Recovery // Seth Rollins

By cjleighwrites

127K 2.2K 276

"Do you fear me?" "No, I fear loving you" Caitey Gillon has the opportunity that some could on dream of and... More

- important -
Seqeul is up


5.6K 92 14
By cjleighwrites

To say that these past few hours have been the most confusing of my life would be an understatement. Somehow, I went from being the shy 'new girl', to the shield's new number one fan, to Seth Rollins' gym buddy, to now his date. And all of that makes no sense to me.

As much as I don't want too, I need to distance my self from all the shield, especially Seth. I'm only here for six weeks, and his only in the country for six weeks, and I know I'll get attached. I can't handle anymore hurt. I can't slip back that far again.

He said 7:30, but it's 6:50pm and I'm laying on my hotel bed trying to come up with an excuse as to why I can't come. All I can think of is the obvious ones, like I don't feel well or I'm sick. Just plain old ones I used to get out of numerous dates I was too scared to go on back home.

I could feel myself slowly start to slip back to darker days. The same days that nearly ended my university life. I knew that within a few days I would barely be leaving my hotel room except to go to the arena. I knew that I would barely eat and barely leave the bed. I would cover my skin completely, afraid and disgusted of what was underneath.

But I just couldn't cancel on Seth. The guilt would eat me alive. I pulled myself off the bed and dug thought my luggage, trying to find something remotely 'sexy'. I found a long sleeved black lace dress, I had thrown in on the off chance I went out for the night. The dress was low cut and very revealing, showing off what I deemed to be my best assets. I quickly undressed and pulled on the material that just sat below my ass. I changed into matching black lace underwear, feeling more complete. Quickly running the straightener over my hair, I fixed up my make up then searched for my favourite black heeled boots.

I looked at myself in the mirror and sighed at what looked back at me. Grabbing my oversized wallet, I placed my phone and key card inside and waited on the bed for the clock to strike 7:30.

At exactly 7:30, three short but heavy knocks came from the door. Brushing down my skirt with my hands, I grabbed my wallet and opened the door to reveal Seth in black jeans with a black shirt half buttoned up.

"H-hey" I softly spoke, unsure of my own voice. He was so causal, it made me wonder how many times he had done this.

He smirked down at me, "Hey gorgeous." I blushed and looked down, avoiding his gaze. He grabbed hold of hand and gently tugged me froward away from the door. He reached behind me and closed the door, then placing his hands on my waist.

"Are you okay? You seem- off" Again, I just looked down. I nodded looking at my shoes, noticing how small they were compared to Seth's.

"Yeah I'm fine" I looked up at him and forced the smile that I had used for the past two years. Everyone bought it, so why wouldn't Seth? He barely knows me. He narrowed his eyes, not looking convinced. He opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but closed it and nodded.

"Alright, lets go then" he smiled grabbing hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers. His hand was warm, his fingers soft. His hand in mine felt like home. It was a foreign feeling to me, and I wasn't sure why I was feeling this way. So much for distancing myself.

We walked out of the elevator and down the hotel lobby that I was still in awe of. He lead me towards the glass doors of the hotel restaurant. "I hope you don't mind" Seth said, opening the door for me. "I know it's nothing fancy, but it's close and we could always go somewhere afterwards" he panicked, again taking my hand as we walked over to the greeter.

I smiled up at him as the waiter asked if we had a reservation. "2 for Lopez" Seth said, squeezing my hand as we were lead over to our table.

"Lopez?" I questioned him with a raised eyebrow once we sat down, and the waiter had given us our menus and left.

He chuckled lightly, smirking at me. "Lopez is my real last name" he clarified. I made a little 'oh' with my mouth, feeling a little stupid. I didn't even know my dates real name. "You know, you never answered my previous question" he said slowly with a look of worry.

I looked up at him and smiled, "I love it, you know I would have been equally happy if were just in your hotel room watching a movie and eating pizza" I said truthfully.

"Oh so you'd like to be in my hotel room?" He winked. I blushed and held my menu up in front of my face which caused him to laugh loudly, attracting the attention of others in the restaurant.

"Don't worry babe, it's cute" he said, reaching over and taking my shield away. "Next time I'll just throw you over my shoulder and carry you to my room" he smirked awaiting my reaction.
I decided to play with him and not give him the reaction he wanted.

