Deku Of The Dead (BNHA Zombie...

By Welcome2Helheim

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The BNHA boys and gals but in a zombie apocalypse where they are just peps (no quirks) It starts roughly a y... More

Episode 1: Makin my way down town
Episode 2: Whats up with Bakugou?
Episode 3: Denki of the dead??
Episode 4: Bird boy
Episode 5: Train tracks to no where
Episode 6: Home is where you make it
Episode 7: Don't take your eyes off me
Episode 8: The long night
Episode 9: The crow and the firefly
Boring notices
Episode 10: A very merry night
Season 2 Episode 1: On your left
Season 2 Episode 2: the gentle giants

Episode 11: Season 1 Finale

1.1K 37 21
By Welcome2Helheim

Authors note
Hoo boy, I completely forgot about this. Well I didn't really, this was just my messy zombie fanfic that I wasn't too proud of that had tons of plot holes and other mistakes, that looking back on were stupid. I've been primarily focused on my TetsuKami fic over on AO3, but in my off time I might just stop by to keep writing this. I would like to think I'm a bit of a better writer now, so hopefully things will just go up.
I also want to thank all the peps who commented and also a special thank you to @Ran_9113 and @darkhorse201 for commenting so much
And a special thank you to @JaneAnnebeth for pointing out all the plot holes, and also to all your questions: if they can still find fresh stuff in the walking dead and stuff, then I'm sure they'll manage in this.
Thank you

Things had very quickly turned out for the worst in the most colossal way. Midoriya woke up to a blurred figure jumping on his bed, a complete stranger in old riot police armour, trying to smother him with his own pillow. Relentlessly he kicked against the padded chest of the unknown individual, although his kicks weren't that powerful and only got weaker as his airways became void of oxygen and continued to grasp for anything to keep his body functioning. Luckily it didn't have to hold out for much longer as another figure dashed into the room, tackling the other guy off of him, except Midoriya knew this person, it was... Tokoyami. The raven haired boy quickly dispatched the masked individual, sliding a convoy knife between the padded armour and helmet to spill a river of crimson blood all over the floor, dripping through the boards.
"Tokoyami?" Midoriya asked confused, the adrenaline had began to kick in, it was all a blur but it was him, just as stoic looking as ever. All things considering, he looked good, ignoring the eyepatch and missing index finger,  deep black hair which had been cut short on the sides and left somewhat longer on top, a full black cloak with blood and dirt over it.
"Midoriya, it would be nice if we meet under better circumstances" he sighed and was already grabbing bags, throwing anything that looked valuable inside with brutal efficiency, clearly he had lots of practice of leaving in a hurry.
"What's going on?"
"We need to leave, Shigaraki's coming." Izuku could see him almost shiver just from the mention of his name until his vision was impaired by Tokoyami throwing clothes at his face.
"That blue haired guy in the hoodie?" Although curious on what could be happening, he knew Tokoyami enough to know he was a good judge of character so hastily packed whatever essentials he could.
"The very one, runs a gang called the league, they enslave people and kill people stealing supplies from their land, problem is they see everything as their land" Tokoyami quickly explained but then paused for a second. Silence... then the loud blare of a ambulance whirled past, audiable from every room only to be followed by a sea of groaning and moaning from the undead.
"Hope you can run" Tokoyami said, grabbing his rifle from the doorway, making sure it was loaded as the horde of walking corpses could be see pressing against the windows. There was gunfire from outside, only occasionally: then a voice over the mega phone.
"Run little rabbits... run" it was him, unmistakably him, but this time their was a twinge of evil to it, the scruff looking boys full intentions now on display, he was unmistakably evil.

