Magnolia's Code

By lemons_are_fruit_too

23 0 1

Timothy Rayland is just a shy, awkward college student looking for a way out of his hometown. When his archae... More

Author's Note
DeVuo City
Magnolia Caverns
Jay Tanner
The Clock
The Violin
Zoe Greene
Breaking Ties
Inside the Caverns

Den Förlorade Pojken

1 0 0
By lemons_are_fruit_too

Jay found the note in his mailbox that morning, when he was fetching the rest of the mail and feeding the dogs. A fragile, see-through piece of paper slipped from between two envelopes and fluttered to the ground. He knew at once that it was Tim's handwriting, even though he'd never seen it before. It was shaky and unsure, just like its writer.

He picked up the note, dread curling in his belly. What had that idiot fitta gone and done now? Jay had made him promise not to do anything stupid, and now here was this note, sitting ominously in his mailbox, at no-thank-you o'clock in the morning. For someone who was extremely shy and didn't like to confront people, Tim sure made a lot of headstrong decisions.

Jay scanned the paper quickly, confirming what he already knew: that the fitta had gone back into those caves. "Gud hjälpa oss al," he muttered angrily. Now he would have to go on a bloody rescue mission, all because the stupid archaeologist just could not get a hint. Jay knew there was something foul in that cave -- everyone in De Vuo City knew that. People -- multiple people -- had gone crazy there; obviously there was something wrong with it.

Okay, granted, Jay hadn't actually believed it until last night, as he watched his newest friend go crazy before his eyes, but still, Tim should have known better than to go into the Magnolia Caverns alone after he'd gotten lost in them for a whole bloody day! That was just common sense, as far as Jay was concerned.

Right, he decided with determination. I have to go check on the little fitta. He probably lost his nerve. He's probably in his apartment right now, trying to work up the courage to call me and tell me not to go looking for him.

He was in the middle of pulling on his ranger uniform when it occurred to him that he actually had no idea where Tim lived. It struck him that he had only met Tim about three days ago, which was strange, because it seemed kind of like he'd known the quiet archaeologist all his life. He was worried about this idiot fitta because of this weird bond they'd formed in the span of such a short time. Not even he and Zoe had bonded that quickly, and Zoe was the most outgoing person he knew. Tim was just some awkward kid.

Bloody fitta. Jay didn't even have his number. He realized he had no idea how to contact his friend because Tim had never given him any sort of identifying information. Jay sighed a long-suffering sigh, looking up at the ceiling of his bedroom. He would be forced to call every single apartment building in DeVuo City until he found the one he was looking for. This was going to be fun. He headed into the kitchen and sat down at the phone, reaching for the Yellow Pages with a resigned attitude.

About thirty minutes later, as Jay was arguing heatedly with some apartment receptionist about whether he was allowed to know who lived there or not ("Just give me one bloody name! Tim Rayland! Yes, that's--no, don't hang up on me--") he heard something moving in the living room. He immediately tensed up, dropping the receiver and grabbing the closest thing that wasn't attached to the floor, which happened to be a banana. He looked at it, cursed quietly, and switched it for a heavy pitcher instead. He wished his gun was hanging in the kitchen instead of the living room, but the pitcher would have to do.

He crept to the threshold to the living room, back to the wall, gripping his pitcher as firmly as possible, like he had learned in the self-defense classes he had been required to take during ranger training. He took a breath and then leaped out, yelling bravely, brandishing his weapon above his head, only to be met with a high-pitched scream. Before he could regain his senses, something smacked his cheek, hard. He saw stars, his head spinning, and he took a few steps back.

"Jay?" That was Zoe's voice. Oops. Jay had completely forgotten that she had stayed overnight on the pull out couch in his study. "What the hell are you doing? Have you gone insane?"

Once he got his bearings back, Jay could see a very pissed-off looking Zoe standing in front of him with messy hair, no makeup, and a ratty t-shirt and shorts. She yanked the pitcher out of his hands and glared at him. "Well?"

"Jag är ledsen, jag vet inte vad--" he started, but stopped when he realized Zoe was wearing the same look she got whenever he forgot he was using Swedish instead of English. He started over, his voice almost as shaky as Tim's for some reason. "You scared me, you little-- I mean, I-- arg!" He shoved his hands through his hair, frustrated at himself. "What det blodiga helvetet were you doing sneaking around my house at this hour?"

Zoe squinted her eyes at him. "Newsflash, you jerk. It's, like, eleven o'clock. Almost lunch time. Are you feeling okay? And why are you trying to find Tim's apartment?"

Jay squeezed his eyes shut, mashing the heels of his hands into their sockets. There was no reason whatsoever that he should be this out of it. The stuff with the caverns had obviously put him on edge, which he was annoyed by, because he secretly prided himself on being fearless. Sure, he had a few fears, but nothing that made him think people were breaking into his house in the middle of the day. For the first time, he noticed that bright light was streaming through the windows; Zoe was right about it being midday. Time had gotten away from him.

Shit. What if Tim was actually stuck in the Magnolia Caverns, and all Jay had done about it was call a few apartments? Jay could be responsible for his friend's death. That was not something he wanted on his conscience.

"--you okay?" Zoe was repeating, waving her hands in front of his face. "Seriously dude, you're kinda scaring me. What is this about?"