"Oh I'd like to see you try" I challenged him, leaning forward. His eyes immediately fell to my chest which was nearly fully on display thanks to the dress I was wearing. He sucked in a breath which could easily be heard.

He looked up, his dark eyes piercing into mine. "Is that a challenge?" He spoke slowly with dominance. I was slightly taken back at his forwardness, but I'm playing him at his own game.

"Why yes Lopez, it is" I replied back as innocently as I could, leaning further forward. His tongue ran over his bottom lip, his eyes staying focused on my chest. I giggled, picking my menu back up, blocking his view. A low growl came from Seth as he glared at me.

Our waiter came back before Seth could say anything. "Can I get you two anything to drink?" The waiter asked. He was young, and what would be called a fuckboy. He held a grin as he looked at me, earning a glare from Seth.

Seth answering broke his gaze from me, "Yeah I'll have a whiskey and coke." His face was hard but emotionless as he stared at the young waiter.

"What about you babe?" The waiter asked, turning his unwanted gaze back to me. I slouched back uncomfortably in my seat, which didn't go unnoticed by Seth.

I quickly gazed at the wine list, "I'll have a glass of pink moscato" I answered quietly. He nodded before leaving. I looked down at the hem of my dress, wanting to be anywhere but here.

Seth's foot lightly touched mine making my head snap up and look at him. He smiled softly at me, his hand brushing mine. "Do you know what you're doing to order?" He asked. His voice was so beautiful. I had never noticed before.

"Parmi, what about you?" I mocked his tone then laughed at his confusion. Silly American.

"A what?" He asked bewildered at Australian slang. If he thought this was bad, wait until he got into a conversation with a tradie at a pub on a Friday at 5 in the arvo.

"A chicken parmigiana" I clarified, still giggling at him. "You should get one" I winked at him, causing him to laugh.

"If you say so babe" he replied before he waiter returned with our drinks. He placed the whiskey in front of Seth and he stayed emotionless, not thanking him. After he placed my wine down he pulled out his notepad.

"Do you guys know what you want to eat?" He asked, again eyeing me. I could see Seth clearly clenching his jaw and making a fist. I went to reply but Seth beat me to it.

"Yes, we'll have two parmigianas" he said again glaring at the waiter. He nodded and quickly scurried away as Seth continued to death glare him. I laughed lightly, as the word 'parmigiana' just didn't sound right come from his mouth. Seth shook his head at me, knowing clearly what I was laughing at.

We ate peacefully with small jokes about Australian terms that he did not understand. The waiter was still staring at me from across the restaurant but I didn't want to ruin the moment or anger Seth anymore than he already was. Seth had called for the bill and pulled out his credit card before I stopped him.

"What are you doing?" I asked even though it was obvious whilst putting my hand over the bill. He shrugged, placing his hand on mine and moving it before placing the card inside and handing it back to waiter.

"I'll just be a moment" The waiter said before scurrying off. I gave Seth a look that he was already waiting for. I didn't have to say anything.

"What? I took you out to dinner, I pay. A man always pays for his woman" he said looking me dead in the eye. His woman? I went to question him but the waiter returned with Seth's card and the receipt. Seth nodded the door and I stood up, grabbing hold of Seth's awaiting hand. "Don't argue with me either" He added as we walked out of the hotel restaurant.

I mumbled a "fine" before leaning into Seth's side. He pulled me closer, wrapping his arm around me tightly. I breathed in his smell and immediately felt safe. Everything about Seth made me feel safe. "Wanna come back to mine and watch a movie?" He whispered into my ear, I nodded and he pulled me in the direction of the elevator. Whilst in the elevator, Seth unwrapped his arm front me to put his credit card back into his wallet. He looked at the receipt only for his eyes to narrow.

He scrunched up the receipt and avoided my eyes.
"Fucking bitch" he mumbled, wrapping his arm back around me. From a small glance I could see a phone number on the bottom which could only mean that the waiter from before had done it.

He pulled out his key card, unlocking he door and motioning for me to go in. I stepped in his hotel room which was identical to mine. "Get comfortable" he said, pointing at the bed. I smiled and let myself fall backwards, lading on the soft bedding. Seth's laughed echoed through the room as he took off his shoes whilst watching me. His bed was softer than mine, everything to do with him was better. Even my emotions.

