JarriaJelese द्वारा

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Nicole and Tae are closer than ever; Nicole's spa is really taking off while Tae thinks about finally throwin... अधिक



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JarriaJelese द्वारा

*Two Months Later*


@KoKoKoreaaa- Cut him off, act like he dead and it's killing him 😘

"How long you gone stare at that picture?" Tae asked, knocking me out of my trance.

"I can't help it man." I looked at it for a couple more seconds before getting off Instagram and putting my phone in my pocket. "It's killing me."

"Why? Cause she bossed the fuck up on your ass?" He laughed before turning up his cup. We had met up at Freddy's to discuss a new job we had.

I smacked my lips "Fuck you, you just gone knock me down even more? I'm already down nigga!" I snatched my cup off the table, getting up to go get my drink.

He was right though, Korea did boss up on me. She got her own place and was now doing her lil modeling shit. She modeled for Nicole's skincare line and also for other companies within the city. She had her first out of state gig this week so I had to go get the girls from her today. With her being Cali's mother figure, she lived with her along with Cari. I didn't see a problem with it although I missed having a full house. I got them every weekend, Korea even made a monthly schedule and sent it to me on every first of the month. She was extremely nice to me and acted like I didn't cheat on her; every time I tried to talk about it she'd brush me off like she didn't give a fuck. She was killing me with kindness and that shit was definitely working.

As far as me and Joie, there was no me and Joie. I cut her off ever since that day and hadn't talked to her since. I realized she accomplished her goal of ruining my family.

"You think she got somebody new?" I asked Tae as he put ketchup on his fries.

He glanced up at me "Probably not, too soon and plus sis not the type to move on that fast." He assured me. "But if she do that's none of your business."

I sighed "This shit sucks. Why I do that dumb ass shit?"

"Don't ask me" He ate some of his fries.

"You ever hear her and Nicole talking about me?"

"Nigga I don't ease drop on they conversations." He chuckled. "You tripping"

"What should I do man? Help me!"

"When you came to me about it when you and Joie first started messing around I told you to tell Korea. Shit might've been different but you didn't take my advice." He shrugged. "Now I don't know what to tell you. You just gotta deal with it and move on."

"That's all you got to say? What about all them times I helped you and Nicole?"

"What the fuck else you want me to say?" He bucked his eyes. "I've said all I know to say nigga, damn! You ask me for help everyday, I tell you what I can and that's all I can do." He bit into his burger. "You talking like you want me to put y'all back together. I ain't God."

"You think we gone get back together?"

"Ion know but I didn't come here to talk about you and Korea the whole time. What's up with this money?"


"Hey" Korea opened the door. "Cali bring your stuff in here!"

I closed it behind me. "You look nice, what time you gotta be to the airport?"

"Thanks and seven." She moved around the kitchen making sure she had everything in Cari's diaper bag. "How was your day?"

"Shitty" I answered honestly.

"Sorry to hear that."

"Hey daddy, long time no see!" Cali hugged me. "I missed you."

"I missed you too baby." I took her bags and backpack from her. "How was school today?"

"Good, I'm thinking about entering into the third grade spelling bee." She smiled.

"You should."

"Cali go get Cari for me." Korea told her.

"Ok Mommy!" She ran off leaving us by ourselves again.

"How long you gone be gone?" I asked even though she already told me until Thursday. I just wanted to keep talking to her.

"Two days"

"Can I ask you something?"

"You already been doing that but sure." She got some of Cari's pre-made bottles out of the refrigerator.

"Why you so nice to me?"

She giggled, glancing up at me. "What? Why wouldn't I be?"

"Cut the bullshit Korea, I know you mad at me." I held my hands out at my sides. "You torturing me with this nice act."

She laughed "First of all, I'm not mad at you; not even a little bit. Second, it's not an act. We have to raise two young women together, why be hostile towards one another?"

"I cheated on you Korea." I watched her as the words came out of my mouth, trying to notice any change in her body language but I got nothing.

"I'm aware"

"And you not raising hell, why? Had it been the other way around I would've killed you."

"Julio I have no hatred in my heart towards you. I wish you the best and I consider you a close friend of mine." She smiled. "You want me to be angry with you so bad because that's what you're use to but I'm not angry at all."

"Swear to God."

She looked me in the eye "I swear." She then walked into her room leaving me there feeling dumb and crazy. I still felt like she was mad at me, she just wasn't showing it.

"What you want to eat?" I picked Cali up so she could see in the freezer. "We got hot pockets, fish sticks, pizza, hot dogs, and some chicken Alfredo but I think that's freezer burnt."

