Pizza Guy

By sleepyslug

333K 17K 4.8K

❝Oh, him? He's just that pizza guy,❞ But what if just that pizza guy turned out to be something more? copyr... More

Pizza Guy
001. Prologue Tastes Like Pepperoni
002. Ham
003. Tomatoes
004. Cheese
005. Mushrooms
006. Chicken
007. Garlic Bread
008. Pineapple
009. Bacon
010. Vegetarian
011. Sweetcorn
012. Peppers
014. Onions
015. Meatballs
016. Sausage
017. Spinach

013. Chilli

13.7K 765 225
By sleepyslug

❝-i love pizza because it has a built in handle that also happens to be edible,❞

- unknown

☼ ☼ ☼

THE GAME WAS a tradition every year in Daisy's school. A tradition that she never failed to miss, not because she was some football crazy fan, or cared about most of the school's winnings. She just cared about how at half time most of the extremely hot football boys get so sweaty they take off their tops, and that's a sight that Daisy would never miss, ever.

The game was every summer, just before Prom, and was always against the school's rivals, Saint. Peter's High. Not like Daisy cared about any of the game plan, nor did she pay attention that much to be gratefully honest, but what she did know is that her school was always excited for it. Every boy in the school would play a part, and if they didn't then they are Daniel, and Thomas since they were more interested in watching Mean Girls that having to sit with delinquents all day. Jake, however, loved the sport. He remembered back in his old school how passionate he was about football, how he'd wanted a scholarship since he was just a little boy. His father use to take him to all sorts of football matches, and today was the day were his father could finally see him play.

The whole school had been done out: red, yellow and white bunting was laced throughout the halls, lockers, gym, the field and even in some classrooms, banners saying "go wild cats" were spiralled across every empty bit of wall, and almost all the girls were wearing cheerleader outfits that seemed to be two sizes too small for them.

"Don't you just love football," Heather grinned as Daisy and Lily sat beside her on the wooden table facing the field full of rearing to go teenage boys. "The sun, the boys-"

"Missing lessons," Daisy added with a wide grin. She had completely forgotten about school entirely, probably because with Jake lecturing her every time he saw her about her grades she wasn't actually doing too bad at all. Her grades were just about on a pass level which was good enough for Daisy any day of the week.

"And Sam," Lily giggled, as the boy that Daisy had tried to run away from the other day walked past shirtless revealing a very nice set of abs, and to say that Daisy did not stare was an absolute bloody lie. Daisy bit her lip, as the boy waved at them, or more directly at Daisy but Lily giggled, "Gah, he waved at me, did you just see that? He totally waved at me," She giggled.

Heather rolled her eyes, hitting the back of Lily's head to stop her from hyperventilating. "There's more important news we must address," Heather smiled evilly. Oh no, Daisy cringed, slopping down into her chair trying to magically hide. Though, of course unless she was some super, awesome wizard--which she wanted to be when she growed up-- then it wasn't going to happen.

"Please tell me you two go it on last night," Heather cried.

"We slept together, but no that was it," Daisy shrugged.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Heather shouted, making both Lily and Daisy jump in surprise, "YOU HAD SEX WITH HIM!?" Heather said excitedly, making Lily laugh.

"Oh my god, no. I mean sleep. As in actually sleep, close your eyes dreaming blah blah blah, that sorta thing," Daisy said quickly, her cheeks reddening by the second as people turned to stare. She was telling the truth though, nothing actually happened between them other than falling to sleep. Jake just held her in his arms tightly throughout the whole night, and even when she murmured in her sleep he held her tighter just to check she knew he was there, always there. In the morning, they said their farewells like normal people, no kisses, no sex, no gossip. Just a farewell, and a cheeky smirk and wink off Jake.

"Easy to misunderstand," Heather shrugged, as Lily bent over in laughter. "So, you have no gossip, whatsoever?" Daisy shook her head, "-Ugh, you're so boring,"

Daisy giggled at her best friend's pouting face, "I think he loves me though,"

"How do you know?" Lily asked interestingly, pushing her knees up to her chest to listen closely, Heather reenacted her actions leaning closer not to miss any details.

"He said he loved this girl. She's messy, clumsy, cute, and said she had bright pink hair, I mean how many other girls have bright pink hair?" Daisy asked them, raising her eyebrows to challenge them. After a few moments, they both shook their head.

"You haven't got pink hair anymore," Lily pointed out obviously. Heather gave her a 'Karen-you're-so-stupid' look from Mean Girls, and rolled her eyes. Twirling her new, bubblegum blue hair Daisy shrugged.

"Actually, I think I know one..."Heather whispered, pointing her finger at a certain cheerleader.

Across the field, surrounded by many different boys was a certain, familiar pink haired that waved her blue pom pom's in the air like she just don't care--sorry, had to take the opportunity. She flicked her hair over her shoulder, looking up towards the bench the three girls sat on.

"No. Fucking. Way," Heather gasped.

Elizabitch waved at them as if she was winning her own little game. She danced viciously, showing most of her bottom to the boys who whistled at her...all but one. Jake. Daisy could feel her heart squeeze just at the sight of him wearing the football uniform, and felt a wave of relief that he wasn't paying any attention to Elizabeth who was clearly trying to get his attention as she danced nearer, and nearer towards him.

"Are you sure he wasn't on about her?" Lily whispered, biting her tongue when Heather gave her the 'shut-the-fuck-up' look. Daisy swallowed, nodding her head.