I closed my eyes and leaned back further into the bedding as Seth's hands traced down my leg, pulling off my boots. He had untucked his shirt, and pulled his hair out of the small bun. He layed next to me, turning on the TV.

"So" he started, turning to face me. "Teach me some slang" he said with confidence.

I sat up, looking at him "What?" I laughed.

He sat up, crawling to the top of the bed, "teach me some slang, the way you talk" he said again as he watched me follow him up he bed.

"Well" I thought. How the hell do you teach someone slang? "How about you say" I trailed off, still thinking. "I had to do a blockie to get a pump at the servo where I got some durries before I went to the bottleo to get some stubbies" I said to a confused Seth.

"And what does that mean to a non Australian?" He asked, leaning closer to me.

"It means" I laughed, "I had to go around the block as there wasn't a free pump at the petrol station, when I did get one I went in and brought some cigarettes before I went to the bottle shop to buy some beer" I said, leaning back against the head board.

"Why can't you just say that to start with?" He says still lost at what I had just said to him.

"Because it wouldn't be Australian if I did" He shook his head, pulling me into his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. It was steady and regular. I could feel Seth's gaze as I intently listened to his heart.

"Something interesting?" He asked, raising his eyebrow at me.

"I looked up at him, leaning my head back. "Just listening to your heart" I told him, "you have a good steady and regular heartbeat" I finished, and blushed at how silly I sounded.

His chest vibrated underneath me as he chuckled. "Well that's good isn't then" he teased, smirking at me.

"You also have really good veins, they're great, I wouldn't even have to try to get a needle in there" I continued with my mini examination of the bare skin on Seth's chest, that was peaking though his shirt.

"Do I now?" He leaned down and placed a small kiss to my straight blonde hair.

I looked up at him, "Yes you do."

His eyes flicked from my lips to my eyes before he leant in slowly and connected our lips. His beard tickled my skin and I could feel my heart beat as his hand rested on the back of my head, deepening the kiss. Without breaking it, he moved so he was on top, his free hand beside my head to support his weight. He moved his hand from my head and slowly ran it up and down my body. He broke away from the kiss and looked at me, his eyes dark with lust and dominance.

Without thinking, my hands reached out and unbuttoned his shirt, my eyes starring at his skin with each button that came undone. He pulled it off his shoulders and threw it across the room before leaning down and kissing me again. His lips moulded with mine perfectly like art. One hand snuck behind me lifting me up and unzipping my dress. His hands grabbed at the hem pulling it up my body slowly, as his eyes took in every inch of my body.

I wasn't even worried about the things he might see as he slowly undressed me. The numerous scars that littered my body didn't even cross my mind. I knew as his eyes lingered on my thighs that he would be questioning me later. I reached for his jeans and tugged him closer as I undid his belt and slowly ran my hand up and down his crotch with an innocent smile. He growled moved my fingers to the bottom of his jeans. He pushed them off, along with his underwear. He laid completely naked above me and I honestly didn't care or want to freak out. He pulled down my bra straps, and reached behind me and un clipped it. He leant back, admiring the view, and for the first time I did feel awkward. I moved my arms to cover myself, he stopped me. "No. You're beautiful" he said sternly and I nodded my head as he pinned my wrists above me. His lips attacked my neck as I tilted my head to the side.

"Seth" I quietly moaned. He stopped and faced me.

"Colby" he said looking down at me. I raised my eyebrows in confusion. "This is real, call me by my real name, not the name that holds the IC title. This is real, this is the real me." He said nothing else before slowly moving his fingers up and down my thighs before hooking them into my underwear, pulling them down my legs.

"Colby" I whispered, getting his attention, he looked up and I grabbed his face, pulling it closer to mine. His hands ended up tangled in my hair as he kissed me. My arms wrapped around his neck as it was the start of a long night.

So unlike I originally stated in the end of chapter one, Seth did betray the shield, and this is set after the reunited and they are together wrestling full time.
I have edited this in chapter one.

I'm not good at writing smut so don't hate me!

I've slowly started to incorporate parts of Caitey's life into the story and some of her issues.


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