been in town for the longest time. I actually started my acting career it's brill. I actually just finished a movie and came to visit you back in London but... You are nowhere to be found. Avalon told me that you were in Vegas for Kat's birthday!"

Sky and I were in drama classes for as long as I was with the Stars. As soon as I moved in with them, they signed me up for Drama and Fencing classes as a way to get me out of the house. They found out pretty early that having another daughter won't patch up their marriage and family too well.

I grin and giggle as we continue the conversation. Harry looks at me in spite and jealousy from the ice cream shop but I look the other way.

"Yup I'm in Vegas. I'm sorry I can't see you it's been too long. I guess once you come back we can visit. For now let's catch up on life..."

"Well I just finished filming my first movie. I'm in a smaller role in the Great Gatsby. It's coming out in Christmas. But onto you... I heard a rumor about you..."

Sky enunciates too much and puts too much emphasis onto most words. A lot of people would say he's gay from the way he talks and dresses. He usually overdressed for any occasion. I know he isn't gay because one week into the acting class he asked me out an we went on one date but I decided to break it off because I liked him better as a friend. Since then we have been absolute best friends and we are totally okay with dating other people.

It's surprising how much easier it is to be single when your best friend is your date to everything. Although I was home schooled, I was his date to Prom his senior year because his girlfriend broke up with him the month before. I always bring him to the fancy parties that the Stars hold and that's basically how I helped to get him discovered. I'm a good friend. At least I would like to think so.

My smile drops when he mentions a rumor. Let's not talk about rumors before they control my life. Oh wait....

"Uhh..." My hands begin to get clammy. I really hate for him to know before I was able to tell him. I itch my ear a bit and hit my hello kitty earring that is still inflaming my ear. I want to rip them out just this second but I quickly decide that I don't want to cause any more pain.

"What might the rumor be Sky?" I run my neck with my free hand and await his response even though I know exactly what or who it is.

"I heard this baffling rumor that you are dating Harry Styles. From what you have told me about him, that's not true at all!"

I search for words by opening and closing my mouth repeatedly but don't get anything out. I don't know how to explain any of it. "I -I ... I'll have to talk to you later about that Sky. I'm kinda in a really public place. I'll say yes and no to that problem. I need to explain. Sorry sky. Just uhh.. Bye. For now!"

"Talk to you later. I'm really lost so call back soon."

I hang up and catch a glimpse at Harry's emerald eyes as he looks at me.

<<Hey well whenever you get back to London I won't be there. I got a different deal in L.A.>>

It will probably be another two months before I see Sky.

I carelessly usher the boys back over while I sit at a fountain. "Hey what was that all about?" Harry's eyes are wide and remorseful. "Just a good friend called. Not much."

"Hey uhh..while we are here... Can I get some shirts to sleep in? Kat just packed me all this stuff that I would never wear. I promise it will be quick. I'm not too picky." I drop my head down sheepishly and smile.

"Sure I guess..."

I walk into a Victoria's Secret and try to get in and out as soon as possible. It's really not good to have guys in a Victoria's Secret too long. They soon begin to think about what what goes into all these bras and panties. I just pick up some half decent pink basketball shorts and two shirts that say love pink.

"Done." I hold out my bags and slap Niall teasingly as he stares at a rack of double D bras.

"That was too quick. I was starting to like it in there." Harry smiles cheekily and I pause before I turn around the corner to tie my shoe.

I hear a slight gasp behind me and turn around to find a group of teenage girls with one direction bracelets and wide smiles. Just keep walking and they won't notice Lara.

A girl with a small elastic headband and straightened hair taps my shoulder. "Excuse me.. You're Lara right? I'm settling a bet."

"Yeah I'm Lara. Why?" She grins wildly and giggles to give a thumbs up to her two friends behind her. "It's so amazing to finally meet you Lara. You are a total inspiration to all of us. You are so beautiful and successful and I love all your art. I'm Morgan by the way."

I'm flattered by all of the above and blush noticeably but pause at the sound of my artwork. "You've seen my work?"

"Of course. We are such fans. It's really representative of the world around us." She smiles genuinely and fiddles around for something in her purse. "Could I possibly take a picture with you Lara? It would mean the world to me. I pose with her and her two friends whose names seem to be Ashley and Colbi.

I follow the girls on twitter much to their squealing and continue to walk along as I sign various pieces of paper that were lying in their bags. I don't even have a signature I'm just writing "Love you ____, Lara Croft xx"

The other blond one (I think her name is Ashley) burst in to ask,"Are you here alone or with Harry?"

