Ten Out of Ten- Tenten AU

By EmmyLee_

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Tenten, born of Takigakure, is a small child of nine with the dream to be a kunoichi to behold. Her opportuni... More



1K 57 21
By EmmyLee_

Cute picture of Deidara and Tenten above :D


With Sasori gone, Tenten was inducted into the Akatsuki. Bloodred clouds on a black background. The cloak was draped over her shoulders.

The ring was slipped on her finger and she was partnered with Deidara.

After the successful capturing of the Three Tails, the two of them were sent to kill the daimyo. He was later found with a kunai through his neck.

Of course, the two of them were later pursued by a platoon of shinobi.

Deidara slipped his hands into his pouch to grab a few bombs, but Tenten advanced first.

Deidara saw Tenten hold a pair of scrolls before she sprinted towards the platoon of shinobi. "I'll take care of this—" she shouted at him as she slammed her foot against the ground and she spun in the air dizzyingly, reminding him of a six sided dice as her swift hands moved in and summoned a bunch of weapons as she aimed with deadly precision. Kunai, shuriken, and even double bladed axes flew towards the opponents who were overwhelmed with the barrage. She was good, brilliant, even but it wasn't enough. That was before he saw the trick. The kunai she threw, all of them were attached with paper bombs.

Tenten spun safely out of the way before she activated them and the bombs exploded, the sheer magnitude of them rippling the air and sending heat across their skins as the ground erupted. Fire rained down on the enemy nin before all was silent and there was simply fire and charred messes. Deidara's eyes widened as he saw the kunoichi in the midst of all the beautiful explosions, her bangs flitting slightly in the wind.

Her skin had ash smeared across her cheeks and her hair was dirtied and messed while her clothes were slightly burnt. Deidara felt his cheeks redden when he saw her looking at him. "Art is an explosion, right?" She asked expressionlessly.

Deidara blinked.

He suddenly felt panicky as Tenten approached him, his own feet shuffling backwards. "What are you doing, un?" He asked as she stopped in front of him before leaning into his personal space.

She smirked as she pulled his hair. "You had something in your hair," she said before turning away and leaving him dumbfounded.

What the hell was happening to him?

Deidara couldn't summon any explanation for the sudden beating of his heart and decided to look away from Tenten for a while. He wanted to avoid her for the rest of the day in the hideout, but he always bumped into her for some reason.

However, things seemed to return to normal when he found that she stole his several hair products to use on herself. He ended up chasing after her with his bombs, yelling profanities at her while Tenten simply flipped him the finger.

It was about three hours later that they both gave up, both thoroughly exhausted.

"Tenten," Deidara said her name as they lay down on the grass together, winded after chasing each other.

Tenten opened her eyes, "What?"

"I think I might like you."

Tenten blinked. Silence as Deidara waited with burning cheeks. He could finally get what Sasori danna was saying about waiting for someone.

He saw her blink again. "Why?"


"Why do you like me?" Tenten asked.

"Because you aren't afraid," The answer came surprisingly easy to Deidara, "you don't give up no matter what and you are always trying to prove yourself. And even though you're a girl you are still good—"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tenten sounded irritated, "even though I'm a girl? I'm just as capable as any man, thank you very much."

Deidara winced. "That's not what I meant, un, I meant that a lot of kunoichi, even those in Iwagakure, only focused on their looks compared to their male shinobi. Kunoichi were supposed to be wives and the bearers of the future generations."

Tenten rolled her eyes. "I hate that idea."

Silence again before Tenten sighed and spoke up, "If being annoyed with you every second of the day means that I might have feelings for you, I guess I have to accept it."

Deidara blinked, "You mean you like me too?"

"I guess," Tenten kicked a pebble, "or it might just be your pretty hair."

Deidara rolled his eyes at that before hitting her in the ribs. Tenten shoved her elbow into his solar plexus as he gasped. "That hurt," he glared at her.

"My love hurts, so you'll just have to deal with it," Tenten replied as Deidara reddened.

"Will you tell me why you like me, un?" Deidara asked.

"No," Tenten said bluntly, fiddling with her hands.

They sat in silence before Tenten sat up. "Oh fuck this," she muttered before she rolled over on her side and pinned Deidara to the ground before she leaned over and kissed him. It was slow at first then gathering in intensity as Deidara felt his cheeks flame. When she broke the kiss softly, he saw her cheeks dusted with the faintest bit of pink.

"Great," she muttered, "that was my first kiss."

"Same, un."

"Want another one?"

"Hell yes."

They spent the rest of the night just awkwardly staying close together. Tenten glared slightly when Deidara put his arm around her, but after a few moments, she relaxed a bit and she hesitantly put her head on his shoulder as she felt his warmth spreading into her skin.

After a few moments, she spoke, "Deidara."

"Hmm?" He looked at her face, the brown bangs moving slightly.

"Don't leave."

Deidara looked at her face, her expression masked by the night but he could feel her fingers grasping his shirt. He relaxed slightly as he patted her on the shoulder rather awkwardly, not wanting to overstep his boundaries, "I won't, un."


After several moments, he heard her breathing stabilize and the gentle rise and fall of her chest let him know that she was asleep. Deidara waited a few moments, basking in the feeling of her body against his before he took off his Akatsuki robe and gently wrapped her in it before pulling her up into his arms.

She looked peaceful when she was asleep, as if she was without a care in the world.

  He managed to take her to her room before laying her on top of the bed and tucked her in. But as his feet shuffled out, Tenten's wrist grabbed his with surprising strength before he crashed on top of her.

  "You said you won't leave—" Tenten's eyes narrowed, "—liar." There was a tinge of teasing in her voice, though.

  Deidara cleared his throat uncomfortably, looking away.

  "I wasn't, un."

   "Double liar."

  "Shut up," an irk mark appeared on Deidara's face as Tenten smirked.

   Tense silence and awkwardness.

  After the tense silence, Tenten spoke up suddenly, "We should totally have sex right now."



  "Your grandfather will kill me, un."

  "Screw him. Let's have sex, genderbend—"

   "Kami, why are you so hormonal—"

  "Come on, let's have sex...it—" Tenten's eyes gleamed mischievously, "will—"

   "Don't you dare....."


   "Dammit Tenten, don't you dare make that pun!"


  Deidara had a look as if he was shamed eternally with all of humanity. Somewhere in hell probably, Sasori no Danna was probably laughing his ass off while crocheting with the devil.

  Deidara had the look of a killer in his eyes.

  Tenten found it strangely attractive. She blamed her grandfather for any mental condition she might have.

  "You are so dead, un..."

  "Did anyone tell you that the statement sounds strangely sexy coming from you—" Tenten resumed trying to hit on him.

  "Dammit Tenten!"


  XD Idk what I just wrote but it was funny as hell writing it. Hope you guys enjoyed too.

As always, please vote and comment below :D




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