Drawn Out Dreams. [A Zarry Fa...

بواسطة 1Dreamteam

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Zayn Malik was always different compared to the other children as he grew up. He was never understood, and in... المزيد

Drawn Out Dreams. [A Zarry Fanfiction.]
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Naughty Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two ~Mature~
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
- Epilogue -
- Thanks, Love & Appreciation -
[ A Query ]

Chapter Forty Eight

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بواسطة 1Dreamteam

[ A/N: Look alive, youngsters, fluffsmut. ]

The alarm clock rang fiercely across the small space of Harry Styles’ bedroom, the loud ringing bouncing off the four blue walls violently, and he groaned as he was annoyingly brought from his deep sleep. He forced his eyes back closed and pushed his body into the warm one next to him, his face cuddling into the crook of Zayn Malik’s neck. He let out a long yawn as his hand tightened around Zayn’s, his arm lying across Zayn’s skinny torso.

A heavenly giggle caused one of his eyes to slowly open curiously as the curly haired boy felt Zayn’s shoulders shudder a little from his small laughing fit.

“What you laughing at, fluff?” Harry’s rough morning voice asked, as his thumb started to rub soft circles into Zayn’s knuckles. There was a small smirk on his face as he looked at Zayn’s giggly little smile, both boys tangled up underneath Harry’s thick duvet covers.

“Your curls tickle.” Zayn’s soft whisper came, a quiet but beautiful sound that brought Harry’s other eye fully open as he looked over the perfection of his boyfriend’s face. 

Even when his eyelashes were all spiking out in different directions then straight ahead and the corners of his eyes were now home to small pieces of sleep, Zayn Malik was still the picture of perfection to Harry. The beautiful tanned colour of his skin just stood out against his light blue duvet covers, drawing in Harry’s eyes, in account of the way his dark hair seemed to frame his face in a messy effort was just as intoxicating. The boy was perfection, and nothing else.

“Oh yeah?” Harry mumbled, his mouth slowly bending into a devious smirk.

Zayn’s eyes were already closed softly, but as the boy heard Harry’s ever growing more playful tone, he scrunched his eyes and nose as another slight giggle left his lips involuntarily.

“Yeah.” He mumbled softly, before he tried to secretly peek up at Harry’s face, which he felt the comforting warmth from get closer and closer.

Of course, Harry caught the flash of chocolate that met with his own eyes and grinned to himself. He took another short look of Zayn’s beautiful face, the boy’s eyes closed once more, before he quickly nuzzled his face into Zayn’s bare neck, his arms quickly wrapping around the boy’s torso in an effort to secure him as his body rolled on top of his.

Zayn burst out in a heavenly laugh as he tried to wriggle into Harry’s body to escape the ticklish feeling of curls on his neck. Hiding in Harry’s neck was always his safety, although the boy was finding it hard to hide in the boy tickling him. Zayn nipped at Harry’s collar before snuggling into his neck, his hands wrapping around Harry’s neck in an effort to latch onto the boy. A small squeak had left his mouth as the younger boy tried to tickle his sides, a sound of surrender, which made Harry lean up and grin down at the boy as if admiring his good work. 

“Yeah, that taught ya, fluffball.” Harry chuckled as the morning still had it’s effect on his already deep voice.

Zayn’s chocolate brown eyes slowly peeped up at Harry once again, his long lashes still a messy frame around them. He nuzzled his nose into Harry’s neck, his observing the way Harry’s mouth formed into a slow, lopsided smile as he did so.

“Do you feel hurt? Or sore?” Zayn asked softly, still looking up at Harry’s face as he waited for Harry’s answer. His brown eyes scanned every part of the boy’s face as he waited for the boy to speak.

Zayn liked to watch Harry’s face as he started to talk. His eyes always hovered over the corners of the boy’s mouth, which would stretch a little first as the word behind his lips formed, always having a chain reaction of bringing out Harry’s dimples, one either side of his mouth. Then, slowly, as Harry’s lips slowly opened Zayn would watch as the mirrored rows of his teeth would appear, letting his tongue slip through, as if pushing the word out. Zayn’s eyes caught every single detail of a movement that Harry didn’t think twice about doing.

