Under the Elms

Від voxofp

33.3K 1.8K 2.9K

Prince decides to try to rekindle a romance he dropped years before when it was inconvenient. Sofia Brown is... Більше

The cost of winning
Author's Note
Once Upon A Time
January 18th, 2008, 11 p.m.
First Date Reboot
Act II
The Beautiful Experience
The Beautiful Experience, Part II
Where were you?
The only woman
New Normal?
Trying again
Second Date
Snow Magic
Third Date
What am I gonna do?
Where are we going?
Prince Airways
The Sun, Moon and Stars
Captain Crunch
Candid Camera
Morning glory
Avoidance and Intimacy
Love in a Garden
All Eye Want Is You
Happy Endings
Time to fly
What do you Believe?
Surprises, Good and Bad
Catching Up
Reality Bites
Ready for inspection?
Tea Party
Cherish and deeply respect

Wait, what?

431 29 58
Від voxofp

I hope you enjoy this overdue chapter. Ghosts and lurkers, come out in the summer sun to comment and vote! Everyone's welcome to the party!

Man, that didn't go the way I planned. She was supposed to feel triumphant after telling Mrs. Watts she was finally marrying the man she'd always loved. Instead, she felt sorry for Mrs. Watts, obviously uncomfortable sharing decisions she had clearly been ordered to deliver. Decisions that probably did not include her input at all. It was obvious that Sheila was there to make sure the message was delivered the way the school board and Administration felt it should be. She mentally shook her head at the ridiculousness of it all. Guess they felt they needed to act, since someone was having a good time. Fun suckers.

'Where in the world are you going?'

A familiar, friendly voice. Just what Sofia craved after an embarrassing meeting.

Turning, she saw her friend Jennifer, arms outstretched for their usual morning hug. She walked right into it, enjoying the familiar comfort of a friend's positive energy. Typically, she was giving positive energy to Jennifer, who tended to sound depressed most of the time. Her own personal Eyore in the guise of a work friend.

'Nice tan, girl! That was you I saw on tv!' Jennifer ended the convivial moment with a big smile. Older than Jennifer by several years, she had chosen comfort over exercise and fashion several years prior. She had on her winter uniform of black pants and a solid lavender long sleeved t shirt, her 'painting apron' tied around her middle-aged spread. Obviously it was a watercolor day in Art. Her naturally curly blond hair surrounded her head like an unkempt halo.

'Yes, it was. I've got some news I'd like to share later. Can I give you a call after school?'

'Sure! I hope it's Prince news. Oh, I'm sorry,' she continued, realizing she'd been ignoring Kirk. 'Are you Sofia's new boyfriend? I think I saw you in the photos, too, didn't I? It was nice of Prince to include you in his tropical vacation.' The envy in her voice was palpable. Jennifer had heard it before, typically when a teacher who wasn't Jennifer received recognition at school. Things could, and often did, get unpleasant in private after that kind of announcement was made..

Sofia interrupted before Kirk had a chance to refute her assumption. 'I'll tell you all about it this afternoon,' she said with a wink and a smile.

'But, where are you going?' Jennifer looked puzzled. 'We're finally back at school!'

'I have some things I need to to take care of,' Sofia replied, intentionally vague. 'Mrs. Pryor is subbing; she always does a great job. I'll call this afternoon, I promise!'

'Okay, then. We'll talk soon,' Jennifer remarked, turning to a kindergarten student who was wrapping himself around her knees. 'Byron, you need to go finish your breakfast, honey.'

Sofia took that opportunity to hustle back to the door. Kirk poked his head out, then motioned Sofia toward him. 'The vultures have left. Let's get back to Paisley.'

Safely back in the now freezing cold car, Kirk caught Sofia's eye in the rear view mirror. 'What did she mean, Prince news?'

'Jennifer has been a fan of Prince forever. She has all the recordings, has attended multiple concerts. She has no idea of my history with Prince; she just knows I'm also a fan.'

'She seemed a little too excited about Prince to me. One of those scary fans who could cross the line. I'd be careful of that one, Sof. She sounded jealous that you got to go.'

'That's why I wanted to have that conversation on the phone. I need to call Auntie Vi, today, as well. Prince says the ceremony will be in two weeks. Time to get things rolling!'

Kirk snickered. Between his sister and his wife, he'd seen the kind of excessive planning some women did for weddings. I wonder how she'll handle the fact that everything is planned? Guess she's used to that. 'Don't forget to turn on your seat heater, Sofia.' He turned his attention to the road, as Sofia processed her time at school.

