gloaming // k.nj x

By pxrplelemcnade

517 16 2

Minjoon. Slight Namseok. More


172 6 0
By pxrplelemcnade

"Jiminie! Wake up!" A young boy shouted, jumping on his brother that was still sleeping soundly. The boy lazily opened his eyes and looked up at his older brother. "It's too early, I still wanna sleep..." The younger said, already starting to drift back into slumber.

"But today's the first day of real school!" The older boy Hoseok shouted, and by 'real school' he means elementary; Jimin sat up quickly, looking at Hoseok with wide eyes. He rushed out of his bed and into his dresser, slipping on a t-shirt on the way, "can you believe it? we're finally in the first grade!" Hoseok yelled to Jimin who was currently in the washroom.

Jimin returned and looked at Hoseok with nervous eyes, "I'm kinda scared...There's gonna be big kids there..." He said with a small pout, hanging his head low. "But we're big kids now Chim! We don't have to worry!" "But what about our... you know...?" Jimin asked pointing at his hair, "As much as I don't see a problem with it, I got us some hats!" the slightly elder boy went over to his bed and took out a box from under it, opening it to reveal two black baseball caps.

The younger boy sniffled at his brother's kindness; taking one of the caps and placing it on his head. "T-Thank you Seok..." "No problem Chim!" Hoseok said, giving his brother a quick hug before getting interrupted by their mother. "Boys! The bus is here!" The brothers rushed out of their shared bedroom and downstairs into the living area, "Be good, boys, I don't want a call from the school while I'm at work" their mother said, bending down to plant kisses on their foreheads.

"We will! Bye, Mom!" Hoseok chirped, a small 'bye Mom' coming from Jimin as he was dragged out of their home and to the yellow bus waiting at the front of their house. Before they entered the bus Hoseok turned to his brother who was nervously fiddling with his shirt buttons, "Everything's gonna be okay Jimin, I'll look after you!" Jimin looked up at his sibling with a smile, "A-Alright!" he squeaked.

Hoseok took Jimin's hand into his and leads him into the bus, taking an empty pair of seats at one of the middle rows, letting the smaller boy slide in first before sitting beside him. 

It was a decently short ride to Kepler, passing by various other people trying to get to their job in other planets; all of the children looking out of the windows to see the billions of stars as they crossed over. Jimin gawking with bright eyes, practically smushing his face into the window to try and get a better look. He saw a number of beings walking along the crossover, some just talking small strolls while others having a set destination in mind. 

As they finally arrive at Kepler and their school, the brothers take notice at how huge the school was, and this was only one of the elementary school this planet had to offer. 

The second the bus doors opened a hoard of kids pushed and shoved each other to get out of the vehicle, the two waiting for the mob of children to exit the bus before getting out themselves.

Hoseok took his brother's smaller hand and walked him to the entrance of the intimidating elementary school. "Don't be scared Chimmie, we'll be fine" The taller of the two said, patting his brothers head. Jimin nodded and held onto Hoseok's hand as the latter leads them both inside.

They both gawked at the massive interior, it was nothing like their old kindergarten that's for sure. "W-Why does it k-keep getting scarier..." The small boy squeaked out, trying to hide behind his brother. "It's not that scary, it's fine~," Hoseok said, leading them both to their classroom that they had been assigned to.

Above the door was three large cartoonish stickers: one of the sun, another of the moon, and the last of the earth. The school didn't mix too many races together since they all need to learn different things about their own powers and such.

They both walked in and were greeted by their teacher, Ms. Gi. "Good morning boys, go take a seat. We're going to start soon, you can color or play a game in the meantime" She said with a warm smile. 

The two brothers nodded and went to sit at one of the round tables, a white sticker with their name names on it was stuck on the table in front of their chair. A small sun sticker similar to the one on the door was on the corner of the name tags. Jimin smiled as he thought it was cute and possibly wanted to recreate it for some of his school supplies and other things at home.  Hoseok, on the other hand, paid no mind to it and just sat down.

Jimin went to his cubby and put away his backpack, sighing and grabbing his brother's as well and putting it in his own cubby. He grabbed his light blue notebook and a pencil and walked back to his table and sat down. Jimin always liked to be organized, though he is still very young he is a smart boy.

"Alright class, everyone get in their seats" All the children scrambled to get to their seats, sitting and looking forward at their teacher. 

"Welcome to your first day here, to start of the day with something simple, who here has started to notice their powers?" Hands quickly rose in the air, some of the kids trying to explain how they started. Jimin looked around the room and sighed in relief, there was a good amount of kids that didn't raise their hands as well which made him feel better.

"To those of you that did, congratulations," Ms. Gi walked around the room and passed out a sheet of paper to the children that did raise their hands. "Have your parents fill that out so we can start practicing with your powers" She said with a smile.