She smacked her lips "Daddy these all snacks! You didn't go grocery shopping? You knew me and Cari had to come to your house while Mommy gone."

"No lil girl I didn't go no damn grocery shopping, pick one."

"I don't want none of that stuff." She turned her face up. "Can we order something or go get something?"

I put her down "Something like what? I ain't driving all the way to Chic-Fil-A, Cali."

"Can we go to Granny house and see what she cooked?"

I wasn't really trying to drive way over there either, plus I didn't wanna see bitch ass Lenard.

"Go put your shoes on man."

"Come on fat mama." I picked Cari up out of her swing, kissing her cheeks. She was the splitting image of Cali, who was the splitting image of me. I put her in her car seat as Cali came out of her room with some pink Uggs on. It wasn't freezing cold out today but it was windy.

"Aw look Daddy, everybody else already here." Cali told me from the backseat as I pulled in my mama driveway.

Nicole's G-wagon was in the driveway along with Leslie's Beamer.

"I see that, trading mothafuckas." I put my car in park.

"Don't crawl to me, you a trader too Troi Troi." I told her as she touched my shoe. I took Cari out of her car seat and picked them both up. "Say hey to your friend Cari." Troi started talking to her in baby talk before she started laughing out of nowhere.

"So nobody thought to tell me y'all were having a family dinner?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen where they were. I kissed my mama's cheek. "Y'all foul"

"Ain't nobody having no family dinner, they stopped by to visit like you never do." My mama hit at me with a towel before taking Cari from me.

"I'm a busy man."

"Never too busy to stop by and see your mama son." Lenard pressed his lips together, putting his hat on.

"Nigga don't call me that and mind your old ass business, nobody asked you!" I mugged him.

"Julio!" My mama shouted. "I've told you-"

"Aw let him be Yolanda, he'll come around eventually." He cut her off rubbing her arm. He kissed her. "All you needed from the store were apples for the pie?"


I tuned them out, going into the dining room where Nicole, Maurice, and Leslie were. "Who pissed you off?" Maurice laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Who else"

"Leave that man alone bro, he cool people." Leslie dapped me up.

"I ain't gone tell y'all again that people ain't who they portray to be." I hugged Maurice and Nicole, handing Troi to her mama.

"Lil girl ain't nobody bout to be standing up with you all day." Nicole held her in her lap as she began to cry since I put her down.

"Where my lil dude?" I asked referring to Taejin.

"He went with Ms. Karen and Mia. Tae's at home sleep cause I know you gone ask where he at."

I actually wasn't and he actually wasn't at home, or sleep. He went out to get a head start on the job we had took on. All we had to do was burn down a street of houses and kill a family of somebody's for debt they owed. Tae was handling the houses tonight and were going to take out the family together this Friday once Korea got back into town. We were making fifty thousand a piece from it. If jobs weren't at least forty thousand a piece and up, we weren't doing it.

"Oh ok" I sat down beside her. She stood Troi up kissing all over her face.

After we ate I stayed and talked to my mama a little bit before going home; it was getting late and Cali had school tomorrow.

Tae- Handled 8:49 p.m.

Me- 👌🏾... Nicole was still at my mama house when I left so you might wanna hurry and get home so you can still be "sleep" when she gets there. 8:50 p.m.

Tae- Lol bet 8:50 p.m.

"Daddy, Mommy helped me with my homework before you got to our house."

"Alright well go get in the tub. You can FaceTime her before you go to bed."

I ran Cari's bath water in my bathroom and put her baby tub in the tub after I checked to make sure the temperature was right. I put some lavender Johnson and Johnson's baby body wash in the water before putting her in it. She sucked away on her pacifier as I washed her up and talked to her. I was nervous to wash her hair but I knew Korea liked to wash it every night so I did it anyway. "Now you all clean and ready for bed ma." I wrapped a towel around her.

I heard my phone ringing from the living room. "Daddy that's Mommy! Can I answer your phone?"

"Yeah go ahead."

I heard Korea's voice making me get in feelings a lil bit. I sat Cari in her swing before going back into my room. "Let me know when you get off the phone Cali!"


I guess I had fell asleep before she did because when I woke up it was hours later. I panicked a little bit but calmed down once I spotted Cari in her bassinet beside me and my phone charging on my other side.

I smirked "My baby knew exactly what to do." I got up and went to check on her. Her nightlight shined on her as she slept peacefully.

Cari was a hard sleeper and she slept through the night so I didn't have to worry about her waking up while I took a quick shower. Once I got out it was almost time to get Cali up for school. I made her a bacon, sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich and put it in the microwave. Korea either made her breakfast or stopped and got her something every morning before dropping her off. I didn't have the patience to sit in a drive thru line so I just cooked her something. I was nowhere near a chef but I could make a lil breakfast every now and then.