Who am I going to see? Happy, triumphant Sofia or upset Sofia? Hope it's the first one, Prince mused, rocking back in the desk chair of his simple, understated upstairs office. He was pleased with his efficient team; the only items left on the massive list were things only Sofia could do for Sofia; her dress, her veil, and her flowers. The rest was finished.

Only two more weeks, and we're husband and wife. What Jehovah has joined together-his thoughts were interrupted as he noticed the gate open at the entrance to Paisley, admitting the familiar black SUV. He was glad to see the gate close again. Kirk had called and clued him in to the situation Sofia had to endure. A couple of phone calls had taken care of that mess, with some nice fines for the reporters regarding harassing children on school property. Time to focus on the future.

Sofia entered, brave smile in place, but Prince could see the tension in her eyes. He hustled over, helping her out of her coat, giving her a soft, comforting kiss on her temple. 'Hello, beautiful!' He made sure his shining, confident eyes met hers, willing her to reflect that confidence in her still troubled eyes. 'Kirk said this morning was a little rough,' he remarked, pulling away, placing her coat on the other desk chair. 'How did it go once you met with Mrs. Watts?'

He led her over to the black sectional sofa by the upright piano and sat down with her, putting an arm around her shoulders. His fingers toyed with a stray curl after he shifted slightly so he could continue to feed love into her soul with his eyes as they talked.

'Not as I expected. The school district felt the media coverage we received resulted in too many negative phone calls, so I'm 'under investigation,'" she replied, her fingers creating air quotes for the final words of her sentence. 'HR sent someone there to make sure my principal relayed the message exactly as they desired. I did get a smile out of Mrs. Watts when I told her we were engaged. I'd like her to be at the wedding; she's always been a supporter to me.'

'That sounds fine. But the response from the board makes me mad. I could withdraw the grants in protest.' Prince looked thoughtful. Then the smirk occurred. 'They wouldn't mess with you after that!' His Jamie Starr voice took over.

She giggled. 'Please don't-those kids need what that money can do for them.' Prince saw the tension leave her shoulders and eyes. Mission accomplished.

'Fine. But just this once. Think of it as an early wedding present.' His tone stayed playful, but his eyes were serious. 'Now! Let's finalize this wedding! Have you chosen a dress?'

'No and I'm not going to without Auntie Vi. I need to call her right now, if that's okay.'

'Of course! Do you need me to leave?' He stood, leading her to the desk, seating her in his chair. One finger stroked her jawline, and she quickly turned her head, playfully catching it with her teeth. Letting it go, she demurred.

'No, stay. I want you to hear her. She's amazing! Let's put her on speaker.' He propped himself on the desk while she dialed the number.

The phone rang 3 times, then a weak sounding voice came from the speaker. 'Hello?'

'Auntie Vi? Are you okay? It's Sofia. Do I need to come help you?'

Strong laughter reached her ears, making Sofia smile. 'Aw, sweetie! How's my favorite niece?'

'Auntie Vi, what are you up to?' Sofia questioned through her giggles.

'The phone said unknown, so I thought it was some telemarketer. Giggin' 'em is one of my hobbies these days.' Auntie Vi chuckled. 'What are you doin' callin' me in the morning on a school day? Who is mindin' those little darlin's?'

'That's why I'm calling. Auntie Vi, first, I need to tell you we're on speaker. I have the best news to share with you! I'm engaged to be married.'

'Oh, baby girl, that's wonderful news! Tell me all about him. Is it a boy from your Kingdom Hall?'

'No, but he is a Witness.'

'Well, what's his name? Will I recognize it? Have you talked about him?'

'I have, but it's been years. Prince and I have more than mended fences. He's seated next to me right now, hearing your voice for the first time.'

'Oh, he is, is he? Then, Prince, I have two questions.'

'It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Viola. Fire Away.' Prince grinned at Sofia, while lifting her fingers to his lips for a silent kiss.

'First, what took you so long? That girl beside you came down to my house and laid in the bed for days, face to the wall, when you moved on to more accommodating pastures.' Sofia turned beet red and hid her face in her hands. 'Don't try to deny it, girl, I was there.'

As Sofia mouthed to Prince-How does she know?-he responded as humbly as he was able, which, frankly, wasn't much. He was too excited to finally be talking to Ms. Viola, as he referred to her in his head.

