Intertwining Destinies

Bởi Ginnyclyde

250 14 0

While all of Caroline Forbes's friends have moved on with their lives, she has remained frozen in her sevente... Xem Thêm



15 1 0
Bởi Ginnyclyde

It had been months since Caroline was excited to throw open her closet and choose something to wear. Over the years, she had become accustomed to wearing black leggings and blouses paired with a jacket. So typical for a vampire, she thought amusedly. She felt like she was back in high school, gearing up to impress Stefan. It always saddened her to think he had never really noticed her because he was so consumed with curiosity over Elena. Not this time.

Both Elena and Alaric seemed to think it was a bad idea to get close to Adrian before they could get more information about him. Experience had taught them not to trust strangers in Mystic Falls. Caroline understood why they were worried. If Adrian's friend turned out to be an exact lookalike of Elena, then they would be facing another doppelganger situation.

Caroline didn't believe Adrian to be a doppelganger. His personality was too close to Stefan's. He even preferred to eat eggs and sausages for breakfast which had been Stefan's favorite since he was a boy.

Doppelgangers were only supposed to look similar to their predecessors. Their characters and traits solely depended on their personal upbringings. Katherine and Elena were worlds apart from each other even when they appeared to be mirror images of each other. Besides, the original doppelgangers no longer existed. It made no sense at all that Adrian was one.

Elena wanted to wait for Bonnie to come back from her trip to Japan. Damon's birthday was coming up that week and she had promised to be there. Until then, Caroline decided to take matters into her own hands. She would use the time to get to know Adrian better and see if he felt anything for her at all. He already seemed so comfortable in the Salvatore House.

Caroline found an old green dress in the back of the closet. It had been a present from her mother. Picking it up, she smelled the fabric deeply. Immediately, she began coughing. Her lungs burned like she had inhaled thick smoke. With streaming eyes, she unfolded it. Dried sprigs of vervain fell out from the folds and dropped to the floor.

A smile lit up her face as she gingerly picked up the vervain with a handkerchief. Her mother must have put it there to keep her safe. Throwing the dried twig away in the bin, she went to wash the dress. If any trace of the herb remained, they would burn her skin.

On her way back from the laundry room, Caroline found herself gravitating back to the library. Her footsteps were muffled against the thick carpet. A faint smell of lemon deodorant floated towards her. She allowed her senses to find the location of the person in the room. Staying quiet, she moved towards one of the shelves and found Adrian reading a book on poetry. It was an expensive first edition from the early nineteenth century. Caroline's skipped a heartbeat as she realized it was one of Stefan's favorites.

For Caroline, it was as good as having Stefan back. Adrian looked and behaved exactly like Stefan. It felt like he was back but with a memory loss. She just had to show him who she was and perhaps, Adrian would fall in love with her. Maybe the gaping hole in her heart would finally be filled. Without making a noise, Caroline tiptoed out of the library.


Next morning, Caroline found Adrian in the kitchen. It was close to ten A.M. The children had already been fed and sent to their lessons for the day.

"I was waiting for you," said Adrian with a smile. "Can you make me some breakfast?"

"You need help to fry eggs and sausages?" she asked with a tilt of her head.

Adrian shrugged. "I sort of thought it would give us some extra time to hang out. By the way, you look even prettier today."

Caroline fought the girlish giggle that threatened to burst out of her. She was wearing the green dress. Her emerald eyes were sparkling. A patch of sunshine illuminated her golden blond tresses falling past her shoulders. To ordinary eyes, she looked nothing less than an angel.

"If you want to hang out with me, you only have to ask," she said, going to the refrigerator.

"Really?" He sounded hopeful.


"Sophia will be here in a few hours to meet Professor Saltzman. If you are free in the afternoon, would you show me around the house?"

Caroline wasn't free. She was supposed to teach a class but decided to cancel it. The kids would be happy to use the time to play and she could spend the time with Adrian. She felt a rush of happiness as she realized Adrian had been the one to initiate a non-official date. Closing the refrigerator door, she faced him. "I'll give you a tour."

"Great," he said.

The eggs and sausages were soon cooked and placed before Adrian. Caroline sat opposite to him as he ate. In her mind, she was relishing the moment. Even though she got married to Stefan, she never had the chance to spend a single day on their marriage. Everything had happened too fast with Katherine spoiling everything.

The buzzing of her cell phone jerked Caroline out of her thoughts. To her surprise, Bonnie was calling her.

"Hey, Bonnie!" Caroline gushed into the phone. "Are you here yet?"

"I am home," said Bonnie happily. "I am completely exhausted though. I will give you another call when I have finished taking the biggest nap ever."

"There's so much we have to tell you," said Caroline, glancing at Adrian.

