The Life Of a Teenage Girl.

By CookieLover107

14.5K 317 51

Helena was just an ordinary girl. She wasn't that popular nor the loser who sits in the corner. She was your... More

The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
Authors Note!!!
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
Authors Note
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.
The Life Of a Teenage Girl.

The Life Of a Teenage Girl.

158 2 0
By CookieLover107

Chapter 33

We went Inside the place as we ordered our tickets.

"Have a good time!" The girl said to us.

"Thanks!" Me and Tyler said together.

I giggled.

"Let's go!" I cheered as I grabbed him and stopped at a game..

"Ohh." My eyes lit up as I put my cheek to the glass.

"Let's pway this gwame." I was smushed against the glass so my words came out all retarded.

Tyler started to laugh and pulled me away from the glass.

"Your face is so close up, babe we can play, just wait okay."

I nodded but pouted knowing it would take a while to wait.

"Yay it's starting!" I sighed happily.

"Wait for it to pop up." He whispered in my ear as he stood behind me and placed his arms around my waist as he put his head in the crook of my neck.

I giggled as his breath tickled my skin making goosebumps go up and down my skin.

"Babe stop." I whispered to him.

He groaned as I smiled.

"Look the game is starting."

I put my hand on the handle as his hand went over mine as he moved the handle with me to help me.

"Oh my god, his nose is huge!" I gasped as I saw one of the players in the game.

Tyler laughed as I smiled.

"I love that laugh." I said as I raise my head to kiss him.

Our lips met as it moved in sink.

I moaned as Tyler smiled in the kiss.

"Game over!" The voice popped up as we both jumped and looked over to the screen.

We both started to laugh.

"Sorry I distracted you with my lips." Tyler winked at me as I laughed.

"That's fine cause I enjoyed most of it."

We both smiled as we went to play another game.

"Ninja boy!" I yelled as I saw the side of the game.

(Don't know if it's a real game or not. Comment cause I want to find out if it is or not)

We ran to the game but only to find a piece of paper over it that said it dosn't work.

"Aww!" I groaned. "It dosn't work!" I stomped my foot and folded my arms.

"Aw babe don't be like that." He said.

"Let me help you." He added.

"How?!" I asked.

"Close your eyes and put your hand on the buttons." He instructed.

I did what I was told to do.

"Good babe." I smiled.

"You know every button in the game, like how to punch and kick right?" He asked me.

"Hell yea." I said.

"Now, imagine that your ninja boy, walking down the ally of the streets."

I nodded my head as I pictured ninja boy in my mind.

"Oh no! It's the other ninjas trying to defeat you! Punch now!"

I pressed the top button as I imagined ninja boy punching the bad ninjas.

"More coming. Attack now!"

I pressed the kick button as ninja boy kicked two guys at the same time. I had to admit this was awesome!

"Die ninjas!" I screamed as I pulled the handle to turn behind me and attack the ninjas behind me.

"Good!" Tyler said.

"Now the boss is coming soon. Keep fighting the ninjas."

"Heeeyyaaaa!" Ninja boy yelled while he jump very high in the air.

I pressed the button for the super wind kick move.

He stopped in mid air as he put his hands up and wind blew all around him. The others took a step back. Ninja boy made a high scream as he kicked the air and the wind reflected it as it blew back and the others flew away.

"Boss Level!" The voice said as I cheered.

"Yay! I'm on boss level!" I said to Tyler.

"Now fight the boss until you go for a kill strike."

I defeated the boss as a voice came into my head.

"FINISH HIM!" It yelled.

I pressed the button to finish him.

"Ninja boy takes out his sharp pointed bladed as he stabs the boss in the stomach. Then, he takes the blade and twisted it more in the stomach as he takes out his sharp sword and swings at his head." Tyler whispered in my ear.

"Yuh! Yuh! Yuh! Heeeeyaaaa!" Ninja boy screams as he keeps cutting the head.

"He finished by cutting off the arms and legs as the boss head comes off flying. Ninja boy throws the blade towards the head as it sticks to the tree as blood rolls off the head and tree. It's his message saying to watch out and that he's coming to get you." Tyler finished.

"Victory is fucking mine!" I yelled.

I opened my eyes to see two couples looking at me.

Me and Tyler chuckled as he looked at me.

"It was awesome wasn't it?" He asked me.