“A little.” Harry simply replied, still looking down at the boy. Zayn nodded a little in reply.

“It’ll go away soon, don’t worry, Harry.” He said softly, before the boy in question received a soft, affectionate kiss to the jaw as Zayn snuggled his face into his neck once more, glad that his boyfriend wasn’t in a lot of pain.

“Feel free to massage my arse better though, fluffball.” Harry chuckled huskily, before kissing Zayn’s hair as the two cuddled in bed.

Zayn’s cheeks immediately blushed from Harry’s request, for a few reasons. The first being the way Harry bluntly came out with such naughty things. The way Harry did that always made Zayn blush. The boy’s cheeks also flushed due to the small tingles that started to cover his body as he imagined doing such a thing, and any self inflicted naughty thoughts were also a reason to blush. The reason as to why Harry Styles had such a sore behind was his main reason to blush. The images of last night filled Zayn’s mind and forced him to let a giggle slip from his lips, pressing his face even closer to the soft skin of the boy’s neck, which was a practically impossible move.

Harry softly chuckled and brushed one of his hand’s through Zayn’s air, the small smile never moving an inch from his face.

“You made me feel so good, fluffball…like I knew you would.” Harry whispered into Zayn’s ear, his green eyes watching as Zayn’s brown eyes looked up slowly to meet his, as if to ask for reassurance to Harry’s comment. He smiled and leaned down to kiss the boy’s forehead softly, before watching Zayn’s eyes soften a little.

“Didn’t hurt you?” Zayn asked quietly, and the mumbled whisper of his voice caused Harry to chuckle a little as he looked down at the boy.

“A little…but what’s pain without pleasure, eh?” Harry winked, before he leaned down and kissed his boyfriend’s forehead again.

The previous night, when the rest of the household were fast asleep and Harry was positive that they were, the boys had found themselves in what was soon becoming a very occasional exercise. Harry’s curls had started to stick to the back of his neck form the drops of sweat that started to gather, as he kissed his way back up Zayn’s tummy, before planting a soft kiss on the corner of the boy’s mouth.

His green eyes watched as the dark haired boy tried to quietly catch his breath, but when his eyes slowly opened and met Harry’s own, there was the mutual look of care before a kiss was placed to his lips. The boy always looked perfect as he came down from the heights that Harry took him too.

“Remember what I said, fluffball...we gotta be quiet…really quiet.” Harry whispered, his breaths rather ragged as his body started to anticipate what they were about to do, the pit of his stomach feeling rather eager to do so.

There was always something about this little moment when the two boys were having sex that always turned Harry on more than anything had ever done before. Now that the boy’s were developing a sex life, Harry indulged in what he was about to see before it happened. He’d kiss around Zayn’s jaw and listen to the boy’s breaths as his mind reminded him of how the boy looked as he felt the feeling of Harry filling him. The small pout, the way his nose scrunched, his shaky hands gripping to him, digging into him.

One of the most beautiful times he saw Zayn was just before he came, as they always came pretty much together, how could he not anticipate it?

Harry’s green eyes watched as Zayn slowly licked his lips and nodded slowly. The moonlight that was shining in from the window hit Zayn’s face and created soft shadows under the boy’s cheekbones, another feature of why Harry loved being on top, so he could look at the boy in the moonlight. There was something Harry had about keeping the curtains open at night when the two boys were together. His eyes just drank Zayn in, and when the boy was laid in the moonlight he just seemed to turn into something Harry craved and longed for even more than he did.

Of course, Zayn had never truly understood why Harry kept the curtains open, but never questioned it once.

“Now where’s a…” Harry had trailed off, before he leaned over to his bedside table, opening the top drawer to root around for the shiny packet that made everything easier.

As the boy’s hands fumbled through the drawer, a slight frown on his face in concentration of trying to find one, he felt a soft touch trail down his ribs. The touch was delicate and soft, but enough to tell Harry that his attention was wanted somewhere else. The boy had learned that Zayn could become quite speechless during their long sessions, but he became even more so when told that they had to be quiet. Harry had began to learn what touch meant what when it came to them being alone together. He glanced back to Zayn and looked over his face, slowly licking his lips as the moonlight seemed to melt onto him.