Bonnie chuckled. "After my nap."

"Fine!" huffed Caroline. After a second, she said, "I missed you."

"Same here. I'll see you soon."

Caroline put down the phone. Adrian looked at her curiously. "Who was that?"

"That was Bonnie. She's one of my best friends."

"She's a girl?" he asked cautiously.

Caroline nodded. The instant relief in his face was so cute, she wanted to rush towards him and hug him.

"So what are you up to now?" asked Adrian.

"I have to start on making lunches for the kids," said Caroline. "Home-cooked meals are the best for them and this way, I get to make sure they are getting proper nutrition."

"I will hang out in the library until Sophia comes to meet the professor. You can find me there. How about we exchange numbers?"


After they exchanged numbers, Adrian stood up and took his empty plate to the sink. He washed it before turning back to Caroline. "Thanks for the breakfast. See you soon."

Caroline was left by herself in the kitchen. She wished to go and see Bonnie but knew her friend needed her rest after a long flight home. With a sigh, she began prepping for lunch.


It was late in the afternoon when Caroline's phone buzzed. She had become so busy with attending to one of the girls who had scraped her knee that she'd completely forgot about her meeting with Adrian. Her class was canceled but the seven-year-old psychic witch had to be soothed. Her pain and confusion often caused her to lose control of her powers, affecting the people around her. It had been important to calm her before she could think of anything.

Taking her phone out, she saw Adrian was calling her.

"Hey. What's up?" she asked.

"I waited for you in the library but that doesn't matter. Sophia is here. I would like you to see her and tell me whether she doesn't look a younger clone of your doctor friend. The professor will be here soon too."

"I'll be there," she said, cutting off the call. She turned to look at the child happily sipping from a chocolate milk carton. "I have to go and see some people now. Will you be all right, sweety?"

The girl nodded. "Can I go watch TV with the others after I finish drinking this?"

"Sure," said Caroline with a smile. "How about I take you there?"

The girl nodded and climbed out of the chair. Caroline took her to Kiera who was watching an animated movie with half a dozen children of varying ages.

Caroline hurried towards the library. She desperately wanted to see if this Sophia was just as strikingly similar to Elena as Adrian was to Stefan. Nearing the entrance, she heard voices and the sound of a woman's laughter. From the top of the stairs, she couldn't see the stranger clearly. She caught Adrian's eyes. Taking a deep breath, she moved towards him.

"Meet my friend, Sophia," he said, moving to the side.

Caroline's breath got caught in her throat. Sophia was the spitting image of Elena when she had been eighteen years old. Her long jet black hair hung in waves and reached her waist. The dark eyes were accentuated further with artful strokes of eyeliner. She stood taller than Caroline, just as Elena did. She wore a casual crimson jacket over a black halter-neck top and skinny jeans. Her curious smile faltered as she eyed Caroline.

"Sophia, this is Caroline. I told you about her," said Adrian.

"She's pretty," replied Sophia with a cold look in her eyes.

"What do you think, Caroline?" asked Adrian. "Does my friend remind you of someone?"

"Elena," whispered Caroline.

"Who is that?" asked Sophia, narrowing her dark eyes.

"You have to meet her to believe it," said Adrian. "She looks exactly like you."

Sophia placed her hand deliberately on Adrian's shoulder and stared at Caroline. "Are you Professor's Saltzman's assistant or something?"

The gesture reminded Caroline strongly of Katherine's mean possessiveness, rather than Elena's gentleness. Frowning at Sophia, she said, "No. I manage this house."

"So you're like a housekeeper?"

"This is a boarding school for special children," said Adrian. "She manages the school with Professor Saltzman. Don't be rude."

Sophia didn't like to be told off. She glared at Adrian before moving away from him. Someone cleared their throat loudly. Turning around, they found Alaric standing close to them. His expression was guarded as he grimly stared at the new guest.

"Hello. I am Alaric Saltzman," he began in a low voice. "Adrian insisted I should have a meeting with you."

Sophia's cold demeanor changed at once. Putting on a bright smile, she moved towards him and extended her hand. "It's an honor, Professor."

"My specialty is in the area of occult studies in American History. What would you like to discuss about?"

"I am dying to hear your theories about vampires. I read your earlier papers on them. I am wondering why you stopped researching them and diverted your interest."

Caroline watched Alaric trying to come up with a plausible explanation. He had first started his research on vampires in order to find the truth about his missing wife whom he believed to have run away in search of them. Only in later years did he find out that her obsession had caused her to turn into one. The decade spent in living Mystic Falls had taught him all about vampires. He had absolutely no need for research any more.

"Circumstances changed. And my priorities along with that."

"Can I still ask you about vampire lore?" asked Sophia hopefully.