"Come on Cali, wake up baby." I turned on her room light.

"I don't wanna go to school." She groaned flipping over.

"Too bad, get up and get dressed before you be late." I left out as I heard Cari's cries. I quickly warmed her up a bottle and gave it to her as I went to check on Cali.

"Daddy you gotta iron my uniform shirt." She held it up to show me. "It's wrinkled, see?"

"Yeah I see but I don't have a iron."

I took all my shit to the cleaners so there was no need for me to have one.

"So I'm suppose to wear a wrinkled shirt?" She put her hands on her lips. "Mommy don't like when I go to school looking a mess."

"Well your mama ain't here, give me the damn shirt." I snatched it from her and went to throw it in the dryer as I held and fed Cari with one arm.


I sighed "What now Cali?"

"You gotta do my hair!"

When I walked back into her room she was holding a brush and some grease shit in her hands. "You got braids, the fuck you mean I gotta do your hair?"

"My edges daddy!" She pointed at them. "You have to lay them down."

"You don't know how to do that yourself?"

"No!" She stood in front of me and held Cari while I attempted to do whatever she wanted done. "You don't have to use a lot of edge control, just a little bit will do."

"I'll be back" I went and got my phone so I could go off a picture. It took me bout ten minutes to lay a few pieces of hair but I think I did alright for my first time. "They look good?" I questioned as she looked in the mirror.

"I don't wanna hurt your feelings." She laughed.

"Whatever hater, lay Cari down." I ran to get her shirt.

Once we finally were out the house I was dog tired. I still had to drop them both off and go to the grocery store since Cali shamed me about not having anything for her to eat. "Daddy I forgot my backpack at your house." She mumbled, scared I was gonna yell at her. I was literally down the road from her school.

I just busted a U-Turn and sped all the way home and back. "I need lunch money." She told me as I slammed my brakes in front of her school.

I took out my wallet and handed her a hundred, puckering my lips. "I love you, have a good day at school. Wish Mia good luck on her science test for me."

"Ok, bye Cari." She kissed her sister. "Love you daddy, bye!" She hurried out of the car, slamming the door. I watched her run into the building before I pulled off. Halfway to the church daycare I had to pull over and change Cari. Lil mama was smelling so bad the both of us would've died from poison if I hadn't.

"Hello Julio, how are you this morning?" First Lady spoke as I carried Cari inside. She was over the church daycare along with some of the other members.

I took her diaper bag off my shoulder. "Been a tough morning." I chuckled.

"Will you be at Church this Sunday?"

"I'll try my best." I took Cari to the playmate all the kids were sitting on and handed her to one of the teen workers that was reaching for her.

I looked down as I felt somebody little hand on my leg. "Uncle Ju" Taejin grinned up at me, showing his gums where his front two teeth fell out. He was turning two in less than six months but in my eyes he was every bit three or four. He acted much older than his age and he was advanced, bad ass was already losing teeth.

"What up lil dude." I dapped him up. "Where your sister?"

He pointed towards the kitchen, her lil fat ass was sitting in a high chair as they feed her oatmeal. I laughed "Of course, fat ass baby."

"Me go with you?" He asked.

"No sir buddy, I got things to do." I shook his head lightly. "I'll see you later."

"You pick me and Troi Troi up?"

"No, your mama or your daddy gone pick y'all up."

He nodded "Cool"

I laughed loudly "What you know about some cool lil nigga?" He walked with me back to the front. "Bye, be good lil boy." I bent down and stuck my fist out to him as he continued smiling.

His ass stayed getting bad reports sent home, nigga was definitely bad as fuck. Nicole and Tae would whoop his ass but he wasn't phased by that shit; he would come back the next day and do the same exact thing. He was Tae in the flesh.

"Ok, I be good." He pounded my fist.

"You better be."

Once I left I went grocery shopping and then home to take a nap before getting day started. I had a few meetings with a couple interested clients and I had a quick job to do by myself. Tae and I did handle most things together but we also did solo jobs. I did more than him since he had multiple sources of income, including his first house he was still renting out.

"Look here nigga, I don't do anything for less than forty thousand." I ate some cookies as I sat in a meeting with a potential client.

"All I'm asking you to do is shoot up a car and you want forty thousand for that?"

I laughed "It's none negotiable, you want the best and I'm the best. At least forty or I ain't doing the shit, simple." I swallowed. "And I'm throwing in a free cleaning service for you. That shit coming out of the money you giving me. My people will make sure can't shit be traced back."