“You know when I wanted to try being the spoon? When we cuddle?” Zayn’s voice came, soft and only audible enough for Harry to catch. The curly haired boy left the draw open and shuffled over to him again, as so to hear what he wanted to say.

“You wanted to be the big spoon when we cuddled? That what you mean?” Harry asked softly, bringing one of his hands up to stroke Zayn’s cheek. The boy beneath him nodded, causing the moonlit shadows on his face to dance a little.

“And you liked it when I was big spoon…” Zayn whispered again, before his sucked in his bottom lip, a tell tale sign that the boy was becoming bashful. Harry couldn’t help but grin widely, his thumb trailing over the boy’s cheekbone.

“I did…well, I do.” He replied, before kissing the boy softly, “What are you trying to say, flufflball?”

He watched Zayn’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed and tried to find which words to use. 

“I want to make you feel good, Harry…switch places? I’ll be…big spoon?” Zayn’s words came in a slow and quiet whisper, and Harry had to smile at how hard his boyfriend was trying in asking to top.

To say Harry Styles had imagined himself being on the bottom to Zayn was a lie, he hadn’t. He was too addicted to watching Zayn tense and squirm in the moonlight to ever think about switching. But, nevertheless, he knew that he would do anything for Zayn Malik, he’d literally bend over backwards for him. Especially if that’s what the boy was into.

He smiled softly and kissed his nose.

“Of course, fluff…I’ll help you, okay?” Harry whispered softly, before he leaned back over to the drawer to try and find one of the many shiny packets that were hidden away somewhere.

“I’m the one helping you!” Zayn whispered stubbornly, before he tried to shuffle places with Harry, batting his arm away from the drawer so that they could get comfy with Zayn on top.

Harry could only look up with a smile, loving how subconsciously bossy his boy was. In his mind he had to admit that he could get used to all this bottom stuff, especially with a bossy Zayn inbetween his legs.

Soon, a shiny packet was received. It was rolled into its position before Zayn cuddled onto Harry’s torso, looking over his face with a look of concentration. There were a few whispered questions from Zayn, which Harry answered softly, his large hands stroking the boy’s hips as he guided him through this as much as possible. The moment came where Zayn dipped down and kissed Harry sweetly, before a collection of whispered words came from his mouth, which were engraved in Harry’s heart.

“It’ll be okay, Harry, it’s strange at first but wait, you’ll feel sparkly and tingly soon, I promise.”

Harry burst into a grin, recalling the sentence from a little summer adventure the two boys had had, before he pulled Zayn’s face down to him for a long, open mouth kiss. As he carried out the action, he offered Zayn some help by picking his own hips up a little and pressing them into Zayn, biting his bottom lip as he slowly felt Zayn fill him.

The kiss had slowly faded as Harry let his head lay back against the pillow, trying not to look as uncomfortable as he was at that moment, due to how Zayn would worry. Of course, his uncomfort went noticed anyway.

“Not tingly yet, Harry? It will be okay, promise.” Zayn whispered, as he kept Harry in a close hold, pressing kisses around his face as Harry always did to him. Harry smiled anyway, as uncomfortable and painful as it was, his boyfriend making the pain a million times more tolerable.

Of course, the pain soon subsided, and the two boys were free to enjoy their night in the moonlight. There were slow and messy kisses that accompanied wandering but needy hands, and the two boys never seemed to break much of the intense eye contact as they laid together in the moonlight. Zayn had broke into a sweat, but let slip a small giggle the first time he had seen Harry finish before him, and even the curly haired boy was grinning hazily as he came down.

Zayn swiftly followed and the two boys ended up cuddled side by side, the duvet wrapped around them and the alarm clock on the side reminding them of how late they were up till. Their faces were only inches apart, the two only having to lift their chins to capture the other in a kiss. Harry’s voice came in a raspy whisper as he told the other boy that they should be getting some sleep now, before he had leaned over to close the curtains across, blocking out the night sky.