'There's a port on a western bay and it serves a hundred ships a day. Lonely sailors pass the time away and talk about their homes and there's a boy  in this harbor town and he works layin' whiskey down. They say, Baku, fetch another round, he serves them whiskey and wine'
Kirishima hummed to himself, producing his own rendition of 'Brandy (You're a fine girl)' but with his own find boy who was currently way ahead. Bakugou said he hated it when Kirishima did this: singing his own versions of songs but replacing the lyrics so it fit them. The two we're out on a little scouting run for Momo who wanted a map of the area, so they were to mark any noteable structures. All was well, well Kirishima a thought so, but Bakugou could see right through him. Since they left he noticed the change in his posture and colour. His skin had been growing increasing tart and pale, rough to the touch. Kiri insisted it was just a cold but once Bakugou turned saw the limp he had been walking with, then he had a pretty good guess. As they were approaching the edge of the forest, Bakugou stopped dead in his tracks, causing Kirishima to bump into him and stagger back.
"Hey dude wha-"
"How long?"
"How long ago did it happen?" He asked sternly, looking at Kirishima with a glare that cut right through him. The red head could feel his mouth grow dry, the nerves settling, unsure of what would happen next.
"2 days ago, when we were running, didn't even feel it, was just real focused on keeping you safe" he chuckled but that cracked into a sob and he quickly collapsed into Bakugou's arms, hastily dashing forwards to catch him.
"You fucking idiot" Baku growled, hugging him tight, squeezing the remaining life out of him, well not really but he could feel it fading in his hands.
"Why didn't you say anything you fucking idiot? Bakugou sobbed growled, he was certainly a uglier crier, tears dripping down to Kirkshina's chest as he tilted his head back.
"Cause I wanted to enjoy the time I had left with you, just the two of us, like it had always been" he coughed and clenched the others arms, sinking his nails into it, starting to cry too.
"I don't wanna go Katsuki..." he sobbed hysterically, finally coming face to face with the issue: he got bit. It was slow acting but he could feel everything made him him slipping away.
"Like hell I'm letting you" Bakugou growled and laid Kirkshima down on his jacket, leaving the blonde in his cargo pants and black tank top.
"What are you gonna do?"
"Whatever I have to..." Katsuki rolled up Kirishimas trousers up to his knees, getting a good look at his left leg. A large red bite marked closed around his ankle and had sank into his calf, it already looked pretty bad, with some of the veins around it popping, looking fit to explode. Katsuki knew what he had to do, tearing the sleeves off his jacket and rolling them up before handing them to Kiri.
"Bite down on this." He commanded and then it finally clocked what he was gonna do, only reinforced when Bakugou grabbed his wood cutting axe and drew a line across his leg, a fair bit below his knee.
"You gonna..."
Kirishima quickly accepted this needed to happen and began to brace himself but nothing could quite prepare him for the intense pain that shot through his body when Bakugou swung the axe down and it only went half way through, needing to swing again. Kiri screamed against the gag, and soon wasn't screaming at all as the shock of having part of your leg severed finally set in and he passed out. Bakugou finally severed the infected area and quickly cauterised it, lucky Kiri was passed out otherwise he would have been screaming even louder. After that he bandaged it up as best he could and threw Kirishima over his shoulder, trying to get back to camp as quickly as possible, his heart racing at a blistering pace but he would manage, he always managed.

Midoriya and Tokoyami were running as fast as they could, running along the main road as they were stalked by the largest horde Midoriya had ever seen. The two continued sprinting, Midoriya just following bird boy until they got to a old steam train, with a puzzled look on his face.
"Midoriya!" He heard in a familiar voice, turning to see Todoroki standing in one of the freight carragies. As Midoriya ran into his arms, Tokoyami jumped up front, picking off a few of the undead as Kaminari helped them in as well, steam pouring out as the wheels creeped to life and the train came back to life, chugging away.

"Any idea where we're going?" Todoroki asked, looking out the carriage, watching the rolling hills and fields of natural flowers which had began to sprout up.
"Nope... but I did manage to grab something important" Midoriya reached inside his flannel and pulled out a photo of them on their first date years ago, it was just lunch at school as dumb as it sounds but they both enjoyed it so much.
"Your a sentimental dork"
"Love you too Shouto..."


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