Modern Gunderkeen AU

By InsaneMNFanGirl

2.2K 82 40

Title says it all. If you enjoy this book I recommend my Gunderkeen oneshots. I do not own any of these chara... More

Mallory's New Life
Settled (these chapter titles suck, but whatever)
Normal Work Days
Friday Night
Mallory's Lost It
Her Past is Reviled
Enter Magnus with Blitzson and Hearthstone
Halfbon is Not too Happy about Many Things
The Only Thing I have to say about This Chapter is: Finally!
Again Just: Finally
And The Morning After
First Date with the Right Person
Friday Nights with Alex Fierro
Secrets are Revield as They Sit in a Circle on the Floor

First Date with the Wrong Person

119 5 8
By InsaneMNFanGirl

Mallory's POV:
         It had been two weeks since Magnus moved in. Blitz had stopped by every evening to the department store since then.
        I would help him pick out items or we would just talk when the store was empty.
        I really liked Blitz, he was handsome. He dressed well, not to mention he as such a gentleman. It was a nice change from Halfborn and TJ's teasing. Don't get me wrong I love my friendly relationship with my hall-mates but Blitz was a nice change.
        One night Piper had gone to a family reunion in Oklahoma. This left just me to the shift. Blitz was currently helping me fold cloths and clean up after store hours.
         "Hey," I say before I loose my courage. "Do you want to go out Friday? Like a date?" I ask, keeping my eyes on the pants I was folding.
        I hand stops mine, I look up at Blitz. "I would love to." He says smiling at me.
        We finished folding the cloths and then he walked me out. I locked the door behind us tightly.
        "I'll pick you up at six then?" Blitz says, I nod, smiling like an idiot.
       "See you then." I say and walk towards Valhalla.
———————-timeskip to Friday
      Friday came quickly, thankfully. I dressed in a denim skirt and a long sleeved, wine colored shirt. I straightened my hair and applied a bit of mascara and lipstick.
         I slipped on my new sandals,  grabbed my purse and headed out he door.
       Halfborn, TJ, and Magnus stood in the hallway. I had completely forgotten Friday nights with my hall-mates!
      "Gee, Mack you cleaned up." TJ says, noticing me.
"Actually I have a date." I say, ignoring the look of surprises and making my way to the elevator.
        "I'll see you idiots later." I say as the elevator doors close.
       Blitz was waiting for me in the lobby.
"You look stunning." I blush at his complement.
       "You cleaned up pretty well yourself." I say, noticing his grey dress pants and white dress shirt. His sleeves were neatly rolled to his elbows.
       "Where are we going?" I ask, taking his arm.
       "There's a swing dance down town."
     "Fun." I say, looking forward to it.
    We make comfortable small talk on the way there.
      Jazz music could be heard from our destination.
      Blitz took my purse and see set it in a booth.
       I hadn't swing danced for a very long time. Thankfully my feet remembered the steps fairly well. Blitz was an amazing dancer. He swung me around for hours to the music.
      Afterwards we ordered nachos
and sodas. Even though Blitz was three years older then me and could legally drink. I was glad he didn't, my nose couldn' take the smell of alcohol after what had happened last time.
        When the club began to clear out, Blitz paid and walked me home.
"Thanks for tonight Blitz." I say, smiling.
        "I had a lot of fun. We should do this again." He says, hands in his pockets.
        I kiss his cheek, "I'd like that." After that I walk into Valhalla, a stupid smile in my face.
         I unlocked my door, someone clearing their throat startled me.
     Turning around, TJ was there in his pajamas, arms crossed.
        "What the heck Mal?" He hisses at me, not wanting to wake anyone.
        "What?" I ask, what is he talking about?
"You went on a date?"
"Am I not allowed too do that, Dad?"
"You know what I mean. What about Halfborn?"
"Why did you want me with him so much. He doesn't like me. He's rude and dumb. Blitz is nice and I really like him." I snap.
       "Whatever Mack." TJ mutters, going back to his room. I roll my eyes and go to my room to wash up for bed.

Do any of you ship Mallitz? If you do why don't you move to Niflheim!"
This chapter was a bit painful as a loyal Gunderkeen shipper. Stay insane fellow fan-humans!

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