"Oh I'm here with Harry, Niall, and Louis... But I seem to have misplaced them." I shrug my shoulders and go around the corner to be spooked by the three boys. "BOO LARA! You take forever." Louis shakes Niall by the shoulders as they giggle incessantly.

The three girls come up behind me and "fangirl". I don't even know how to explain fangirling I have never done it. I guess it's a mix of squealing and giggling and smiling and all over having a mental,physical, and emotional heart attack.

I throw my arm behind Harry's waist to start acting couple and lean in seductively to whisper,"Acting on?" He nods casually and smiles at the girls. "Hello. I'm Harry."

"We know you you are!"

"We love you!" They throw their hand over their mouth and giggle sheepishly.

"I've developed a fanbase. Can you believe it. And it starts with three girls." I tap them on the head playfully.

In my best impersonation of a fangirl I ask,"Harry... Niall... Louis.. Umm can we take pictures so I can remember this moment FOREVER?" They laugh at me and the girls whisper to each other wondering if that's what they really sound like.

I take out my phone and take quick pictures with the girls and post them to twitter, making sure to mention them. It's not everyday you meet your first fans.

Harry, with his arm slung around me carefully, kisses my cheek for the amusement of the girls who, of course, believe that we are "madly in love". Just like the Harold that I know well, he gently let's his hand slip to my bum and I make sure to pinch his arm. Hard.

If only people could see behind us right now. The girls take pictures and get autographs from Niall and Louis while we stand like a perfect couple with arms around each other. Harry squeezes my bum and I yelp and turn to give him a declaration of war face.

I hit him with the heel of my hand to the small of his back and he lurches forward in pain. Please can they hurry up a bit? He grabs my bum again and I just turn to watch the group socialize.

"I hate you so much," I hiss under my breath.

"The feelings are mutual Lala." I cringe yet again and catch Niall's eyes and lurch my head forward and to the side with large eyes. He gets the point and they all turn to us. I gently kiss Harry on the nose to look extra lovey dovey and the Morgan snaps a quick picture. I pretend not to notice. I pretend that I was completely caught up in Harry. He taps my nose playfully and I finally turn to notice the girls quietly mumbling "awwww".

"You guys have a really cute relationship. I really see the chemistry. I hope you have a lovely day and I wish Harry and Lara all the best!"

We walk off finally and I make a gagging sound as I let go of him. "Let off on the aftershave and cologne Kay? It's slightly intoxicating." I make sure to cough to better demonstrate my point.

"Well your tangy scent used to be cute but now you just smell like a creamsicle!" He smiles cheekily as if he enjoyed it. I don't believe it for a second.

"But you hate creamiscles."


A smirk tugs at my lips as I remember somthing. "Hey do you remember that time.."

He suddenly realizes what I'm talking about. His emerald eyes widen and he shakes his head vigorously. "Don't even bring it up."

Louis slips his arm around Harry and quizzically chirps,"What time is this?"

"Well Harry and I were at his house.."

"Please stop Lara."

"....And Anne,his mum, gave us a box of creamsicles right? Well that was when Hazzard liked them and he ate five in a matter of twenty minutes. And so he's rolling around in his own self pity while I laugh at him and this girl he had a crush on, Ally, walks up onto the curb and says hi to us and Harry gets up..."

"Please be kind to me when you finish this." Harry holds out puppy eyes but I continue anyways.

"And he retched all over her! It was the funniest thing ever! I mean we were twelve but still!" I have to hold back my laughter even now. Niall giggles consistently and Louis frowns and rubs Harry's back in comfort and pretends as if he is about to start tearing up.

"Well if I were to go around telling awkward stories about you all the time Lara."

I cut him off.

"Embarrassing stories? Please!" I let the last e on please linger on my lips. "I had my awkward phase after I moved. So if you can come up with a story to beat mine, be my guest." I curtsy slowly as I await his response. Of course, since it's Harry, you have to wait twice as long for a response. He searches his memory but comes up dry. I smirk in my own satisfaction and move along.

Louis clears his throat to dissolve my triumph.

"Soooo.... What's on the list?"

I try to compose myself quickly before answering,"Treasure Island? We could check it out?" I quickly pull out my phone to display that the first show is at 5:30. "Well its only eleven thirty now. Kill time?"

Harry jumps for his phone in his back pocket and accidently puts in on speakerphone.

