Apparition Accident

By VilouMakeup

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Harry defeated Voldemort and spent a quiet vacation at the Weasleys until the trio decided to learn to appara... More



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By VilouMakeup

Two weeks later Bill and Harry were standing near the doors of the big room where the staff meeting was to be held, hidden under Harry's invisibility cloak and watching the teachers settle down. The only ones aware of the identity of the new professor were Albus, Minerva, Pompom and Remus who had taken over the position of DCFM. When everyone was settled, Albus spoke:

- My dear friends, I would like to introduce our new defense professor against the forces of evil: Professor Lupine!

There was enthusiastic applause from most of the faculty, delighted to have a competent colleague back in this position. Only Professor Snape had a disgusted grin, since for the fifteenth year in a row he had not won the position he coveted.

- I also have the honor to inform you that from this year, a new subject will be taught to the seventh years wishing to make a career in the offices of the ministry: international relations!

- And how are you going to find someone to teach this interesting 'oh how much' subject Albus? Snape asked sarcastically

- Actually I had initially thought you entrust this post Severus, he answered seriously making his colleagues giggle and scowling a little more the other man, but after reflection, I realized that it was perhaps not not your favorite subject. So I made contact with someone with a lot of experience in this area to offer to teach and I received a positive response. The only condition that this person has posed is that her husband lodges in his neighborhoods during the school year, which I of course accepted.

"But Albus," interrupted Severus, "the rules forbid anyone to live at the castle unless it is part of the staff unless it is indispensable for its protection!

I know the rules as well as you Severus, but rest assured, her husband is already present at the college. He will simply have to move his business to his new home.

- And who married this summer without warning anyone? If you had not been so revolted, I would have thought you were Severus since you would be quite capable of hiding something so important. Said Ms. Hooch, the flight instructor, laughing lightly.

One 'do not be stupid' was mumbled by the Potions Master before Professor Vector linked up:

- But maybe you're Filius in this case?

- I can assure you my dear that it is not me.

-But who then? Moreover, we have none of our colleagues who had a wedding plan ... unless ... Remus?

At these words, everyone turned to him.

- No, it's not me. Besides, you know very well that werewolves are forbidden to have children.

-Wait, do you mean that our new teacher is going to have a child? Mrs. Sprout asked. Then realizing that Albus had not mentioned anything about it, she added:

And besides, how are you aware of Remus?

- Well it happens to be a couple that I know very well and they are very nice.

Snape's snort of contempt.

Lupine ignored it and continued:

- Our colleague will actually be dad in a little less than 4 months but anyway it should not disturb the course since it is not he who carries the child but his companion!

- But I thought you hired a woman! Snape replied quickly, turning to the director.

- But I never said that Severus! I think they should not be late. In the meantime, I would like to tell you about one of our students who for medical reasons will have a schedule arranged for a while ... At least until Christmas I think. Pompom, if you want to continue?

- In fact, he will not follow the potions and DCFM practice classes, magical creature healing classes, or duels that we thought were too dangerous for him.

- And who is Albus? Who is entitled to such privileges this year?

It was Madame Pomfrey who replied:

"I tell you, Severus, that it is not a favor, but a measure taken for his health. I could not, given his condition allow M Potter to ...

She did not have time to finish because on hearing that, Snape had a reaction that shocked everyone, even Dumbledore. Instead of the screams of indignation or anger they expected, Severus became paler than a dead man.

What no one knew was that for almost a year Harry and Severus had made peace, and even better, got along well.

Rising up, he asked panicked:

- Why? What does he have? It's serious? I can certainly find a potion that can help him or ...

A moment earlier near the entrance to the Great Hall:

Bill and Harry had removed the invisibility cloak and, hidden behind one of the heavy doors, they listened to Pompom's talk.

"It's going to be my heart soon," Bill whispered.

-Yes! But prepare to be surprised my love.

"Why ..." Bill stopped, surprised when he heard the potions master's speech.

-So then you'll have to explain to me!

- Wait a little longer and you'll know everything! Stay here I go first! Harry finished before stepping into the big room.

Severus seeing Harry appear broke off and ran to him to take him in his arms:

- Harry tell me what's wrong! I would find a way to help you. I know potions of care or else I ...

-But finally calm down Severus! Nobody said I was sick!

- So what's going on? Why do you give up some of your classes, your favorites more?

- Well, simply because in November you will become a godfather!

A 'WHAT' general sounded but it had absolutely no meaning for everyone: For Bill, who had yelled in his head, it expressed astonishment at the mysterious godfather Harry had absolutely wanted to to have for his child, boring Bill choose the godmother; for the Hogwarts staff, it showed their incomprehension, since for all, Harry and Snape hated each other cordially; and for Severus, it was motivated by totally opposite feelings: incredulity at the fact that Harry chose him rather than Ron Weasley, and an immense joy at the trust and importance that his friend showed him.