He rubbed his chin thinking about it. "Alright man, can you get it done by tomorrow?"

"Nope, I'm busy today and tomorrow." I was referring busy to having my kids.

"What about this weekend?"

"I can schedule you in for Friday at two a.m." I got my phone out to set an reminder. I would be doing a job with Tae at midnight so I'd be out and about anyway. "Make sure you keep an eye on the car and the passengers, you need to send me their exact location at two because if I can't find them I'm not doing the shit and you won't get your money back."

I didn't have to pick up Cali and Mia today and Nicole texted me and told me she would get Cari for me so I went home to try and cook. I YouTubed a video on how to make chicken pot pie from scratch since that was one of Cali's favorites; it was cold outside anyway so I felt like that was a good winter meal.

"Fuck!" I yelled as I burnt my finger on the damn pot. I ran it under some cold water before checking on the chicken and vegetable mixture, for some reason it didn't look like the video I was watching.

I ran to the door as I heard knocks. "Thank you sis." I told Nicole as I grabbed Cari from her. She was struggling with both car seats.

"You're welcome, go sit down Taejin!" She fussed at him as he slowly walked into the house. She had a mad look on her face.

"Let me guess, he got in trouble?"

"You know it." She mugged him as he climbed up on the couch. She bent over taking Troi's blanket off her face as she slept. "He punched some little boy in the back today because he wouldn't stop crying."

I bust out laughing causing her to mug me too. I held my hand up. "My bad, that shit funny though." I hunched over laughing. "This man really bad as hell." I went around the couch and sat beside him. "Didn't I tell you to be good today?"

"Yes sir" He mumbled.

"So why you punch that lil boy?"

He stuck his bottom lip out. "Him- Him not stop crying like a baby."

I laughed again as Nicole smacked her lips. "Julio don't laugh at him, that's encouraging that behavior!"

"I apologize sis, it's just that this man really funny." I looked over at him. "You gotta learn to be good my mans. You can't go to school everyday and get in trouble, teachers won't like you because of that."

"That's alright, you ain't gotta tell him nothing because as soon as we get home I'm telling Tae."

He immediately started crying and whining. "No Mommy! No- no tell Daddyyyy!" He rubbed his eyes as his face turned red. "No tell Daddy!"

"Look who crying like a baby now." She meddled him.

His ass was full out bawling. He knew Tae didn't play with him yet he still behaved the way he did.

"Mommy no tell d-d-daddy!" He begged her.

Her phone started ringing and I felt bad for my lil dude cause I already knew it was nobody but Tae. Once she told him he had Taejin crying hard just from his tone and the words he was saying.

"You wrong" I shook my head once they got off the phone. He was now in my arms. He had cried so hard he had no choice but to take a nap to prepare himself for the whooping he was gone get when he got home.

She waved me off "We have got to break him out of this little bad ass phase he going through."

"It ain't no phase sis, this is Taelor Hills son." I rubbed his back. "It's in his genes."

"Whatever, um I think your food burning cause it sure smells like it."

I sniffed the air "Damn, can you check it for me?"

She got up and went into the kitchen. I heard her laugh loudly "Julio what the hell is this suppose to be?"

"Pot pie filling"

"This ain't no damn pot pie filling! You don't have any liquids in here, all you did was throw the chicken and vegetables in the pot."

"I thought they make their own liquid." I furrowed my eyebrows honestly confused.

"Nooo Julio! I'll make it for you before I go home."

"Thanks sis." I felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulder.

"Alright now all you gotta do is put the pie in oven for twenty minutes on 350. I already set it up for you, literally all you have to do is cook it." She instructed as she got ready to go.

I carried Taejin to the car for her. "Alright I got it. What you cooking today?"

"I put a pot roast in my crockpot this morning so that and I'll probably make some rice on the side or something."

"Save me a bowl."

She laughed "Ok"

I laid in the bed with my kids as I looked at videos of their mama. She had posted on her Instagram story, showing videos of herself from her photo shoot.

I had to have been the biggest dumb ass in the world. I talked to her earlier when she called for the kids but I needed to hear her voice now. Of course she didn't answer being that it was late and she probably was sleep.

I sighed deciding to continue stalking her page. I even went as far to look at Maurice, Nicole, and Mila's stories to see if they had posted anything about her. Nicole had posted screenshots of her pictures complimenting and congratulating her.

I prayed to God and asked that he'd give her back to me. I asked him to forgive my wrongdoings and to grant me my peace of mind, I needed it more than anything.



I made sure my blazer looked ok as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Today was my first business talk/meet and greet. My brand was starting to become more popular than just in Illinois and I had supports everywhere wanting to know how I started my business up, so I had been working on doing a seminar talk and today was the day. It was just going to be something small in downtown Chicago but it was a start and I had a lot of women coming.