"He said he didn't like her in that way," She spoke, hoping to god that she was right. She thinks she's, she hopes she's right. Jake didn't even look slightly fazed at Elizabeth's pathetic attempts to grab his attention. She twirled her hair, giggled, battered her eyelashes and even at one point tapped his shoulder to which he replied with a simple courteous 'hello' before running onto the pitch. That was until, she grabbed him by the shoulder making him stumble backwards into a pole.

"Hey, Jake," She giggled, twirling her pink hair around her middle finger. He gave her a one looker, trailing from her converses to her terribly dyed pink hair. He gave her points for trying, at least she caught on that he liked Daisy's pink hair. She battered her eyelashes at him, taking a step forward so his back was fully pressed up against the pole. "Do you like my hair?" She asked.

He smiled politely, "It's lovely, though I think blonde suits you better,"

She hid a frown, before stepping forward again so her boobs pressed up against his chest. Wow, this girl really doesn't give up, does she, Jake thought, cringing at how desperate she was. Her presence didn't effect him no more though. He was determined. After the game he was going to ask Daisy to be his Girlfriend, and ask if she'd go with him to prom. He couldn't be a happier man, well, if he wan this game then maybe he'd be a little happier. "So, I was thinking about prom. I just thought that the prom queen just has to go with the prom king," She laughed like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Sam would love to go with you," He answered shortly, trying to curve his way around her. She sighed, blocking him off. Her face moving slowly towards him to the point where it looked like they were kissing, but instead, she whispered softly.

"What is it going to take for you to love me? Cause if it's that bitch, I can make sure she'll never trust you again." Then with a snap of her teeth--which was terribly unattractive despite how hot she looked in her cheer leading outfit, she jumped away leaving Jake stunned, and Daisy confused as she bounced her way across the field towards her.

"Watch out, Regina George is coming," Lily whispered, watching as Elizabitch wiggled her fingers at as in a 'hey-girlfriends-i'm-from-a-90's-movie-l-o-l'. She perched her little bottom beside Daisy with a short sigh.

"I just wanted to apologize," She began, making Heather chock on a piece of chicken she was eating. "I didn't like you because I thought you were a threat that may get in between me and Jake's relationship," She began, making Daisy raise her eyebrows. "But, now that Jake's asked me to the prom, I honestly don't think you're a problem anymore." She laughed.

"Um, what?" Daisy gasped, turning to look at Heather and Lily as if she's suddenly gone deaf and she lip read wrong, or maybe her mind is playing tricks on her and she was just dreaming, or maybe, maybe-

"He asked me out, honey. Which means he must love me a lot more than you love him-" She began, then heard the whistle blow to mark the start of the game, "Oh, that's my call! No hard feelings, right?" She ran off with a certain skip in her step that made Daisy want to run after her and tackle her to the ground like the scene in Mean Girls were everyone turns into animals; there was no denying how much she wanted to claw her perfect mother freaking face off.

"She's lying, she got to be!" Heather shook her head in disbelief.

"I don't know, Heath they looked pretty close back there," Lily commented shrugging her shoulders. Heather hit her again again, harder this time so that Lily gasped at the impact.

"You're suppose to make her feel better!"

"Sorry, it's just they were! Are you sure he said he didn't like her?" Lily asked Daisy, but Daisy couldn't hear her. Daisy didn't want to hear her, because the only sound that Daisy could hear was her heart shattering to pieces and that was enough noise for her to handle. He promised me, she thought sadly, looking up at the field where a happy Jake was running freely as if he did nothing wrong. She could feel tears brimming in her eyes, and a hard hand touch her shoulder.

"Hey, Daisy. You okay?"

By the way Lily melted into her seat, Daisy knew exactly who it was, and even though he scared the living daylights out of her she simply did not care, she didn't care about anything anymore. Sam trailed his finger down her back before embracing her into a hug, she fitted perfectly under his strong, hard structure, her head resting on his shoulder as she couldn't hold it in anymore. He liked to her, he led her on. He was using her. He didn't mean always. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, Daisy thought as fresh tears began to leak from her eyes giving Sam the excuse to hold her tighter.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He whispered in her ear. After another incredibly loud sob, she nodded not even embarrassed on how bad her sobs were. They were some cute little ones you see actresses pulling where their makeup rolls down in perfectly lines down their cheeks. Oh fucking no. These tears went sideways, upwards, downwards and her makeup was sticking up in all sorted of places, not to mention her hair began to look like a birds nest. Totally not attractive, but she didn't care. She nodded.

As the game continued, Jake had not even noticed that Daisy had left. He'd been so intrigued in the football and so excited to win, that when he did look up his happy smile turned into a frown quickly as he saw Sam and Daisy leaving, Sam wrapping his arm around her small, little waist.

"Hey-" Jake began to shout.

"Hey, Jake!" Elizabeth jumped in front of him, blocking his view. Gah, why does she always have to be there. Jake thought, trying to look around her to see what was happening. That son of a bitch best not be hurting her in any way otherwise Jake would knock him right out without a moment's thought. Jake knew what boy's like him wanted, and it was a little three letter word. Something Jake would not allow over his dead body.

"Hey, I'm just going up-"

"No, stay, she's got a headache so Sam's taking her home. No biggie, you can see her tomorrow. We have to celebrate your victory!" Elizabeth smiled brightly making Jake uneasy. He guessed he'd have to ask Daisy to be his girlfriend tomorrow she can wait, even though he couldn't.

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