-You ... are you really expecting a child? It's not a joke? Severus begged, putting a slightly trembling hand on Harry's belly, who smiled at him. But who? When you wrote to me a few days ago about not even mentioning a boyfriend, so how is it possible?

-Uh ... actually, I did not want to tell you this kind of news in a letter so I preferred to wait. About three weeks ago, following what will be called a small technical error ... '' it is better that I avoid telling him that I tried to apparate; when he gets there he is worse than Remus! "... I found myself in front of the man I had been secretly in love with for some time and he confessed that he too loved me and the next day .. We got married.

People who did not know about it opened their mouths with surprise. Finally Severus recovered:

- I understood well? You are married? Are you going to have a baby? ... and ... and I'm going to be a godfather?

- Yes, that's exactly what I just said! Harry laughed.

- That's wonderful! I have never been so happy and proud of all my life! exclaimed Severus, hugging Harry, lifting him up.

Wanting to shock his former teachers and new colleagues, Bill chose this moment to enter.

- I think I'll end up being jealous Professor Snape! He shouted from the entrance.

-Harry? ... it's ... you ... well ... you married ... Bill Weasley?

- Yes! And I have one more thing to announce to you!

-Don't tell me you're waiting for twins or triplets!

- But no! Whatever Mrs. Pomfrey does me my first ultrasound only next week so I'm not quite sure. What I wanted to tell you is that Professor MacGonagall categorically refuses to have our children in his home and threatens to retire if he ever does. She was told that since she did not want them, they would go to the rival house and she would bite her fingers!

In front of Snape's misunderstanding, Bill added:

"What he's trying to tell you," he began, wrapping his arms around her husband, "taking advantage of Severus's release ..." send them to Slytherin!

Blèmi Severus:

- Admit that you still want me for the years I hated you and by doing that you hope to kill me! You would not dare put a generation of Potter -Weasley in my house?

-See Sev! Think about the chances of winning the quidditch cup! After all, our two families have always excelled in this area!

-Effectively! Like in that to get into trouble!

- One more reason! You would not want your godson to be in danger!

- I ... Oh that's fine! But do not count on me for favoritism!

- But of course! It is true that you are known for your impartiality! Ricana Harry, After all, you've always treated your Slytherin the same as other houses, especially Gryffindor!

Before the professor could reply to the accusations of his friend, MacGonagall spoke:

-I remember saying that I absolutely wanted to be present when you learned Severus, but I did not expect that! I admit that I do not understand at all what is happening!

"I must say that I, too," said Pompom, "had already prepared my wand to cast a spell of silence to prevent a headache for everyone because of his screams, but there!

Looking into each other's eyes, Harry and Severus burst out laughing, which, coming from the Potions Master, brought an extra shock to the assembly.

- I can not believe it! Murmured Minerva, counting his years as a student I know this man for almost 25 years and this is the first time I see him laugh ...

- And you are not the only one my dear! I who thought I knew everything that happens in this castle! Albus said with a broad smile, pleased to finally see his mournful potions master, the man who had become accustomed to isolating himself in his dungeons, finally feeling joy.

Their laughter calmed, Harry consented to give an explanation on their change of attitude:

- It all started at the beginning of my sixth year. I was in detention without any valid reason as usual and ...

- Maybe I should remind you that the contents of your cauldron had spread in half of my classroom, and that for once Malfoy had not added anything!

- Hmm ... let's move on, this is just an unimportant detail ... So I was in restraint and I wanted to take the opportunity to apologize for visiting his pensieve the previous year but I had barely said a few words that he began to scream ...

Flash back:

-Professor Rogue?

-What is there still Potter? Your hands are too delicate to bear to clean these cauldrons can be?

Clenching his fists so as not to get rage over this remark, Harry continued

- I wanted to apologize for what I did last year ...

- I do not have to apologize Potter, snorted Snape, Anyway, you are and will remain an arrogant kid who respects nothing and no one, as was your father! I hope your friends had fun when you told them what you saw! After all who could love or even just enjoy the old bat of the dungeons while even his own father hated him! And maybe you can find some good ideas to humiliate me this year by inspiring you with the attitude of your father and your beloved godfather! I hardly dare imagine how it could have been enjoyable for you to see the greasy bastard hanging in the air with this dirty cabot!

At these words Harry jumped up:

-Shut up! You do not know anything about me! Nothing of my life! I AM NOT MY FATHER, NOR SIRIUS SHIT!

-50 points off and a week of detentions for insulting a Potter teacher!

- There really is that which amuses you is not Snape? But this time I have enough! Since the second you saw me you hated me. At the first class, I lost points while all I did was write down what you said! Not to mention the number of times I was punished when it was Malfoy who had thrown something into my cauldron. For 5 years, I bore your scorn and insults to my father and me! Well I'll tell you one thing: fuck you!

- This time you went too far Potter. As the sweet way does not seem to work with you, I should maybe use another method!

- And you think you scare me with your threats, I'm used to receiving blows, the habit of pain!

"You're not trying to make me think your family was hitting you when you had all you wanted Potter!"