I walked out of the restroom into the lobby and Tae was sitting down waiting for me. "You nervous?"

"A little bit." I admitted. Of course he was supporting me along with everybody else.

"You'll do great bae, I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks daddy" I kissed him.

When I walked in I was stunned by the amount of women that actually showed up. I smiled and waved at everybody as I got on stage to talk and answer questions. "Thank you all for coming." I grinned from ear to ear. "I knew a lot of people rsvp'd but dannggggg!" I spoke into the mic earning a few laughs. I hopped my short ass up on the stool that was provided for me. I don't know who's idea it was to get me a stool instead of a chair, my feet were way up off the ground.

"Questions?" I asked as practically everybody raised their hands.

I pointed at a young black lady first. She looked like she was a college student who came to soak up whatever she could. She had her notepad, pen, and recorder. "How did you know entrepreneurship was for you?"

I smiled a little, thinking back. "Honestly I didn't." I told her. "The thing that nobody knows besides my family is that I only got my degree because I genuinely love school; I didn't plan to actually use it. When I picked my major I just picked business because it was the first one that stuck out to me. I never imagined I'd be where I am today with it."

I pointed at somebody else to ask me a question. "Did you start your spa from the ground up?"

"Yes. I actually was going through a rough patch in my life and my best friend, Korea, basically told me I needed to do something with my life besides depend on others to take care of me. Before that my fiancé, Taelor, and I had talked about it but I never really took it serious." I spoke. "One day Korea and I went to look and buildings and it grew from there. My fiancé actually surprised me with the completion of it on Christmas." I smiled as I heard some awes from the crowd.

"Do you plan to expand Parker Spa?"

I nodded "That's a goal of mine, but I'm in no rush." My eyes drifted to my family as they all had their phones out taking pictures and recording.

"When are you launching a new skincare line?"

"I'm actually working on that right now. I'm trying to decided what scents I want to use for each facial scrub and toner."

"You said you didn't plan to actually use your degree, what were you doing before you started your spa?"

"If you're asking if I had a job, no I didn't. I've been spoiled my whole life. I've just recently found my independence as a individual."

"Who would you say out of your family has contributed to your success the most?"

"Ummm, I can't really say one person has contributed the most because they all play a really big part in my life and my success." I answered truthfully.

"This isn't business related but you're kids are so cute."

"Thank you" I smiled.

"Anymore babies in the future?"

"No time soon I can tell you that."

"Any advice to young women who are trying to open up their own business?"

"The best advice I can give is to just go for it and don't make excuses for yourself. Be willing to put in the long hours and money to make your dreams come true, you never know what can happen."

After I answered multiple questions, I took pictures and answered more personal questions that people didn't want to ask out loud.

"I'm so proud of you! My little spoiled brat has come a long way." Ms. Karen hugged me. "I know your daddy and brother are proud too."

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you too my baby."

Once my event was over we all went out to dinner to celebrate.

"You getting full off bread and the food ain't even came out yet." I watched Mila chow down on her third roll.

"Bitch I'm hungry now, they taking too long." She told me making me shake my head. We had just ordered our food. She fed Troi a small piece of it since she was damn near out my lap trying to get to it. Taejin was on my other side occupied with his IPad.

Duke hadn't came back into to town yet and honestly everybody stopped caring, he'd show up when he showed up. Mila still was drinking like crazy and doing things to occupy her mind.

"Nicole your spa open tomorrow? Because Maurice need to go get something done to them rough ass heels!" Julio shouted out making Tae and Leslie erupt with laughter.

"Nigga I accidentally hit your leg with my foot and you couldn't even feel my heels! I got on boots you stupid fool."

"Nah that was straight foot, no need to lie!"

"Julio don't make me get on your ass. I been sparing you." She pointed at him.

"Sparing me? Say what you gotta say Bigfoot."

She squinted her eyes at him. "Keep on"

We all were laughing and giggling except for Ms. Karen, Ms. Yolanda, and Mr. Lenard; they were at the other end of the table taking amongst themselves. Cali and Mia were down there with them too.

"Korea get your man!" Mila laughed.

Everybody else immediately stopped and put our heads down. Korea acted like she didn't hear her but she got quiet too.

"Oops, I forgot." Mila whispered to me. I quickly glanced at Julio who was now in his feelings as he held Cari as she slept.

"Sooooo I've been thinking about all of us doing something fun." I changed the subject. "Camping!" I smiled. "Y'all in?"

