Life Can Crumble To Pieces In...

By Thischickisbomb

604K 5.8K 856

Mya and Trey have been bestfriends ever since they were little, but as life goes on we all grow up. Friends f... More

1. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
2. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
3. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
4. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
6. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
7. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
8. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
9. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
10. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
11. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
12. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
13. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
14. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
15. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
16. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
17. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
18. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
19. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
20. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
21. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
22. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second
23.Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
24. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
25.Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
26. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
27. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
28. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
29. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
30.Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
31. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
32. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
33. Life CAn Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Seconf
34. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
35. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second
36. Life Can Crumble To Pieces In Less Than A Second (Completed)

5. Life Can Crumble To Pieces in Less Than A Second

16.9K 170 27
By Thischickisbomb

Chapter 5

I woke up the next morning still sleepy, I felt like I had got no sleep at all. I probably shouldn’t have stayed up all night with Lance knowing that I had school the next morning.

 I got up out the bed, and I went and hopped into the shower. Once I had finished getting ready I grabbed my bag and went outside to meet Trey.  

"You ready?" he asked. 


"So what'd you do last night?" he asked me. Oh crap.  

"Um nothing. Got on the computer, watched some TV then I turned in early," I lied. 

"Oh, you didn't miss me," he said with a smile plastered on his face.  

"Umm, not really," I said and saw his face fell. "I'm just kidding Trey." He laughed  

"You better be," he said to me. When we got to school Trey walked me too my class, like he had for the last week, but about halfway there Lance interrupted us. This was not going to be good.  

"I'll take her from here," Lance told Trey reaching for my hand.  

"Don't touch her," Trey said slapping his hand away.  

"And why not? She is my girl," Lance stated. Trey looked at me and I looked away.  

"I don't think so," Trey said getting ready to walk away.  

"So why were we playing in her bed last night." Lance said with a smirk on his face. He was enjoying this moment of having something to throw in Trey’s face. 

"Lance," I yelled. Trey looked at me. "Trey-" I started.  

"Why do you feel like you have to lie to me Mya?"


"Naw fuck it, I try to be a good friend and I try to protect you, but you won't let me. What's your problem? You're not the same old Mya." I said nothing, he was right. I wasn't the same.  

"I'll see you later," Trey said to me before walking away.  

"Lance, why did you do that?" I asked him. 

"What? I was just letting him know that you were still my girl," he said kissing me on my lips. "Come on, lets go. We got class," he said pulling me to first period.

I walked to Trey's back gate. I was guessing that he was mad at me since he didn't walk me home. I really didn't know. All I knew is that I didn't want him to be mad at me and I didn't want him to separate himself from me. We had just got over the last fight and here we were fighting again.  I mean, what's the big damn deal? I got back together with Lance. People change and you're suppose to have a forgiving heart. I went to his back door and lifted the pot sitting on the seal. I grabbed the rusted key and put it in the lock and opened the door. Walking to the kitchen, I grabbed a soda out of the fridge. Trey's house was my house and vice versa, so I made myself feel at home. I walked to the back of the house towards Trey's room where I heard moans and grunts coming from his room. Yup, he was mad at me because he was being stupid. I pressed my back up against the opposite wall and slid down to the floor. I sat there for about a hour and a half before Trey emerged from the room with a girl I recognized from school. I looked up at him and the girl turned her head as if she was trying to conceal her face. Yea you’re a slut! I said in my mind wishing that I could just say it out in the open.

"What are you doing here?" he asked me. 

"Waiting for you," I told him. 

"How long have you been here?"  

"Way too long," I replied. He stared at me a while longer before grabbing the girl's hand and leaving. About ten minutes later he returned and sat down next to me.  

"Don't be mad at me Trey," I told him. 

"Mya, I'm not mad."  

"Well then don't be disappointed in me," I shot back.  

"Why are you being so stupid?" he asked.  

“ I'm stupid because I let my boyfriend fuck me?" I spat back at him. I was starting to get mad.  

"No, you're stupid for letting him be your boyfriend, for letting him back in your life, period! Look Mya, you know why I don't want you with him, and you know what could result from you being with him, why risk it?" he asked. 

"I don't know. I guess it's a risk I'm willing to take." He laughed.  