-You are not well informed for a teacher spy! My life has never been as rosy as you think! ... except that if you sleep in a cupboard, being treated like a house elf, being beaten when I have not finished my chores to the point of sometimes losing consciousness or being deprived of food for days is the idea that you make yourself paradise! And no, seeing you so harassed by my father did not make me enjoy, as you say so well! I know what being humiliated for that! All my childhood I lived this situation with my cousin then to tell you what kind of attitude disgusts me more than anything!

-I do not believe you! Snape said, his voice slightly troubled

- Well look for yourself!

Harry took out of his bag the pensieve that Remus had offered him the previous summer so that he would put away the memories of Sirius when he was having too many nightmares and he never left and paused on a table before enlarging it . With the help of her wand, they put in several souvenirs and handed it to her teacher:

-Go for it! You may understand why I never revealed to anyone what I saw in yours!

Snape grabbed it and plunged inside:

Harry 5 years old gets hit because he let the meal burn

Harry 7 years old curled up in his crying closet

Harry 8 years old lying on the floor, screaming as a big, mustachiated Muggle strikes him with his belt.

Harry 12 years old deprived of food and locked in a small room including only a bed, an old office and a wobbly cabinet, for having done his homework of potion during the night

Harry, 14, unconscious on the floor of his room, blood and hematomas all over his body because he woke up screaming after a nightmare.

When Snape came back, he collapsed on his chair, still in shock and whispered

-I ... I did not know. Albus never told me about it! How could he leave you with these monsters?

-He does not know. Harry answered with tears in his eyes. I have never told anyone! How would people react if they knew that their savior is treated this way by his own family and is unable to defend himself?

How can I kill Voldemort when I can not even deal with a muggle? Harry shouted, crying.

Severus walked around his desk and took him in his arms, letting him calm down and whispered three words that would change everything: 'I'll help you'

End of the flash back

"From that day," continued Severus, "I considered Harry a full-fledged person and not a replica of James. We ended up opening up to each other and a deep respect gradually replaced hatred to finally achieve a deep friendship. Today, Harry is the most precious thing in the world.

On hearing this, he broke away from Bill's embrace and burst into tears in the arms of the man he considered an uncle. After a few minutes, Harry wiped his eyes and said with a mischievous smile:

- I do not even hope I managed to make me cry Sev: it's the hormones, nothing but the hormones that made me react like that!

-But of course little lion, I did not doubt for a moment! Replied the professor in the same tone.

The curiosity of all finally satisfied the meeting resumed. It was decided that Harry's condition would be announced at the banquet at the beginning of the year in order to explain his move and his name change, then the discussions drifted into totally different subjects: the new books to buy for the library, the courses planned by the various teachers, the list of prohibited objects which was now extended by fifteen names ...

Harry quickly lost interest in the discussions and ended up falling asleep on Bill's shoulder. A gentle caress woke him up a few hours later. He painfully opened his eyes to see that everyone was looking at him tenderly.

"I think it's time to get my angel in," Bill said softly.

Harry nodded and then stood up, still slightly asleep. Her husband took him by the waist and they went to the exit. Before going through the gates with Severus who wished to accompany them to Hogsmeade, he heard Mrs. Pomfrey's voice:

- See you in five days for your control visit!

- Do not worry, I'll come.

-It would be better for you if you do not want to spend the next 4 months locked in my infirmary! Finished Pompom before letting them go.

On the way to the village, Severus asked the question that intrigued him since he knew he was going to be godfather:

-Why me?

-Sorry? Harry asked who did not see what he meant

-Why did you choose me? I would rather have thought of your friend Ronald?

- Just because firstly Ron is already his uncle and secondly because I wanted someone able to protect him, as you did with me, not always of your own free will, I agree but you have it do it anyway ... and then, I know that for the people you love, you can become even more overprotective than Monny!

- Do not exaggerate anyway! Severus replied as they arrived at the Apparition Point.

- See you next week? I would like you to be the first to know the sex of the baby with Bill.

"That's okay," he replied, kissing her on the cheek. In the meantime, take good care of yourself, eat well and avoid getting too tired!

- And after that you dare to say that you are not overprotective! Harry said amused before disappearing into a pop, tight in Bill's arms.

"My boy," Sev grunted between his teeth before heading back to Hogwarts, a slight smile in his mouth.

-Sorry? Harry asked who did not see what he meant

-Why did you choose me? I would rather have thought of your friend Ronald?

- Just because firstly Ron is already his uncle and secondly because I wanted someone able to protect him, as you did with me, not always of your own free will, I agree but you have it does it anyway ... and then, I know that for the people you love, you can become even more overprotective than Moony!

- Do not exaggerate anyway! Severus replied as they arrived at the Apparition Point.

- See you next week? I wish that with Bill you would be the first to see the baby.

"That's okay," he replied, kissing her on the cheek. In the meantime, take good care of yourself, eat well and avoid getting too tired!

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