"HARRY STYLES!! Why dosen't Liam answer any of my calls, texts, or tweets? It's been 24 hours since last talking to him. He better be with you or I'm calling the police. And tell Niall to pick up his phone more often.

"Who's that?"

"Sophie. Liam's girlfriend.They are... Close." Harry whispers not to let the girl on the other end hear.

"His phone died! Sorry! He will uhh... Get back to you tonight! He's sleeping right now with uhh Archimedes!"

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now but if he doesn't text me tonight you are in for it."

He nods even though the girl can't hear and hangs up on her. "She's scary when she gets mad."

I smirk slightly and whisper to Niall,"See I'm not the only one that hates Harry!" He snickers and Harry frowns and snaps,"Heard that!"

"You were supposed to!

I nod and search for anything fun to do in Las Vegas. Suddenly, a name catches my eye and I must take the offer. "Adventuredome sound any good?"

"Adventuredome! Sounds thrilling doesn't it?" Niall smiles enthusiastically and looks to Louis and Harry for confirmation. "Eh? Eh?" He nudges Louis until he smiles.

"No. That sounds awful." Harry crosses his arms nervously.

"Why not? Don't be a killjoy! It seems to be three against one so cmon Styles!" He tosses his hands in the air and mumbles "fine" in an aggravated tone.

I snap my fingers and hold my arm out to hail a cab and tell him,"Adventuredome please! And step on it!" The cab driver quickly acts to my request and gets us there in a couple of minutes of buzzing through traffic. Before getting out, Louis hands him the required pay and I throw in fifteen bucks to make the speeding worth it. He grins with two teeth missing in the front and bows his head as he goes off.

"Who's paying tickets? I paid cab."

"I paid ice cream!"

"I paid dinner!"

"Nose goes!" My hand flies to my nose and slaps myself in the face slightly but Harry's slow reaction fails and he gets last.

"But I didn't even wanna come in the first place!"

"Sorry Hazza. It's the rules." We nod in agreement with Niall making a loud "Mmhmm!"Harry drops his head to walk to the ticket counter to greet a cheerful young lady that chirps,"Hello Harry! How many tickets today?" He buys four tickets and we move into the small amusement park.

"Hmm... Let's start the day with something easy.. A rollercoaster!" I show a thumbs up and run up to the short queue.

"A-A... A rollercoaster? A big one?" Harry seems to break out in a cold sweat and rubs his hands together. "C'mon it's not bad. Just 40 miles per hour?" He visibly gulps but Louis and Niall run behind us to get to the second seat but I grin knowing we are in the front. Jumping to the second seat in a smile, I push down the bar on both of us and grab on. Harry looks scared out of his wits.

"Its not even bad! Just a couple of drops! No twists or twirls!" Harry takes a deep breath before the sixteen year old worker wishes Harry a safe ride. He mumbles about not being able to go into public.

"Are you ready to scream? 3.. 2...1! SHOOT!" The announcer bellows behind us an we accelerate dramatically. Harry's white knuckles slip off and he replaces his right hand on top of mine, gripping with extreme force.

I scream and giggle to the fast pace and drops and Harry just grabs on tighter as the ride gets on. Finally, it comes to a slow and we ride back to the station, impatient to get off.

"Could I possibly have my hand back?" He turns to see how he latched onto mine. "Oh uhh.. Sorry. Rollercoasters and I don't get along." I take my hand off the bar and stretch it as I get out. "That's fine. That's probably the second worse out here cause its the second tallest. At least you didn't scream like a little girl." I smile reassuringly and move along. "Like I would ever scream like a little girl."

"Double corkscrew double flip? We have to go on this one!" I push Niall along into the seat in front of me so I won't have to sit with Harry.

Niall whispers,"I feel like I haven't seen you all day." A smile tugs on my lips and I let it form. He grabs my hand with a squeeze and releases it before I latch it onto the head support.

"Do this together?" I nod with adrenaline beginning to pump through my veins. Not knowing what to expect is one of the best things about rollercoasters.

I've never felt surrounded by love. I might have one person at a time that I know cares about me. For now it happens to be "the Help" at the Star Manor and Sky. With the adrenaline going through, I feel like I don't need to search for love. With adrenaline, I finally feel whole.

The ride finally commences and rockets off. My stomach drops as the train goes into a dive and I hear a yelp of fear behind me.

"I'm gonna die! I'm dead! Dead!" Harry shouts behind us.

Harry thinks he's dead and I've never felt more alive. I guess that's one of the differences between us.