"Fuck no" Everybody said at the same time before they laughed. "That shit extremely dead sis, camping? Issa no for me." Leslie sipped her wine.

"Yeah count me out too." Korea said from the end of the table. "I don't do the bugs."

"Same" Maurice spoke.

Mila poured herself another glass of whatever she was drinking. "Nicole you know I'll go.... I don't have anything else to do anyways." She mumbled the last part. She hadn't found another job yet and she wasn't looking. I offered her a job at my spa but she said she didn't want any handouts; right now she was living off her savings and the money Duke left in their house.


"It's too cold to go camping bae, maybe in the summer."

I smacked my lips "This is the perfect time of year to go. All the animals are in hibernation."

"You got a point."

"Come on y'all, let's go camping!" I looked from face to face. "Get out of y'alls comfort zones."

Maurice looked me in the eye. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Nicole? Are you high or something?"

"I just wanna experience new things, that's all."

"What are y'all talking about down there?" Ms. Karen asked as she poked her head out a little.

"I'm trying to convince these bougie people to go camping."

"That sounds fun but y'all not taking my grand babies no damn camping." She sipped her strawberry lemonade. "So let me know what days I need to put in so I can be off."

"Ain't nobody going but Nicole and Mila." Julio told her. "No need to put in days Mama."

I waved him off "If we go then y'all going too."

I stood outside the car as I waited for Julio and Tae to finish talking. I had already put the kids in and turned the heat on, I just was being nosey. My gut told me they were up to no good tonight, I just knew it. It was Friday and they had something up their sleeves.

Tae nodded his head as Julio showed him something on his phone. Once I seen Tae start walking towards the car I quickly got in so he wouldn't realize I had been watching them. I turned my brightness down on my phone and sent a message in the girls and I groupchat.

Me- Y'all down to go on an adventure with me tonight? 👀 10:12 p.m.

Maurice🍭✨- Bitch I'm tired.... Where? 10:12 p.m.

Korea👭💕- Where we going? 10:13 p.m.

Me- I don't know but Tae and Julio up to no good and I wanna know where they going. 10:13 p.m.

Me- If I know Tae like I know I do, I know he'll tell me some bullshit ass lie. Ima tell him the kids and I are gonna stay at Ms. Karen's, that way I can leave and follow him. 10:16 p.m.

Korea👭💕- Lmfaoo! Is it really that deep Nicole? 10:16 p.m.

Mila🤞🏾- I'm down! Where we suppose to meet up at? 10:16 p.m.

Maurice🍭✨- 😂😂 Right Korea! It's not that deep at all. Let them people be and go to sleep IN YOUR OWN HOUSE sis! 10:18 p.m.

Me- Thank you Mila, you my only real friend! Meet me at Ms. Karen house at twelve if y'all coming! 😘 10:20 p.m.

"What you over there plucking all hard on your phone for?" Tae asked as he stared straight ahead at the road.

"No reason really." I liked Mila's thumbs up text. "I was replying to some post from my seminar."

"Oh ok" He sighed. "Ima change and leave out once we get home. I gotta help Julio out with some shit."

He didn't lie...

"Shit like what?"

"You already know." He glanced at me.

"How long that's gone take?" I asked so I could estimate how long we should be out following them.

"Not long at all, maybe an hour or two."

"Well me and the kids will stay at Ms. Karen's for the night. I don't wanna be at home by myself."

He looked at me funny. "I just said ima only be gone a couple hours tops."

"I know but still." I turned the music up so he couldn't question me.

I hurried to share his location with me while he was changing. When he came out I was standing in the corner awkwardly, messing with the window curtains. He laughed "What you doing?"

"I never noticed these curtains were this dark of a blue." I could've slapped myself for saying something so dumb.

He looked at me funny again. "Oookkkk"

"You bout to go right now?" I asked, observing his outfit. He had on some black cargo pants, a black hoodie with a black denim jacket over it, some black steel toe boots, and a black hat.

He threw his hood over his head "Yeah" He came around the bed and kissed me, holding me at my waist. "I love you. You sure you staying at my mama house for the night?"


"Alright well Ima come over there after we finish."


"Ok" I held my hands behind my back, going back and forth from my tippy toes to my heels.

He stared at me intently as I gave him a creepy ass smile. "Man what is wrong with you? You good? You drank too much of that wine?"

"Taelor I'm fine."

"You sure? You acting strange as hell."

"I'm sure" He didn't look like he believed me so I pecked his lips multiple times. "Now go before you're late." I pushed him out the room.

He grabbed his phone. "I'll see you later."

"Ok love you, bye!" I shut the front door behind him before locking it.