“I get why you do that now, Harry.” Zayn had whispered, leaning up to affectionately kiss Harry’s neck where he memorised he liked.

“Do what? Keep the curtains open?” Harry had whispered back as he got into the position he was into, with his boy pressed against him. Zayn slowly nodded before he smiled and kissed Harry’s nose.

“You look pretty in the moonlight.” Zayn whispered, before a slight giggle followed. Harry smirked to himself and snuggled into the boy, pressing a kiss to his lips.

The two boys now laid in bed the following morning, the thoughts of last night still in their minds, which caused the silly round of morning giggles from them both. Harry wrapped his arms around Zayn’s neck before he lowered his face down and kissed him softly.

“You’re the only big spoon I’ll ever want…or have, ya know that, fluff?” Harry admitted, as the sounds of the morning birds started to sound from the other side of the window, the morning truly starting to wake, as everyone else was.

Zayn simply smiled up at Harry. Of course, the brown-eyed boy didn’t really know what Harry was really saying, his mind not understanding that Harry was declaring that was literally the only boy for him, and always would be. But, he did understand that Harry loved it when Zayn was the big spoon, and the brown-eyed boy liked it too; the thought caused another blush.

“Boys! If you’re not both up, dressed and down here eating breakfast I wont allow anymore school night sleepovers!” Anne suddenly shouted up the stairs, which made Harry burst out laughing and pull his boyfriend out of the bed so they could get ready.


“Harry?” Louis Tomlinson’s voice seemed to come from out of nowhere once Harry walked into the common room at lunch, later in the day.

He and Zayn had ended up being late, which meant he hadn’t minded the small, quiet walk that they had had into the sixth form. The curly haired boy hated the fact that he was still jumpy and on edge in case seen with Zayn. The proposition of letting the boy go where no one else would go the previous night and then freely admitting he was literally the only boy he wanted there, with these lingering feelings of shame seemed highly hypocritical, and practically evil.

Of course, their days had gone on as usual. The boy he was in love with had vanished to his art department and Harry had gone to his own lessons. It was simply a normal day. Until the voice of Louis Tomlinson had broken it, of course. 

Ever since his and Liam’s fall out, Andy and Louis had practically steered clear of Harry when Liam was around. On some days he might have received glances from them, say Liam wasn’t looking, and if they were on their own in the hallways of the sixth form then Louis might grin in his direction some days. It was very mix and match, but he hadn’t received an actual greeting in a long time.

Harry turned around to see Louis staring at him, his blue-grey eyes were looking a little needy as he looked up at him. His hair would be perfectly styled as always, despite the look of a lost puppy that hung on his face. Harry’s green eyes glanced over him and couldn’t help but actually worry a little, the boy looked a bit downtrodden.

“Louis? Are you okay?” Harry asked slowly, his mind still trying to figure out why the boy wanted to talk to him anyway. He was hoping this wouldn’t be an ambush, and Liam would pop down for the ceiling for another bloody common room fight.

“I’m lonely. Liam’s not here again, and Andy skived off so he could go and meet some girl he’s been banging. I’m kind of on my own…” Louis admitted, even though his tone of voice still had some sort of pride that hung in it.

Harry had to admit that it was one of the features he liked most about Louis. The boy could be stood naked in a puddle of shit and he’d still be proud to be there and of what he was doing. Harry also had to admit that he was annoyed that Louis came crawling back because he had no one else to crawl too.

“I’m the last resort, basically.” Harry sighed, his annoyance of being the situation showing in his tone. Louis gave a sigh and his shoulders dropped a little.

“Well yes, in this situation, but I miss you, Harry. You’re my best mate and because Liam’s gone all Nazi on us, we can’t see you, I miss you and your stupid jokes, I miss hanging out with you!” Louis burst out, looking at his best friend pleadingly.

“Yes, I am crawling back to you today because I am lonely, but I’ve had this little speech planned for a while, and it was going to come out sooner or later…I just...miss ya, Hazz.” Louis sighed, before he looked up at his friend apologetically.

Harry looked over his friend and had to admit that he hated not being around him and Andy, and even Liam. Whether it was an apology or not, Harry was going to take it. He loved Louis like a brother and nothing could stop that. He simply broke into a teasing grin.