"No." I shook my head.

He gave me a look.

"Fine fine! It was freaking amazing!"

"See. All you need is your imagination." He waved his hand making a rainbow over his head as I laughed.

"Let's go Tyler." I grabbed his hand as we played a couple of games until the speaker came on.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in half an hour Laser tag with start. Wait for half an hour of you want to play. I repeat half an hour laser tag with begin. Thank you." The speaker went off as I looked at him happy.

"We can play laser tag!"

"Oh okay but remember what he said. Half an hour." I pouted but nodded.

"Okay, fine."

We went into the photo booth for a while as we took pictures.

"Now give us the photos!" Tyler said evilly.

"We act like kids." I mumbled and laughed while I shook my head.

The photo came out as we both looked at both of them.

"Look at us!" I laughed.

We made silly faces, sad faces, and even creppy faces which was the funniest one.

"I love it." He whispered in my ear as he nibbled on it.

"Tyler." I pulled away.

"Were in an arcade for gods sake. Please." He should know I have hormonal teenage craves already!

"What's the time?" I asked.

He looked at his phone and smiled.

"It's time."


Carly's P.O.V (didn't see that coming did you?!)

"I love you." Mom said as she kissed my forehead.

"I love you too." I smiled brightly as she closed the book as looked at me.

"It's night and I read that book so you need to go night night." She said.

"But I'm not tired!" I whined.

"Alright." She sighed.

She started to sing a lullaby.

I smile hearing her voice that made me feel so much safe.

I heard her beautiful singing as my eyes began to close.

"Goodnight." Was the last words I heard.


I woke up as the sun blinded my eyes . I blocked it with my hands as I got out of bed.

My feet made contact with the cold floor as I gasped.

"Cold." I muttered.

I ran downstairs with a smile to see mother. But instead, she wasn't there...

"Where are you momma?!" I called out.

I looked everywhere around the house but I couldn't find her.

"Mom!?" I yelled out again.

I began to panic as I walked back into our kitchen.

Suddenly mom appeared at the door as she had a big bag in her hands.

"I'm sorry baby." Tears began to come down her beautiful face.

"Mom, I'm scared." I whimpered.

She nodded her head. "Me too." She started to sob.

"I'm sorry." She said over and over again.

"I'm leaving, I have to go."

She added.

I began to be scared as tears came down my cheeks.


"Goodbye, this will protect you." She went over to me as she kissed my head.

"Helena will take care of you for me and your father. I have to go."

"Mom, no!" I yelled as my hand reached forward.

White light began to surround her as she suddenly left into thin air.

I started to cry as I crumbled up to the floor, broken.


I had no heart no more.

I woke up gasping for air as some tears came down my face.

Dad burst into the room with mom and Jen.

"Honey are you okay?" Dad asked me as he cuddled me in his arms.

"What.." I dazed off.

"You were screaming bloody murder."

I didn't even know I screamed when I woke up. I guess everything just happens so fast...

"Mom." I croaked.

Jen and dad looked at each other then at mom.

"Let's give them time." Jen said as she pulled dad away from me and closed the door.

Mom sat by me.

"What's the matter?" She asked me.

"I had a terrible dream. You left me and you never came back." I started to cry more as she pulled me into a hug.

"I'll always be there for you Carly. I'll be there for Helena too." She kissed my cheek as I smiled.

"Your alright now?" She asked.

"Yes.." I lied.

She smiled at me as she hugged me as we stayed like that for minutes, making me feel safe.

But I had a bad feeling like that dream was suppose to tell me seething.

Was mom gonna...

No. No.

No. No.

She can't be. She's standing..right?

I pushed the thoughts away as mom helped me with my clothes .

Helena's P.O.V

The guy instructed us how to play and how the suit and weapon worked and blah blah blah. It's not like I haven't played this before, in fact I was one of the best in the family.

"Got it?" He looked at all of us.

"Got it." Everybody said.

I looked at Tyler as he gave me a smirk.

"Your going down." He whispered.

We were on different teams. I was on the blue team as Tyler was on the red team.

"Okay." I just smirked back.

I pushed the suit more up since it was really heavy for my little body.

The guy opened the door as I looked in the room.

It was really dark with some lights and some music. I remember my first time playing this, I couldn't see a thing which was pretty funny to me actually.

