Why Her ? || kth

By RioWrites

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"Why her? She's antisocial, careless, and unattractive." "What are you talking about? She's beautiful." ~•~ I... More



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By RioWrites

It was the same day Taehyung joined our class. Thankfully, he gave back my earbud after the teacher started her lecture. I didn't even get to answer him. I don't think he's a goody two shoes student, but I was surprised that at least he was not acting like a clown during her lesson.

But it didn't look like he was paying attention either.
He sorta just sat there in wait, making me wonder what he was thinking.

How am I getting so much from just his backside anyway?

I shook my head from side to side, telling myself to snap out of it. I continued to listen to my music, except I didn't lay my head down this time. I just kept staring at Taehyung's backside instead. Not in a weird way though. I think.

Sooner than I thought, our home room teacher wrapped up her lesson, packing up her stuff before walking out the door.

Then like usual, all hell broke loose.

There is usually a fifteen minute gap before our next teacher comes in for her subject lesson, so our class takes this valuable time to socialize. Assuming you weren't just whispering in class.

But today was much worse. Everyone wanted to talk to the new mystery called Kim Taehyung.

Even for someone who seemed as social as him, he seemed a bit overwhelmed when half the class walked up to him as soon as the teacher closed the door.

But as they hounded him,

I was also caught up in the crowd.

Maybe it would've been better if he sat behind Kim Jisu. Then I wouldn't have to deal with this madness! As the sound of questions overpowered my music, I had enough.

I stood up, startling a few people as I did. I pushed through the small mob as I made my way to the window in the corner of the classroom. I heard a few whispers as I walked, but I payed no attention to them.

Weird how rare it is for them talk to me, but how often they talk about me.

I sat on the windowsill, watching the class bustle around in front of me. I smirked in the direction of Taehyung's desk, because there were so many people around you could barely see him. I could tell he was still sitting because all the girls were leaning over his desk, creating a little dome around him.

Hopefully he's not claustrophobic.

Even with my music, I could hear snippets of conversation from the other side of the room. I wasn't trying to pay attention to them but they were just so loud.

"Oppa! How old are you?"

"Wah! Oppa! You're so handsome!"

"Oppa, do you have any siblings?"

Hopefully he isn't too annoyed by the girls, because it's funny how even though they've known each other for less than a day, some bold girls were already calling him Oppa.

A tiny bit rude, if you ask me.

I felt a little sorry for this Kim Taehyung. He probably didn't ask for whatever was happening to him. But at least he'll have some friends to sit with at lunch.

Unlike me.

Later, I was finally able to block out the continuous noises, looking out the window to see the world beyond.

Then suddenly, I heard the sound of a chair screeching as it dragged across the floor. The room quieted as footsteps grew louder and louder as the source of them came closer to where I was at.

"Phew," sighed Taehyung, slouching on the other end of the windowsill.

I looked up from my iPod, turning to him, I was a bit surprised to see that he was already looking at me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, wondering why he just abandoned a group of what could've been his new friends.

"Sitting." He answered bluntly, "Same thing as you."

I glanced at the crowd across the room, who were staring at the both of us.

"Well if you came to escape our class, they'll just walk over here." I informed, "When that happens you'll have to move cause' this is my spot."

I tried being friendly because he was new, but I'm really good at that sort of stuff.

Good thing he wasn't a pushover.

"Well I don't see your name written on this window." Grinned Taehyung, amused.

"Maybe because you don't know my name." I suggested, suppressing a smile.

"Oh, that makes sense," said Taehyung in realization, "What's your name then?  I'm Kim Taehyung."

"Yeah, you already introduced yourself," I reminded, "But I'm Song Jisu, A.K.A the Lesser-known Jisu."

I tried to be a little funny with my last sentence but Taehyung just tilted his head in confusion.

"Is there another Jisu in this class?"

"Yep, Kim Jisu, you've probably already met her over there." I answered, pointing over to the crowd of kids across the room.

"Huh... didn't notice her." shrugged Taehyung, "So that means you're the Greater-known Jisu now. At least to me."

Well that's a first.

"I guess you're right." I said, a smile on my face.

"Oppa!" Yelled some random girl as she walked across, "Why'd you leave? We were just talking to you!"

The girl took a glance at me, a hint of distaste visible on her face after seeing me. I just scoffed at her.

Soon enough the rest of the class chipped in, walking closer to Taehyung whilst continuing their barrage of questions.

Then the class door opened.

"Okay, everyone back to your seat! Class is starting, so get your books out!" Ordered the teacher who just walked in.

Everyone groaned a little as they shuffled back to their desks, me included.

But after everyone was seated, Taehyung turned around in his seat, showcasing a boxy smile.

He cupped his mouth with his hands and whispered.

"It's nice to meet you, Greater-known  Jisu-ssi."

And for the first time in a while, I felt hope in a school setting.

I'm not that knowledgeable about the Korean school system, but I think the teachers switch classes instead of the students.

Correct me if I'm wrong! :)

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