“If I let you sit with me, will you promise to tell me why you’ve been planning speeches to give me in your free time? Like, is this Louis Tomlinson declaring his love for me?” Harry chuckled, before Louis rolled his eyes, but took his arm in his anyway.

“You know I’m too much of a slut to tie myself down, Harold.” Louis grinned cheekily, before the two boys took up their normal seats in the corner of the common room, the rest of the everyday rowdiness and commotion being ignored by them both.

The two boys simply sat and chatted to catch up on what they had missed. Harry told Louis that he had practically done nothing, whereas Louis turned around and spilled out everything that he had done, or rather, everyone. It always amazed Harry how the boy seemed to get around so much yet still have such a sparkling reputation. As he sat and listened to Louis talk about girl after girl that were apparently lining up to get to him, all he could imagine was Louis being the fifth main character in Sex and the City.

“There is one…conquest… I’m worried about though.” Louis admitted with a sigh, which had caused Harry to raise an eyebrow. 

“Oh God, Louis, what have you done…or caught?! Is that what you’re trying to tell me? Or is it simply, the love bug?” Harry teased, loving the way that his friend simply scowled back at him in annoyance.

Louis’ grey eyes rolled in his head before he ruffled out his hair, all actions looking as nonchalant as possible. The boy had Harry in suspense for a few minutes, which honestly confused the boy, before Louis finally decided to speak up.

“Well, he fucked me on Friday and I haven’t seen him since.” The words simply rolled off Louis’ tongue, his form still nonchalant, despite the fact that he had just admitted to one of his closest friends that he had in fact been with a boy. Something that was very un-Louis-like behaviour.

Harry could only look on in confusion.

“Wait…what?” He asked slowly, his two eyebrows meeting in the middle in confusion. Louis simply rolled his eyes as he sat opposite, still looking the image of calm, despite the personal information he had been given.

“C’mon, Harry, you know how much of a slut I am, don’t be surprised that I’ve been with a guy. I’ve got a great ass, and knowing what I like helps to know what they like. It’s like fucking myself, it’s great.” Louis quipped, before sighing and leaning forward, not even giving Harry any time to process what he was hearing.

“But I’m worried, me and Liam fucked on Friday and he hasn’t been in school since. It’s Tuesday, and I’m worried.” Louis told him bluntly, looking at Harry and waiting for his friend to conjure up some sort of response. Of course, Harry Styles simply looked at him gone out.

“Well, let’s put the whole, cock slut thing to one side…” Harry said slowly, which made Louis’ mouth form into a small smirk, his normal look of pride, “You and Liam had sex? Really?” Harry asked before watching Louis nod.

“Quite a few times before you ask. There’s no commitment or anything there, before you bring out the ‘L’ word again, we just have sex. He likes to have sex when he’s angry, it’s great, I love being the sub every now and then.” Louis admitted once again, the smug smirk on his face never fading as Harry grimaced.

“Jesus, stop with the details…let’s never talk about the details again…but why isn’t he in school? Haven’t you texted him?” Harry asked, trying to push all thoughts of Liam and Louis away before they developed into something worse.

“Both me and Andy have tried, it’s no use and he won’t answer…I haven’t seen Niall around in school either, so im guessing whatever it is, it’s a family thing. He hasn’t talked about holidays either, so I’m stumped.” Louis sighed, rubbing his head a little, the concern for his friend showing. Harry couldn’t help but feel worried himself, but he couldn’t offer much help, only shrug.

“I don’t know, Lou, for all we know he’ll come in tomorrow morning and be fine and take the piss out of you for being worried…then you’ll go off on a little boy date and,” Harry started, before he was cut off from his teasing by Louis leaning over and playfully kicking him with a grin.

“Shut up, everyone knows I don’t do dates.” Louis laughed, which made Harry shake his head playfully too.

Something inside of Harry felt quite relieved to know him and Louis were okay, and he had a feeling him and Andy’s friendship would be too. But now, he shared the same worry as Louis. Even though they both hated each other, Harry couldn’t help but hope Liam wasn’t in some sort of trouble. 

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