"Not as long as I'm around, and the next time he touches you he's dead so there will be nothing for you to go back to," he rose from the floor. "Look you should leave. I'll walk you out," he said reaching his hand out for me to grab. I smacked it away and got up on my own and started my way out the house.  

"What's your fucking problem?" Trey said pulling me back.  

"You're my problem, why do you feel like you can control me?"  

"Mya I'm not trying-"  

"Yea you are," I interrupted. "I've told you before and I'll tell you again, you're not my dad, you're nothing to me. You're just a guy who lives in the house next to mine, so get over the fact that you don't want me to be with Lance because we're together and I don't give a fuck what you think," I said right before I stormed out of his house. I hated how he thought he had to protect me and how he thought he had some control over me. The truth was, he didn't and I was going to show him that he didn't. 

I looked out my window and watched as another girl left Trey's house. It had been three days since our petty argument and he wasn't talking to me; he acted as if I didn't exist. I laughed to myself, what other way was he suppose to act? I told him he was nothing other than a boy that lived next door to me, but now I regretted saying it so badly. Trey was so much more than that and he should have known that I didn’t mean that, but he took it to heart when I didn’t mean a single word of it. I was the reason he had so many girls over and why he wasn't coming home until morning. Both my mom and his mom had asked me if anything was wrong but I just lied to them and told them that we were as good as ever; in reality, we were far from it. I retreated from my blinds and sat on my bed. Trey wasn't going to forgive me as easily this time, he could hold a mean grudge. I had seen him hold it on everybody but me and he wouldn't talk to me unless I approached him first; at least it was better than nothing. I felt my phone vibrate against my leg. 

Lance: Im coming to ur house from school. Meet me 


Reply: Okay 

I slipped on some shoes and threw on a jacket while heading out the back door to the trail. The sun had already settled and the moon now took its place. The woods could be scary at night but it could also be beautiful, the way the moon shone between the gaps in the trees and lit up the ground. I guess you just had to be one to appreciate nature. I heard footsteps and averted my gaze from the moon to ahead of me.  

"Hey," I said as I neared Lance.  

"Hey," he said pulling me into a hug and pecking me on the lips.  

"What are you doing coming from school so late?" I asked him. 

"A late practice."  

"Coach had you practicing this late? Wow, that's horrible."  

"Tell me about it," he said. I laughed.

"So what'd you been doing without me," Lance asked.

"Nothing just sitting in my room since Trey is still not talking to me," I said. 

"Why do you care about him so much?"  

"He's my best friend Lance."  

"Not anymore now that I'm around," he said. I scoffed at him.  

"Get over yourself Lance," I said while walking ahead of him.  

"What?" he said gripping my wrist tightly and yanking me back.  

"You know what. Maybe I should end this with you since you are the reason I'm losing my friend and I’d rather have him over you any day," I said. I felt a stinging pain on the right side of my face, Lance had slapped me. I brought my hand up to my face where it burned. Blood rested on my fingers from the wound on my face. His ring had cut me in the process. I started walking back to my house. Lance followed.

"Stop following me," I yelled at him. He grabbed my wrist. "Don't touch me!" I pushed him away from me and ran away from him. He caught my hair in his hands as he threw me to the ground. His foot came in contact with my stomach causing me to double over in pain. 

"Lance please stop," I said right before he passed another kick to my stomach. I clutched my stomach. As Lance grabbed my hair and lifted my head up, he tore my necklace from around my neck and threw it. It was the necklace from Trey and he was well aware of that fact. 

"You're such a bitch" he said before passing a blow to my head. The tears flowed down my cheeks freely as I begged him to stop. My whole body seemed to be throbbing.

"Lance stop it, please just stop," I pleaded to which he answered with another kick and punch. I coughed and spat up blood, this couldn't be good. I received blow after blow to my face, head, stomach, back and after a while I blacked out and became numb.  

I felt my arms being lifted and then my body began to move, I was being dragged. Sticks and rocks tore at my skin then my body was lifted. I felt like I was flying before my body came in contact with the ground and I began rolling. I rolled before I hit the ground with a hard thump and pain coursed throughout my body before I blacked out once again.

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