It was damn near twelve once I finished getting dressed and bathing my kids. I just put them both in pajamas since they were already asleep for the night and they were only going to Ms. Karen's and getting in the bed. I called her on the way to let her know we were coming. When I pulled up she opened the door and got the kids out for me. Mila and Korea were already here so I pulled into the garage and hopped into Ms. Karen's car.

I didn't want to be spying in my car out of fear of getting caught. I was the only person in Chicago with a bright red G-Wagon but Ms. Karen's car was twins with many others.

"This gone be so fun!" Mila ran to the car and climbed in the front seat.

"I can't believe you got us doing this." Maurice got in the backseat with Korea. "I am a little excited though."

"I can't tell." I looked in the rear view mirror at her as I backed out.

They all had on black as well, I had went all out though. I had on a cute ass black Chanel jogging suit with a rhinestone black headband, shiny black uggs, and my black and white Chanel shades Korea bought me.

"We gotta stop and get snacks." I pulled into the gas station that wasn't too far from Ms. Karen's.

"Don't you think this risky? What if they happen to pull up?" Korea got out.

"Then we hide in the restroom or something." I made sure I locked the car. "I need chips, candy, a soda, and some cookies."

"Where y'all goofballs going dressed like this?"  Just as I opened the door, Tae and Julio's friend Marcus was walking out with two styrofoam cups in his hand along with a couple sprites.

We all hugged him "Hey Marcus!" Mila jumped on him. They used to talk back in the day but she think nobody knows.

He smirked at her "What up Mi Mi." He licked his lips.

Oh they had nicknames for each other and everything....

"Where y'all going this time of night? Dressed in all black like y'all bout to shut some shit down."

The three of them looked at me like I was suppose to have a answer. "To jump somebody." I blurted out the first thing that came to my mind.

Maurice looked at me like really bitch....

He bucked his eyes "Well let me mind my business, I wish y'all luck with that." He laughed a little.

"Yeah we just came here to buy some snacks. You tryna buy or what?" Mila folded her arms across her chest.

He smiled "I got y'all." He motioned for us to follow him back into the store. "Get whatever y'all want."

We all went in different directions. I stuck with what I said I wanted, Korea got a water and some fruit, Maurice had a grapefruit juice, candy, some chicken tenders, and a cinnamon roll. Mila got three wine coolers, fruit salad, powered donuts, some swishers, and a pack of gum.

"Thank you Marcus." I grabbed my bag off the counter.

"No problem lil Nicole, tell Tae I said what up."

"I will" I lied, I wasn't even suppose to be out.

"And Maurice tell Leslie to make me a pan of that shrimp and sausage pasta. Ima pay her." He walked ahead of us out the store.

"Ok" She held the door for me and Korea.

He hugged each one of us again before telling Mila to text him. Her and Maurice raced to the car. "Hoe mooovveee! You know I was sitting in the front!" Mila tried to push her out the way with her hip.

"Why you always act like you just gotta sit in the front seat?"

"Because I do!"

"Neither one of y'all can get in until I unlock the doors anyway." I took my time walking to the car.

"Be quiet Ms. We finna go jump somebody."

We all laughed "Well that's the only thing I could come up with since y'all put me on the spot." I put my snacks in my lap.

"Ok so I shared Tae's location with myself." I went to our messages and tried to find where he was. "From this map it says he's on Garfield."

"Oh no ma'am! We staking out on Garfield road? The prostitutes be out at this time of night." Korea smacked on her fruit.

"So what?" Mila put the visor done, looking at herself.

Maurice and Korea laughed. "This bitch feeling herself since she seen Marcus or whatever." Maurice touched her shoulder. "Awww, that brought back old memories sis?"

I bust out laughing "Right!"

She flipped us off "Actually it didn't because there are no old memories." She opened one of her wine coolers. "Don't y'all got lives to tend to anyway?"

"Whatever Mila, you know you and that man had something going on." I told her as I drove further into the city.

"The question is how you gone talk to two friends?"

"Correction" She held up her finger. "Marcus and Duke were not friends before this year and I knew Marcus way before I knew Duke."

"So you're admitting you and Marcus had something?" Korea asked from the backseat. "Sounds like it to me."

"I didn't say that."

"You gone text him?"

"Yeah I will in the morning." She cleared her throat.

"If he ask you out are you gonna accept?"

She shrugged "I'm just out here living my best life."

Once we turned onto Garfield we all went silent. Garfield was scary during the day time so you only could imagine it at night. It didn't help that we were in a nice car that attracted weirdos, prostitutes, and robbers. I wasn't stopping at any red lights or stop signs, there was no way I was taking any chances. I turned the headlights off as we pulled up on the corner where Tae's car was parked. Of course I wasn't parking close to it but I wanted to park close enough so we could see everything.