Jay sprang into action, making a snap decision to go into the caves. He knew he shouldn't go alone. That was what had gotten Tim lost in the first place. But if the fitta archaeologist had any hope of surviving in there, Jay had to go now. There was no time to recruit the blasted townspeople to help him. They would probably just jump on Tim's disappearance as another reason why the caverns should be avoided at all costs.

Jay yanked open his closet door and rifled through his ranger supplies. Did he have any spelunking gear? Why wasn't saving someone from a cave included in his training? It seemed to him like they had left out a crucial part of the job. There was no gear, as he suspected, but there was a long length of rope. Maybe that was enough to get him down there. Although he'd need a head lamp as well, and he didn't think his regular old flashlight was going to cut it--

Something grabbed Jay's shoulders and yanked him back, forcing him onto his couch. Jay tried to get up, but Zoe pinned him down, glaring fiercely at him.

"Helvete, du skrämmande tik, let me go!" Jay demanded. But when Zoe put her mind to something, she wouldn't stop until she got what she wanted. Her arms, pinning Jay down, were like steel.

"What is wrong with you?!" she shouted in his face. "What the hell are you trying to do? I'm about two seconds away from chucking you into a mental hospital!"

Jay let loose a guttural growl. "It's the fitta. He went into the Magnolia Caverns alone. Again." He spoke in clipped sentences, not expecting Zoe to understand any of it. She was his friend, but he would really rather not bring her into this right now. After all, what could she do? "It's my fault he went alone. I have to go find him."

Zoe released Jay's shoulders, and sat down slowly beside him on the couch. "Wow," she said softly. She took a breath as if to say something profound. "You're in really deep shit."

"Thank you, yes," Jay responded dryly. He pulled his wide-brimmed hat off his head and started turning it in his hands, resting his elbows on his knees.

"But you don't have the tools or whatever. How are you supposed to get in to rescue him?"

Jay shrugged, a little calmer now that he had gotten it off his chest. "I guess I'll use what I have."

"But isn't that kinda dangerous?" Zoe asked, a worried expression on her face. "You might need rescuing too."

"I don't really have much of a choice," Jay snapped back, standing up. He was about to walk away to do something more worth his time, but Zoe's next words stopped him in his tracks.

"Why not? What makes you so obliged to go rescue that stupid man? You've only known him for what--a week?"

"Three days," he corrected numbly, struck by Zoe's notion.

"Then why the hell--"

"Because... if I don't save him, no one else will," he said gruffly. "Besides, I'd have to search for him anyway sooner or later. He's probably kinda important in places that aren't in the middle of nowhere." Damn, he really wasn't good at being sensitive. But Zoe had been around him long enough that she could see the truth in his eyes: that he cared about the idiot fitta.

Zoe sat back, her eyes softening at his unsaid emotions. "Okay," she said. Then again, but with a more determined tone. "Okay. First thing's first, you need proper tools. Where can you get them?"

Jay scoffed, glad his friend knew not to be sentimental. This was why he kept her around. "Even if they did have some in this forsaken town, you think I could afford those on my salary?"

Zoe frowned. "No, maybe not." But then her eyes lit up. "Unless... I might know a place where you can get them for free! Come on!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the front door.

"Hey, wait!" Jay yanked his hand away. "Shouldn't you get dressed first, you idiot?"

Zoe rolled her eyes, as if being decent wasn't a priority, but reluctantly retreated back into the study to change. Jay waited impatiently until she was finished. She came out wearing blue jeans, the same ratty gray t-shirt, and still no makeup. She had stolen a pair of Jay's old hiking boots, and was pulling her hair into a messy bun as she went. Jay was afraid to ask where she'd gotten the extra clothes.

"Well? Come on!" Zoe exclaimed, waiting for him by the door. Realizing he hadn't moved, he grabbed one of his winter jackets from inside the hall closet and fished his car keys out of his pocket. He narrowed his eyes as Zoe copied his example, taking another of his coats.

"What are you doing?" he asked her suspiciously.

"I'm coming with you!" she chirped, shrugging the coat on over her t-shirt. "Duh!"

"Into the Magnolia Caverns? No. Inte en chans. Not a chance." Jay marched past her and out the door to his truck. His dogs, Isa and Cody, swarmed around him, panting happily. He shoved them away affectionately (sort of) and climbed into the driver's seat. Before he could start the car, Zoe was sitting next to him, practically bouncing in her seat.

"Let's go, slowpoke!"

"No. What did I say, du skrämmande tik? You're not coming." He shoved her, trying to push her out of his truck. "I don't need another incompetent idiot lost in those caves."

Instead of being offended, Zoe snorted. "Yeah, right. You don't even know where to get the gear."

"I'll go without it," Jay snapped. "Now get out of my truck."

"You can't!" Zoe protested. "You'll die down there too, and then what'll happen to Tim? You'll both be dead, and it'll be your fault for not listening to me." She jabbed her finger into his chest, her gray eyes accusing.

Jay tightened his grip on the steering wheel, growling out a string of Swedish curse words under his breath. "Fine."

"Yay!" Zoe cheered, pumping her fists as Jay started the car and put it in drive.

"You can come, but only on one condition." The truck picked up speed as it rolled down the long driveway.

"What?" Zoe asked, a worried look in her eyes.

"Shut up."

Zoe promptly punched him on the arm. Jay had to admit he deserved it. He privately hoped she'd give Tim a sucker just like that once they found him, because that fitta was turning out to be a lot more trouble than he was worth.

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