Jesse: The Girl That Was Neve...

By RunnerGirl2013

525 10 4

Nick is in love with his best friends girl. Typical, right? There is something that Jesse isn't telling Nick... More

Part 1

Part 2

183 5 3
By RunnerGirl2013

"So... how are the twins? Braiden and Alex?" she asked.

"Uh, good," I smiled. We stood there for a moment.

"Are you ok?" I wondered aloud. She was normally leading me in conversation, but instead, she was silent.

"Yeah! Of course!" she faked a smile and an excited tone, but you would have to be brain dead not to notice she was trying to be upbeat. Well, you wouldn't have to be brain dead, you could just be Kyle.

She is like the sun. She never stops shining bright even when rain clouds threaten to block her out. She's a fighter. She's made of tough stuff. It's weird seeing her so weak and vulnerable. It almost scared me.

"Jesse! I have your water!" Kyle called, accomplished and content with himself.

"Thanks," she faked another smile. Was Kyle blind? No, he was just stupid. Jesse was worth more.

She gingerly took the now soggy paper cup from Kyle's oversized football hands and sipped at it. He waited patiently for her approval.

"This is really good water, Kyle," she said, sounding like she was speaking with a five-year-old. He was like a puppy, waiting for its master to say "good dog".

"Oh, thanks," he smiled a big goofy smile. He was so idiotic. I groaned internally.

I mean sure, back when we were kids, he was really funny and cool to hang out with, but I think football scrambled his brains and now he is into partying and getting drunk. With his temper, he is not fun to hang around after too many trips to the keg. That's why whenever he went to parties, Jesse went with him, and after her forgot she was there, she came to my place. We had some pretty good times after she ditched that numskull.

I think football got to his head, or, what's left of it anyway. Footballers at our high school are the biggest partiers next to the cheerleaders. Since Kyle was on the team, he had to "fill the quota".

"Jess, do you want to see a movie later tonight?" Kyle took her hands in his.

"Sure... Nick! You want to come?" Jesse said quickly, pleading with her eyes. Kyle's face fell and he flashed me an angry glare.

"Yeah," I bit my lip, knowing I wanted to desperately to go, but not with Kyle.

He was upset, and knowing his temper, I quickly said goodbye and headed home.


Sorry it isn't longer-- so many things to do and typing it all up is such a pain in the butt! Comment please! no one has commented and i am beginning to get discouraged! i know people are reading it.... its just..... which ones?



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