'Ms. Viola,'

'Call me Auntie Vi, since we're gonna be family.' Sofia watched Prince swallow convulsively at being interrupted.

'Okay, Auntie Vi. It's like this. For the last thirteen years, I've been an idiot and an ass. I finally came to my senses. Thankfully, Sofia is willing to give me another chance. I only have the rest of my life to make it up to her.'

'And me. Don't forget that.'

'Yes, ma'am! I promise.'

'Second question. When are you making an honest woman outta her? 'Cause I know your reputation, young man.'

'That's why we're calling, Auntie. We're getting married in two weeks!' Sofia was vibrating with excitement. Viola could hear it; Prince could see it.

'Auntie Vi, I'm going to take over here, since Sofia is literally shaking with excitement. Would it be possible for us to fly down and get you tomorrow, carry you back up here for the last of the wedding plans? We've got lots of space, and Sofia isn't going to let me help her pick out her dress.'

'Nor should she! You've got nary a single reason to be up under her feet when she's choosin' those things! Yes, come get me. I've always wanted to see Minnesota. Snow is scarce 'round here.'

'Perfect. Can you be ready to go around 2? We should make it there by then.'

Viola's acceptance and final details took up the remainder of the call. After she rang off, Sofia launched herself between Prince's legs, scattering kisses across his still bare face. 'I'm so excited! I'm going to ask her to walk me down the aisle when we're face to face.'

Prince, trying to hold back from attacking her in his office, slowed the roaming of her hands. 'Hon, didn't you say you needed to make one more call?'

Sofia nodded slowly as she focused on something besides her fiance. 'Yes, but I'll have to wait. Jen is still in-

Her thoughts were interrupted by a ringing phone. She answered quickly, worried that something had happened to Auntie Vi to prevent her from coming.

'Hello?' She answered tentatively.

'Hi!' came Jen's voice over the phone. Sofia quickly put it on speaker, using a shushing finger to warn Prince to be quiet.

'Jen? How did you-'

'I asked Coach to take my class so I could call you. After all of this morning's drama, we both want to hear what's going on from you! I'm supposed to report back as soon as we're off the phone. The kids are playing crab soccer, so it's all good.'

'Oh-okay.' Surprise was evident in Sofia's normally musical voice, causing the inflection to rise instead of fall at the end. Prince gave her hand an encouraging squeeze.

'So? Fill me in already!' Jen sounded impatient, rather than excited. Sofia was unsurprised to hear a whiny tone enter Jen's voice. She could become overly dramatic very quickly.

'All right. Prince and I reconnected after the grant ceremony. We'd dated long before I met you, but it didn't work out. This -'

'Wait, what? You never told me you dated Prince? Never once, in all the years we've known each other? What the hell, Sofia?' Sofia was taken aback. Jen sounded angry, instead of surprised.

'Jen, until the weekend after the reception, that was a part of my past that I wasn't very proud of, which is why it never came up.' She noticed Prince wince at her statement, and squeezed his hand to gain his attention. When their eyes met, she raised their linked hands, placing a silent kiss on the back of his hand. Her twinkling eyes assured him that she was, now, very proud indeed to be with him.

'I see,' came Jen's response, now comforting instead of angry. 'Of course, I'm sure those weren't your favorite memories. Go on,' she encouraged, eager to hear more details.

'The long and short of it is, we reconnected in a serious way very quickly, and we are marrying in two weeks in an intimate, private ceremony. I'd love it if you'd be my bridesmaid!' Sofia held her breath as she waited for an answer. Jen's angry response made her wonder if this was, in fact, a good choice. As a result of Sofia's very small life, Jen really was the best friend she had.

'Well, I'm not sure. I mean, don't you think it's a little rushed? If you waited a couple of months, I'd have a chance to get in shape so I'd look better in your pictures.' Prince shook his head, eyes closed, in silent judgement of Jen's turning the attention to herself.

'Jen, you know I love you, but that isn't happening. You'll look beautiful. We're going dress shopping in a couple of days. I'd love for you to join Auntie Vi and me, what do you say?'

'Sofia, I would be thrilled. I was just teasing earlier,' Jennifer responded confidently. No, she wasn't, thought Prince. I wish she had a different friend.

They ended the call, and Sofia clapped her hands in excitement. Seeing her so happy, Prince kept his reservations to himself, but promised himself to keep a careful eye on this woman's behavior.

Plans are commencing! Sofia sure sounds happy! What do you think?

Thanks for reading, voting and commenting! I hope your weekend is filled with fun!

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