I don't like it here. I feel like I'm going to puke any second but Lara parades around just like she had three cups of coffee. "Can we like.. Sit?" I point to a nearby bench and pray that they will decide yes.

"You can always sit in the rollercoaster rides?" Lara says with a wave, not understanding how I feel like collapsing. I itch under my arm and run over my my tattoo. Oh yeah... I have a tattoo. I always forget because it gets covered up so easily. It's of a star. It doesn't really represent anything. I just did it for kicks with Zayn.

Niall is the only one who notices my fatigue. He points at me then at his eyes then at his chest. It takes me little time to figure out he just wants to say "Watch me".

"Lara... It's like almost three o'clock.... Can we get lunch?" Niall pleads with puppy eyes that melt past Lara's cold exoskeleton.

"Course. We should get sugar or something. I haven't had cotton candy in ages." I scoff to myself. He's just too good. His cute Irish charm is the only thing that seems to work on Lara.

We walk to the stand and order a cotton candy for all of us. Within a matter of five minutes, we sit with empty sticks and still empty stomachs. "Sorry guys, I forgot how light cotton candy is..Corn dogs?"

"Yay food!" Niall practically sprints back to the food stand to get his corn dog. He scarfs two down then sits and gets a third. I just have one because I'm scared to eat anything in case we find another roller coaster.

"Shouldnt we be leaving about now? The show is at 5:30... And it takes a while to get there." I say it so matter of factly. My legs feel like collapsing. I still wonder if I can he into a cab.

"Just one more ride and we'll go okay. You can stay on the bench with Louis if you want." Lara catches Niall's eye as they decide to go on one last roller coaster. As they walk away, I notice that their fingertips brush and almost form into one but they decide against it.

"Done staring?" Louis snaps in front of my face and I come back to my own reality.

"I wasn't staring I just zoned out in that direction.."

"I'll pretend to believe you but I just feel like something is different about you. Noticed it last night."

"Nothings wrong with me. Just Headache and dizziness. That's it." I force myself into a half smile to play the part but he sees right through it.

"Its like you are on a period. Seriously what's wrong?" I lift my glaze to see Niall and Lara lock hands as they board the roller coaster and I swallow hard. "Its them isn't it?"

I look away. "I don't want to talk about it mate. Not now." They scream in glee as the ride I found horrendous drops dramatically. Within a minute, they get off and come walking towards us. They constantly catch a glimpse of each other as they walk and Lara snags Niall's hat off again to flatten her curly hair that has been fluffed by the wind of several coasters.

"Done!" Niall taps Lara on the head as she giggles. "Can we walk there? I have sooo much energy!" She swigs her arms and giggles.

"We defiantly need to take a cab. I'm knackered,"Louis chimes, ruining her spirit. "Fine then. But you shouldn't bundle up all my energy!"

"Can we have a real lunch?" Niall begs as he scratches his head vigorously. "Didn't we just have lunch? Corndogs and Cotton candy?" I raise my eyebrow to question him.

"That was a mere snack mate. I need a meal."

"Fine," I say flatly. "We'll eat at the Treasure Island place before we get to the show. Good enough?" He nods happily and I get a taxi by the road and practically fall into my seat, unwilling to get back up.

"Treasure Island please." I sit back and hope the traffic will let a bit of relaxation to occur.

"Treasure Island. Pulling in right now,"the cabbie alerts as I unlock the door and Louis pays again. "Thanks," I mumble as step out of the room to step on the hot pavement. "Whoa. It's soo hot!"

"You're telling me! It's a hundred." Niall puts his hand above his head to shield his face from the sun due to his hat being on Lara. "I think it's fine. C'mon boys." Lara struts in front of us. I pulls phone out of my back pocket to check the time. It's four. I just want today to be over already.

"Burger king? We don't have time for a real meal Niall babe," Lara walks into the shop with a confidence I can never seem to ever take down. We sit in silence eating hamburgers and et cetera with the small laughs coming from Niall's eating noises. How can I ever match up with Niall? We are too different and he seems to be Lara's type. That's it.


A/N: yeah... This is getting to be kinda a boring chapter. It gets better don't worry

Ever thought about the fact that I'm writing this fanfic with a character that doesn't like one direction? Inside I'm actually a fangirling potato...


Yeah well if you want a fan from me just comment on this using the secret word.... Platypus. Be creative.

Alrightly soooooo commen time?

Team Harry?

Team Niall?

Team Sky?

Pick one pick all!

Welcome to Wattpad I love you!

I love all of my lost boys and girls.


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