One of the little girls in the front of the class raised her hand, proceeding to speak once she was given permission to. "Ms. Gi, what are your powers?" She asked, "Well, I'm from Earth, but my powers are nothing major. I can only make plants grow" "But your hair is brown" The little girl pointed out.

"Well, yes it is but just because my powers are strong doesn't mean they're any good, not everyone from earth has the same powers. Actually, some Sun beings can also make plants grow" Jimin took his pencil and wrote everything down, making a note at the bottom to ask his parents about it whenever he got home; He began to write down a small list of things he could try to give him and his brother's powers a boost. 

Another child spoke up, this one a boy, and not bothering to raise his hand. "When will we learn more about our powers?" He questioned, "You'll learn a bit this year, but most of it will be in second grade and above. This year we'll just learn what your powers are and what kind of powers are out there, and most of it will be towards the end of the year as well" The boy let out an 'okay ' before going back to listening. 

"Any more questions?" Ms. Gi asked, a small chime of 'no 's was heard, she nodded to herself and went behind her desk.

*    *    *    *

"Mom! We're home!" Hoseok shouted as they entered their home, "In the kitchen boys" they heard their mother's soft voice call out, Hoseok dropped his backpack and rushed over to his mother. Jimin watched as his brother left, picking up his discarded backpack and hanging it up on one of the hooks by the door, taking off his own and doing the same.

Jimin slowly made his way to the kitchen with his blue notebook in hand, as well as a pastel pink pen- which also wrote in pink ink and black ink, one of the reasons he got it. 

"Mom, c-can I ask you s-some questions?" He spoke up quietly, "Not now honey, I'm making dinner, I'll help you after I get it in the oven, okay?" "Oh... O-Okay... Uhm, when are we going back to that art store...?" He asked, "I don't know, maybe Wednesday?" "Okay, thanks m-mom..." Jimin looked down and walked into the living room, setting his stuff on the coffee table and grabbing the TV remote and pressing the power button.

His face lit up as he saw his favorite show- Molang, was on. It was a rather cutesy show, everything was pastel and soft, the perfect show for children. 

"Jiminie!" Hoseok shouted as he ran over and sat next to him on the couch, "Hi S-Seokie..." "Whatcha watching?" he asked while shifting around to get comfortable. "M-Molang... Wanna watch?" Hoseok shrugged and nodded. "Sure!"

Jimin sat with a smile on his face, it was rare for him and his brother to get along this well, Hoseok was always more rough and outgoing while Jimin was very soft and fragile, they hardly ever bonded over anything.

"Seokie, I t-took some n-notes from class a-and what Ms. Gi s-said... maybe we've b-been trying to b-boost the wrong p-powers" Jimin spoke up quietly, reaching for his notebook. "I w-wanted to ask m-mom... but she w-was busy..." He continued, "But making plants grow isn't fun... I wanna shoot fire out my hands like Dad!" The older exclaimed, making 'whoosh ' sound effects and pushing his hands forwards.

"We c-can't control our p-powers though..." Jimin said quietly, doodling random things on an empty page. "Says who? If our parents have two different powers... We should be able to choose which one we want..!" "B-But we can't S-Seokie..." Jimin took off his cap and ran his hand through his white hair, it was a habit he had for some unknown reason.

Hoseok sighed and nodded, he knew his brother was right, he just didn't want to believe it. He didn't want to have some useless power like making plants grow or just emitting light like their mother. Hoseok has always looked up to their father, he had amazing powers and strong ones at that. He wasn't the strongest ever, but he surely wasn't weak either. His hair was a dark pink with a bit of a bright red coming from the roots, Hoseok could only dream over being like that.

The warm afternoon quickly turned into the late evening, the boys had eaten the dinner their mother prepared for them and retreated to their bedroom where they were currently getting ready for bed. Jimin was the first to wash up and get dressed into his baby blue pajamas so lies in his bed underneath the covers with his Piu Piu plushie tucked under his arm.

The elder ran out of the washroom and to his bed, his heart-shaped smile on full display as he looked over at his brother who was slowly dozing off. "Pst, Jiminie~" a quiet hum came from the smaller boy, "Did you like school today?" he asked, JImin simply answered with a small shrug "Too t-tired..." he mumbled out, shoving his face into his plushie. Jimin was always easily worn out and overstimulated, his mother was quite worried about him going to school for that reason but Hoseok reassured their mother that he would look after his brother. 

Hoseok loved to look after his brother, the biggest reason is that their father would always praise him at his heroicness and often give him a sweet treat as a reward for looking after Jimin.

Hoseok nodded and reached over to turn off their bedside lamp, "Good night Jiminie" He said before rolling over and drifting off to sleep like his brother.

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