Alaric gave a small smile and nodded. "Have a seat," he said, gesturing towards the couches in the corner.

"How about that tour you promised me, Caroline?" asked Adrian.

"Sure," she said, smiling.

"Are you seriously going to miss out on this?" asked Sophia, grabbing his arm. "Over a house tour? It's just an old house."

Adrian pulled his arm out her hold. "I told you not to be rude. I'll see you later." He moved towards Caroline, saying, "Shall we?"

Caroline turned her back on the scowling girl and walked out of the library. Even though Sophia looked like Elena, she was nothing like her. Adrian hurried to catch up to her.

"I'm sorry about her," he said.

"It's fine," said Caroline. "You did warn us. Let's hope Alaric remembers the advice you gave him." She turned to face him. "Which part of the house would you like to see first?"

"Which one is your favorite?"

Caroline thought for a moment before answering. "I love the garden. When we first here got here, it was the most neglected portion of the house. Damon and Stefan always had too much going on to even care about it."

"Who are they?"

"This house originally belonged to their family. They are the last of the Salvatores. Damon is married to Elena. We'll be having a party here in two days to celebrate his birthday."

"What about Stefan Salvatore?"

Caroline shook her head. "He is no more." She led him to the ground floor of the house and from the main entrance hall, made her way through the corridors until they reached a closed door. She opened the latch and threw it open. A breeze blew in, lifting the loose strands of hair from her forehead.

Adrian walked forward, looking all around him. "This is amazing," he said, turning around to look at her.

Smiling, she walked towards him. She had to agree with him. Even though it was early fall, the rose bushes were still blooming thickly with scarlet blossoms. The trees were dense with foliage, although they were steadily turning into shades of pink and orange. The atmosphere was heavy with the smell of the flowers. The gusts of winds kicked up clouds of dandelion fluff in the air that sparkled in the rays of the setting sun.

"This place is my personal project," said Caroline, guiding him along a stone-laden path.

"You have great taste," said Adrian, walking close to her. His hands kept brushing against hers but she didn't mind. "I bet it looks even more amazing in spring and summer."

"It does. We have bluebells filling up the sides of the walls. They even grow among the grass."

Up ahead, they came across an elegant marble fountain. From its intricate carvings, it was clear it was from the same age as the house itself. It was not spouting any water but still looked magnificent among its surroundings.

"Was it this way when you first came?" asked Adrian.

"No. It was blackened and chipped in places. I had a landscape artist renovate it for us," replied Caroline. She walked forward towards a marble gazebo with a domed roof. Its slender pillars were twined with flowering vines.

Adrian took her hand in his. She looked up at him and noticed his nervous glance. She smiled and gave a small nod. Breathing out a long-held breath, he grinned and followed her to the gazebo.

"This is my favorite place in Mystic Falls," said Adrian, looking all around him. "I thought the mountains and the woods were impressive but this place is the best."

"You're trying to flatter me," said Caroline, giggling.

"No," said Adrian in a serious voice. His hands came to rest on her shoulders. "I don't know what it is about this place, but I have never felt this home anywhere else."

"Why do you feel this way?"

"I don't know. My family in Philadelphia has always been loving, yet I've felt like I belong somewhere else. I traveled every opportunity I got just to get rid of that feeling. Mystic Falls is the only place I feel like I know."

"Did your parents ever bring you here when you were a child?"

"No. I have never come here before."

Caroline felt heat pooling in her cheeks as Adrian stared at her with an intense gaze. The hold on her shoulders got slightly harder.

"Why do I feel like I know you?" he whispered.

Caroline remained quiet.

"Do you feel the same?" he asked. The desperation in his voice was suddenly clear.

"No." The look of disappointment in his eyes seemed to pierce her heart. "You remind me of someone." Caroline hoped he would see the sincerity in her gaze.

"That is good enough," he said with a smile. Taking a deep breath, he stared at her nervously. "Can I kiss you, Caroline?"

Her heart hammered in her chest but she nodded. Looking down into her eyes, he leaned in. Her eyes closed slowly. She felt the warmth of his breath as he got closer.

His lips touched hers in a fleeting kiss.

It was gentle and sweet.

Caroline opened her eyes to look up at him. He moved aside a lock of her hair that was falling into her eyes. His hands cupped the sides of her face as he leaned down to kiss her again.

Long suppressed emotions seemed to burst out of Caroline. His kiss was gentle and demanding at the same time. Even her soul couldn't deny the familiarity of being kissed this way. Only Stefan could make her go this weak in the knees while her heart thundered in her ears. Tears seeped from under her lashes as happiness overwhelmed all her senses.

Both Caroline and Adrian were lost in each other while the silhouette of a dark figure spied on them from behind a tree trunk...

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