Everybody ran to there hiding spots as I found a perfect one.

I ran to it as I smiled knowing I would win.

"If I win I need to get a kiss." Tyler words appeared in my head.

"And if I win-" I placed my hands on my hips."-you can make me dinner."

He pouted. "Really?" He whined.

"Really." I said seriously.

I smiled at the little memory that happened minutes ago.

The bell ringed as people started to shoot people.

I heard some alarms go off which meant that people were shot.

I saw a figure coming up behind me as I turned around quickly and shot the person in the chest. There alarm came off as they just smiled at me and ran back.

"Where's Tyler?" I whispered to myself.

People tried to kill me but they just couldn't..since I was the best.

Honestly I never got shot still in the game. Usually I get shot once or twice. I've only seen him when he was running away from me and I lost him.

Maybe he's scared..

I laughed at the thought out loud.

My alarm came off as I gasped and looked up to see Tyler holding the gun to my arm.

"One point for me." He smirked.

I took my gun out and shot him in the chest.

"And one point for me." I smiled sweetly at him as his eyes widened in complete shock.

I ran over to a hiding space where I had my back to a girl.

I saw a figure from the side of my eye as I tried to get my gun out but I struggled.

I heard an alarm came off to see the guys alarm came off. I turned to the girl behind me as she smiled at me.

We began to team as I also saved her life another time.

We eventually separated as I ran off to find my boyfriend.

I looked to see that we only had a few minutes left. Only two.

I sighed as I began to shoot some people again and ran around like a maniac.

I was hiding behind a spot when I came around it to be face to face with Tyler. I held my gun up and he did the same and an alarm came off.

I looked to see my alarm came off. I looked up and smiled as I saw his alarm came off too.

The game was over.

It was a tie.

We both smiled at each other.

"So I guess we both get that kiss and that dinner." He said.

"Mmm." I nodded my head.


"Thanks for the dinner." I said to my boyfriend as I patted my tummy.

"No prob." He kissed my cheek as I smiled wildly.

"Wait a minute." He walked up to me.

"Where's my kiss?"

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed him and kissed him as our lips moved in sync.

"Whoa okay." He said.

I caught him off surprised.

I got in the car and smiled as I turned to see Tyler getting in the car slowly.

I laughed.

"Come on lover boy."

He just smiled at me and started the car.

I began thinking about something's on my mind.

"You okay?" Asked Tyler as he made a turn and looked at me.

"Yea, it's just that I'm thinking. Sorry for being quiet." I said.

He just nodded. "I understand. It's completely okay."

I smiled at him as he intertwined out hands together,

I realized that they fit perfectly just like a puzzle.

As we made it to the house, we got out of the car as we walked in to be greeted.

"How was it?" My mom asked with a smiled as Jen smiled at us and drink her coffee.

"It was wonderful." I smiled at my mom.

I turned to Tyler. "Go upstairs, I gotta talk to my mom for a sec."

He looked at me unsure but nodded as he ran upstairs.

I looked to see him going to my room and closed the door. I sighed.

"What's the matter?" Jen asked.

I looked at both of them.

"I'm gonna tell him about-"

They both gasped. They knew what was coming.

"Are you sure?" Jen asked.

"What about if he isn't gonna agree with you or he brakes up with you?" Mom asked.

"Look I just know that he won't do that. He's gonna have to support me on this."

They both sighed but nodded.

"You should." Mom said.

Jen smiled. "Yea! I think you really should."

I nodded and smirked as I hugged my mom.

"Thank you." I whispered in her ear.

I hugged Jen next.

I slowly went up the stairs as I fiddled with my hands nervously.

Was he ready for this?

Was I ready for this?

A million question ran through my head as I just opened the door without thinking.

"Hey." I said as he smiled.


I sat down on the bed as I took his hand.

"I need to tell you something." I said as my eyes got glossy just thinking about this.

"What is it? Did you-"

"No, I would never."

I knew he was nervous.

I smiled at him.

"There is something you should know." I trailed off.

"Okay." He nodded at me to tell me to keep going.

I sighed as I closed my eyes and just said it.

"You need to know something about my ex boyfriend, Duke."


OMG! I updated. Sorry for the long wait but I had to update my other book too.

Anyway comment, vote, and share this book to your unicorns okay?!

It would mean a lot.

Sorry for that hang cliffer btw


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