Im Not Just A Stripper

By asw___

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Im Not Just A Stripper..... Im a Woman , A Mother , Im a human. And I'm trying to provide for my son. But peo... More



141 18 0
By asw___

Michael is back home and im so glad Its been 3 long months without him. I am now 4 months pregnant. 

Me: Karrueche I have to talk to you.

Karrueche: hold up.

Me: NOW.!!! its very important.

Everybody looked at me like i was crazy. I only yelled because it was IMPORTANT.

Karrueche: What damn.

Me: Adam called me.

She looked at me like I had 2 heads when I said that.

Karrueche: What did he want.

Me: He is sending...gco 

*karrueche phone rings*

Karrueche: Hold on.

me: ughh.

I really hate when she gets on the phone because she never gets off. So I just went to my mom and told her.

Lauren: Well when is she comming.

Me: today

Lauren: Does Michael know. 

Me: No. But he will find out today.What time is it.

Lauren: 5.

Me: Well let me go pick her up from the airport.


???: I missed you.

Me: I missed you to. Where is Adam.

???: He is at home. I flew by  myself.

Me: Oh Ok. Well this is your new home.

???: Its super big.

Me: I know. Well lets go in.

I was really scared to go in with her.

Michael: Hey baby. Umm who is this.

???: Im Aeryelle.

Michael: Can I talk to you logan.

Me: Sure. Go sit on the couch Aery.


Michael: Umm Who is that and why do she have all those bags.

Me: Because she is going to be living here.

Michael: Ok umm who is that.

Me: You promise you wont get mad.

Michael: I promise.

Me: Thats my daughter.

Michael: You have a daughter and didnt tell me.

Me: I can explain.

Then he sat on the bed.

Michael: Explain.

Me: Ok. I was 13 and we had just moved from California back to Chicago. And I met this girl named Breezy. She was really nice and everything so we became best friends. And  I went to spend the night over her house. And she went to sleep before me and I got hungry so I went into the kitchen. I was gonna turn on the light but i didnt wanna wake nobody up. So I guess her older brother Adam heard me. And he thought somebody was breaking in their house. So he hit me in the back with somthing but it really hurt. And so I was like "why would you do that you idiot it really hurt" And he apoligized in everything And he had this type of cream or something. And it would help the mark he made on my back. So After he put the cream on me. We watched tv in his room and I though  was really cool.Until he tried to have sex with me. I told him no. And he said that if I didnt he would tell the whole school. That I did it with all his friends. And I knew they would believe him because he was popular. So we did it and I was gonna tell my mom when I went home but I was scared. Then I sarted getting sick. So she took me to the doctor and found out I was pregnant. She was pissed and she asked me how did i get pregnant. And i didnt tell her the real reason. I just told her that I had sex. Then I went over Breezy's house about 2 weeks later. And i told Adam. And he acted like it was nothing. But he apoligized for the last time. And I forgave him. Then when i was about 5 or 6 months pregnant. My mom had asked me who did do it with. And I told her. And then she called Breezy's mom. And they talked. Then after I had Aeryelle. My mom decided to move us back to California and Aeryelle stayed with Adam and his family. I would visit her every now and then. So the last time I visit was about 2 years ago and Adam said that if im gonna come and leave dont come at all. So I havent seen her since and then yesterday he called me and told me that he is sending Aeryelle down here because his wife and him didnt have room for her because they had other children so. I went to the airport and picked her up. Im sorry I didnt tell you. Yesterday. I didnt think i would ever see her again.

Michael: Im not mad or anything. I just wished you couldve told me. 

I was so happy he wasnt mad. 

Me: Well let me go get her.


Michael: Wassup Aeryelle. Im Micheal your stepdad.

Aeryelle: Hey. Ive seen you on tv.

Micheal: Cool.

Me: Wanna meet your brother.

Aeryelle: Yea.

Me: Ok. He is sleeping. His name is Kyler and he is 1.

Aeryelle:I have alot of brothers.

Me: How many.

Aeryelle: well it was 6 but now its 7.

Me: Adam has 6 other children.

Aeryelle: Yea. Their names are Kevin,Enrique,Aaron,Cole,Clinton,and Aiden.

Me: I would hate to be the only girl.

Aeryelle: I hate it. What are you having.

Me: I dont know yet but its twins.

Aeryelle: Oh. Where am i gonna sleep.

I took her to Honey's old room.Im glad It was already painted Hot Pink. So all I had to do was and some little decorations. Then she got in the bed. And layed down.

Aeryelle: Im going to take a nap.

Me: Ok. 

I turned the light off and closed the door. Then I walked back to my room and layed down.

Michael: You tired.

Me: You have no Idea. Im not even 21 with 4 children.

Micheal: Well you will be 21 before you have the twins.

Me: Wanna know something.

Micheal: Yea.

Me: Me and Aery have the same birthday.

Micheal: Ohh.

Me: Imah go to sleep im tired.

Micheal: Ok, Love you.

Me: Love you to.

Aeryelle in the multimedia 

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