The Devil Next Door

By Sian2468

163K 5.4K 1.6K

"Go away you stupid asshole!" I said in a firm whisper as I remembered my mum and dad were just in the next r... More

Chapter 1//pencils are for writing, not throwing
Chapter 2//89 likes & 17 comments
Chapter 3//The Revenge Plan
Chapter 5// Milkshakes & Chips
Chapter 6// Leaving Home Behind
Chapter 7// Island Party
Chapter 8// Eggs & Bacon
Chapter 9// Guess Who
Chapter 10// Childish Games
Chapter 11// Stalking Secrets
Chapter 12// Boyfriends & Girlfriends
Chapter 13// One Big Mess
Chapter 14// Halloween Special
Chapter 15// Tired Eyes and Whispered Words
Chapter 16// Breaking up
Chapter 17// Moonlit Dancing
Chapter 18// Park Romantics
Chapter 19// Leaving Takana Island
Chapter 20//She's So Beautuful
Final Authors Note
Sequel Preview

Chapter 4// Big News

8.4K 311 14
By Sian2468

Authors note:

What up guys? sorry this chapter took a bit longer but our school term just finished and I've been busy (weirdly). This chapter may be a little short but I promise I will make the next one longer! I have been trying to make all the chapters long but it's been hard. Anyway, here is chapter 4!

Chapter 4// Big News

Seb P.O.V

What is wrong with that girl! Itching powder?! Where did she even get that from? I had to wash all my football clothes and have a 20 minute shower to make sure it was all gone. She was lucky I didn't see her for the rest of the day, or she would have been so dead. I just posted a bad pic of her! And I get that? I suppose I have done worse over the years. But still.

I logged in to Facebook the next day. And to my disgust, there was a video posted by Tori but captioned by Emily. I reluctantly watched it. I looked like some crazy monkey with my ass on fire. Half the school was there watching and I bet the other half have seen it on Facebook. This was seriously bad for my reputation.

I stomped my way next door that night after dinner.

"Good evening Seb, what can I do for you?" Mrs Fields said to me at the door.

"Evening Nicole, may I see Emily?" I asked, eager but polite.

"Yes of course, not for long though please." Emily's mother replied, stepping back and letting me in the house. I jogged upstairs to Emily's room. I peeked around the corner and she was at her desk writing. I stepped into the doorway and leant against the frame.

"So was it fun putting up that video Emily?" I asked, making her jump and fall off her chair.

"Sebastian! What the hell are you doing here?" she asked angrily, picking herself and the chair off of the ground.

"Thought I would drop by to personally thank you for covering my clothes with itching powder and humiliating me online."

"I was just returning the favor after all these years." she replied, continuing with what she was writing. I stepped fully into her room and shut the door behind me. She looked up at me confused.

"So where did you get that itching powder?" I interrogated.

"A friend." she said, looking back down at her page.

"Hmm. Ok." I said, leaning down close to her. She tensed up as my mouth hung next to her ear.

"Just wait," I whispered, "I will get you when you least expect it."

I moved away and left her alone in her room. I made my way to the front door and said good bye to Nicole who was in the kitchen.

I got back home and wandered into our kitchen where my parents were having a serious discussion.

"Hi dear," my mum said, "How is next door?"

"Yeah everyone is good." I replied, grabbing a freshly baked cookie from the table. I turned to face my parents who were both looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Well. We have some big news." my dad began. "Do you remember my brother Daniel?"

"Uh yeah. The one who is really rich and owns all those houses on tropical islands?" I confirm.

Uncle Dan is the best of the 3 brothers my dad has. Also the one I see the least of.

"Well yes, that's him." my dad says.

"What about him?" I ask

"He owns a beautiful house on Takana Island. And......" my dad trailed off.

"He asked if we and another family of our choice would like to go stay there." my mum finished.

Woah. Didn't see that one coming.

"Okayyyyy. How long for?" I asked.

"We were thinking about four months. Maybe a bit less." Dad replied.

"Holy shit!" I said loudly.

"Sebastian! Language, please!" My mother said firmly, narrowing her eyes at me. I gave her an apologetic look.

"That's a long time." I re-phrase.

"Yes, it will give us some time to bond with the Fields." My mum says brightly.

"Wait. We are going with them?!" I say shocked. Although I shouldn't be. Who else would we take?

"Don't sound so happy." She replies sarcastically. I roll my eyes.

"What about school? I will miss so much!" I tried to argue.

Since when do I care that much about school? I mean, I'm not the best student but I'm certainly not the worst either. I do care about good grades and all that. But I would much rather just play Footy all the time.

"We are going to get you some work to do from the school so you will be briefly up to date when you get back for last term."

"But... but. When exactly are we leaving?"

"Well we have already sorted everything out and organized it with the Fields so, about a week." my mum says keenly.

"Are you serious?" I shout.

"Seb, dear, just calm down. You will love it." She calms.

I just storm up to my room and slam the door. I slide my back down it until my butt hits the floor.

Why? This is ridiculous. I don't have any friends there. So I'll be forced to hang with Emily the while time. I wonder if she knows as well.

I get up and go over to my window. Sure enough, Emily is looking back at me from her bedroom. We both slide our windows up. For a minute we just look at each other with blank expressions. Until she opens her mouth to talk.

"So your parents told you?"

"Yeah. It's so soon." I reply, putting my hands in my pockets.

"Ugh. Tell me about it. And it just had to be with you." She said, kneeling down and resting her arms on the window seal.

"Well, you might aswell admit you like me now, just to save all that drama on the island," I smirk, pretending like I don't care that I'm going with her. Because I do. She groans and rests her head in her hands.

"Can we please just have a normal conversation where you don't be an ass?" she says unimpressed.

I chuckle.

"Ok. I understand. You want me to shut up so you can tell me that you love me. I get it." I smile. She must be exhausted because she just rolls her eyes and shuts her window. Her curtains close and the ray of light thats left disappears.

Well that's no fun is it? I got no reactions at all. I smile slightly to myself. We're boys. That's what we do. And Emily is so easy to stir up.

Well. I guess it's off to Takana Island. I can't believe it. It's happening so quickly.


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