"Y'all duck down cause I see them sitting in it." They did as I said as I slowly passed by. They both glanced over but they couldn't see inside and didn't think anything of it since there were a lot of navy blue BMW's in Chicago. I made a u-turn and parked four houses down from them.

"What were they doing?" Maurice whispered like they could hear her.

"I don't know but it looked like they were just talking." I watched Tae's car.

We sat and talked while eating our snacks for a good hour before they finally got out. They both had guns that I didn't know the name of in their hands. Julio started off to their destination but Tae stared back at Ms. Karen's car for what felt like forever.

"What the hell he looking at?" Mila hit my arm hard, scared.

My heart started beating fast. "He feels something, shit."

"Nicole I told you it wasn't that deep!" Maurice yelled.

Julio motioned for him to come on but he told him something making Julio look back at the car too. They started walking towards it making me get scared. "They coming, get down as far as y'all can!"

I got down as far as I could without sitting on the brakes or gas. My eyes spotted the sticker Ms. Karen had on her back window for Mia's school.

"Korea you gotta get out and rip that ugly ass sticker off the window." I said quickly.

"Why I gotta do it?"

"Because if Maurice do it they'll see her. Please just do it." I lifted up a little seeing they were still a good ways down the street.

She opened the door lightly and got out. It took her what felt like forever but she got it off and got back in, barely closing the door.

"Bitch shut the door all the way so the light will go off!" Maurice whispered loudly.

She did and got down.

It was only thirty seconds before I heard Tae and Julio's voices directly outside the car. "Nigga you sure this your mama whip?" Julio asked him.

"It gotta be." I seen Tae walk around the car. "It don't got Mia honor roll sticker on it though."

"Alright then so it can't be it. What would Mama Karen be doing on Garfield anyway? And it's late." Julio looked in the window on my side. "Ain't nobody in this bitch anyway."

I looked over at Mila who stuck her tongue out dancing a little. I covered my mouth. "You right, let's go get this shit done. I'm tripping." They walked off.

"Somebody look to make sure they gone." Korea spoke after we had been down two more minutes.

I did and they both were looking in my window, making me jump. Tae pulled on the door handle "Open the fucking door Nicole, fuck you doing out here?"

"How'd you know?" Was all I could ask.

"Cause I ain't no fool, open the door!"

"No!" I yelled at him. My friends were still on the floor like three idiots. "Y'all get up, I know y'all hear that we caught!"

"Either you open the door of ima shoot this mothafucka off." He warned me.

I talked big shit until he cocked his gun. I opened the door and he immediately yanked my ass out, pulling me out. "Man what the fuck you doing out here and why you got on all this black?"

"Don't worry bout it!" I shifted my weight. "Why you got this gun? Who life you trying to take tonight?"

"Don't worry bout it." He gave me my words back. "You really think you be on some genius shit, ima get you every time Nicole."

"Fuck you!"

He chuckled "Why you mad? Cause you got caught?" He smirked. "Nice try though, go home love."

"Don't dismiss me! If I leave your dumb self you gone be looking stupid!"

"I ain't bout to argue with you. If you really wanted to know where I was going you could've asked for details; not lie to me about staying at my mama's, drag your friends out on this dummy mission, and do all this extra bullshit for nothing." He referred to my outfit. "You might've gotten away with it had you not driven by my car."

I rolled my eyes "Goodbye."

He grabbed my arm "Go get my kids and go home Nicole, I'll be there in a couple hours like I told you. Be naked for me when I get there."


"You heard me."

"Come on Tae before we fuck everything up!" Julio yelled at him.

He looked me over one more time before walking out of my face. "Tae!"

He walked backwards, looking back at me. I held a annoyed expression on my face. "You're forgetting something."

"Hold up Ju." He jogged back to me. "My bad." He kissed me and told me he loved me. "Go straight home foreal Nicole and let me know when you get out of this fucked up part of the city."

"I love you too." I ignored the rest of what he said since I was still irritated that he caught me.

I picked up my kids and went home. I took a shower, when I got out Tae was sitting on the side of the bed taking off his shoes. He shook his head at me. "You something else girl."

I went on my side of the bed and got under the covers, turning off the lamp.

I felt his presence behind me once he got out of the shower. He got on top of me. "You be that worried about me?"

"Leave me alone Taelor." I fought back the urge to moan as he kissed along my neck and face. He wrapped my legs around him.

"Leave you alone, why?"

"Because I said so."

"How you mad at me cause you got caught?"

"I'm not mad at anybody."

"Mhm" He entered me. "Is that right?"

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